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Just Saying Goodbye Properly - Geno Smith Is Worthless


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5 hours ago, Maxman said:

You are acting like there are a million people calling for Geno. There were a group of people calling for Geno to start over Fitz. Guess what? Fitz sucks. Geno sucks.

I don't like threads that call out posters simply because they were rooting for the Jets. 

If the Jets played Geno last year, they weren't winning the Super Bowl. They played Fitz and they didn't win the Super Bowl.

Rooting for the Jets is not enough.  Some of us never bought PSLs. 

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5 hours ago, Maxman said:

You are acting like there are a million people calling for Geno. There were a group of people calling for Geno to start over Fitz. Guess what? Fitz sucks. Geno sucks.

I don't like threads that call out posters simply because they were rooting for the Jets. 

If the Jets played Geno last year, they weren't winning the Super Bowl. They played Fitz and they didn't win the Super Bowl.

There have been a goodly number of regular posters here who were regularly advocating for Geno Smith to be resigned and started in 2018.  At least till the Giants gave him the one-year, near-Vet-minimum contract.  I agree though, not a million.  More like 6 or 7 regulars, posting on it regularly.

I am unaware of any poster taking a similar position for Fitzpatrick thus far this offseason (other than SAR I, for whom all things must be seen through the prism of engendering a response).  On the contrary, I think the vast majority of former-Fitz advocates are in agreement that Fitz very likely will never play another regular season NFL snap, rightfully so.  With that said, we'd had plenty of Fitz threads too of no particular value.

You're not wrong my friend.  The way last season played out, Joe Montana could not have saved this woeful and dysfunctional franchise.  A bottom of the barrel defense, a joke of a Head Coach, rebellious and unproductive 1st round supposedly "elite" D-linemen, injuries to vital players at WR and across the O-line, an unproductive running game where it counted, poor play calling on the O, regularly scheduled special teams disasters, and possibly the worst pass D I've ever had the misfortune of watching.  Geno, Fitz, no one was winning with that.  But even then, both guys got chances, both failed to make anything of those chances.  

What I'd suggest is that rehashing the debate of last year is silly at this point, and akin to e-dick measuring over whose sh*t smells better.  Both failed here, no one was "right", and both are now gone.  Doesn't it behoove us as a community to let it go, and stick with more productive discussions of who IS here?  Hackenberg, Petty and McCown as of today. Maybe someone in this coming draft.  Not Geno.  Not Fitz.  Not Sanchez.  Not Glennon.

I appreciate your "minimum of moderation" stance, but perhaps it's time to put the kibosh (at least temporarily) on the endless spam of Geno Threads (of either kind), Glennon threads, Sanchez Threads, Fitz Threads, etc.?

Food for thought.

If not, I'll be happy to stick one in SAR's ear and start the "LOLSanchez now Bears #3 QB!" Thread.  Up to you. 


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6 hours ago, Maxman said:

You are acting like there are a million people calling for Geno. There were a group of people calling for Geno to start over Fitz. Guess what? Fitz sucks. Geno sucks.

I don't like threads that call out posters simply because they were rooting for the Jets. 

If the Jets played Geno last year, they weren't winning the Super Bowl. They played Fitz and they didn't win the Super Bowl.

I agree.  I wish people would stop calling me out as some Fitzpatrick supporter when I never wanted him on the team.

Forgetting last year which was a dysfunctional mess for which the quarterback was one of the least of our problems, Fitzpatrick was the better solution.  He went 10-5 and played well enough last year to get a remarkable 8 wins if the team didn't bow to media pressure and put in raw Bryce Petty.

And in the big picture, this week is the end of what can now be 100% deemed to be one of the worst decisions in team history.  Discarding Mark Sanchez for Geno Smith.  It's not about Fitzpatrick, he only came into being because of Smith's failure.  It's about recognizing that drafting Geno Smith and punting Mark Sanchez was a brutally bad decision and risk that never should have been taken. 


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7 hours ago, Maxman said:

It has everything to do with Fitz. Fans lobbied for Geno over Fitz. The Jets sucked with Fitz and would have been better with Geno.

None of it matters now, both of them are gone. All that remains is your fixation.

Geno can't hurt us anymore.

