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Where/When did you meet your husband/wife.


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She was the Assistant GM at a Ruby Tuesdays. She hired me as a server. 10 Years later, 2 kids, a dog, a house and 1300 miles from Albany.:P

I didn't know you were from the Albany area?

Latham girl here! :)

I met my husband at the Metro in Saratoga Springs.

I think I'll hold off on the story though. :lol:

17 years, 3 kids, enough pets to be considered a zoo (my opinion, at least) and still in the Albany area, and all is well.

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I didn't know you were from the Albany area?

Latham girl here! :)

I met my husband at the Metro in Saratoga Springs.

I think I'll hold off on the story though. :lol:

17 years, 3 kids, enough pets to be considered a zoo (my opinion, at least) and still in the Albany area, and all is well.



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15 years ago, I was 16. We drank together, I passed out and cracked my nose open. She mended it while I grabbed her ass. We started dating about a year later when I was 17 or so. Broke up, I went to college and banged every chick within 3 yards of me, then came back to her when I was 20 and never looked back. I guess you could say my wife is like pizza, I've tried all the rest......now I have the best.

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Anyone in the military that has done basic training pre-1990, knows it was deprivation in basic compared to today's mixed sex basic.

After 8+ weeks, went to Advanced Individual Training and the first weekend saw a girl that was cute. We hit off immediately and became our companies first couple. 15 mos. later we were married. Like LJ, 17 years later and three kids we are still going strong.

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Anyone in the military that has done basic training pre-1990, knows it was deprivation in basic compared to today's mixed sex basic.

After 8+ weeks, went to Advanced Individual Training and the first weekend saw a girl that was cute. We hit off immediately and became our companies first couple. 15 mos. later we were married. Like LJ, 17 years later and three kids we are still going strong.

Thats a neat story PF - good for you man.

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Ah, what the hell, it's kind of silly, but...

I was dragged to the Metro that night by a girlfriend who had the hots for some bassist in the band that was playing that night. As if bassists are sexy! (just kidding, DK and other bassists out there! :))

Anyway, while she's out flirting, I'm being hit on by some drunk. Sloppy drunk, not cute drunk. The guy is practically falling on me, begging me to dance and (I kid you not) playing "air guitar" to who knows what. Thankfully, between the spillage and some sips, his beer was empty, so he excused himself to get another.

I glanced down the bar, anxiously looking for any familar face to run to. I worked in Saratoga at the time so it was not unusual to see a friend or co-worker here. Sadly, none were there that night. I did however, see a tall, cute guy at the bar. So I waved him over. He smiled and looked away!!!!! :(

Scary guy was coming back, so I glanced at tall, cutie again and waved him over again.

This time he obliged! :) I asked him to dance, the band was playing "Knocking on Heaven's Door".

That dance turned into an engagement eight months later and a marraige one year after that.

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Ah, what the hell, it's kind of silly, but...

I was dragged to the Metro that night by a girlfriend who had the hots for some bassist in the band that was playing that night. As if bassists are sexy! (just kidding, DK and other bassists out there! :))

Anyway, while she's out flirting, I'm being hit on by some drunk. Sloppy drunk, not cute drunk. The guy is practically falling on me, begging me to dance and (I kid you not) playing "air guitar" to who knows what. Thankfully, between the spillage and some sips, his beer was empty, so he excused himself to get another.

I glanced down the bar, anxiously looking for any familar face to run to. I worked in Saratoga at the time so it was not unusual to see a friend or co-worker here. Sadly, none were there that night. I did however, see a tall, cute guy at the bar. So I waved him over. He smiled and looked away!!!!! :(

Scary guy was coming back, so I glanced at tall, cutie again and waved him over again.

This time he obliged! :) I asked him to dance, the band was playing "Knocking on Heaven's Door".

That dance turned into an engagement eight months later and a marraige one year after that.

That story haunts Max ever since, he wishes he wouldn't have gone to get that extra beer

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Anyone in the military that has done basic training pre-1990, knows it was deprivation in basic compared to today's mixed sex basic.

After 8+ weeks, went to Advanced Individual Training and the first weekend saw a girl that was cute. We hit off immediately and became our companies first couple. 15 mos. later we were married. Like LJ, 17 years later and three kids we are still going strong.

So what you're trying to tell us is you dig women in combat boots? J/k

Ok, I'll go.

1989 I was on a construction site, I was on a demolition crew gutting apartments. I see a group of what I thought were Puerto Rican chics putting flyers in all the mailboxes. So I tried to explain "nobody lives here" but their English wasn't too good.

Anyway, they then mill about in the parking lot, and they are checking out my bike, so I asked the once chic if she wants to go for a ride. So she gave me her number and I called and went to her place in Harrison NJ.

There were a dozens of Brazilians there, playing guitars and singing. At first I was kind of uncomfortable, and thought maybe one of the dudes their was that chic's husband or something and I was about to get my *ss kicked.

Long story short, we didn't go for a ride, "Lee" and her friends just took turns sitting on my bike and taking each others pictures. Then I went home thinking that date went over like a lead balloon.

A week later I get a call and it's Lee, and she wants to go for a ride. Only problem, I dumped my bike, so I had to borrow my friend Joe's bike. We took a ride all over Watchung and Mountainside then I had to drive down to Hazlet NJ to return Joe's bike. Joe said he would give us a ride back to Elizabeth (where I lived at the time) later. So I get to Joe's house, and Joe and his wife Dina ask us to stay and we could cook out on the grill so we're like, cool. So me, Joe, and his baby get in his car to go pick up the food. Joe buys a case of beer and on the way back from the store, he starts cracking 'em open, sucking 'em down and shoving the empties under the seat. I'm like, "dude theres a baby in the car are you nuts" but Joe is kind of crazy.

When we get back, Dina says we forgot something so she grabs the car keys and goes out to the car, and like 30 seconds later she's back in the kitchen, clutching a smashed up beer can and fire in her eyes.

She throws it at Joe and hits him in the neck with the can, so Joe commences to beat her up so I grab Joe and then Dina starts working him over. I'm like, "F this" and I let him go. Dina runs outside with Joe in pursuit and he catches her by the shirt on the front lawn, she keeps running and her shirt rips off and she's not wearing a bra. I look at my date, and she's got this horrified look on her face. Long story short, the cops showed up me and Lee walked down to RT 35 or 34 I forgot which at some strip mall.

Dina's stepfather was nice enough to come pick us up and give us a lift home.

I figured "I will never, ever see this chic again".

But about a year later we got married so the story has a happy ending.

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JetMo --

I have no idea if that story is true or not. Either way that is incredible. Incredible if it happened, more so if you wrote that and it didn't.

Wow. :P

It's a true story.


It's funny, 'cos Joe was back in NJ a few months ago (he was living down in Florida) and he called me up. He's like "Dude, we gotta hook up and have a few beers" I'm like "Sure, sure Joe, sounds great" just patronizing him. I had no intention of visiting him, even less inviting him over.

He got arrested 3 times in one week and I guess he's back in Florida where he also has warrants out for his arrest.

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Good thread. Some great stories from some of you guys. I wish I had something to add to this, but Florida State girls aren't exactly relationship types, and considering I'm going to Japan or Europe next summer for what could be up to two years, I think I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to be single for a bit.

Jetmo, you must have one great lady to be able to stick with you through that kind of story.

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