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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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in my book, pac, smc and song are innocent..

we should lynch someone from the jetfan0 train, i think, preferably later..

i'll go jf80 is time becomes an issue..

I follow your logic here, but why do you think scum would freely be jumping in mass numbers from train to train? More often than not they're going to scatter themselves rather than be that obvious, no? I'd agree there has been scum on each of the longer trains, it wouldn't make sense not to.

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Official Vote Count

Doggin (1) - Aemon

brett (4) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, Jetsfan80

war ensemble (3) - Jetscode, brett, Song

Jetsfan80 (6) - JVOR, Vicious, Pac, slats, Crusher, SMC

Song (1) - Sharrow

AVM (1) - CTM

JiF (1) - I28

Not Voting: Dan, AVM, JiF

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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I'm at least willing to run the tally up on him and see what he has to say for himself. I agree with everyone that his play is different than last game - not that I don't expect a player to change somewhat from their first to second game.

I'm pretty sure I'm as lost and confused this game as I was last game. I'm pretty sure this time around I'm close to being lynched for, you know, trying to play the game.

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I follow your logic here, but why do you think scum would freely be jumping in mass numbers from train to train? More often than not they're going to scatter themselves rather than be that obvious, no? I'd agree there has been scum on each of the longer trains, it wouldn't make sense not to.

I would dare say theirs a couple on Brett's train.

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We should just put a cap on it like, 3 people per day. Pick one of the 3 and go from there. I agree with you on the fact that in a game like this the more we "reveal" the better for scum. They can get free info during the day and at the same time make up a role and hope it gets them through another night. Plus this is exhausting to me and I know as a mod it blows because you want action and people are just sitting around bickering, running up a vote, revealing, and then unvoting. Then comes the deadline and we rush to a vote.

Yeah, I feel you. And I have a bad feeling that unless someone does something really stupid we're going to wait til not long before the deadline which just gets super risky. Do we start with the old "top 3" tactic we used to do when we got close to a deadline? Tally up the votes?

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Speed lynch? How the hell are we supposed to get a speed lynch with 20 players? I made my case and others jumped on. I have no control over how fast the votes pile on after that point.

There only needs to be 11 votes. Pac was the first vote against me at 3:55 pm and then Slats and CTM followed by the evening. Then today there were 5 more votes between lunch and 4 pm-ish to put me at L-3. That's a speed lynch.

And it's not about controling votes, it's manipulating them by putting together bogus cases.

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I agree, I'm getting a totally different read on him. However, you've also been coming to his rescue a lot as well and I dont know why.

Which brings me back to your interactions with JVOR. Something was going on there and I'm not sure who is the scum in this case...but I do think either you or JVOR are scum...but its almost like our hands are tied with a deadline looming (albeit necessary) and we have to join a train...but I'd really like to pressure you or JVOR.

Unvote SMC

Gotta figure out which way I want to go.

meant to say SMC train.. think we should lynch from there.. and i'm not defending jf80.. he's on the SMC train

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Yeah, I feel you. And I have a bad feeling that unless someone does something really stupid we're going to wait til not long before the deadline which just gets super risky. Do we start with the old "top 3" tactic we used to do when we got close to a deadline? Tally up the votes?

Interesting you posted this right after I said CTM and JVOR were making me nervous. CTM is alone, on you, and just placed that vote today, with the deadline looming and 2 larger trains going. Meanwhile, JVOR has zero'd in on JF80. In fact, his only 2 serious votes have been Bret and JF80.

Then you have Sharrow and Kristen, voting for players that wont happen and I28 voting me.

I'm really starting to think CTM or JVOR is scum...just dont know which one.

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I follow your logic here, but why do you think scum would freely be jumping in mass numbers from train to train? More often than not they're going to scatter themselves rather than be that obvious, no? I'd agree there has been scum on each of the longer trains, it wouldn't make sense not to.

meant SMC train, was on a con call.. that trian was fast and smc was asking for it.. would be surprised if it wasn't scum aided

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I agree, I'm getting a totally different read on him. However, you've also been coming to his rescue a lot as well and I dont know why.

Which brings me back to your interactions with JVOR. Something was going on there and I'm not sure who is the scum in this case...but I do think either you or JVOR are scum...but its almost like our hands are tied with a deadline looming (albeit necessary) and we have to join a train...but I'd really like to pressure you or JVOR.

Unvote SMC

Gotta figure out which way I want to go.

lol.. why do one of us have to be scum...

very scummy post miss jiff..,.scum are the only one it serves to push that agenda

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OK guys, I'm heading out for a bit. I request that if you decide to lynch me to wait until later tonight (say, 11 PM?). I don't particularly want to role reveal just yet.

lol at another 1/2 reveal..

i'm sure many have roles, probably only 4 roleless

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You are a very frustrating person to play with. (Points out the obvious.) You are making points about points I never made...lol. (Avoids the conflict he knows he can't win.) WE had teh best all time description of your play. (Defers back to generalized insult about playing style - that he couldn't even make up himself.) You do have a scum tell, and its why I've nailed you twice as scum with ease. I'm not getting it this game though so your plea for a vote wont work...again. (Pats self on back, for "nailing" me as scum even though the truth is all he did was FOS me for about 8 straight games and he only talks about the 2 times he was right. He doesn't mention that in the games he did "nail" me, the first time he "knew" I was scum I embarrassed him and he died before me. The second time he needed me to shoot myself in the foot with a bad reveal and Pac to blackmail the cop (JIF) to get me killed. Don't take credit for that which you haven't earned.)

