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Dropping The Ball


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Dropping the Ball

Posted at 2:46 pm in Featured Editorials, Tyson Rauch by Max

By Tyson Rauch

Throughout his tenure as a New York Jet Laveranues Coles has endeared himself to the fans with his toughness, determination and heart. His team first attitude and tough as nails approach was second to none and made him a very integral part of the Gang Green’s offense.

All of this cumulated with Laveranues becoming a team captain prior to the 2007 season. In many aspects there was no better example to be around for the influx of new players the Jets were bringing in during their rebuilding process. Now in March of 2008 there are reports that Mr. Coles has decided that he is not being compensated fairly by the New York Jets and wants his contract restructured and or extended. And in an effort to prove his point he has decided that he will not attend mini-camps or passing camps, and mentioned a possible training camp holdout as well. Of course this was communicated through the media leaving the Jets in a precarious situation. In response the Jets reportedly offered to guarantee Coles $11 million dollars over the next 2 years, which was unprecedented. This offer was rebuffed as Laveranues felt this compensation did not match what he brings to the team in talent, effort and leadership. Lets keep in mind that Coles received approximately $21 million dollars in signing bonuses over the past 5 years.

Well Laveranues as a long time fan of yours I have to admit I cannot be more disappointed in your actions. Throughout your career as a New York Jet you have been compensated like a valued wide receiver, as well as played in a major market where you could capitalize on marketing opportunities. There can be arguments made that you were the highest paid wide receiver the New York Jets have ever had. But all of this is just not good enough for you. You have earned the respect of your peers in the NFL as well as fans nationwide. In addition you were given the responsibility to being a role model/leader for the young players on the Jets which at first you embraced. Now you are going to give all of this the middle finger because $11 million dollars over the next 2 years is not good enough for you.

Are you kidding me? What exactly are you trying to accomplish here, beg your way off of the Jets? Or maybe all along your true color has really just been green. Regardless LC you are dropping the ball on this one. This franchise has been there for you, maybe once you could be there for them. It is times like this that I miss classy athletes like Curtis Martin and not the members of the “show me the money” group that you are becoming a solid member of. Enjoy your next stop Laveranues.

Parting Shots:

· In keeping with the dropping of the ball theme, the Jets missed an opportunity to get Kerry Rhodes locked up this winter. Now with big deals given to players like Gibril Wilson the bar has been set high to keep Rhodes, which could have been avoided.

· This is clearly the offseason that will make or break this regime with all of this money being spent on free agents. Here is hoping for once the Jets got it right..if not could set them back a while.

· With the signing of Alan Faneca and Tony Richardson the Jets will clearly be trying to establish a strong running game. That will fit in perfect with Chad Pennington’s play action pass and game management. Face it people Chad will be the starter.


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It is looking like Chad will be the starter. But an open competition and let them battle it out. May the best man win.

As far as Coles goes, I hope this is just the media stirring up crap. The Jets offering to guarantee that final 2 years \ 11 million seems like a pretty fair offer. More than fair.

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Tyson you are spot on. Probably not just the media stirring the pot and it sounds way too much like LC. The Jerry Mcguire, show me the money players needs to get real. He did the same thing when he left the first time. Great post...

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LAME article. How can you write an entire article, or 90% of one, bashing Coles for something you CLAIM he did that it was never 100% acknowledged he did?

It's almost TOO OBVIOUS that Coles said it.. to the point that some beat writer made it up and figured people would believe it!


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It is looking like Chad will be the starter.


Great, just great. I use to be the biggest Chad Supporter in the world, I use to get so mad at Kellen supportes because I thought Chad was the QB who gives this Jets the best chance to win games, then I seen Kellen play as a first year started and I loved his strong arm, I loved how he could escape the pocket and pick up extra yards with his legs and I also loved the poise he showed in the pocket for a 1st year starter, BEHIND one of the worst O-Lines in the league.

Now its looking like Chad is going to be the starter, we have a 3-4 Defense thats starting to look solid, a tough offensive line, and we will play a QB who Dink and Dunks, throws INT's on simpe out and curl routes, has no more confidence as a starter and struggles against a tough defense. Great, just great.

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Maybe, that doesn't matter.

If Chad gets us to the playoffs Mangini couldn't give two ****s what happens after that, he knows his job will be secure.

Going with Clemens is a risk I can't see Mangini taking TBH. I doubt we'll ever see Clemens play for the Jets again.

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what? the Jets can't find any players to compliment Clemens' bad decision making and lack of height? shocking.

Chad made bad decisions all year long! it started in the preseason with 2 TD's thrown to the opposing defense (Vikings) and it ended in the regular season on simple 7 yard out routes. Lets not forget that Kellen was a first year starter while Pennington has been a veteran for YEARS now

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Clemens moved the ball better than Chad did and won more games with his opportunity. Give him the good offensive line and watch him improve by leaps and bounds this year. Chad has hit his ceiling and it aint very high.

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lol that was a mistake Irish Jet made when he qupted a post by me...

I never said that, never. Kellen is the young QB i wanna see with the Jets

LOL! Dont know how that happened DieHard, the message was intended for IrishJet!

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Just because you fix one of the most broken O-lines in history and sign a good blocker doesn't mean you are going to do nothing but run the ball and throw 5 yard PA passes all season. At least I hope not. Chad must be traded, we must move on... I don't know that Kellen is the answer but we need to get Chad behind us already...