A handful of fans lobbied for Geno over Fitz.  The vast majority of the fanbase was quite relieved when Fitzpatrick signed after his brilliant 10-5 campaign.

It does matter now.  The pain we feel as an organization today is tied directly to the awful decision to bet the farm on a kid who fell like a stone from the first round and was an impulse-buy by a rookie GM like Tic Tac's at the grocery store checkout counter.  One of the worst decisions in team history, it's now set us back 5 seasons, that's 5 long years wasted on the wrong quarterback.  This shouldn't be swept under the rug so flippantly.


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I think Fitz could easily sign right now if he wanted to. But his strategy is to wait and see if the market heats up (basically wait for injuries) and he can get a more representative type of salary. If he retires it's only because he didn't get a better offer and doesn't want  to go through the grind of being an inexpensive backup. He could sign a deal now with starting incentives  (in other words he gets extra money if he starts or even plays in a game). He's a lot younger than McCown and maybe he's just waiting to get that kind of a contract. Unlike the haters I don't think last season was all his fault. But in an adverse situation (after a long holdout and the team playing badly esp on defense) he did not raise the bar he was even worse than the other guys and they sucked. I was surprised at how little Geno signed for. A good deal for the Giants because the guy has starting experience in case Eli goes down and if they tried to use Geno as a basic game manager he might be ok. 

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6 hours ago, j4jets said:

Well I guess we can just release Hack now since he's a bigger failure than Geno, having been inactive almost the entire year. Or maybe, just maybe, we can look at the fact that Geno continuously beat out Fitz in almost every single practice, a 10+ year journeyman. Or perhaps it's the fact he played well in only the games he had two non-superstar starting WRs named Decker and Harvin? Although I agree he was a failure when he was passing to the likes of David Nelson, Holmes and Stephen Hills. That's ahhmazing group of WRs should've made a rookie QB look like Dan Marino, but he failed. Shocking! Plenty to put stooges back in their place when they run their mouths. 

Don't be ridiculous.

Geno Smith had 2 full seasons as a starter, went 12-20.  When he had a chance to get his job back and win the 11th game the Jets needed to make the playoffs, he played terribly in Oakland, was unprepared, brutal loss with a record-setting offense with weapons like Ivory, Decker, and Marshall in full bloom.

The resume for Geno Smith has been built for 4 years now.  He's a bad starter at 12-20 and he's a bad backup at 0-2.  Hack hasn't taken a snap yet.  We can call his career after 34 starts if you like, just like Geno.


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5 hours ago, ATX Jetsfan said:

This thread just makes me laugh. In typical Jets fashion, just watch. Eli gonna do down with some freak injury. Geno going to take the Giants all the way to a superbowl. Where at a tie game in the 4th quarter, Geno going to drive down the field, where he throws a game ending pick- 6 to Darrelle Revis. Another SB for the Pats. Geno now a redemption story and commodity for bringing the giants to a SB. Revis wins SB MVP.

Let Geno Smith win the Super Bowl this year, let him be the MVP for all we care.

We just don't want him winning it for the Jets.  Nothing worse than having to force yourself to like a player you despise.


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While I like to think of myself as forward looking, I get the point of this thread.  While better players have left this off season and such departures have not been a source of much discussion, such as Mangold (Revis's departure did generate discussion, but partly that was over the effects of cutting him given his contract terms), Smith's departure deserves some note.

The reason is he had a vocal minority of fans supporting him, fans for the most part who lack football knowledge.  It was a never ending excuse-making machine.  It should have been obvious from his first season that he was unlikely to overcome his poor decision-making.  He shouldn't have been drafted in the first place, but once here the FO compounded the error in his first off season by standing pat with him and passing on Carr, among other mortal sins.  And that vocal minority kept on loudly supporting him right on through more or less to this thread.

Smith fans should be stand up and admit they were wrong about him all along.  Instead some complain about Fitzpatrick, as if such comparison makes Smith any better as a player, putting aside that Fitzpatrick clearly will have had the better career when both players are done.

For myself I am very unhappy that the Jets curren Qb roster is what it is.   But at least we don't have Smith on it anymore, and I count that as the best development of this off season, I would say by far.

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2 minutes ago, JiF said:

Yeah no.  You said he'd never get another job in the NFL because he was black listed.  

This is a good back tracking thread though.  I appreciate the effort.

