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Where was the Passrush... Only one sack?


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Really? We're supposed to be one of the best teams at getting at the QB, and this immobile Kerry.............

Hahhahahahahaha, we've gotta complain about something right. ;)

They had VERY good playcalling... whenever the JETS did come they had a GREAT hot route... thats why they are 10-1

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I was going to saying something about drinking on Sunday, but then I remembered your Sabbath was yesterday.

No drinking. I just feel like this team needs to make a commitment to the passrush. It's become our bread and butter. And at any time, Kerry Collins could have hooked up with Justin McCariens as it just wasn't there today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we won. I'm just worried about this against the top teams in the league.

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No drinking. I just feel like this team needs to make a commitment to the passrush. It's become our bread and butter. And at any time, Kerry Collins could have hooked up with Justin McCariens as it just wasn't there today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we won. I'm just worried about this against the top teams in the league.

I heard the JETS beat a 10-0 team this week... just a rumor!

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No drinking. I just feel like this team needs to make a commitment to the passrush. It's become our bread and butter. And at any time, Kerry Collins could have hooked up with Justin McCariens as it just wasn't there today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we won. I'm just worried about this against the top teams in the league.

The Titans are one of the top teams in the league and we were getting a pass rush. When we're repeatedly hitting Collins with his own linemen I really don't care if we have zero sacks.

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No drinking. I just feel like this team needs to make a commitment to the passrush. It's become our bread and butter. And at any time, Kerry Collins could have hooked up with Justin McCariens as it just wasn't there today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we won. I'm just worried about this against the top teams in the league.

Our pass rush was solid today. Not great but good enough, without a doubt.

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They beat the Vikings Colts Revens and Bears

Not to mention there is no such thing as an "easy" schedule in the NFL... the JETS lost to the Raiders... remember... you never know...

Vikings.... Gus Ferrotte, are you kdding?

Colts.... That ship has sailed.

'Revens'.... they got their ass kicked bad last week, showed their true colors.

Bears.... Orton/Grossman, seriously?

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Ummm, EY was joking genius. :rolleyes:

and Trolling... on a great night...

This thread is the definition of trolling, just because he is a JETS fan doesnt excuse him.

Now Im out for real, seriously, for real this time, seriously.

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its funny because there actually making fun of people who complained in earlier games even when jets won. you know people like u and IJ and others

Its not funny because those were about real problems, this was flat out trolling.

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No drinking. I just feel like this team needs to make a commitment to the passrush. It's become our bread and butter. And at any time, Kerry Collins could have hooked up with Justin McCariens as it just wasn't there today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we won. I'm just worried about this against the top teams in the league.

Errrrr we just beat one of the "top teams in the league" ...HANDILY. :Nuts:

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