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Last to post in this thread wins

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hello i take over this thread now...

hardy har har

take that you men and women :)

LadyJet2280 --

You are like a breath of fresh air around here. I thank you for signing up. Before you were here I was lifeless and did not know it. Now I can post again. The internet is fun again.

You complete me.

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LadyJet2280 --

You are like a breath of fresh air around here. I thank you for signing up. Before you were here I was lifeless and did not know it. Now I can post again. The internet is fun again.

You complete me.

You may have got over your lifelessness, but you still aren't funny.

It's tragic, really.

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LadyJet2280 --

You are like a breath of fresh air around here.

Does 'fresh air' have a slang meaning that I am not aware of? You know, like 'Phat' doesn't really mean that someone is 'fat' but rather, 'hip'. I'm thinking 'fresh air' means 'bizarre'. Am I right?

Or it could just mean that Max is a loon too. Or both. You get the picture. :character42:

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LOL Max,

I complete you..what class did you take...poetry???

Well thanks you, I have never completed anyone before..LOL

but honestly whats with the slang and deep tones in your msgs? LOL

One of three things.

Hand cramps.

JFBM is not home.

Smizzy is no longer exploring his bisexual side.

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