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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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No, I won't. My play might evolve, but it won't change. I'm still learning. The last game was my first one. Not a lot of pattern to go on. I didn't get rolling in that one until I was dead certain that it was time to lynch EY. That was a few cycles in.

Meh, it's more tone. Like I said, I got the sense last time that you were trying to figure it out. It's subtle, but as scum there's not much to figure out as you have a good idea of what the setup is based onthe size and strength of you team..

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She originally said she be away 3-9 most afternoons. Want to give her 'til midnight or so to respond? That would work for me, as that's when I'll be back on, anyway.

I definately think a deadline is reasonable at this point. Theres a difference between speed lynching...and a lynching that lasts over a day and theres not much in the way of response (though she did have a few posts, including the "gut" vote for Vic yesterday).

Last game I was speculating on the make-up of the game early, being that an 18 player game seemed unconventional to me. Mentioning the possibility of a serial killer to potentially even things out made me an early vote getter.

This game seems more conventional, and I don't have any clever ideas about how the teams or roles might've been handed out.

Last game was also the first time I did anything social on this site. I've been registered since 2005, I only ventured into the lounge for the first time (or so) this year and read the mafia threads while bored at work. So naturally, I'm a little more social this time around.

I should appear innocent. I am, and I'm sitting back posting whatever honest ideas I have as a result. There's a strong possibility that JB will flip innocent, which is a major reason I don't want to drive the train on her - but I really don't know where else to turn.

You wanna turn towards me? You can get a new voting pattern and analyze it later, I guess. But if you lynch me you'll be lynching an innocent player. One who (I'd like to think ;)) could help you pick out scum down the road.

After watching last game, I tend to agree you'd be able to help pick out scum the further down the road. On my birthday, I wouldn't have been around much either, so I don't read much into that. May be something to read in to later in the game, but I'm not ready to put a FOS on slats yet.

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Meh, it's more tone. Like I said, I got the sense last time that you were trying to figure it out. It's subtle, but as scum there's not much to figure out as you have a good idea of what the setup is based onthe size and strength of you team..

I don't know, if you want my ideas on it, I'll give 'em to you. It's not much.

In a 16 player game, I'd guess we have a four player scum team. BG made mention before the game thread was posted that he was flexible to adding players, so I'd guess he has some sort of twist up his sleeve. The three games here so far have all been interesting and fun, and I'm sure he won't want to be left behind on that front. I know that I'd be competitive in that way to try to put together the coolest game yet.

I PM'd him about the "no names" mod rule, and his answer was a little cryptic. Don't know how to interpret that yet.

But other than expecting the unexpected, I've got nothing to go on. I won't until we have a couple confirmed roles exposed, at least.

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I don't know, if you want my ideas on it, I'll give 'em to you. It's not much.

In a 16 player game, I'd guess we have a four player scum team. BG made mention before the game thread was posted that he was flexible to adding players, so I'd guess he has some sort of twist up his sleeve. The three games here so far have all been interesting and fun, and I'm sure he won't want to be left behind on that front. I know that I'd be competitive in that way to try to put together the coolest game yet.

I PM'd him about the "no names" mod rule, and his answer was a little cryptic. Don't know how to interpret that yet.

But other than expecting the unexpected, I've got nothing to go on. I won't until we have a couple confirmed roles exposed, at least.

Just curious...

I remember back during the Zombie game that someone mentioned trying to work on a way to get players back in the game...was it BG or CTM (the mod of that game)? Regardless...is this what you're thinking?

Maybe something like the player is cut, then brought back on and could have either been added back to the team or as a rival player? I'm not sure how well it'd work, because those players would have such suspicion on them though. And as EY said, it's not normal in a mafia, it was just the first one we saw I guess.

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To be honest, imo JiF should have waited a little bit to see what developed because Slats is clearly going to change his behavior in response to the accusation and we don't learn much from it because he was called out on it early on.

Fair enough, but I am not cool with bandwagon voting especially when the behavior of the player being voted is consistent with their normal play.

I would prefer to put a vote on who I feel is playing scummy.

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Just curious...

I remember back during the Zombie game that someone mentioned trying to work on a way to get players back in the game...was it BG or CTM (the mod of that game)? Regardless...is this what you're thinking?

Maybe something like the player is cut, then brought back on and could have either been added back to the team or as a rival player? I'm not sure how well it'd work, because those players would have such suspicion on them though. And as EY said, it's not normal in a mafia, it was just the first one we saw I guess.

Didn't Doggin mod that game? I think he was the one who wanted to bring players back.

