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sorry mike but I DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! There is not one "bone" in my closet that Max does not know about!

Honesty for me is so important, it is the core of a relationship. Without it there is no trust. If you cannot trust that your partner is ALWAYS being honest with you then what is the point of being in a relationship. Your partner is supposed to be there through it all with you no matter what, if you cannot be honest with them then maybe you are not being honest with yourself about them.

I don't think that honesty and revealing "bones" are synonymous. Don't ask, don't tell. Only tell if asked.

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sorry mike but I DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! There is not one "bone" in my closet that Max does not know about!

Honesty for me is so important, it is the core of a relationship. Without it there is no trust. If you cannot trust that your partner is ALWAYS being honest with you then what is the point of being in a relationship. Your partner is supposed to be there through it all with you no matter what, if you cannot be honest with them then maybe you are not being honest with yourself about them.

Max knows about all the "bones"?!?! Why is it that reminds me of the "snowball" scene in Clerks?

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sorry mike but I DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! There is not one "bone" in my closet that Max does not know about!

Honesty for me is so important, it is the core of a relationship. Without it there is no trust. If you cannot trust that your partner is ALWAYS being honest with you then what is the point of being in a relationship. Your partner is supposed to be there through it all with you no matter what, if you cannot be honest with them then maybe you are not being honest with yourself about them.

What about Max's closet ??:)
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I have a slightly different take on this. Of course, honesty is vital. Very. Absolutely, the ability to forgive is crucial. Very. Yet, I think, Honesty and Forgiveness are a byproduct of Respect. If you can't respect who that person "is" or what that person "means" - it can lead to all sorts of ills.

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124, what about girlfriends, friends, co-workers, family, business partners or any relationship you are engaged in? Don’t you think honesty with them is as important? Honesty just doesn’t apply to spouses.

Why is honesty important to those whom you don't really know? Coworkers, business partners, etc.? When it comes to the job, yeah you should be telling the truth and giving the right advice but outside of that, who cares about them?

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I was speaking in this context -- a mistake is made by one person. Then asked forgiveness and truly expressed regret. The other half needs to forgive and forget.

That is what I meant. Forgiveness in that context is important. Because we all screw up at times.

The repeated stuff, happening day after day -- that is a different story.

So serious, gee. :deshade:

With all those skeletons in your closet, JFBM must be an incredibly forgiving saint! No wonder she needs a vacation all the time.

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So serious, gee. :deshade:

With all those skeletons in your closet, JFBM must be an incredibly forgiving saint! No wonder she needs a vacation all the time.

Those aren't skeletons. They're 13 year old boys. He forgot to feed them, that's all.

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I was not speaking for max! I was simply stating what I believe in my heart.

I trust max with my entire life and have from the day we said "I Do". As for whether he has any bones , well you need to ask him not me.


There is a special, yet simple calm and contentment, that comes from being secure enough to respect, trust and honor without question or concern. What a happy place to be.

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There is a special, yet simple calm and contentment, that comes from being secure enough to respect, trust and honor without question or concern. What a happy place to be.

Max is a lucky guy -I have said that before but it is worth repeating.

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There is a special, yet simple calm and contentment, that comes from being secure enough to respect, trust and honor without question or concern. What a happy place to be.

I do not want to sound naive, I know people make mistakes and might have bones in their closets. I just truly believe that Max would do the right thing when it comes to us and our family. It is called trust and I choose to believe that any of the bones that he might or might not have will not influence our family one way or another. It is why i married him.

And Faba, I am lucky too!;)

BTW thanks garb and faba

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to me there is a big difference between lying to a direct question and withholding information that was never asked for.

GG withholding info in my opinion is just as bad if not worse.

When you are supposed to be able to trust someone there is not a clause stating that either party gets to choose what info they share or do not share.

Either you trust and respect each other wholeheartedly or you don't.

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GG withholding info in my opinion is just as bad if not worse.

When you are supposed to be able to trust someone there is not a clause stating that either party gets to choose what info they share or do not share.

Either you trust and respect each other wholeheartedly or you don't.

i disagree.. sometimes i think someone wants to "cleanse" themselves by unlading information that is not necessary for the other person to know and it turn hurts that person ... so the person who has unloaded has their burden lifted but in turn caused undue pain for the person they told.

life is very complicated... i dont think it is ever cut and dry... what works for someone doesnt always work for another person...

so while i agree with being honest.. i am not sure volunteering information that is not asked for is always a good thing.

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i disagree.. sometimes i think someone wants to "cleanse" themselves by unlading information that is not necessary for the other person to know and it turn hurts that person ... so the person who has unloaded has their burden lifted but in turn caused undue pain for the person they told.

life is very complicated... i dont think it is ever cut and dry... what works for someone doesnt always work for another person...

so while i agree with being honest.. i am not sure volunteering information that is not asked for is always a good thing.

This is what I was trying to say ,but with less typing hehehe ,but I agree with GG sometimes telling the truth or being honest is not always the right or smart thing to do depending on the person.I wish being honest was that cut and dry.Life would be a whole lot easier and less stressfull.
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i disagree.. sometimes i think someone wants to "cleanse" themselves by unlading information that is not necessary for the other person to know and it turn hurts that person ... so the person who has unloaded has their burden lifted but in turn caused undue pain for the person they told.

life is very complicated... i dont think it is ever cut and dry... what works for someone doesnt always work for another person...

so while i agree with being honest.. i am not sure volunteering information that is not asked for is always a good thing.

I agree with all you just said. I just personally would want the right to choose for myself how I would want to react to the info rather then maybe hearing the info from another person later on. No matter what, it is a tough call and very stressful.

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Let's cut to the chase here. It seems the issue is do you tell your current spouse, partner, etc. about your former lovers. I agree with GG here, honesty is good, but too much information may be hurtful to your partner, especially when there is nothing to be gained by knowing. In all other cases, be open and honest. I'm done :shutit:

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Let's cut to the chase here. It seems the issue is do you tell your current spouse, partner, etc. about your former lovers. I agree with GG here, honesty is good, but too much information may be hurtful to your partner, especially when there is nothing to be gained by knowing. In all other cases, be open and honest. I'm done :shutit:

This has nothing to do with past lover or your former sex life. This is a simple question about being honest with someone.

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This has nothing to do with past lover or your former sex life. This is a simple question about being honest with someone.

well i thinkit is generally a good idea to be honest with someone.. hows that, smiz?

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So serious, gee. :deshade:

With all those skeletons in your closet, JFBM must be an incredibly forgiving saint! No wonder she needs a vacation all the time.

She doesn't know about the skeletons. I keep telling her the light blew out so she is afraid to go in there!

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i disagree.. sometimes i think someone wants to "cleanse" themselves by unlading information that is not necessary for the other person to know and it turn hurts that person ... so the person who has unloaded has their burden lifted but in turn caused undue pain for the person they told.

life is very complicated... i dont think it is ever cut and dry... what works for someone doesnt always work for another person...

so while i agree with being honest.. i am not sure volunteering information that is not asked for is always a good thing.

I am bookmarking this one. Brilliant. I might have to call upon it as evidence in future testimony! haha!

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Let's cut to the chase here. It seems the issue is do you tell your current spouse, partner, etc. about your former lovers. I agree with GG here, honesty is good, but too much information may be hurtful to your partner, especially when there is nothing to be gained by knowing. In all other cases, be open and honest. I'm done :shutit:

Hopefully Mrs. DNA didn't set aside too much time to her about your past conquests. Talk about a short story!

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