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Did we get rid of the chant?

Lot K Tailgaters

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2 hours ago, Dcat said:

This is all so dumb.  When the Jets start playing well (and it may feel like eons until such time), the chant will be back... loud and often.  

Until then, who really cares anyway?  Why would anyone want to chant for a terrible effort by a team with veteran players who have demonstrated that they don't really care..  Frankly, we can blame Bowles for the final collapse of the chant in 2016.  It will take a winning season or two for it to resurface. 

And why does anyone really care anyway?  I call bullsheet on all the heated opinions about this unimportant issue.

We have no QB, a terrible HC, we just went 5-11 (and should have been 3-13), finished last in the division, have an embarrassment of a defense, a crap roster, and not a ton of cap room.


It's what we're left with by default.

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5 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

We have no QB, a terrible HC, we just went 5-11 (and should have been 3-13), finished last in the division, have an embarrassment of a defense, a crap roster, and not a ton of cap room.


It's what we're left with by default.

I guess so.  So be it.  

Let's spend our time discussing the past, present and future state of the NY Jets Chant.  A complex and complicated subject that will have an influence on generations to come.

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3 minutes ago, Dcat said:

I guess so.  So be it.  

Let's spend our time discussing the past, present and future state of the NY Jets Chant.  A complex and complicated subject that will have an influence on generations to come.

I like the undercurrent of class strife, old vs. new, and Traditionalist v. "Progressives"  running through between the lines of the thread. 


And the "Blue/Gray Collar" thought process vs. the entitlement mentality of the millennial, "Parent rich" population of certain Coastal Metropolitan areas.

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13 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

I like the undercurrent of class strife, old vs. new, and Traditionalist v. "Progressives"  running through between the lines of the thread. 


And the "Blue/Gray Collar" thought process vs. the entitlement mentality of the millennial, "Parent rich" population of certain Coastal Metropolitan areas.

Nailed it.  the thread is a microcosm of present day US social and political culture.  How could I have missed all that?  You see, you can't get such meaningful value from a dog & Frisbee thread.  The "Chant", on the other hand, always leads to a meaningful thread with deep and serious social meaning.

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15 minutes ago, Dcat said:

Nailed it.  the thread is a microcosm of present day US social and political culture.  How could I have missed all that?  You see, you can't get such meaningful value from a dog & Frisbee thread.  The "Chant", on the other hand, always leads to a meaningful thread with deep and serious social meaning.

Yeah, but the depth of metaphysical nuance and Eastern Philosophy in "Dog and Frisbee" is truly mind blowing.

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Agree 110% great post Max,  I have met Ed numerous times he's been nothing but an all around nice guy a diehard Jets fan like most of us.  
He is the chant not the video board not a substitute no one can replace Ed.
Im not at all the games anymore but the few games i do attend I miss the chant,I miss Ed leading the crowd. 
Dont understand how Jets fans can hate a guy who gets an entire stadium to scream J-E-T-S  JETS JETS JETS 

That's the problem with Metdeath Stadium,
only half of the attendees are actually Jets fans.

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6 minutes ago, Randy Rasmussen said:


That's the problem with Metdeath Stadium,
only half of the attendees are actually Jets fans.

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It has been that way in every losing season since the 1970's.  When the team sucks, many don't come.  Doesn't matter if the venue was Shea stadium, Giants Stadium or Met Life.

Gotta love the way so many blame it all on the stadium.  If the Jets were dominating its division and their opponents, the place would be packed with Jets fans.  Right along with the chant after TDs.  Losing sucks. Far worse than the stadium sucks.

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Name me another chant in all of sports that is owned by a single individual and not the team as a whole. 
That's the problem with the Jets chant. It is tied to Fireman Ed who is a polarizing character to say the least.  

