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ZACH WILSON isn’t on the Jets anymore discussion (merged)

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The key question to me is why did JD draft him overall 2. He had a first round grade but why so high. Did they really believe if they didn't take him then other teams would have selected him top 5 top 10?  Basically most reports at that time before the draft said Lawrence to Jax and Zach to Jets. The second question is why did they start him year one. 

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2 hours ago, Rangers9 said:

The key question to me is why did JD draft him overall 2. He had a first round grade but why so high. Did they really believe if they didn't take him then other teams would have selected him top 5 top 10?  Basically most reports at that time before the draft said Lawrence to Jax and Zach to Jets. The second question is why did they start him year one. 

No earthly idea how Zach Wilson became a top prospect, and no one has explained it adequately.  Suffice it to say that whatever his “consensus” grade was among scouts, it doesn’t excuse the pick one iota.  GMs are paid to have foresight.  Many of us idiot fans could clearly see it and were calling him a mid-round caliber prospect at the time and were proven correct, hence showing just how much groupthink these teams end up with in the pre-draft process. 

As for the starting right away piece:  If you believe in a guy enough to draft him 2 overall, you’re not waiting long to start him.  And no, sitting him wouldn’t have “fixed” him.  There’s no meaningful correlation between sitting and success for QBs.  

Still need a better plan B but the Jets have never had that under the Woody Johnson ownership.  They always keep the depth chart intentionally lean at QB behind the young guy and it makes no friggin sense.

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5 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Because he didn’t have a concussion

So you know he didn’t need treatment for a concussion?  After the beat down we all saw him take you’re guessing all the reports of a concussion were lies.  

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6 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

So you know he didn’t need treatment for a concussion?  After the beat down we all saw him take you’re guessing all the reports of a concussion were lies.  

The concussion lasted over a month. It was leaked that it wasn’t actually a concussion, which is why Hughes went after that guy on twitter 

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14 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

So you know he didn’t need treatment for a concussion?  After the beat down we all saw him take you’re guessing all the reports of a concussion were lies.  


7 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The concussion lasted over a month. It was leaked that it wasn’t actually a concussion, which is why Hughes went after that guy on twitter 

You know what would have cleared this up? If the Jets didn’t bumble their way through another easy-to-explain story and/or if some intrepid journalist from the largest media market on the planet could find out where Zach Wilson was after the Dolphins game and how he was recovering. IMO, a starting NFL QB having a month-long battle with a concussion seems like a pretty big story. 

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1 hour ago, T0mShane said:

I mean, doing an autopsy on the extreme bust that just cost the franchise and its fans three years of their football lives is absolutely something a beat writer should be into, especially when those beat writers carried the org’s water on the topic for three years. Every so often, Cimini will make an allusion to the battles that were going on behind the scenes with Wilson, but none of them dare to type it up. We got the Rosenblatt piece, but that was clearly most Russini throwing him a few bones and letting him have a byline. 

Not really Tom.  A beat reporters job is the day to day reporting on the team, not in depth conspiracy-theory-based analytics evaluations of a past pick that busted.  You want that, call ESPN or one of the Sports sites, you're just not going to usually get stuff like that from a beat guy.  While I have no doubt there were battles (as happen with every bust QB and the team that drafted them), what you got is what you're going to get.  Beat guys are about now, the 2024 season, not Wilson in Denver.  

But either way, you're definitely not going to get the Matt's Huge Conspiracy theory getting legit time from legit journalists.  Sorry bro.  If there was any actual, verifiable evidence of it, they would have run it years ago, not waiting till now, after Wilson is gone.  There just isn't any actual evidence.  None.  The "drafted Zach for non-football Owner-driven reasons" is pure BS.  JD just sucked as a drafter till he lucked his ass into Sauce/Wilson/Hall.  Otherwise he's been a pretty sh*t GM in the draft, a fact no one seems to want to accept as yet, but give it time, lol.

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3 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

I don’t see conspiracy as a bad word so you are wasting your time 

Oh that's clear Matt, your vivid fantasy life and rejection of reality has been pretty obvious.

