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This could happen at Draft and would be


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why wouldn't they?

they are not in love with any of the players and they do not want to pay

the #1 slot

Because while they may not be able to get "fair market value" for the #1 pick, they'd get at least something. Even if it meant swapping with say #5 for a 3rd rounder (which isn't close to fair value) if they do not like anyone at #1, they'd still get something MORE by doing that, even if it is short of what the price should be.

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Lions let the clock expire and rams do not budge, chefs make no move..

analysts are sitting their laughing their arses off. Goodell face turns

8 shades of red....

He calls a timeout and makes pick for lions

Aren't the Vikings the poster children for missing deadlines at the draft? I believe they have done it twice in the last 5 years.

BTW: Your scenario is never going to happen.

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Aren't the Vikings the poster children for missing deadlines at the draft? I believe they have done it twice in the last 5 years.


Yes That was the best draft EVER . Teams had people racing up there with their cards . Fastest 1st round in history too I think. BTW: The Vikings wound up with Kevin Williams so they did OK.

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