That's not what I was thinking. I really have no idea as I'm new to this sorta thing. The TV game had great post restrictions/requirements, the Zombie game had the ability to turn players and/or bring them back from the dead, last game had two rival scum teams. I don't know what BG would be up to, but I'd think he'd want to do something just as original and new. Like I said, I know I would.

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Didn't Doggin mod that game? I think he was the one who wanted to bring players back.

That's not what I was thinking. I really have no idea as I'm new to this sorta thing. The TV game had great post restrictions/requirements, the Zombie game had the ability to turn players and/or bring them back from the dead, last game had two rival scum teams. I don't know what BG would be up to, but I'd think he'd want to do something just as original and new. Like I said, I know I would.

Yes, I know, you've said that several times but not speculated as to what it could be....

Like I said, it's not much and I'd have preferred to monitor over a day or 2, but you and Dan are the best i got right now and I'm not thrilled at the idea of lynching either one of you without more proof...

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Just had a thought.. The Jets Things I know from JI (and earlier in this thread) is an equal opportunity offender. I've never seen him give a crap about political correctness... with that being the case, why didn't he respond to JB who basically told him "I don't like you". You'd think he'd at least give some kind of a smart ass answer but nothing... may mean nothing but it could be a calculated move... swoop in and vote only to disappear and let everyone else talk about it.

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Yes, I know, you've said that several times but not speculated as to what it could be....

Like I said, it's not much and I'd have preferred to monitor over a day or 2, but you and Dan are the best i got right now and I'm not thrilled at the idea of lynching either one of you without more proof...

Because I've got absolutely nothing.

If I was putting together a game, I'd go for one of those paranoid cop roles. It would be a lot of fun sticking someone with that one. Especially one of our higher strung players. But I've got nothing to go on from either my game PM or the content of this thread so far to suggest to me what the angle here might be. Until we have a couple interesting roles confirmed or revealed, what is there to go on? At least in the 18 person game you could look at it from the onset and say that there had to be some sort of different balancing act going on there.

If you've got any clever ideas, I'm all ears - for another five minutes or so. 'Cause then I'm really heading out.

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Just had a thought.. The Jets Things I know from JI (and earlier in this thread) is an equal opportunity offender. I've never seen him give a crap about political correctness... with that being the case, why didn't he respond to JB who basically told him "I don't like you". You'd think he'd at least give some kind of a smart ass answer but nothing... may mean nothing but it could be a calculated move... swoop in and vote only to disappear and let everyone else talk about it.

You're right about me not giving a crap about PC. :D

JB didn't say she didn't like me. She said she doesn't like the way I play. Fair enough. I don't like the way certain people play, but don't feel the need to voice that. Also, I didn't vote for JB.

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Vote Count:

Jets Babe (7) - AVM, Dan X, slats, Vicious89x, Pac2566, Jets Voice of Reason, WoodyPaige

Vicious89x (2) - Doggin94it, SMC

slats (2) - JiF, CTM

SMC (1) - Jets Things

Jets Things (1) - Jets Babe

Dan X (1) - EY

With 16 players remaining, it takes 9 votes to cut.

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You're right about me not giving a crap about PC. :D

JB didn't say she didn't like me. She said she doesn't like the way I play. Fair enough. I don't like the way certain people play, but don't feel the need to voice that. Also, I didn't vote for JB.

Well I guess that kind of minimizes my argument. I could have sworn you did and didn't flip back a few pages to double check- my bad. I just remember you and her have a little spat and you let her kind of get the final word with the I dont like the way he plays stuff.. just didn't seem like something you'd let her slide on so easily.

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I'm gonna add a vote:Dan X for the same reason's EY mentioned. I've been getting the same vibe concerning him and JB and I don't get why he would continue to lightly push her like that when she's already got so many votes. Also the "scum wouldn't vote for her" idea just doesn't sit right, imo.

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I'm gonna add a vote: Dan X for the same reason's EY mentioned. I've been getting the same vibe concerning him and JB and I don't get why he would continue to lightly push her like that when she's already got so many votes. Also the "scum wouldn't vote for her" idea just doesn't sit right, imo.


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Hey guys...

Right now, as much as it pains me to do this, unvote vic. I'm willing to revote him if people think he should be punished for the moobs picture.

For my vote, it's either Jets Babe or Dan X right now.

Jets Babe for everyone's aforementioned reasons, and Dan X for working so to keep her in the conversation. He's being subtle about it, but he continuously wants to talk about Jets Babe, Jets Babe, Jets Babe. Maybe he's a horny 20 year old, but maybe he's the one who wants to get things towards the night phase an take out an erratic target, who, no one will think twice about if lynched, because, 'she had it coming'.