Ed doesn't own the chant it is owned by Jet fans. It is a carryover from Shea Stadium.
Unfortunately due to poor business decisions made by the last 2 owners we are stuck in a stadium where I would say almost half the fans aren't even Jets fans

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3 hours ago, Maxman said:

When you go to the game with your wife or your kids, as Ed often did, and a few fans follow you into the bathroom you are justified in saying enough is enough. When people are buying tickets on stubhub so they can sit by you, harass you and get on camera you are also justified in saying enough is enough.

Ed told me that it was never people wearing Jets jerseys giving him a hard time. It was people wearing jerseys of other teams or no sports gear at all.

I once saw Robert Kraft stop his Limo in the parking lot to thank Ed for something he did outside of the stadium (it wasn't political or anything like that). Completely random but I can see Ed from where I sit in the stadium now. He moved his seats. And I can tell you that people come up to him all game. he stops, shakes hands, takes pictures and talks to people. All game long. When the game is over and people are leaving sometimes he can't leave for quite some time. I have never seen him be rude to anyone. I have never seen him ask anyone for anything.

You make him out to be someone that he is not. Your opinion of his is wrong. 

More importantly, your take on the modern day version of the chant is wrong. And your thoughts on people who tailgate before the game, that is wrong too.

That is a whole lot of wrong. :)

How about this then:  Perhaps I represent an average fan who doesn't know Ed personally, who knows what he sees on TV and what he sees in the lots and what he reads in the press.  And these average fans, either through ignorance or other reasons, simply don't like the guy.  It doesn't make me wrong.  It might make my perception wrong, perhaps thousands of people only know the perception, but being corrected doesn't change our perception and it's the perception that matters.

If Ed was harassed at games, that sucks, but it's part of what celebrities go through when they are among the common folk.  The upside is being famous, having people ask you for autographs, pose for selfies, being on TV, not waiting for tables at restaurants, being a household name in a region of 20 million people, it isn't all bad. 

The perception, right or wrong, is that Ed was fortunate to have an affiliation with the Jets, to be knighted by the team as a Super Fan, and to be embraced enough to represent all of us.  And that when he betrayed the Jets, stormed away, made unflattering public comments, put down the owner, and criticized the breed of fans in MetLife, that he crossed the line and lost trust.  That's the perception as I see it.  You may feel otherwise.

My take on the chant is not wrong.  Enough fans either don't think its cool or don't like the person who started it to bring it down to a whisper at games.  That's a fact.  People aren't chanting much any more, even when the team was among the AFC elite.

My take on tailgating is not wrong.  Enough fans are from a new generation who don't value the outdoor sports bar vibe and/or don't want to miss the game because they are blotto.  That's a fact.  I see far fewer tailgaters at games and the sample of 500+ people around me aren't drunk and doing the old stuff of causing fights, cursing, stumbling up the stairs, it doesn't happen in 232A or 233.

My take on Fireman Ed is not wrong.  While he may be a great and sincere guy his public perception is different and it's the perception that makes the difference.  I believe that's a fact as well.



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3 hours ago, Dcat said:

This is all so dumb.  When the Jets start playing well (and it may feel like eons until such time), the chant will be back... loud and often.  

Until then, who really cares anyway?  Why would anyone want to chant for a terrible effort by a team with veteran players who have demonstrated that they don't really care..  Frankly, we can blame Bowles for the final collapse of the chant in 2016.  It will take a winning season or two for it to resurface. 

And why does anyone really care anyway?  I call bullsheet on all the heated opinions about this unimportant issue.


It's just another way that MetLife Stadium detractors and PSL haters can take pot shots at season ticket holders when we're down.  It's uncalled for.

The chant still exists, it just isn't as loud.  I'm not sure who decided that volume of chanting or cheering is an important NFL metric.  Even in this down year, Jets fans made more noise than Dolphins fans did in Miami in their tiny stadium that's only 70% full.  They made the playoffs.  We didn't.  It doesn't make a difference at all.


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8 minutes ago, SAR I said:

How about this then:  Perhaps I represent an average fan who doesn't know Ed personally, who knows what he sees on TV and what he sees in the lots and what he reads in the press.  And these average fans, either through ignorance or other reasons, simply don't like the guy.  It doesn't make me wrong.  It might make my perception wrong, perhaps thousands of people only know the perception, but being corrected doesn't change our perception and it's the perception that matters.

