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More important than the draft pick

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For sure they should replace it.

Watching Miami yesterday, they lost a lot of player on natural grass.   Either the way players train today, or the lack of padded practice is leading to people not being ready to play, and massive injuries.  Less Jets got hurt in the old Meadowlands on the concrete then they have lost the last few year.

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turning into a PR nightmare. I don't know how hard it is to switch from turf to grass but I'm betting it just cant happen over a couple of weeks. My guess would be, if the decision is made, they'd announce it this offseason and make the changes the following year. Just my gut speaking. Has there been any other instances in recent history where a team went from turf to grass?

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Even better question.  Are the Jets going to replace MetLife Stadium when the lease is up ???

Two NYC franchises sharing expenses on one stadium and that vapid POS of a stadium is the best they could do ???

For an enterprising owner with a vision, a NYC stadium should be an obsession. 

I have been insisting since the west side stadium project was scrapped, new land on the west side should be willed into existence.  That's right.  Expand Manhattan island with a landfill project and build a dedicated stadium to the Jets that includes an entire companion complex.  I can just see it now.  A stadium light up with colors and lights as wild as Times Square.  A flashy "BROADWAY" stadium that would give the NEW YORK Jets the identity they should have.  Such a complex could also be used for concerts and even Olympic games.  Woody could put up some of the investment money which will of course make more money in the future and he can lobby for state and even federal money (infrastructure).

Too bad Woody does not have the drive and creativity of a true visionary. 

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