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It seems people really wanted to see a 6-10 team this year.

Skeet Ulrich

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5 minutes ago, kdels62 said:

Screens and crossing routes are the most spread thing ever. My biggest concern is that this week against the Colts, the team ran a bunch of different concepts that “play to Darnold’s strengths” and Darnold didn’t capitalize.

oh don't get me wrong, Darnold played like poop

the 2nd pick 6, Herndon was wide friggin open corner route for a TD 

instead Samchez threw it into triple diple coverage

back to the boogie board, bra 

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1 hour ago, slimjasi said:

It's not just about the record. It's about the fact that the team gets blown out every week. It's about being noncompetitive and embarrassing. It's about the fact that most of the rookie's we were excited about haven't even been able to get on the field yet. 

I like Douglas and think his plan so far makes sense, but this team is unwatchable and rage-inducing. The GM, who has now been with the team for almost 16 months, is going to get some blame. It's part of the deal. 

More than anything, it’s that the one thing we all thought we had, the one thing that would eventually right the ship, was that we thought we had a real franchise qb prospect.  And now most of us here realize that we don’t, that douglas knew we didn’t and that we were always tanking this season and drafting another qb next year and starting the entire rebuild over again.  And darnold is talented, he is most definitely talented, much better than geno and Sanchez.  And yet he’s failing here, like every other qb does here.  So when the jets take Lawrence or fields, at this point why should any of us believe that won’t turn out like the darnold fiasco?  It’s difficult to sit here and believe come April 2021 that the next guy is THE GUY and that this time the gm knows what he’s doing.

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6 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

 And now most of us here realize that we don’t, that douglas knew we didn’t and that we were always tanking this season and drafting another qb next year and starting the entire rebuild over again.   


JD used that 4th round pick for a reason 


chances are Darnold will get hurt (he always does) and James "the real Captain" Morgan will get his bite at the apple and get some cheap wins, sparing us the ugly 1.1 conversation 

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2 minutes ago, bitonti said:


JD used that 4th round pick for a reason 


chances are Darnold will get hurt (he always does) and James "the real Captain" Morgan will get his bite at the apple and get some cheap wins, sparing us the ugly 1.1 conversation 

We all swept the qb moves that douglas made this offseason under the rug, bringing in Morgan and Flacco.  These moves were not to help darnold, they were made to usher in the post-darnold era come next April when they draft another qb and have a brand new qb room.  

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1 minute ago, Augustiniak said:

We all swept the qb moves that douglas made this offseason under the rug, bringing in Morgan and Flacco.  These moves were not to help darnold, they were made to usher in the post-darnold era come next April when they draft another qb and have a brand new qb room.  

the Flacco move was cack tho. He's been inactive 4 games with a bad neck? how is that helpful? And does JD just not check the neck? 

darnold has never made it through 16 games 

since we are talking if's and but's - James Morgan would be considered a future superstar if the Pats took him like everyone thought they would 

he's super raw or whatever but there's no way him or white is worse than 14 atm. 

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2 minutes ago, bitonti said:

the Flacco move was cack tho. He's been inactive 4 games with a bad neck? how is that helpful? And does JD just not check the neck? 

darnold has never made it through 16 games 

since we are talking if's and but's - James Morgan would be considered a future superstar if the Pats took him like everyone thought they would 

he's super raw or whatever but there's no way him or white is worse than 14 atm. 

Flaccco was brought in to be the next mccown, tutoring the young qbs.  He’s not supposed to play.  

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1 minute ago, Augustiniak said:

Flaccco was brought in to be the next mccown, tutoring the young qbs.  He’s not supposed to play.  

not good enough excuse

if he's a coach, give the dude a polo shirt and make him the QB coach 

no need to use a roster spot on 4th QB when there's 4 Wr and 4 Cb as well  

by the way Kalil also had a bad neck and stole money last year. Perriman is on IR after like a game and a half

JD might not be so great at this free agency thing 

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1 hour ago, Saul Goodman said:

It was never about the team’s final record. This season was supposed to be a building year, a stepping stone towards becoming competitive. 

Said who?

Why do people impose expectations that were never actually in existence? 

Is it because people thought Douglas was going to build around Darnold, a QB he didn't draft and clearly didn't have much confidence in?  

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1 hour ago, TheClashFan said:

It's going to take at least 3 years to remove the stink of Mike Mac's drafts and player transactions.  At least.  And that's if all goes well with JD's first three drafts. 

His first draft concerns me. He decided to draft a little bit of "everything" rather than focusing on the long neglected offense. Rounds 1 and 2 were fine, but in round three he should have double dipped at both WR and OL. Then, he could get cute in rounds 4 on...  Instead, he started that in round 3.

You nailed it with the first sentence then stumbled with the bold.  It wasn't Douglas' job to fix everything at which Macc failed.  His job is to draft quality talent onto the roster. 

Meanwhile, just look at how bad the defense has been this season.  Do you really think we don't need a pass rusher or CBs nearly as much as we need help on offense?  Hence the Zuniga, Davis and Hall picks.