If Ed was harassed at games, that sucks, but it's part of what celebrities go through when they are among the common folk.  The upside is being famous, having people ask you for autographs, pose for selfies, being on TV, not waiting for tables at restaurants, being a household name in a region of 20 million people, it isn't all bad. 

The perception, right or wrong, is that Ed was fortunate to have an affiliation with the Jets, to be knighted by the team as a Super Fan, and to be embraced enough to represent all of us.  And that when he betrayed the Jets, stormed away, made unflattering public comments, put down the owner, and criticized the breed of fans in MetLife, that he crossed the line and lost trust.  That's the perception as I see it.  You may feel otherwise.

My take on the chant is not wrong.  Enough fans either don't think its cool or don't like the person who started it to bring it down to a whisper at games.  That's a fact.  People aren't chanting much any more, even when the team was among the AFC elite.

My take on tailgating is not wrong.  Enough fans are from a new generation who don't value the outdoor sports bar vibe and/or don't want to miss the game because they are blotto.  That's a fact.  I see far fewer tailgaters at games and the sample of 500+ people around me aren't drunk and doing the old stuff of causing fights, cursing, stumbling up the stairs, it doesn't happen in 232A or 233.

My take on Fireman Ed is not wrong.  While he may be a great and sincere guy his public perception is different and it's the perception that makes the difference.  I believe that's a fact as well.



Your take on Ed is wrong and your take on the chant is wrong. If public perception for Ed was different, he wouldn't have people lining up thanking him each week.

And more importantly are we really knocking someone for unflattering comments towards Woody Johnson? Seems like that should get him more praise, lol.

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2 hours ago, joewilly12 said:

Dont understand how Jets fans can hate a guy who gets an entire stadium to scream J-E-T-S  JETS JETS JETS 

It's like being betrayed by your girlfriend.  One minute you love each other, next minute she did something wrong and you'll never forgive her.

Ed should have stuck to chanting and left it alone.  Showing up at Jets media events, being interviewed by CBS pregame shows, blogging, making an iPhone app, giving his opinions on podcasts, he had too many opinions and not all Jets fans agreed with them.  He took a major stand on the West Side Stadium.  He made a big play for the Bring The Jets Back To Queens fiasco.  He demanded that Woody "Keep His Word".  Then when the cameras were rolling on national TV on Thanksgiving on the very night that all Jets fans realized the AFC Championship Games were over and we were headed back to the dark ages he stormed off, made it all about him, made public statements about the new stadium, the ownership, the fanbase, alienated himself.  I'm sorry.  There's no coming back from that.  At least for me and the thousands of other fans who feel likewise. 

I have no doubt he is a great guy and a hero who risked his life during fires. I've met him on multiple occasions and he has been very cordial.  But if you are a team mascot for children and supposedly represent the average fan you'd better remember that and toe the company line.  Mr. Met offends no one because Mr. Met doesn't speak.  Ed did.  That's the difference.


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14 minutes ago, SAR I said:

It's like being betrayed by your girlfriend.  One minute you love each other, next minute she did something wrong and you'll never forgive her.

Ed should have stuck to chanting and left it alone.  Showing up at Jets media events, being interviewed by CBS pregame shows, blogging, making an iPhone app, giving his opinions on podcasts, he had too many opinions and not all Jets fans agreed with them.  He took a major stand on the West Side Stadium.  He made a big play for the Bring The Jets Back To Queens fiasco.  He demanded that Woody "Keep His Word".  Then when the cameras were rolling on national TV on Thanksgiving on the very night that all Jets fans realized the AFC Championship Games were over and we were headed back to the dark ages he stormed off, made it all about him, made public statements about the new stadium, the ownership, the fanbase, alienated himself.  I'm sorry.  There's no coming back from that.  At least for me and the thousands of other fans who feel likewise. 

