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I LOVE my Rangers


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Rangers fans are mostly a bunch of trendy cowards. Look at the threads from just two years ago when the Devils swept them out of the first round. Hardly any Rangers fans posted about that series. Now all of a sudden it's Rangers-mania on this site because they won a playoff series.

There are some genuine Ranger fans out there like someof the fans who sit in the blue heaven seats in the Garden and Boningo on WFAN but most of them just root for the team when they're good and then hide underneath a rock or don't follow hockey for periods like most of the past 10 years when they sucked.

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Rangers fans are mostly a bunch of trendy cowards. Look at the threads from just two years ago when the Devils swept them out of the first round. Hardly any Rangers fans posted about that series. Now all of a sudden it's Rangers-mania on this site because they won a playoff series.

There are some genuine Ranger fans out there like someof the fans who sit in the blue heaven seats in the Garden and Boningo on WFAN but most of them just root for the team when they're good and then hide underneath a rock or don't follow hockey for periods like most of the past 10 years when they sucked.

Haha. A Devils fan questioning the loyalty of Ranger fans. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

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Haha. A Devils fan questioning the loyalty of Ranger fans. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Loyalty has zero to do with the Devils not selling tickets...there just aren't that many Devils fans, period.

When the Devils came here, everyone in North Jersey was a Ranger fan, and some Islander fans. Everyone in Central Jersey and South Jersey were Flyer fans. Why the Devils would come here from Colorado in the 1st place is beyond me, but just because a team comes into the area, are you going to switch teams you root for? NO, not if you are a real fan of the team you already root for!

Bottom line is Devils don't have that many fans, that they can sell out too many games. Rangers have a large, real fan base, and a bunch of suits that have season tickets in the lower level at MSG that couldn't tell you the difference between the red line and the blue line. The Devils don't have the corporate season ticket base, so the season ticket fans can sit anywhere in the building, in MSG they have to sit in the blues or greens. Most Ranger fans can't get tickets at MSG, so they go to NJ or the Island. Since Devils tickets go onsale through ticketmaster, ANYONE can get them. Ranger fans know this, and flood ticketmaster for regular season and post season games. Being a 14 year Devils season ticket holder, I deal with it and understand my team doesn't have the same size fan base as the Rangers do. That won't make me root for them any less, or hand back in the 3 cups they have won since I started rooting for them in 1982.

How many fans you have has nothing to do with loyalty.

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Rangers fans are mostly a bunch of trendy cowards. Look at the threads from just two years ago when the Devils swept them out of the first round. Hardly any Rangers fans posted about that series. Now all of a sudden it's Rangers-mania on this site because they won a playoff series.

There are some genuine Ranger fans out there like someof the fans who sit in the blue heaven seats in the Garden and Boningo on WFAN but most of them just root for the team when they're good and then hide underneath a rock or don't follow hockey for periods like most of the past 10 years when they sucked.


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Loyalty has zero to do with the Devils not selling tickets...there just aren't that many Devils fans, period.

When the Devils came here, everyone in North Jersey was a Ranger fan, and some Islander fans. Everyone in Central Jersey and South Jersey were Flyer fans. Why the Devils would come here from Colorado in the 1st place is beyond me, but just because a team comes into the area, are you going to switch teams you root for? NO, not if you are a real fan of the team you already root for!

Bottom line is Devils don't have that many fans, that they can sell out too many games. Rangers have a large, real fan base, and a bunch of suits that have season tickets in the lower level at MSG that couldn't tell you the difference between the red line and the blue line. The Devils don't have the corporate season ticket base, so the season ticket fans can sit anywhere in the building, in MSG they have to sit in the blues or greens. Most Ranger fans can't get tickets at MSG, so they go to NJ or the Island. Since Devils tickets go onsale through ticketmaster, ANYONE can get them. Ranger fans know this, and flood ticketmaster for regular season and post season games. Being a 14 year Devils season ticket holder, I deal with it and understand my team doesn't have the same size fan base as the Rangers do. That won't make me root for them any less, or hand back in the 3 cups they have won since I started rooting for them in 1982.

How many fans you have has nothing to do with loyalty.

Not trying to be nasty here but the Devils have been here what nearly 25 years ? That is basically a generation of fans that they have had the chance to try and woo over and it is just as bad now as it was back in 1984.

I'm just gonna leave at it that. I have a respect for the Devils organization for what they have done on the ice. Winning 3 Cups in 9 years in a real nice accomplishment and should be noted. What they have done off the ice though, that is another story.