The slats argument is interesting, but I'm not ready to go that route just yet.

Unfortunately for you, both of those options are wrong.

#1 ("horny 20 year old"): Right decade at least, so I'll give you that much. ;) But as one of the few people who didn't ask JB for topless pics, if in your book "trying to play the game" = "arousal", you and I think about the world very differently. :rl: In fact, as I said last night, I'd feel a lot better about her if she would just say, "Shut the **** up, you *******s," rather than ignoring things like that. Most of the women I know wouldn't take that, joke or no joke.

#2 (scum aiming for an easy target): Why would I waste my time putting myself out there against her, when she already has 7 votes, if I knew she would turn up innocent? Absolutely no sense to that. If I were scum, wouldn't my work be pretty much done already? And as I've already said, she would be the type of townie I would let slide by in the beginning, knowing I wouldn't have to worry much about her since the town would most likely lynch her at some point.

As for "continuously" wanting to talk about her ... the game has been slow today, and I felt like there was the most to say about her, as she's said the scummiest things so far. Come on, she's two votes away from being lynched. She's obviously at the forefront. FTR, I also talked about Slats and looked back at his posts, but felt there just wasn't enough to go on right now. And I questioned SMC, but had the same problem. There just isn't that much else interesting happening.

It also aggravates me immensely that people keep saying she always acts scummy, as if that answers everything. If she acts scummy as a townie, doesn't that suck for the town? ;) Sorry if this sounds overly brutal, but I think she needs to realize that acting scummy will get her lynched. If she's ever going to be a fellow townie of mine in the future, I would like to have a teammate who contributes logically and won't say unnecessarily shady things that hurt the town by getting herself lynched. :D I don't think it's too much to ask for her to pay attention to what she posts and try not to contradict herself. And it baffled me that she complained about not making it past the first day as if we're all out to get her, yet did absolutely nothing to help the situation herself. :confused:

Lastly, I apologize if I'm seeming pushier than usual. I've had a ****ty past couple of days, and I've been trying not to let that come across here, but I'm aware that's probably not working as well as I'd like. :bag: Heh, I should probably go try spending 5 hours at the gym, a la JVoR. :D

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Vote Count:

Jets Babe (7) - AVM, Dan X, slats, Vicious89x, Pac2566, Jets Voice of Reason, WoodyPaige

Vicious89x (2) - Doggin94it, SMC

slats (2) - JiF, CTM

Dan X (2) - EY, Sharrow

SMC (1) - Jets Things

Jets Things (1) - Jets Babe

With 16 players remaining, it takes 9 votes to cut.

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well if Jets Babe neglects to come back this evening and defend, I'm going to vote her.

IF that happens and she flips innocent, if I were the cop I'd take a peek at Slats or Dan..

I'll vote for her as well to seal it. I think it's crazy that she high tailed it out of here.

Till when should we give her?

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Alright, here's my short but sweet defense. Look, I'm innocent. I know that the first vote is always a crapshoot, and it can easily can go either way for either team. I would appreciate it if I got through the first round in at least one mafia game though. I promise to be a great player :). I honestly just really want to play and be an active player in the game from the beginning FOR ONCE! To clarify the voting, The first vote in this round by me was BS, but my Jets Things vote was because I don't like his style of play...and I don't want to deal with his crazy ability to BS stories/roles (petrelli) :D. Anyways, hope this clears the air with some posters. Also, thanks for giving me a chance to respond before dropping a hammer.

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Alright, here's my short but sweet defense. Look, I'm innocent. I know that the first vote is always a crapshoot, and it can easily can go either way for either team. I would appreciate it if I got through the first round in at least one mafia game though. I promise to be a great player :). I honestly just really want to play and be an active player in the game from the beginning FOR ONCE! To clarify the voting, The first vote in this round by me was BS, but my Jets Things vote was because I don't like his style of play...and I don't want to deal with his crazy ability to BS stories/roles (petrelli) :D. Anyways, hope this clears the air with some posters. Also, thanks for giving me a chance to respond before dropping a hammer.

Is there a reason why you totally disappeared this morning?

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Another guy that ducked out and disappeared was Doggin FWIW.

Passover, Vic. Congrats on the closing, and the truly hideous color house.

You too, Norway.

Heh, I have that effect on lots of people...BTW, I feel very warm and content inside knowing how much sheer and utter nonsense EY and the gang will have to wade through to catch up later. Mmmmmmmmmm......sheer and utter nonsense. :cheers:

You ain't kidding

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