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I'm sorry Mrs. T, but wikipedia is not a citeable resource.

Oh, don't talk to me about citing. I nearly failed my theology course this past spring for not citing properly. Holy God. I've written so many damn papers, mostly business-related, and this theology course threw me. I was really not all that familiar with citing and f'd it up big time!!! At least she gave me another chance and I passed the class. I really just didn't care and was trying to skate through the class.... well, I learned my lesson. :shutit:

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This thread may be an inside joke I dont' get... but threads about Honesty seem a little "touchy-feely" for a football site.

If this thread is part of a lover's quarrel, I suggest a PM to the offending party. Bringing these disputes to the public domain just isn't civil.

But when the breakup is final, you should demand your chaps back.

Just sayin'

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In all honesty, honesty is the most vital component of a relationship. I honestly feel that way, honestly I do. To be honest, I honestly could not find a more important requirement to ask of your partner than complete and utter honesty. Honestly.

Can someone honestly tell me what happened to the honesty thread. I may be stoned, but I swear there was this complete f'n thread about honesty and when I went to reply, there was nothin' there. What the piss is going on around here; I want honesty!

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In all honesty, honesty is the most vital component of a relationship. I honestly feel that way, honestly I do. To be honest, I honestly could not find a more important requirement to ask of your partner than complete and utter honesty. Honestly.

Can someone honestly tell me what happened to the honesty thread. I may be stoned, but I swear there was this complete f'n thread about honesty and when I went to reply, there was nothin' there. What the piss is going on around here; I want honesty!

I agree 200% . Honestly...I don't know what your talking about.

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In all honesty, honesty is the most vital component of a relationship. I honestly feel that way, honestly I do. To be honest, I honestly could not find a more important requirement to ask of your partner than complete and utter honesty. Honestly.

Can someone honestly tell me what happened to the honesty thread. I may be stoned, but I swear there was this complete f'n thread about honesty and when I went to reply, there was nothin' there. What the piss is going on around here; I want honesty!

ha ha ha. Yeah, I was replying too and *poof* gone. Mod power.

Smizzy giveth and taketh away.


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ha ha ha. Yeah, I was replying too and *poof* gone. Mod power.

Smizzy giveth and taketh away.


I think you guys need to put the Hookah down and stop smoking for tonight. There are more brain cells to fry tomorrow guys.

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Damn, my neighbor just brought over a new sack. usually her stuff is pretty lame. this time, i can't figure out what the flip is going on 5 minutes after i toke. threads are movin and shakin like barry sanders...


Atleast she is sharing with you. you should try to hit that.

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Atleast she is sharing with you. you should try to hit that.

sharing $hit; she's my dealer! and the only hittin' i should be doin' his her head with my fryin' pan; she was short three grams! plus she's bigger than me and i'm kinda scared of her!

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I honestly say, don't trust anyone who starts off by saying, "In all honesty.... or honestly...or this is the honest truth...or honest to God..."

I agree! I always believed that anyone who starts off like that is about to be dishonest. And even if they aren't, they sure do put that thought into my mind and I'll never know.

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What are your thoughts on Honesty in life and in a relationship JN?

Honesty is the second biggest key to a good relationship. It is very important. To live together and truly be happy you have to know that your other half is truthful with you. There can be no doubt. You have to trust. That is why honesty is imporant, without it the trust is gone.

The biggest key to a relationship is forgiveness. We all screw up at times. When your partner screws up it is easy to blame them. If the person really loves you and you know this, it is far better to be the bigger person. To tell them that you truly forgive them. That you want to walk hand in hand and rectify this situation. There has to be sincere desire on both parts to regain trust after honesty has been lost.

But when you can forgive one another you make a whole new day possible. Sometimes a new day is enough to help us see clearly and remember why we fell in love in the first place. New beginnings, forgiveness makes it happen.

That's enough from me. I have to run and change my tampon now.