He used a 1st and 2nd round pick on a LT and a WR.  If he hits on those 2 (as I expect he will in the end; Becton already appears to be a hit), no one will care all that much that  we took a shot at an EDGE rusher and a centerfielder Safety.

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1 hour ago, UntouchableCrew said:

I wanted to see a competitive team. I wanted to see signs of progress that indicated it's getting better, and that Sam Darnold was our franchise QB.

The exact opposite is true. This team is embarrassingly, laughably bad. They don't belong on the same field as the majority of the competition. They get blown off the field every single week in completely non-competitive fashion and Sam Darnold looks terrible.

But it's shocking that fans are upset?

I still have faith in Joe Douglas, but clearly this is not the way he wanted the season to go either.


Of course not.  But the night is always darkest before the dawn.  You can't begin the process of tearing everything down AND compete at the same time, generally speaking.  

Macc tried a "competitive rebuild" in 2015 and that didn't work out so well.

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1 hour ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

What you're talking about is bad ownership. The Jets have had 4 GMs in a 10 year span. Name me one professional franchise that has done that. It's no surprise the Jets are a disaster, they completely change vision every couple years.

I love it when someone makes this argument. Love it. Love it. Love it! I feel it in my toes I get so excited. Please, allow me to retort.

*Ahem* You are confusing correlation with causation. Good teams do not change GMs often because they hire the correct GMs in the first place. Their "goodness" is not attributable to their low executive turnover, but rather it is an effect of the superior hiring decisions of those organizations. Meanwhile, garbage joke-squads like the Jets urinate in the candidate pool by saddling the job with irrelevant, shortsighted, or nonsensical conditions, for example: (1) penny-pinching over salary; (2) demanding acquiescence to be thrown into an arranged marriage; and (3) refusing to grant authority over the part of the organization responsible for training, developing, and deploying the assets the GM finds and acquires.

Under such a ridiculous set of circumstances, quality candidates largely self-select themselves out of the process, leaving the Jets to choose from a lot of hay with very few needles. Put it this way, the Jets are trying to get a bingo by throwing away half of the card before the numbers are even called. 

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2 hours ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

Let's get down to brass tacks: the team sucks. Bad roster, bad QB, bad HC. Any rational human being could see this a mile away.

Where, exactly, were these magical moves that makes the Jets a 10+ win team in 2020? I see people complaining about what JD did or did not do but not giving any concrete examples of turning this team into an a quality NFL team.

Sometimes in life, there's no good options. I have no issue with actually tearing the thing down and building it up the right way. JD at least seems to understand you win games at the point of attack and at least attempted to build the lines.

The next time this team manages 8-8 with competent coaching and QB play will be a miracle, and feels a long way off

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18 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:


Of course not.  But the night is always darkest before the dawn.  You can't begin the process of tearing everything down AND compete at the same time, generally speaking.  

Macc tried a "competitive rebuild" in 2015 and that didn't work out so well.

I mean that total non-competitiveness is all about Gase, IMO.

I've seen well coached, young, scrappy teams everyone thought would suck go out and win games.

Look at the Panthers. Everyone though they'd be terrible, have the worst defense in the league. Went on the road and beat the Chargers yesterday. That's exactly the kind of impact a good coach can have right away. The biggest year to year shift you see is always based on coaching, culture and scheme and not on talent. 

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It is simple...

Either Darnold with the proper pieces is a Franchise QB or he is not?

The Jets screwed it up because we don't know fully what we have in Darnold and he isn't playing well enough to automatically say he will improve, so that the organization can feel fully comfortable putting future $$$$$$$ towards him.


Indeed, you have to rely on rabbits feet, good luck and chance; instead of sound business judgements and football smarts.

For this alone is why Gase must go because the most important piece in the organization is still unknown and Gase is clearly NOT the solution. 




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2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

How can the WRs be better? Our entire group of #1s and several 2s are injured. People want Sam to perform at a well above average with any players the Jets field and that is just unrealistic. In the last year alone, Sam has had 19 different OL combinations, QBs need consistent OL play to perform and Sam has not even remotely had that.

Thank you!

People are nuts!  The Jets OL was HORRIFIC last year, and their skill players were at best underutilized or should have been playing in the CFL.

Sam was out for a great deal of last year with Mono and the Jets during that time frame were not just the worst team in the NFL last year under those circumstances but maybe just maybe the WORST TEAM I HAVE EVER SEEN and that includes the Kotite years.

To expect Sam to "uplift" the team during his comeback to wins over everyone with such horrific conditions is simply not realistic!

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2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

How can the WRs be better? Our entire group of #1s and several 2s are injured. People want Sam to perform at a well above average with any players the Jets field and that is just unrealistic. In the last year alone, Sam has had 19 different OL combinations, QBs need consistent OL play to perform and Sam has not even remotely had that.

Well above average? C'mon now. Who have you heard say that? Be honest now.


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