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Sons Of Anarchy Mafia: Day 3

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The night fell heavy over Charming, a veil of uneasy quiet following the chaos of the day. SAMCRO, still reeling from the loss of Opie, found themselves gathering at their clubhouse, a sanctuary amidst the storm.

As the evening wore on, stories were shared, bottles were passed, and an air of defiant camaraderie filled the room. Their voices, husky with grief and bolstered by brotherhood, echoed against the garage's steel rafters. The spirit of SAMCRO was wounded, but far from broken.

Away from the gathering, in the solitude of the garage, Bobby Munson found solace in the familiarity of chrome and oil. He moved around the engines, his hands finding comfort in the routine. The noise of the crowd was a distant hum, their laughter and raised voices a soothing backdrop.

Jax, Chibs, and Tig lingered outside, their heads bent in a hushed, intense conversation. Their silhouettes, under the harsh glow of the neon SAMCRO sign, were a stark contrast to the darkened road leading to the clubhouse.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the night was shattered. The deafening roar of a gunshot echoed through the garage, a chilling dread spreading through the compound. The gathered brothers shot to their feet, their laughter dying on their lips as they sprinted towards the sound.

Barging into the garage, they found a sight that would haunt them for the rest of their days. Bobby Munson lay sprawled on the cold, oil-streaked floor, a pool of dark blood spreading around him. His tools scattered, a silent testament to a struggle that had ended far too soon.

Silent cries of anguish filled the air, the enormity of their loss crashing down on them. Their brother, their voice of reason, had fallen. The Mayans had struck again, infiltrating their sanctuary and leaving a trail of pain and anger in their wake.

In the harsh light of dawn, SAMCRO's resolve is more potent than ever. Their brotherhood tested, their sanctuary violated, they must find strength in their unity and their unwavering resolve to protect Charming. For Bobby, for Opie, for their fallen brothers. SAMCRO forever.



jvill - Bobby Munson - VT has been murdered

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12 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Final Day 1 Vote Count:

hal (5) - crusher, drums, jif, jgb, 80

beaver (1) -  80

crusher (1) - beaver

drums (1) - hal

jgb (1) - jvill

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch.


Kinda scummy the way that train ran up. Wondering who is scammer, jif, jgb, or 80

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 @jvill 51 avoided either of the trains to pretty randomly vote me without explanation. I think he’s trying to look clean when Hal flipped town. Jvill is a clever player and hard to read on meta but he’s a higher probability play based on the above.

vote jvill

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4 hours ago, Drums said:


I'm between jif and jgb. Get the feeling 80's vote is nai

You’ve been parked on @jvill 51 for like a full week and no mention at all of him? That’s an interesting play. Because he is pinging, now you are also.

I could easily be convinced to vote you today.

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Since I probably just signed my own death warrant by not paying attention to the game, I reveal as VT with a PR that I have to compliment another player in every post.

Safe lynch if ya want it.

You all look ******* sexy.

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1 hour ago, JiF said:

So, your strategy is to play paint by numbers mafia at day break and point to everyone who joined the train after you?


Vote Drums


I dig it nice thought process

Vote drums 

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2 hours ago, JiF said:

So, your strategy is to play paint by numbers mafia at day break and point to everyone who joined the train after you?


Vote Drums


There's been like five posts made, I'm trying to get the game going. The way you hopped on Hal was scummy.

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3 hours ago, jgb said:

Since I probably just signed my own death warrant by not paying attention to the game, I reveal as VT with a PR that I have to compliment another player in every post.

Safe lynch if ya want it.

You all look ******* sexy.

Too late for safe lynches when there are only 7 players left.

Sorry y'all, forgot about this game for a bit lol.

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1 hour ago, Drums said:

Finally got some of you to play. Looks like Jif and JGB are our scum team. I am happy to start with Jif though.

vote jif

Wow, you're playing next level mafia here.  

Paint by numbers case, followed by wifom determination of the scum team.

Impressive.  Very, impressive. 

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7 minutes ago, JiF said:

Wow, you're playing next level mafia here.  

Paint by numbers case, followed by wifom determination of the scum team.

Impressive.  Very, impressive. 

Unvote vote jif

I think it might be time for TRT.

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