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Honesty is the second biggest key to a good relationship. It is very important. To live together and truly be happy you have to know that your other half is truthful with you. There can be no doubt. You have to trust. That is why honesty is imporant, without it the trust is gone.

The biggest key to a relationship is forgiveness. We all screw up at times. When your partner screws up it is easy to blame them. If the person really loves you and you know this, it is far better to be the bigger person. To tell them that you truly forgive them. That you want to walk hand in hand and rectify this situation. There has to be sincere desire on both parts to regain trust after honesty has been lost.

But when you can forgive one another you make a whole new day possible. Sometimes a new day is enough to help us see clearly and remember why we fell in love in the first place. New beginnings, forgiveness makes it happen.

That's enough from me. I have to run and change my tampon now.


How many times do you go out of your way to be the bigger one in the situation only to get the same result and put in the same spot?

You can only forgive someone so many times. You can only be dishonest so many times before it becomes an unforgivable problem.

I think someone who is honest is more likely to be forgiven,no?

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How many times do you go out of your way to be the bigger one in the situation only to get the same result and put in the same spot?

You can only forgive someone so many times. You can only be dishonest so many times before it becomes an unforgivable problem.

I think someone who is honest is more likely to be forgiven,no?

Yes, because people feel that their giving forgiveness is not part of the other person taking advantage of you. The more honest you are = the less times needed to be forgiven = morelikely to be forgiven, because you are trustworthy.

But, also, another factor in this is how easily do you forgive. Their previous actions where you forgave them makes them more inclined to forgive you, even if it's just because he did it to me. If you don't forgive, chances are you won't be forgiven.

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How many times do you go out of your way to be the bigger one in the situation only to get the same result and put in the same spot?

I think someone who is honest is more likely to be forgiven,no?

Interesting questions.

Forgiveness doesnt have to be mutual, although ideally it would be.

If you find that you are consistently being the bigger person, only to be put in the same situation again, you have to conclude that the other person just doesnt have the same tools that you have.

When people are deceiving themselves and deep down not being honest with themselves, it is easier to understand why they arent being honest with you. They have to admit their idea/actions are wrong in order to appreciate that you may be correct.

People who live under self-delusions arent going to give credit to others whose viewpoint conflicts with their own- unless they somehow have a metamorphosis and make a conscious effort to understand the other person's viewpoint.

In the absence of such enlightenment, you just have to conclude that they arent being honest with themselves, and dont have the tools needed to forgive you. Chances are they will view your forgiveness as reinforcement of their own narrow mindset. They are self-absorbed, but dont lower yourself to their level. Be content that you have enough heart to forgive, and the intelligence to understand their deficiencies.

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How many times do you go out of your way to be the bigger one in the situation only to get the same result and put in the same spot?

You can only forgive someone so many times. You can only be dishonest so many times before it becomes an unforgivable problem.

I think someone who is honest is more likely to be forgiven,no?

Well it is a two way street. Certainly is a personal decision but yes at some point you have to realize that the other person is not being sincere. At that point forgiveness won't much matter either way as the problem will continue to repeat itself.

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Who will make your dinner? I doubt SJ will make you dinner with that attitude!

I can cook somethings and will just continue to learn from my father and step mother! I mean after all, my father cooked for me for 11 years between my mothers death and his re-marriage to my step mother, and his food was amazing, so I'm sure he can teach me even more than he already has. I can learn all I need to know about cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. from my father because he had to do it for all those years after my mother passed away.

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Honestly there is No such thing,None

Men and women will always have a couple of bones in thier closets that they will take with them to the grave,and you can honestly do nothing about it.

Sad ,but true I know

sorry mike but I DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! There is not one "bone" in my closet that Max does not know about!

Honesty for me is so important, it is the core of a relationship. Without it there is no trust. If you cannot trust that your partner is ALWAYS being honest with you then what is the point of being in a relationship. Your partner is supposed to be there through it all with you no matter what, if you cannot be honest with them then maybe you are not being honest with yourself about them.

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