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16 minutes ago, T0mShane said:


You know what would have cleared this up? If the Jets didn’t bumble their way through another easy-to-explain story and/or if some intrepid journalist from the largest media market on the planet could find out where Zach Wilson was after the Dolphins game and how he was recovering. IMO, a starting NFL QB having a month-long battle with a concussion seems like a pretty big story. 

But why do you care?

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

The concussion lasted over a month. It was leaked that it wasn’t actually a concussion, which is why Hughes went after that guy on twitter 

So that means he never had one?  Because all concussions last 1 week or less.  
And this says he wasn’t concussed how exactlly?  
why do you make shlt like this up?  

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

The concussion lasted over a month. It was leaked that it wasn’t actually a concussion, which is why Hughes went after that guy on twitter 

How long was Tua out?

All concussions are the same, take the same amount of time to heal

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16 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

So that means he never had one?  Because all concussions last 1 week or less.  
And this says he wasn’t concussed how exactlly?  
why do you make shlt like this up?  

Well, telling his mom  to go on instagram with a video telling everyone he wasn’t faking it, signals to me he was faking it.

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

The concussion lasted over a month. It was leaked that it wasn’t actually a concussion, which is why Hughes went after that guy on twitter 

He should go after any fool who without the word of someone in the know or without a doctors report just says something dumb like this.

 That’s anyone, including fans who haven’t got a clue

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6 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Well, telling his mom  to go on instagram with a video telling everyone he wasn’t faking it, signals to me he was faking it.

Oh yeah, that’s undeniable proof.  His mom saying he actually was concussed and that one clown saying it was made up is wrong.  Was an order from ZW to post it on IG.  What else did you imagine?  
What else signals to you he was faking it?  That you want him to be?

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

But why do you care?

I don’t, actually. I’m just trying to fill time until the next scintillating “Does this long pass from Andrew Peasley to Xavier Gipson in 7 on 7’s make Gipson a lock for the WR5 job?” listicle from Costello. 

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4 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I don’t, actually. I’m just trying to fill time until the next scintillating “Does this long pass from Andrew Peasley to Xavier Gipson in 7 on 7’s make Gipson a lock for the WR5 job?” listicle from Costello. 

It was a joke. Any time we don’t get a clear answer on stuff we seem to care about (like the #2 pick having one of the more bizarre and confusing tenures in team history) the Woody water carriers play it off as something we shouldn’t care about anyways. 

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5 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

It was a joke. Any time we don’t get a clear answer on stuff we seem to care about (like the #2 pick having one of the more bizarre and confusing tenures in team history) the Woody water carriers play it off as something we shouldn’t care about anyways. 

Or we get some whacked out, brain dead conspiracy theory that will be beaten to death for weeks on end. Amirite?

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Good grief.  Twelve pages on Zach.  Time to move on.  He won’t be the first player to fail with the jets and he won’t be the last one either.  And you simply can’t deny that other teams would’ve chosen him if given the chance.  As for the concussion, I think there are many to envision the whole way the scene played out.  But my envision only belongs to me and it’s improbable that the way I think is the way it was.  Just because some people can see Zach faking an injury doesn’t mean he actually did.  And if faking it got him away from saleh’s zoo then it worked.  Is this all that much different from elllway refusing to be chosen by the colts or manning refusing to come out after his junior year for fear of being drafted by the jets?  In many ways, I don’t think so.  I think it stinks that Zach gets rewarded if the injury was a stunt and the jets don’t get much in way of compensation but at the end of the day whatever ability Zach has will show through.  Frankly I hope he succeeds bigly in Denver mainly because I think saleh is a clown and I do think he could’ve been a good jet qb.  It didn’t happen so we all should just move on.

