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Bad game changing nfl calls

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3 hours ago, Darnold Schwarzenegger said:

Part of me says nfl should use college pass interference rules. 15 yard penalty. But if your a cb and your about to give up a 50 yard pass you can just tackle the wr and give up 15 yards instead. So in conclusion I have no idea how to fix that. Lol

roughing the passer has become kind of ridiculous. If you tap a qb on the helmet it’s roughing the passer. Something has to be done there. It should be looked at as more unnecessary roughness. Something that’s over the top. Right now it’s too ticky tacky 

I watch a ton of college football and that pretty much never happens. DBs are trying to play defense and avoid penalties. If they are close enough to tackle the guy, they are generally going to try to make a legal play. 

Even if that does happen a couple of times, it's better than rewarding horrible QBs that just pass and pray like the fish were doing on Sunday.

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13 hours ago, AlexVanDyke said:

Disagree with this.  Baseball and hockey are much more consistent.  Yes they may be easier but there are nowhere near game changing calls.  Basketball is probably also subjective and inconsistent but the difference is there are so many scores in a game that one or two bad calls hardly decode a game.  In football, it’s major 

All good to disagree. I do believe it, though. Any of 22 players on the field can commit a penalty at any time. It’s a lot to keep up with. If everything were reviewable — as some suggest — it would be one of those “the medicine is worse than the disease” situations IMHO.

I'll add the complexity is much greater in football. Usually every weekend while watching NFL RedZoneI learn about some new rule twist I never heard of. That almost never happens to me in the other major sports. I mean the networks even have NFL rule interpreters on the payroll to chime in during the game!


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3 hours ago, JiFapono said:

I agree 100% with changing the PI calls to the college rules.  It's out of control how often teams get bailed out on a 3rd and long by throwing up a prayer and getting exactly that, a prayer for a flag answer by the refs. 

We watched a sack identical to the one they called on Jarrett w/ Brady and there was no flag but instead, we have an equally as stupid one called on Jones for his strip sack which doesnt even make sense considering Carr wasnt the QB anymore since the ball was loose.  It's truly a joke at this point and it makes it very hard to take this sh*t serious at times.


It felt like once Teddy was out of the game, this was the Dolphin offense on Sunday. Agree with the need for the rule change. 

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They throw phantom flags and they still have jobs. Boger should be investigated for that Brady call. It's either gross incompetence, the league believes this is a correct call or he's on the take. There's no other options and all 3 are bad options.


NHL you'll see one team with a Power Play ratio of 7:2 on the reg. Ticky tack hooking calls with 1:18 left on the clock in a one goal game. This stuff should not be happening. An NHL ref was forced out 2 years ago for being caught on a hot mic saying he was looking to even up penalties. Sorry, if Team A came to play and Team B did not that's the way the cookie crumbles. You're not here to 'game manage', as they call it. 


Baseball, the strike zone isn't what you want it to be. There are rules that say what it is. The fact that there are hitter umps and pitcher umps is a disgrace. Why does Angel Hernandez, among others, still have a regular gig? Why does everyone get a chance to be the HP umpire? If you're dog sh*t calling balls and strikes there's 3 other places we can put you. 


Basketball, a ref went to prison for point shaving. 'But Jet9, that was an isolated incident, a one-off'. Sure, keep telling yourself that. There was also Henry Hill and his crew with point shaving up at Boston College and also other incidents of this.


You have a set amount of challenges in sports. Why? It assumes they can only **** up X amount of times. The arrogance is substantial among these people. 


My point is that the state of sports officiating is in the toilet. Is it the unions why nothing changes? I don't know, maybe. With sports betting being what it is the SEC should really be an enforcement agency of all this, but we're not there yet for obvious reasons. 

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