I have no doubt he is a great guy and a hero who risked his life during fires. I've met him on multiple occasions and he has been very cordial.  But if you are a team mascot for children and supposedly represent the average fan you'd better remember that and toe the company line.  Mr. Met offends no one because Mr. Met doesn't speak.  Ed did.  That's the difference.


In your logic what makes Ed any different than you?  You seem to grandstand on PSL's when most of us want nothing to do with them. You seem to bash tailgating when to me its part of the game day experience, eating and having a few beers with family and friends. You chant here telling us over and over how PSL's saved the day for fans like you without them you would still be on the outside looking in and thats not fair according to you. 

Ed voiced his opinions just like you do here. Ed has every right to show up at any media event he wants so do you me or any other fan. Not all Jets fans agree with you whats the difference. 

The new fan base of season  PSL/ticket holders (NOT ALL OF THEM)  doesn't know how to act any other way but to bash Ed and sell out when the going gets tough. Have most of them ever seen him lead a packed stadium in the chant, where everybody participates. 

My son who's been going to games since he was 4 said the chant is missing. 

The chant needs to come back Ed needs to come back the stadium isn't the same without him. 

The J-E-T-S chant was part of the Jets it was part of our home crowd it was welcomed by fans, hard pressed how a so called fan can disagree with a harmless chant that got the entire stadium on its feet and one that the players used to acknowledge the fans when it was happening, 

Maybe I should reconsider buying PSL's I like to holler and support my team I might offend the new crowd who wants quiet time. 

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4 minutes ago, Maxman said:

Your take on Ed is wrong and your take on the chant is wrong. If public perception for Ed was different, he wouldn't have people lining up thanking him each week.

And more importantly are we really knocking someone for unflattering comments towards Woody Johnson? Seems like that should get him more praise, lol.

There are hundreds of people who like Ed very much, that's clear, there is a ton of evidence supporting this.  I've met him, he's a good guy for the most part.

But surely you must recognize that the Ed backlash goes back 20 years.  Right or wrong, there is a perception that he was disingenuous and was working for the Jets during the WSS era with all the events and Woody Johnson appearances he was a part of.  And right or wrong, there is a perception that he tried to make a brand for himself with TV spots and pregame show appearances and iPhone apps.  And right or wrong, there is a perception that he thinks the MetLife crowd is too white-collar and isn't as passionate.  And right or wrong, there is a perception that he was either too pro-Woody or too anti-Woody whenever it suited him.

But where there is no leeway is his behavior in November 2012 where he publicly split from the Jets as if he were Paul McCartney leaving the Beatles.  And the chant is forever connected to Ed.  So if you are upset with Ed you don't do the chant.

Anyway, I think life must be good for Ed Anzalone right now.  He retains his fame and he has enough pullback from the team to not get harassed anymore.  He passed the baton of the chant to a new generation of mascots.  So what are we arguing here anyway?  Life is okay for Ed and okay for us.  The roster and the team will get turned around, I'm sure of that.


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1 hour ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

I like the undercurrent of class strife, old vs. new, and Traditionalist v. "Progressives"  running through between the lines of the thread. 

And the "Blue/Gray Collar" thought process vs. the entitlement mentality of the millennial, "Parent rich" population of certain Coastal Metropolitan areas.

Brilliant.  LOL.  Truly.

And just wait, the Hillary v. Trump undercurrent is coming next.


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42 minutes ago, Dcat said:

It has been that way in every losing season since the 1970's.  When the team sucks, many don't come.  Doesn't matter if the venue was Shea stadium, Giants Stadium or Met Life.

Gotta love the way so many blame it all on the stadium.  If the Jets were dominating its division and their opponents, the place would be packed with Jets fans.  Right along with the chant after TDs.  Losing sucks. Far worse than the stadium sucks.

Boom.  Show me a single negative comment about MetLife last year when we were on a 5 game winning streak whipping the Giants and England's and playing dominant football.  The stadium was perfect.  Still is.  Just the team isn't.