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most kids grow up rooting for whoever their parents root for. therefore, if guys who were kids in the early '80's grew up rooting for their dad's team, most of them would be rooting for the Rangers or Islanders. Devils fans are mostly fans who weren't hockey fans in 1982, or didn't really have an allegiance to any team when the Devils came around. To put a 4th team in the area wasn't so smart, and that 4th team will ALWAYS be the 4th most popular team, that's just a fact.

The Devils just don't have that many fans, period, but those of us that have been die hards for more than 20 years, and guys like myself who has had full 41 game season tickets for 14 years, are loyal.

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Loyalty has zero to do with the Devils not selling tickets...there just aren't that many Devils fans, period.

When the Devils came here, everyone in North Jersey was a Ranger fan, and some Islander fans. Everyone in Central Jersey and South Jersey were Flyer fans. Why the Devils would come here from Colorado in the 1st place is beyond me, but just because a team comes into the area, are you going to switch teams you root for? NO, not if you are a real fan of the team you already root for!

Bottom line is Devils don't have that many fans, that they can sell out too many games. Rangers have a large, real fan base, and a bunch of suits that have season tickets in the lower level at MSG that couldn't tell you the difference between the red line and the blue line. The Devils don't have the corporate season ticket base, so the season ticket fans can sit anywhere in the building, in MSG they have to sit in the blues or greens. Most Ranger fans can't get tickets at MSG, so they go to NJ or the Island. Since Devils tickets go onsale through ticketmaster, ANYONE can get them. Ranger fans know this, and flood ticketmaster for regular season and post season games. Being a 14 year Devils season ticket holder, I deal with it and understand my team doesn't have the same size fan base as the Rangers do. That won't make me root for them any less, or hand back in the 3 cups they have won since I started rooting for them in 1982.

How many fans you have has nothing to do with loyalty.

All very good points to be sure, but the Rangers were still selling out their games even when we sucked pre-lockout. And the Rangers play in Manhattan so of course there are going to be some suits at the game, but what are you gonna do about it? It's not like the suits want to go to games in Newark.

My main point is that when it comes to hockey PN really has no f'ing clue what he's talking about, and I think you can agree with me on that.

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All very good points to be sure, but the Rangers were still selling out their games even when we sucked pre-lockout. And the Rangers play in Manhattan so of course there are going to be some suits at the game, but what are you gonna do about it? It's not like the suits want to go to games in Newark.

My main point is that when it comes to hockey PN really has no f'ing clue what he's talking about, and I think you can agree with me on that.

agreed...on all points! :)

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most kids grow up rooting for whoever their parents root for. therefore, if guys who were kids in the early '80's grew up rooting for their dad's team, most of them would be rooting for the Rangers or Islanders. Devils fans are mostly fans who weren't hockey fans in 1982, or didn't really have an allegiance to any team when the Devils came around. To put a 4th team in the area wasn't so smart, and that 4th team will ALWAYS be the 4th most popular team, that's just a fact.

Actually, the majority of people I know are fans of whatever team their parents hated because they either found it natural to rebel or their parents pushed it on them too hard. That's what happened to me, and is why I'm a Jets/Rangers/Knicks/Yankees fan instead of Dolphins or Giants/Islanders/Nets/Mets fan.

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Actually, the majority of people I know are fans of whatever team their parents hated because they either found it natural to rebel or their parents pushed it on them too hard. That's what happened to me, and is why I'm a Jets/Rangers/Knicks/Yankees fan instead of Dolphins or Giants/Islanders/Nets/Mets fan.

Or in the case of most Rangers fans they're casual-at best hockey fans who root for the Rangers when they're good like in the 90s and then go into hiding from 1998 until about the next time they beat the Devils in a playoff series in 2008.

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Or in the case of most Rangers fans they're casual-at best hockey fans who root for the Rangers when they're good like in the 90s and then go into hiding from 1998 until about the next time they beat the Devils in a playoff series in 2008.

Dude, get over yourself. Your team lost. No need to attack everything related to the Rangers to make yourself feel better. That's just childish.

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most kids grow up rooting for whoever their parents root for. therefore, if guys who were kids in the early '80's grew up rooting for their dad's team, most of them would be rooting for the Rangers or Islanders. Devils fans are mostly fans who weren't hockey fans in 1982, or didn't really have an allegiance to any team when the Devils came around. To put a 4th team in the area wasn't so smart, and that 4th team will ALWAYS be the 4th most popular team, that's just a fact.

