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Happy Father's Day! Is/was your father a Jets fan?

Jets Fan?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. How much does/did your father love the Jets?

    • 100% FANATICAL Jets fan!
    • He was a fan and knew a lot about the team
    • Wasn't a huge fan but watched/followed the games
    • Didn't like or dislike the Jets
    • Didn't like the Jets
    • HATED THE JETS and always rooted against them

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My father came here from Italy in 1968 when he was 17 years old. He loved Joe Namath, who was the king of the world at the time.

My older brother (smartly) became a Giants fan when he got into football. This was during the Parcells/Harry Carson/Lawrence Taylor era.

Since my father had a fondness for the Jets, and to go against my d-bag brother, I became a Jets fan.

Been regretting that decision ever since.

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8 Sundays a year was Jets home games with my old man, who had season tickets (that were passed to him by my grandfather when he moved to FL, back when you could still transfer season tickets). One of the few benefits of being a child of divorce. 

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My dad has always been a Giants fan.  I can confirm two things about his feelings toward the Jets:

1. Even though I joke that I was conceived in celebration of the Jets winning SBIII, my dad was rooting for the Colts that day.  He was a big fan of straight-laced, crew-cutted Johnny Unitas, and while he has never come out and said it, I don’t think he liked Joe Willie at all.

2. Many years ago, we watched a Jets game on TV together and it became clear through body language and other subtle reactions that he was rooting against the Jets.

These days, he’ll discuss the Jets with me because he knows how big of a fan I am, and he says that he watches some of their games and even claims that he hopes they do well, but I don’t expect to see him in green and white anytime soon.

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My Dad HATES the Jets.  He is really a Colts fan (so I guess you can understand the reason for the hatred) but his "NY Team" is the Giants.  He sticks it to me every chance he can, whether it be the Colts or the Vagiants.  i don't even really remember why I became a Jets fan to be honest.  Where I grew up, almost everyone I knew was a Jets and Mets fan (1980s - Mets ruled NY).  So I was teased more for being a Yankees fan than a Jets fan.  How the times have changed.

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On 6/16/2024 at 6:50 PM, Lith said:

Didn't mean to sound like I was telling other people how to be a fan.  But I think it is different since you changed teams as a kid.  Could you picture yourself now, as an adult, changing teams because you picked up and moved. 

I had similar experience to you at about the same age.  I was 11 when the Islanders were founded.  Had been a Ranger fan until then.  At 11 years old, I suddenly had an NHL team 15 minutes from my house.  As I got a little older, I could go with my friends to an NHL game for $3 a ticket.  For a couple of years I rooted for both NY teams, but when they met in the playoffs in 75, it was time to choose sides.  I chose the Isles.

Well I grew up on L.I, but left for Texas for 25 years. I tried to be a good guy and root for the Houston teams but after the Wild Card game against the Oilers back in 93 the fans were such Aholes i never pulled for any of their teams again. And forget about living in Chicago. 

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Like sourcework said above my dad too was born in Italy and came to the US (but a few decades earlier than sourceworx's dad) and was also a huge Joe Namath fan . . . so I became a Jets fan too back in 1968.

Little did I know in 1968, when I was in grade school, that we would never have another Joe Namath-caliber quarterback who could take us back to the Super Bowl ever play for us again. 

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My father who was an immigrant who had played football in Europe used to curse in broken English at the Jets o-line for getting Namath killed on a weekly basis. I think he only discovered America football because that was what was on tv in the fall after baseball season

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

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