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42 minutes ago, Randy Rasmussen said:

Ed doesn't own the chant it is owned by Jet fans. It is a carryover from Shea Stadium.
Unfortunately due to poor business decisions made by the last 2 owners we are stuck in a stadium where I would say almost half the fans aren't even Jets fans

By "owned" I mean that the chant is synonymous with the mascot in the fireman outfit.  The chant and Fireman Ed are fused together.  As they should be, by the way.  Ed kept that thing humming for decades, deserves all the credit.


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17 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

In your logic what makes Ed any different than you?  You seem to grandstand on PSL's when most of us want nothing to do with them. You seem to bash tailgating when to me its part of the game day experience, eating and having a few beers with family and friends. You chant here telling us over and over how PSL's saved the day for fans like you without them you would still be on the outside looking in and thats not fair according to you.

Exactly.  A lot of people perceive me a certain way and don't like me either.  See?


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19 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

The new fan base of season  PSL/ticket holders (NOT ALL OF THEM)  doesn't know how to act any other way but to bash Ed and sell out when the going gets tough. Have most of them ever seen him lead a packed stadium in the chant, where everybody participates. 

My son who's been going to games since he was 4 said the chant is missing. 

The chant needs to come back Ed needs to come back the stadium isn't the same without him. 

The J-E-T-S chant was part of the Jets it was part of our home crowd it was welcomed by fans, hard pressed how a so called fan can disagree with a harmless chant that got the entire stadium on its feet and one that the players used to acknowledge the fans when it was happening, 

Maybe I should reconsider buying PSL's I like to holler and support my team I might offend the new crowd who wants quiet time. 

If on Thanksgiving, in front of your family and neighbors, your wife got up from the table, stormed out of the house, disappeared into the night, and then the next morning went on Facebook and issued a statement about how she can't live with you anymore, couldn't take your behavior anymore, didn't want to stick with you and your unemployment, would stop by to see the kids only when she felt like it, and was moving on with her life, would you take her back once you got another job?


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4 hours ago, Maxman said:

When you go to the game with your wife or your kids, as Ed often did, and a few fans follow you into the bathroom you are justified in saying enough is enough. When people are buying tickets on stubhub so they can sit by you, harass you and get on camera you are also justified in saying enough is enough.

Ed told me that it was never people wearing Jets jerseys giving him a hard time. It was people wearing jerseys of other teams or no sports gear at all.

I once saw Robert Kraft stop his Limo in the parking lot to thank Ed for something he did outside of the stadium (it wasn't political or anything like that). Completely random but I can see Ed from where I sit in the stadium now. He moved his seats. And I can tell you that people come up to him all game. he stops, shakes hands, takes pictures and talks to people. All game long. When the game is over and people are leaving sometimes he can't leave for quite some time. I have never seen him be rude to anyone. I have never seen him ask anyone for anything.

You make him out to be someone that he is not. Your opinion of his is wrong. 

More importantly, your take on the modern day version of the chant is wrong. And your thoughts on people who tailgate before the game, that is wrong too.

That is a whole lot of wrong. :)

Our group has run into Ed tailgaiting a few times in the Metlife lots. He truly is a good guy and a good Jet fan , regardless of what some on here want to label him. 

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1 hour ago, Dcat said:


It has been that way in every losing season since the 1970's.  When the team sucks, many don't come.  Doesn't matter if the venue was Shea stadium, Giants Stadium or Met Life.

Gotta love the way so many blame it all on the stadium.  If the Jets were dominating its division and their opponents, the place would be packed with Jets fans.  Right along with the chant after TDs.  Losing sucks. Far worse than the stadium sucks.

Agree with most of what you say. But outside of the Scoreboards , better concessions and restrooms - the stadium truly sucks for its 1.6B cost. 

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26 minutes ago, 56mehl56 said:

Agree with most of what you say. But outside of the Scoreboards , better concessions and restrooms - the stadium truly sucks for its 1.6B cost. 

