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What a puss. Throwing your helmet at the guy before you go to tackle him? Pretty sad that he still got turned around by Porcello.

I still am waiting for the day when the batter comes at the pitcher, with bat in hand, and starts swinging at the pitcher. I long for that day. Would be so awesome.

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Or: "This is what happens when you back away and then use the guys momentum against him."

Haha, nice spin there. If a guy knows how to tackle someone, he's not going to get turned around and his momentum used against him, especially when he weighs much more than the other guy. Not to mention that he was dodging your player's helmet a second before the tackle. More like "this is what happens when a little bitch charges the mound."

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Haha, nice spin there. If a guy knows how to tackle someone, he's not going to get turned around and his momentum used against him, especially when he weighs much more than the other guy. Not to mention that he was dodging your player's helmet a second before the tackle. More like "this is what happens when a little bitch charges the mound."

LOL Carl gets pwned

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I still am waiting for the day when the batter comes at the pitcher, with bat in hand, and starts swinging at the pitcher. I long for that day. Would be so awesome.

Delmon Young threw his bat at the umpire in the minors...I guess it would be more effective as a blunt instrument than a projectile but it's a start!

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Haha, nice spin there. If a guy knows how to tackle someone, he's not going to get turned around and his momentum used against him, especially when he weighs much more than the other guy. Not to mention that he was dodging your player's helmet a second before the tackle. More like "this is what happens when a little bitch charges the mound."

Call it like you see it, but I would have been pretty pissed getting hit on purpose two days in a row. SOMETHING needed to happen. I'm sure Youk will regret throwing the helmet, but Porcello doesn't look great by hitting someone on purpose and then moving away when the guy decides to retaliate. Porcello is lucky he doesn't play in the NL.

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Call it like you see it, but I would have been pretty pissed getting hit on purpose two days in a row. SOMETHING needed to happen. I'm sure Youk will regret throwing the helmet, but Porcello doesn't look great by hitting someone on purpose and then moving away when the guy decides to retaliate. Porcello is lucky he doesn't play in the NL.

I'd have charged the mound and retaliated too, if I was in that situation. However, throwing the helmet is just a bitch move, and it's understandable for Porcello to back up when there's a helmet flying at him. I know he was backing up before that, but the fact that he dodged a helmet whilst turning Youk around exonerates him, in my opinion.

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I still am waiting for the day when the batter comes at the pitcher, with bat in hand, and starts swinging at the pitcher. I long for that day. Would be so awesome.

I remember seeing a clip from the 70's of Bert Campenaris throwing a bat at a pitcher who just hit him. The bat narrowly missed clocking the pitcher in the head.

There was a famous fight between Juan Marichal and Johnny Roseboro. Roseboro was trying to goad Marichal into a fight by buzzing his head with the ball on the throw back to the pitcher. Marichal got pissed and hit Roseboro in the head with the bat.

The best fight I can remember seeing was the one between Baltimore and the Yankees in 98. The Yankees had just comeback and taken the lead off of Armando Benitez (shocker), Benitez then hit Tino right between the numbers. The benches and bullpens cleared. Grame Lloyd started the ruckus. The fight ended when Darryl Strawberry almost took Benitez's head off with a haymaker. Strawberry ended up crashing into the O's dugout.

If I remember correctly Bernie came up next and blasted a homerun.

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I'd have charged the mound and retaliated too, if I was in that situation. However, throwing the helmet is just a bitch move, and it's understandable for Porcello to back up when there's a helmet flying at him. I know he was backing up before that, but the fact that he dodged a helmet whilst turning Youk around exonerates him, in my opinion.

Youk throwing the helmet was not the right move, for sure. I just think if you're going to hit someone on purpose you should be ready for the consequences.

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Youk throwing the helmet was not the right move, for sure. I just think if you're going to hit someone on purpose you should be ready for the consequences.

Zippy...he was ahead in the count 0-2..with 2 guys on

Lets get this straight....he DEFINATELY didn;'t throw at him

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Call it like you see it, but I would have been pretty pissed getting hit on purpose two days in a row. SOMETHING needed to happen. I'm sure Youk will regret throwing the helmet, but Porcello doesn't look great by hitting someone on purpose and then moving away when the guy decides to retaliate. Porcello is lucky he doesn't play in the NL.

It's not like he was running, that's how you a handle a guy bigger then you who is charging you. What are you gonna do, stand there and let yourself get tackled? Please.

Sure whatever, he did it on purpose, Youk looks like a bitch for throwing his helmet and ending up on his ass. Period.

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It's not like he was running, that's how you a handle a guy bigger then you who is charging you. What are you gonna do, stand there and let yourself get tackled? Please.

Sure whatever, he did it on purpose, Youk looks like a bitch for throwing his helmet and ending up on his ass. Period.

Youk shouldn't throw the helmet. True. Porcello shouldn't throw 90+ fastballs at hitters on purpose either.

Porcello is 6'5'' Youk is like 6'1'' or something. I don't see how Youk is bigger. Heavier sure, but nt taller.

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Youk shouldn't throw the helmet. True. Porcello shouldn't throw 90+ fastballs at hitters on purpose either.

Porcello is 6'5'' Youk is like 6'1'' or something. I don't see how Youk is bigger. Heavier sure, but nt taller.

I don't know for certain, but I think weight should help more with tackling because it's simply how hard you can lift him on impact. You can't just stand there or you'll go straight down, so that's why I think he started backing up. It's not like he turned his back and ran in the opposite direction, even if he didn't pull a Farnsworth it wasn't too bad of a decision.

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A few years back a minor league game had a batter swinging his bat at the pitcher. Don't think he connected but he came close.

If memory serves me correct it involved the Pawtucket Sox and washed up major leaguer. Can't rememeber the player or if he played against or for the Pawtucket Sox.

I can be completely wrong about the Pawtucket Sox part too, but for some reason they come to mind.

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A few years back a minor league game had a batter swinging his bat at the pitcher. Don't think he connected but he came close.

If memory serves me correct it involved the Pawtucket Sox and washed up major leaguer. Can't rememeber the player or if he played against or for the Pawtucket Sox.

I can be completely wrong about the Pawtucket Sox part too, but for some reason they come to mind.

It was Jose Offerman when he played for the Long Island Ducks.


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I still am waiting for the day when the batter comes at the pitcher, with bat in hand, and starts swinging at the pitcher. I long for that day. Would be so awesome.

In that case, the catcher is supposed to get the ball back to the pitcher so the pitcher can defend himself.

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No one has embarrassed themselves more during this recent Red Sox collapse more then you have. No ones even come close.

I actually look forward to see how you'll twist things in your favor. Its amusing.

I was going to respond with something fun and witty, but I honestly have no idea who you are. I've deemed you not worth it.

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