Yeah, I thought it was funny.


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8 minutes ago, Big Blocker said:

Smith's departure deserves some note.

The reason is he had a vocal minority of fans supporting him, fans for the most part who lack football knowledge.  It was a never ending excuse-making machine.  It should have been obvious from his first season that he was unlikely to overcome his poor decision-making.  He shouldn't have been drafted in the first place, but once here the FO compounded the error in his first off season by standing pat with him and passing on Carr, among other mortal sins.  And that vocal minority kept on loudly supporting him right on through more or less to this thread.

Smith fans should be stand up and admit they were wrong about him all along.  Instead some complain about Fitzpatrick, as if such comparison makes Smith any better as a player, putting aside that Fitzpatrick clearly will have had the better career when both players are done.

Perfectly stated.  Where is our apology from Geno Smith fans who were dead wrong?

They helped create the media swell to drive Sanchez out of town, they helped create the climate to give Geno the starting job, these people wasted 5 years and it looks like it'll take another 5 to get back to where we were.  Where is our apology?


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Aside from the issue of an apology from Smith Fans, how about just one being stand up?, the contract he has with the Giants is relevant.  He couldn't have come any closer to being out of the league, and he still might not make their team, so let's not lose sight of that.

The NFL as a whole is saying that Smith Fans were wrong to argue that the Jets somehow were holding back a talented player.  Once he was "freed" from his contract with the Jets, this deal with the Giants was the best he could do.  He's only 27, if he was so great he would be seen as entering the peak years of his career, and this is what he got.

Just one Smith Fan to be stand up?  Doesn't seem like too much to ask.  But I will not hold my breath waiting for it.

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14 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Fans don't run players out of town. Fans don't decide starting quarterbacks.  Most of all FANS DON'T ******* APOLOGIZE ON MESSAGE BOARDS!

I do.  I am sorry I ever opened this thread.  Deeply sorry.  

Worst thread in months.

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7 hours ago, j4jets said:

Well I guess we can just release Hack now since he's a bigger failure than Geno, having been inactive almost the entire year. Or maybe, just maybe, we can look at the fact that Geno continuously beat out Fitz in almost every single practice, a 10+ year journeyman. Or perhaps it's the fact he played well in only the games he had two non-superstar starting WRs named Decker and Harvin? Although I agree he was a failure when he was passing to the likes of David Nelson, Holmes and Stephen Hills. That's ahhmazing group of WRs should've made a rookie QB look like Dan Marino, but he failed. Shocking! Plenty to put stooges back in their place when they run their mouths. 

It amazes me that you think this is a good argument.

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42 minutes ago, Dcat said:

I do.  I am sorry I ever opened this thread.  Deeply sorry.  

Worst thread in months.

We'll get someone to apologize for Geno.  But you should apologize for what you did to Sanchez.  That would be a good place to start the healing.


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50 minutes ago, Big Blocker said:

Aside from the issue of an apology from Smith Fans, how about just one being stand up?, the contract he has with the Giants is relevant.  He couldn't have come any closer to being out of the league, and he still might not make their team, so let's not lose sight of that.

Just one Smith Fan to be stand up?  Doesn't seem like too much to ask.  But I will not hold my breath waiting for it.

Yes, this would be the appropriate thing for one of them to do, stand up and apologize for Geno. 


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Why do people keep repeating that Geno ever beat out Fitzpatrick?  Fitzpatrick was limited through OTAs recovering from his broken leg.  Bowles stated that the "starting job was Geno's to lose."  Players reported to camp on July 30, 2015.  Shortly after camp opened, Fitzpatrick was okayed to go full.  It isn't that relevant, but IIRC, for at least a bit they were still limiting him.  Geno got decked on August 11, 2015.  To the extent he was ever actually beating out Fitzpatrick, it was for approximately one week.  They both suck, so it doesn't matter, but @j4jets saying that he "beat out Fitzpatrick almost every practice" ?  There were like 8 practices and the guy had been limited since mid-December 2014.  That isn't exactly definitive.  Or heroic for that matter. 