And if Coles want to bitch and whine like that, it really bothers me.. I always considered him a standup guy.. until now. Cotchery should be offensive captain, especially after his recent comments you can tell he's suitable for the position. Who is with me on that?

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This is a a touchy situation for the Jets. One on hand LC is their best receiver and great in the clutch. On the other hand he is 30 years old and prone to injuries. I just don't think he has been spectacular enough to restructure his contract and he should have taken the deal offered and kept his mouth shut. Now at best we will have a disgruntled player for the next 2 years. I don't see any other choice than to look to deal him but no team in their right mind would give him a long term deal.

With regards to the QB situation. I just don't think Kellen Clemens has been given a fair shot yet. I would hate to see the Jets, after spending all that money on free agents, go into this season starting Pennington at QB. If that happens then the signal is sent to Clemens that the team has lost confidence in him as the the future QB, and if Chad fails (and he will) then what ? Yeah, Chad is the smarter, more experienced QB, so what. Opposing defenses have him all figured out and the sideline dinks are not working anymore. Get behind Kellen as the starter and give him the opportunity to succeed with a much better offensive line and a few games as a starter last year under his belt. If he fails miserably than you can put in Chad and look for the next future QB.

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Besides the fact that going back to Chad to start the season makes little sense; why does trying to improve the running game, and o-line as a whole, mean they want Chad as the starter?? Someone needs to explain that logic to me. Last I checked every QB in the league benefits from a good offensive line. To argue that improving the running game means they lean towards either QB is absurd.

I tend to think they lean towards starting Clemens then going back to Chad if he falters, but improving the o-line has little impact on that decision.

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Here is my situation:

I would love KC to beat out Chad in camp, unfortunately I can't see it happening because I think Chad is the better QB, simple as that.

I will support whoever.

I agree Chad is the better QB...at throwing 4th quarter INT's in close games that make the Jets to lose. I can't believe people still want to watch that for another season.

We know what Chad brings. We don't know about Kellen yet so we might as well find out.

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I just don't understand why everyone is thinking that based on all the moves the Jets have made this offseason, that they were all in theory, made for the betterment of Chad Pennington as QB of this team. I am sorry, I too have loved Chad Pennington back with Bill Parcells and Herm Edwards, because we had no other choice, it was a young Chad Pennington who was accurate, had a weaker arm than most little leaguers but most of all was a SMART QB or we had 45 Yr. Old Vinny Testaverde who had a weaker arm than tee-ballers and was a gutsy QB. Does anyone remember what we did when Vinny and Chad (I may be wrong on the amount of times this happened) but both got injured (separate seasons obviously) on opening day with achilles and/or shoulder problems...and a couple of those years who but Ray Lucas!!! led us to playoffs (maybe that is etched in my brain as the overall decade of my jets fanhood)...

But the time has come for Kellen Clemens to be our new Chad Pennington in this new decade. He has a stronger arm, is younger with more upside than Chad, had the worst or second worst O-Line in football (When you hear the names of your LG and RT more than your WR's and RB's, because they're GETTING BEAT ALL THE TIME FOR SACKS, you know its gotten bad)...Mangini has made all these off season moves for the explicit goal of letting Kellen have his "Ben Roethlisberger" year(s) or you could even say "Eli Manning" year(s), don't get me wrong those QB's did/do have 10 times more talent at the offensive impact positions, possibly other than RB, but as with any sport you can see it with LeBron (sorry to bring in other meaningless leagues like the NBA) and Eli, and the Mets...with young Leaders at key positions on the team, you need to let them grow. Yes, Mangini needs to win this year, but I don't believe that unless he gets us to the PLAYOFFS this year, he's gone along with Tannenbaum. Woody invested this much money, which was unprecedented, he didnt do it for Parcells, he didnt do it for Herm...but he did it for this young Genius...He is a genius and every real Jets fan sees what he is doing and what he is capable of...Let's Go Jets!! WIN THOSE CLOSE ONES and T-JONES = 1,600 Yds NEXT YEAR; 10-6/11-5...kind of an easy schedule...on paper, we all know what that means, but im telling you...new season, new results!

(Someone's bound to rip me apart, but I love these Jets way too much)

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Just because you fix one of the most broken O-lines in history and sign a good blocker doesn't mean you are going to do nothing but run the ball and throw 5 yard PA passes all season. At least I hope not. Chad must be traded, we must move on... I don't know that Kellen is the answer but we need to get Chad behind us already...

And if Coles want to bitch and whine like that, it really bothers me.. I always considered him a standup guy.. until now. Cotchery should be offensive captain, especially after his recent comments you can tell he's suitable for the position. Who is with me on that?

Right on the money! I too loved Coles' ability to always play when it appeared other players with the same physical ailments couldnt and wouldnt, he goes across the middle, and in the past has represented the Jets well as a team Captain. Even without knowing that the "anonymous" jet who made those remarks about the new guys coming in, although it reeked of Coles (granted, possibly CBaker too), I'm going to go based on facts. Coles is too SMALL!!! Coles gets hit too hard, all the time (HOw many Concussions does he have?!?) We offer to guarantee $11 MILLION!! to this (in my estimation) overrated undersized WR who, YES is a Gamer, is Tough...and he scoffed at this unprecedented Front Office move...TOUGH DOESNT EQUAL TALENT!!! and I'm sorry Mr. Coles, you've been there for Gang Green in the past, but I think your time here is limited (very limited, considering Draft Day is coming up soon)...I'll take a young WR who shuts his mouth and does what he's told and who maybe is taller than 5'9''!!!!!!!!

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