The Devils just don't have that many fans, period, but those of us that have been die hards for more than 20 years, and guys like myself who has had full 41 game season tickets for 14 years, are loyal.


Go Rangers !

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Or in the case of most Rangers fans they're casual-at best hockey fans who root for the Rangers when they're good like in the 90s and then go into hiding from 1998 until about the next time they beat the Devils in a playoff series in 2008.

Like I said, the Rangers were selling out games even when we sucked pre-lockout. Deal with it. And for the sake of us all, stfu.

And I root for all the same teams as my dad fwiw.

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I grew up in the 70's an my dad was a Bruins fan...Bobby Orr...

I was a Phil Espisito RANGER fan.....

He was a Giant ...i was a HOWIE LONG raider fan till 77 then became a JET for life

I LOVE my Yankees since 77 also....

My son is a Giant Yankee an Devils...go figure!

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Or in the case of most Rangers fans they're casual-at best hockey fans who root for the Rangers when they're good like in the 90s and then go into hiding from 1998 until about the next time they beat the Devils in a playoff series in 2008.

Yeah but we do know how to sell out playoff games. As a matter of fact we even know how to sell out Devils playoff games. :P

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Yeah but we do know how to sell out playoff games. As a matter of fact we even know how to sell out Devils playoff games. :P

All the Rangers fans I know are die hard hockey fans-that is just a wrong statement about Ranger fans.

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Yep, PeterNorth once again is wrong. Ranger fans fairweathered? Right. Because they don't pack and sell out the Garden every game, every year, despite the record of the team. Most Ranger fans are diehards and live for this time of the year when the team is playing well and is included in the postseason.

Devils fans? Well, unless its the Stanley Cup Finals they can't sell out their own building unless they're matched up against the Rangers.

Yeah PN, you're right, its a conspiracy by the NHL that the Rangers played the Devils in Round 1 to get an "easy" entrance into Round 2. Because the NHL wanted to see every one of their buildings with asses in the seats, because they know if it was New Jersey - Philadelphia, you'd see thousands of empty green / black or whatever color they are, Prudential seats.

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So Ranger fans who do you want, Habs or Pens? Habs coming off a 7 game series that wore them down but riding a hot goalie. Pens coming over a devastating sweep and with plenty of time to rest also riding a hot goalie and 4 effective forward lines.

Myself personally. I think the Rangers have a better shot of advancing facing Montreal.

I think the Pens will take care of buisness against the Caps but it won't be as easy as the sweep was against the Senators.

Pens in 6

Rangers in 6

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So Ranger fans who do you want, Habs or Pens? Habs coming off a 7 game series that wore them down but riding a hot goalie. Pens coming over a devastating sweep and with plenty of time to rest also riding a hot goalie and 4 effective forward lines.

I guess I'd lean Montreal at this point and really the only reason for that is because they've played 7 games and the Pens have only played 4. Both teams are pretty similar to me with very talented offenses and talented but inexperienced goalies.

But if the regular season is anything to judge by, a Rangers-Canadiens series would get very intense. And Hollweg will want to destroy Komisarek lol

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When the strangers are home in a week or so I hope it was worth it rooting for the team that conducted themselvs like classless douches all season.

It's pretty classy to call people classless douches.

Look in the mirror, Mike.

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It kinda funny that you can have Yankees and Red Sox fans sitting here actually having civil conversations about their hockey teams. Rangers, Penguins, Bruins, you can throw Mav in with the Wings.

I guess it shows that hockey fans (Except for some bitter Devils fans) are excited about the post season this year and can acutally carry on a civil conversation about how much fun the post season has been so far. Not just about their teams but each series.

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It kinda funny that you can have Yankees and Red Sox fans sitting here actually having civil conversations about their hockey teams. Rangers, Penguins, Bruins, you can throw Mav in with the Wings.

I guess it shows that hockey fans (Except for some bitter Devils fans) are excited about the post season this year and can acutally carry on a civil conversation about how much fun the post season has been so far. Not just about their teams but each series.

I think it's just the nature of the sport. This is a sport where guys can fight each other on the ice, and when it's all over, can be treating each other like it never happened.

I always felt hockey fans in general are classy, knowledgable fans who have a appreciation for the sport in general. I always look at it as kind of like being in a club. Not everyone in the country follows hockey, but the ones that do are generally die-hards who enjoy watching hockey and enjoy talking to other people about it. I've been to Toronto quite a bit and always enjoy it when someone finds out I'm a Red Wings fan and wants to talk hockey for a few minutes at a bar.

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