Restrooms in the Mezz sections blow, not enough of them and stalls.... 

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By "owned" I mean that the chant is synonymous with the mascot in the fireman outfit.  The chant and Fireman Ed are fused together.  As they should be, by the way.  Ed kept that thing humming for decades, deserves all the credit.

Well maybe newbies like you think Fireman Ed is synonymous with the chant.
For us old timers who remember Shea and Giants Stadium the chant is synonymous with attending a Jets football game. IMO the best days of the chant were when the team moved from Shea to NJ and a guy who's name is escapes me would start the chant in Section 301 and the guy in the Klecko jersey in the opposite end zone maybe Section 325.
That stadium rocked, both guys had to give up their seats if I remember correctly 1 due to health and the other relocated.
Ed is a mere newcomer.

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1 hour ago, Randy Rasmussen said:

Well maybe newbies like you think Fireman Ed is synonymous with the chant.
For us old timers who remember Shea and Giants Stadium the chant is synonymous with attending a Jets football game. IMO the best days of the chant were when the team moved from Shea to NJ and a guy who's name is escapes me would start the chant in Section 301 and the guy in the Klecko jersey in the opposite end zone maybe Section 325.
That stadium rocked, both guys had to give up their seats if I remember correctly 1 due to health and the other relocated.
Ed is a mere newcomer.

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I sat in section 123 from 1984 - 2003.  I remember the dueling endzones very well.  the East end was always better.

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There have been 56 regular season games in the new stadium.  I've attended 54 of them (missed two due to leg surgery) and I've attended 11 or 12 of the 14 preseason games.  If you haven't attended 45+ games in the new stadium your opinions are irrelevant in this thread.

Fans still do the chant in the parking lot, the escalators, etc.  It just doesn't seem to happen in the actual seats as an entire stadium.  Hard to do with the way the new stadium is designed.  It is much bigger.

Fireman Ed retired from doing the chants.  Whether you liked him or not he didn't want to do it anymore and appointed two new guys.  In 1995 and 1996 the chant was still done.  Maybe we were a laughing stock but in 1998 it was a big thing.  It's a tradition that has been going on for many years and should continue to go on.  I got my tickets in 1991 when I was 11.  If I only did those chants in 1994, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2009 and 2010 I wouldn't have a clue about the chant but it's something we should continue. 

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2 hours ago, Lot K Tailgaters said:

There have been 56 regular season games in the new stadium.  I've attended 54 of them (missed two due to leg surgery) and I've attended 11 or 12 of the 14 preseason games.  If you haven't attended 45+ games in the new stadium your opinions are irrelevant in this thread.

Fans still do the chant in the parking lot, the escalators, etc.  It just doesn't seem to happen in the actual seats as an entire stadium.  Hard to do with the way the new stadium is designed.  It is much bigger.

Fireman Ed retired from doing the chants.  Whether you liked him or not he didn't want to do it anymore and appointed two new guys.  In 1995 and 1996 the chant was still done.  Maybe we were a laughing stock but in 1998 it was a big thing.  It's a tradition that has been going on for many years and should continue to go on.  I got my tickets in 1991 when I was 11.  If I only did those chants in 1994, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2009 and 2010 I wouldn't have a clue about the chant but it's something we should continue. 

And if you haven't served in the military, your opinions in politics are irrelevant....


Lol. Opinions. Just like, you know...

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5 hours ago, Randy Rasmussen said:

Well maybe newbies like you think Fireman Ed is synonymous with the chant.
For us old timers who remember Shea and Giants Stadium the chant is synonymous with attending a Jets football game. IMO the best days of the chant were when the team moved from Shea to NJ and a guy who's name is escapes me would start the chant in Section 301 and the guy in the Klecko jersey in the opposite end zone maybe Section 325.
That stadium rocked, both guys had to give up their seats if I remember correctly 1 due to health and the other relocated.
Ed is a mere newcomer.

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The chant was awesome that way. Twice as many chants.

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