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Moss Injury Serious?


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Although the team insists he'll be fine, we hear there's some lingering concern about Randy Moss' hamstring injury. Hamstring injuries have a propensity for keeping players sidelined for lengthy periods of time, especially for players as old as Moss. The injury is similar to the one WR Chad Jackson sustained last year -- one that kept the rookie on the bench for the majority of his rookie season.

From ESPN.com

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I want a W... and it can have 10000000 excuses attached.

Well, hopefully Brady will lose his ability to put any ZIP on any of his passes and Pennigton is ZIPPING the ball all over the place because ZIP is the most important quality of a QB because it means he can hit his WR's with ZIP on his passes!:)

And, btw, good point...I agree

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I want a W... and it can have 10000000 excuses attached.

I feel exactly the same way. I will take any advantage we can get. We have plenty of time to say why it didn't help them win. We just need them to win first.


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I don't care, a win is a win no matter who is missing. We see them again anyway.

Yeah seriously. It's their problem if they're not at full strength, it's not like we haven't had our fair share of injuries these past few years, instead of saying we were missing players everyone made fun of us for sucking.

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Blah Blah Blah. I will never believe anything from outside sources talking about the Patriots. You never know what Belichick has under his sleeves. Moss will play on the 9th and will make plays. Deal with it.

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in 2005 when they were kicking the crap out of us 16-3 with Brooks Bollinger at QB is there an asterisk at the end of the Pats record that says the Jets weren't at full strength? I don't care if Matt Cassell is at QB ands Moss, Stallworth, Welker, and Maroney are also hurt I WANT TO WIN-screw that "I don't want any excuses" nonsense

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