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You guys are hilarious. It went from he's going to be out of the league to hahaha he signed a veteran minimum contract. And apologize for what? Get THE **** out of here. The reason why these conversations are prevalent is simply because you guys dismiss his positives while solely focusing only on the negatives. And another thing; the reason why Fitzpatrick's name is brought up in relation to Geno is because you guys said; Fitzpatrick is so much better and he's such a "good" quarterback and he's a "leader" and we only dislike Geno because he sucks and he's a distraction and he's not a leader. Fitzpatrick then proceeds to do everything that you claim you dislike Geno for, but Fitzpatrick got a pass from you guys. You proved yourselves to be hypocrites. 

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4 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Why do people keep repeating that Geno ever beat out Fitzpatrick?  Fitzpatrick was limited through OTAs recovering from his broken leg.  Bowles stated that the "starting job was Geno's to lose."  Players reported to camp on July 30, 2015.  Shortly after camp opened, Fitzpatrick was okayed to go full.  It isn't that relevant, but IIRC, for at least a bit they were still limiting him.  Geno got decked on August 11, 2015.  To the extent he was ever actually beating out Fitzpatrick, it was for approximately one week.  They both suck, so it doesn't matter, but @j4jets saying that he "beat out Fitzpatrick almost every practice" ?  There were like 8 practices and the guy had been limited since mid-December 2014.  That isn't exactly definitive.  Or heroic for that matter. 

So Fitzpatrick was limited until coincidentally Geno got decked? This in a nutshell is why these conversations are prevalent, why can't he get the credit when it's due?  

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Just now, August said:

So Fitzpatrick was limited until coincidentally Geno got decked? This in a nutshell is why these conversations are prevalent, why can't he get the credit when it's due?  

What credit is he due?  Geno got decked a week into camp.  Was he beating Fitzpatrick out?  Maybe.  Is that a great accomplishment?  Shall I have his trophy mounted?

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5 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Why do people keep repeating that Geno ever beat out Fitzpatrick?  Fitzpatrick was limited through OTAs recovering from his broken leg.  Bowles stated that the "starting job was Geno's to lose."  Players reported to camp on July 30, 2015.  Shortly after camp opened, Fitzpatrick was okayed to go full.  It isn't that relevant, but IIRC, for at least a bit they were still limiting him.  Geno got decked on August 11, 2015.  To the extent he was ever actually beating out Fitzpatrick, it was for approximately one week.  They both suck, so it doesn't matter, but @j4jets saying that he "beat out Fitzpatrick almost every practice" ?  There were like 8 practices and the guy had been limited since mid-December 2014.  That isn't exactly definitive.  Or heroic for that matter. 

Well, he certainly didn't have a broken leg wk1 of 2015. Fitznutz make it sound like he had an amputated leg. And I guess "full go" isn't actually full go then? And yes, they both sucked. It's just that Fitz was worse than Geno, the only point I've been making since we took on the beard. Not sure why that is incredibly hard to comprehend for most Fitznutz, including @Integrity28. SMDH. 

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2 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

What credit is he due?  Geno got decked a week into camp.  Was he beating Fitzpatrick out?  Maybe.  Is that a great accomplishment?  Shall I have his trophy mounted?

You said he didn't beat out Fitzpatrick because he was limited. When all reports indicated that he looked like the best quarterback in camp, while Fitzpatrick was a full participant in all the practices. Remember Geno went days before he actually threw a pick in camp. Obviously it's not a great accomplishment and I'm not saying or implying that it is. But give the guy his credit when it's due and quit the revisionist history, you don't have to like him but be fair. 

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1 hour ago, SAR I said:

Don't be ridiculous.

Geno Smith had 2 full seasons as a starter, went 12-20.  When he had a chance to get his job back and win the 11th game the Jets needed to make the playoffs, he played terribly in Oakland, was unprepared, brutal loss with a record-setting offense with weapons like Ivory, Decker, and Marshall in full bloom.

The resume for Geno Smith has been built for 4 years now.  He's a bad starter at 12-20 and he's a bad backup at 0-2.  Hack hasn't taken a snap yet.  We can call his career after 34 starts if you like, just like Geno.


There you have it. 

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5 minutes ago, August said:

You said he didn't beat out Fitzpatrick because he was limited. When all reports indicated that he looked like the best quarterback in camp, while Fitzpatrick was a full participant in all the practices. Remember Geno went days before he actually threw a pick in camp. Obviously it's not a great accomplishment and I'm not saying or implying that it is. But give the guy his credit when it's due and quit the revisionist history, you don't have to like him but be fair. 