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1 minute ago, rangerous said:

Good grief.  Twelve pages on Zach.  Time to move on.  He won’t be the first player to fail with the jets and he won’t be the last one either.  And you simply can’t deny that other teams would’ve chosen him if given the chance.  As for the concussion, I think there are many to envision the whole way the scene played out.  But my envision only belongs to me and it’s improbable that the way I think is the way it was.  Just because some people can see Zach faking an injury doesn’t mean he actually did.  And if faking it got him away from saleh’s zoo then it worked.  Is this all that much different from elllway refusing to be chosen by the colts or manning refusing to come out after his junior year for fear of being drafted by the jets?  In many ways, I don’t think so.  I think it stinks that Zach gets rewarded if the injury was a stunt and the jets don’t get much in way of compensation but at the end of the day whatever ability Zach has will show through.  Frankly I hope he succeeds bigly in Denver mainly because I think saleh is a clown and I do think he could’ve been a good jet qb.  It didn’t happen so we all should just move on.

If Zach’s actually in the rearview behind Nix and Stidham, it’s fair to bring up what exactly the Jets were doing playing him for so long. Something ain’t connecting there. Tough to trust a regime that was willing to throw away seasons because of one player. 

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4 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

If Zach’s actually in the rearview behind Nix and Stidham, it’s fair to bring up what exactly the Jets were doing playing him for so long. Something ain’t connecting there. Tough to trust a regime that was willing to throw away seasons because of one player. 

Okay but do we know Zach is currently penciled in as the third qb in Denver?  Of course it’s still early yet.  I think your point is valid if Zach doesn’t do better in Denver.  I find it very hard to believe he’s behind stidman.

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12 minutes ago, rangerous said:

And you simply can’t deny that other teams would’ve chosen him if given the chance.  

Why does this part matter?  Part of a GM's job is to go against the consensus when the consensus is pretty clearly wrong.

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6 minutes ago, rangerous said:

Okay but do we know Zach is currently penciled in as the third qb in Denver?  Of course it’s still early yet.  I think your point is valid if Zach doesn’t do better in Denver.  I find it very hard to believe he’s behind stidman.

Per the OTA and minicamp reports he’s a distant 3rd. Stidham looked decent in game action last year.

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11 minutes ago, rangerous said:

Okay but do we know Zach is currently penciled in as the third qb in Denver?  Of course it’s still early yet.  I think your point is valid if Zach doesn’t do better in Denver.  I find it very hard to believe he’s behind stidman.

And yet he is.  Why is this so hard to believe?  Stidham wouldn't be the first sh*tty veteran QB to outplay Zach Wilson within the same QB room and he won't be the last. 

You guys get so enamored with "arm talent" you fail to recognize that 32 out of 32 HC's in the NFL want a dependable QB2 with a decent floor.  That's what Stidham provides a team.  He's nothing special but also probably won't lose you a game on his own.  Zach is prone to implosion which is NOT what you want out of your backup.  And it's not like Zach has actually demonstrated this supposed huge upside he has outside of like 6 quarters of play his entire pro career.

Meanwhile, as @T0mShane pointed out - no pads should be Zach's time to shine.  So it's only going to get worse for him from here.  

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1 hour ago, Warfish said:

JD just sucked as a drafter till he lucked his ass into Sauce/Wilson/Hall.  Otherwise he's been a pretty sh*t GM in the draft, a fact no one seems to want to accept as yet, but give it time, lol.

There is plenty of verifiable evidence for this. These are actual facts. JD is a buffoon. 

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40 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

It was a joke. Any time we don’t get a clear answer on stuff we seem to care about (like the #2 pick having one of the more bizarre and confusing tenures in team history) the Woody water carriers play it off as something we shouldn’t care about anyways. 

I totally got the joke. It’s always the “beating a dead horse!” guys who have a million posts in the catalog defending the Zachs and Jamal Adamses of the world and instead of apologizing for being nutbags, they want to kick everything under the couch.

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48 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I don’t, actually. I’m just trying to fill time until the next scintillating “Does this long pass from Andrew Peasley to Xavier Gipson in 7 on 7’s make Gipson a lock for the WR5 job?” listicle from Costello. 

Is listicle like a small testicle?

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