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Tiger Woods the baby daddy.


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I figured the way his dad was always around, this guy would have had some common sense. So much for active parenting.

The only way this makes sense if Wood's IQ is about 10. How did he NOT think this stuff would come back to bite him?

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James first dished on her claims of a 2-1/2-year relationship with the golfer in March. At that time, she claimed a girlfriend invited her to join in a threesome. James said she agreed, and met the gal pal and mystery man - who she claims turned out to be Woods - in


What the hell are they teaching in these Christian Schools anyway?

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I love this:

James never had a DNA test to prove her claim, the source admits, but "she knows he is the father of her son because he is the only African-American man she dated at that time," the source said.

Not the only person she was sleeping with . . . just the only black dude.

Shocked at her future career path. Just shocked.

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I figured the way his dad was always around, this guy would have had some common sense. So much for active parenting.

The only way this makes sense if Wood's IQ is about 10. How did he NOT think this stuff would come back to bite him?

You gotta read more than the headline dude. This girl is so full of crap her own mother calls here a "pathological liar."

James' mother,

Sandra Brinling, said yesterday that her daughter is a "pathological liar" and that she knows exactly who Austin T.'s real dad is."[My daughter is] only out to lie, steal and cheat," said Brinling, who has custody of the child. "All she is looking for is to get money from [Woods]."

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There are any number of identifiable points of resemblance -- face shape, ears, eyebrows, chin -- so you can certainly see where she came up with the idea. The cheekbones are a dead giveaway, though. If Tiger's the dad, the whore isn't the mom.

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The funniest thing for me in the article was how the Porn Star's mom takes a total crap on her:

James' mother, Sandra Brinling, said yesterday that her daughter is a "pathological liar" and that she knows exactly who Austin T.'s real dad is."[My daughter is] only out to lie, steal and cheat," said Brinling, who has custody of the child. "All she is looking for is to get money from [Woods]."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/tigerwoods/2010/06/16/2010-06-16_my_9yrold_is_tiger_cub.html#ixzz0r2Hf5UUJ

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There are any number of identifiable points of resemblance -- face shape, ears, eyebrows, chin -- so you can certainly see where she came up with the idea. The cheekbones are a dead giveaway, though. If Tiger's the dad, the whore isn't the mom.

She couldn't have cloned a kid any better.


Hey that just gave me an idea for a remake of Boys from Brazil...

The Boys from Augusta National.

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James' mother, Sandra Brinling, said yesterday that her daughter is a "pathological liar" and that she knows exactly who Austin T.'s real dad is."[My daughter is] only out to lie, steal and cheat," said Brinling, who has custody of the child. "All she is looking for is to get money from [Woods]."

couple of tactical errors

#1 the porn star doesn't even have custody. what money does she think she can get? not child support. and not hush money because...

#2 she went straight to the media! what a dunce. what you do is FIRST you approach tiger and say "you say not yours i say it is; sure looks like you. $1 million and you don't have to submit to indignity of a DNA test. what say you?"

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^^^^^^^^This woman was a Christian School girl...and is now a porn star. lol.

I simply cant see how Tiger didnt see this coming.

why do women never look directly at the camera anymore? wtf is up with the chin up and to the side crap?

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^ It's all about the 'myspace angles'

myspace angle

Pictures which were specifically taken and uploaded to fool the Myspace community into believing you are more attractive then you actually appear. This is done by shooting pictures of yourself at angles in which you are most appealing.

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^ It's all about the 'myspace angles'

but why do they think it makes them look better? it just makes them look like they are trying too hard which is the biggest turnoff of all time.


That's the angle the pimp usually holds the gun.


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