I repeat.  Camp was open for less than 2 weeks.  Revisionist history is taking a week's worth of Cimini and Mehta's tweets and spinning that into Geno clearing beating out Fitzpatrick.  Not throwing a pick in 7 on 7's does not prove a ******* thing.  If Geno played better for 2 weeks, kudos!  Just stop acting like it was some sustained proof of his superiority over a guy that couldn't even join limited practices until late May.


You are forgetting that the team had every intention of handing Smith the job.  Based on their respective age, that was probably the correct move at the time. 

Advantage: Smith. It's not like Smith has blown everybody away in camp so far, but he's been solid, and Fitzpatrick hasn't really done anything to wow anybody. Both quarterbacks have looked perfectly acceptable at times. Neither has looked consistently spectacular. But remember, the Jets have held just three camp practices, including only one in pads, on Saturday. In order for Fitzpatrick to overtake Smith, Fitzpatrick probably has to be great, and Smith has to be putrid. That hasn't happened early on.

This is what you are relying on: 

We cannot emphasize that strongly enough. We're doing these daily quarterback reports so you know what happened at practice. But don't read too much into any one day of training camp. Please, for your own sanity, don't do that.

That was written a week before Geno got his face broken.

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13 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

I repeat.  Camp was open for less than 2 weeks.  Revisionist history is taking a week's worth of Cimini and Mehta's tweets and spinning that into Geno clearing beating out Fitzpatrick.  Not throwing a pick in 7 on 7's does not prove a ******* thing.  If Geno played better for 2 weeks, kudos!  Just stop acting like it was some sustained proof of his superiority over a guy that couldn't even join limited practices until late May.

You are forgetting that the team had every intention of handing Smith the job.  Based on their respective age, that was probably the correct move at the time. 

Advantage: Smith. It's not like Smith has blown everybody away in camp so far, but he's been solid, and Fitzpatrick hasn't really done anything to wow anybody. Both quarterbacks have looked perfectly acceptable at times. Neither has looked consistently spectacular. But remember, the Jets have held just three camp practices, including only one in pads, on Saturday. In order for Fitzpatrick to overtake Smith, Fitzpatrick probably has to be great, and Smith has to be putrid. That hasn't happened early on.

This is what you are relying on: 

We cannot emphasize that strongly enough. We're doing these daily quarterback reports so you know what happened at practice. But don't read too much into any one day of training camp. Please, for your own sanity, don't do that.

That was written a week before Geno got his face broken.

Day 2

Smith observations: Showed a lot of touch on short, quick throws. Still has a tendency to lock in on one receiver when it isn't a bang-bang play. Touch was also lacking on deep throws. Showed a willingness to put the ball where Brandon Marshall (who is impressive) could go get it in the red zone; on one play, Marshall outjumped two defenders to make a one-handed catch in the end zone, only to land out of bounds. Some nice throws to Eric Decker in a two-minute drill. But Smith also nearly threw a bad pick when he seemed startled by a safety blitz and lofted the ball into coverage, though linebacker Jamari Lattimore dropped it.

Fitzpatrick observations: Moving well and showing no ill effects from the broken leg sustained in December. Worked a lot against the first-team defense, and seemed to find tight end Jace Amaro (who had a great day) a lot. Also showed decent touch on the quick slants, curls, and out routes that now seem to be a big part of the Jets' offense. Hit wideout Saalim Hakim on a terrific touch throw at one point. Did make a couple of bad throws, including one that should have been picked off by cornerback Dexter McDougle. Also badly underthrew a deep ball that was nearly intercepted by Antonio Cromartie.

Advantage: Smith, by just a little. We'll see how both quarterbacks fare Saturday, the first full-contact practice of the summer. Why that matters: Both quarterbacks can absorb true pressure (even if they're still not supposed to get hit), and their receivers can get jammed at the line, which affects timing. "Putting pads [Saturday] is more of a wakeup call," head coach Todd Bowles said, "and we'll see who shows up."

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11 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

I repeat.  Camp was open for less than 2 weeks.  Revisionist history is taking a week's worth of Cimini and Mehta's tweets and spinning that into Geno clearing beating out Fitzpatrick.  Not throwing a pick in 7 on 7's does not prove a ******* thing.  If Geno played better for 2 weeks, kudos!  Just stop acting like it was some sustained proof of his superiority over a guy that couldn't even join limited practices until late May.

You are forgetting that the team had every intention of handing Smith the job.  Based on their respective age, that was probably the correct move at the time. 

Advantage: Smith. It's not like Smith has blown everybody away in camp so far, but he's been solid, and Fitzpatrick hasn't really done anything to wow anybody. Both quarterbacks have looked perfectly acceptable at times. Neither has looked consistently spectacular. But remember, the Jets have held just three camp practices, including only one in pads, on Saturday. In order for Fitzpatrick to overtake Smith, Fitzpatrick probably has to be great, and Smith has to be putrid. That hasn't happened early on.

This is what you are relying on: 

We cannot emphasize that strongly enough. We're doing these daily quarterback reports so you know what happened at practice. But don't read too much into any one day of training camp. Please, for your own sanity, don't do that.

That was written a week before Geno got his face broken.

Day 3

Here are our observations from Day 3:

Smith's stats: 10-for-15 (66.7 percent) on Saturday; 35-for-54 (64.8 percent) overall

Fitzpatrick's stats: 6-for-11 (54.5 percent) on Saturday; 25-for-41 (60.9 percent) overall

Smith observations: He started off great, with a deep completion to Chris Owusu in the first 11-on-11 team period, which drew big cheers from the crowd. But later in that segment of plays, he threw an incomplete pass high. In his first red-zone period, he had a pass into the end zone, intended for Brandon Marshall, broken up by Antonio Cromartie. Smith started off slowly in a 5-on-7 drill, missing Marshall high on a deep ball, and then throwing the ball too far in front of Marshall on a short crossing route. Then Smith connected for a precise completion to Jeff Cumberland on the side edge of the end zone. And he hit Owusu for a deep touchdown. Smith closed the 5-on-7 period with a pretty lob to Kellen Davis on the side edge of the end zone. Good stuff here. During Smith's next team period action, he did have a completion to Marshall, but it was wobbly and under-thrown, and Marshall had to come back for it. Later, in a red-zone team period, Smith threw through traffic and found Marshall in the end zone. The pass was right on the money, and not even close to being intercepted. Smith's last play of practice was another strong one -- a roll right, to escape pressure, and pass to Owusu in the end zone, during a red-zone team period. Overall, a fairly solid day for Smith. Most importantly for him through three days -- no turnovers.

Fitzpatrick observations: The veteran had his issues on Saturday. Not that this moment was Fitzpatrick's fault, but in his second segment of team periods, his nicely thread pass to Walter Powell was negated when Jaiquawn Jarrett stripped the ball from Powell, after it had been completed. Fitzpatrick later threw an incomplete pass when Leonard Williams burst up the middle to pressure him. Again, not Fitzpatrick's fault, but it was that kind of day for him. He fumbled three snaps. It was unclear whether Fitzpatrick was to blame for some or all of them. Fitzpatrick did hit Saalim Hakim for a deep completion, but the ball was under-thrown. He appeared to have a good shot of hitting Marshall in the end zone during a red-zone team period, but Marshall either dropped the pass, or Dee Milliner got a hand on it. It was hard to tell for sure, but the pass fell incomplete. Fitzpatrick closed his practice with these four plays: his third fumbled snap, an incomplete pass to Jace Amaro in the end zone that Amaro couldn't hang onto in traffic, a low incomplete pass, and an offensive pass interference flag on the final play of practice. Fitzpatrick will try for a better showing Sunday.

Advantage: Smith. It's not like Smith has blown everybody away in camp so far, but he's been solid, and Fitzpatrick hasn't really done anything to wow anybody. Both quarterbacks have looked perfectly acceptable at times. Neither has looked consistently spectacular. But remember, the Jets have held just three camp practices, including only one in pads, on Saturday. In order for Fitzpatrick to overtake Smith, Fitzpatrick probably has to be great, and Smith has to be putrid. That hasn't happened early on. The major positive for both players (and its importance cannot be understated, considering recent Jets quarterback play) -- neither has thrown an interception. Of course, we might've just jinxed them.



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47 minutes ago, August said:

Fitzpatrick then proceeds to do everything that you claim you dislike Geno for, but Fitzpatrick got a pass from you guys. You proved yourselves to be hypocrites. 

There is a clinical term for this my friend.  It's called confirmation bias.

All I can tell you is that if you truly believe the above, you either have not read this forum, or you have....and simply ignored everything that does not fit the narrative above.

I would stress to you the importance of reading and understanding multiple viewpoints.  

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Day 4

Smith observations: Two major positives from Smith's first four days: He's showing some pocket presence by being able to step up in the pocket while keeping his eyes focused downfield, and he's not forcing anything. In the first team period, Smith rolled to his right to evade pressure before zipping the ball to receiver Brandon Marshall on a comebacker with cornerback Darrelle Revis in tight coverage. It was an impressive play. In the red zone, after defensive end Sheldon Richardson quickly burst through the line, Smith immediately found wideout Jeremy Kerley on a hot read that resulted in a touchdown. His most impressive throw was a downfield dart to wideout Eric Decker with safety Marcus Gilchrist in close coverage. Smith really is doing OK so far.

Fitzpatrick observations: Fitzpatrick, working exclusively with the second team, has similarly not forced too much and taken what he's been given by the defense. His accuracy Sunday wasn't quite as good as Smith's; on one completion to Saalim Hakim on a downfield out route, he threw behind Hakim, though Hakim made a nice play on the ball to bring it in. But he did deliver a perfectly thrown ball to Brandon Marshall on a deep out that was not an easy throw. But he did nearly have a pass intercepted by cornerback Marcus Williams, and another throw into the flat that fell incomplete was tossed a little too haphazardly and was also almost picked.

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2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

There is a clinical term for this my friend.  It's called confirmation bias.

All I can tell you is that if you truly believe the above, you either have not read this forum, or you have....and simply ignored everything that does not fit the narrative above.

I would stress to you the importance of reading and understanding multiple viewpoints.  

No it's called double standard

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2 hours ago, SAR I said:

A handful of fans lobbied for Geno over Fitz.  The vast majority of the fanbase was quite relieved when Fitzpatrick signed after his brilliant 10-5 campaign.

It does matter now.  The pain we feel as an organization today is tied directly to the awful decision to bet the farm on a kid who fell like a stone from the first round and was an impulse-buy by a rookie GM like Tic Tac's at the grocery store checkout counter.  One of the worst decisions in team history, it's now set us back 5 seasons, that's 5 long years wasted on the wrong quarterback.  This shouldn't be swept under the rug so flippantly.


The Jets problems are far and wide. Geno Smith isn't even in the top 5 of recent blunders. You seem especially bored today. The Jets didn't give Geno 5 years, you are thinking about Mark Sanchez. That was the QB that set the franchise back.

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4 minutes ago, August said:

Day 2

Advantage: Smith, by just a little. We'll see how both quarterbacks fare Saturday, the first full-contact practice of the summer. Why that matters: Both quarterbacks can absorb true pressure (even if they're still not supposed to get hit), and their receivers can get jammed at the line, which affects timing. "Putting pads [Saturday] is more of a wakeup call," head coach Todd Bowles said, "and we'll see who shows up."

Clearly!  Go ahead.  Keep going.  Post them all.  If you read them all, you will see that they both sucked.  That Bowles said that Fitzpatrick was still getting his legs under him.  That the press felt Geno was winning, but not by much.  That the press felt that Geno had the job unless something crazy happened.  Something crazy happened.  I am not saying Geno was no outplaying Fitzpatrick early in camp 2015.  I am saying: it was early in camp 2015.  

Why did you leave out the analysis for Day 4?

Advantage: Still Smith, and it hasn't been that close, really. Here's the thing, though: Bowles said the defense has only installed about 35 to 40 percent of its playbook, a consequence of this only being the second practice in pads. "You have to get a lot of people reps," Bowles said. "You put stuff in and see how they do it and correct it and then move on from there." And on Smith and Fitzpatrick not having turned the ball over yet, Bowles said, "[The defense is] not really pressing them." The Jets have a the day off Monday and are back at it Tuesday.

Geno was clearly beating out Fitzpatrick one week into camp against 35-40% of an NFL defense.  Importance?  I will leave that to you to explain.

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