I'm beginning to think you might actually be worse than me at this game. (Resorts to typical banter about who is "good" and who is not at this game. Pathetic. I have no need for the mafia game pud measuring... I do what entertains me in these games, and I'm good at it.)

In red - look at the way he skirts around the subject by deferring to insults and seeing if he can incite an debate over old game facts, versus allowing me to focus on his play in this game. Smarmy little creep.

So my "scum tell" isn't there now eh? Interesting because you've thought I was scum in the last 8-9 games now all of a sudden nothing eh? My guess is earlier in thread when you were telling people to "press the monkey" it was so they would divert my attention away from you... I know you know I'm town this game, but its not because of a tell.

So... Let's talk about the "points about points you didn't make" because I've only discussed 2 things you have done, and made one point about them... that they both fit a "steer the town towards confusion" type of agenda.

Are you saying you didn't want to discuss Pac's post restriction?

Are you saying you didn't want to vote for Doggin to, I'll paraphrase, isolate and/or get information about a double voter?

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UNVOTE, VOTE WAR I know for sure SMC is town so I refuse to vote for him.

I'll take this as true for now; if not, you guys are a 2 for 1 later in the game, and I'm ok with that.

Assuming SMC is town, I find it interesting that SMC's train sped up right when War Ensemble and Brett were on the chopping block. Given WE's absence, I'll stay on Brett for now - I'd like to push him to a reveal, at the very least. If one of those two (Brett or WE) is scum, that will be an information gold mine

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In that sense, then we should be looking at WE, Brett (avoided lynch with my train) & JF80 (who tried to make a case).

Interesting... well I've already been informed by Pac that WE is a wasted vote. Are you suggesting we just go through with the lynch on him? Or push him to full reveal and scramble at the deadline.

I still the WE is scumtrulescent... but I'll fiddle with JIF in the meantime.

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In that sense, then we should be looking at WE, Brett (avoided lynch with my train) & JF80 (who tried to make a case).

I suppose I never thought of it that way. If that's the case then I feel like War and JF80 are my top 2. Given the time constraints I'm cool with going either of those 2 directions.

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Interesting... well I've already been informed by Pac that WE is a wasted vote. Are you suggesting we just go through with the lynch on him? Or push him to full reveal and scramble at the deadline.

I still the WE is scumtrulescent... but I'll fiddle with JIF in the meantime.

I think at the very least JF80 and War should reveal considering they did the 1/2 reveal already. The more I think about it though the better I feel about JF80.

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Interesting... well I've already been informed by Pac that WE is a wasted vote. Are you suggesting we just go through with the lynch on him? Or push him to full reveal and scramble at the deadline.

I still the WE is scumtrulescent... but I'll fiddle with JIF in the meantime.

For me, I'd go (in any order) J80, WE, and Brett. I'd vote for any of them. Plus, either of them could be the fallback in your "scramble" scenario to avoid a random lynch. That's how I'm playing it.

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I suppose I never thought of it that way. If that's the case then I feel like War and JF80 are my top 2. Given the time constraints I'm cool with going either of those 2 directions.

I'm in. JIF is a booby. WE has been my #1 all day... Kinda want to know why Pac was so quick to call my vote for WE a "wasted vote" when I unvoted SMC too.

Would be great to get some context for why CTM keeps giving JF80 little bumps of credibility on play that he'd normally tear apart...

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meant SMC train, was on a con call.. that trian was fast and smc was asking for it.. would be surprised if it wasn't scum aided

Probably right. Good point, I feel the same way about JF80 train.

lol.. why do one of us have to be scum...

very scummy post miss jiff..,.scum are the only one it serves to push that agenda

Dont see why its scummy or how I'm pushing, but it serves the town very well if I'm right.

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I'm in. JIF is a booby. WE has been my #1 all day... Kinda want to know why Pac was so quick to call my vote for WE a "wasted vote" when I unvoted SMC too.

Would be great to get some context for why CTM keeps giving JF80 little bumps of credibility on play that he'd normally tear apart...

I just think at this point JF80 and War need to reveal considering their 1/2 reveals and bail. Doggin wants to run up brett too but that would make 4 people in one day with reveals. I think at this point we go with JF80 and War and choose the least believable one. If time allows it and they're both believable we run up Brett.

I think Brett NOT doing a 1/2 reveal and just sticking to his guns and War just tossing it out there and leaving makes me think brett is more town than War or JF80. As scum I think it behooves you to throw out claims earlier than L-1 because it gives you more time to defend. If you do it at L-1 and say someone like Pac doesn't buy it he'll just hammer your a$$. Doing it early on has us spinning in circles like we have been for the past 36 hours and that's more or less on 1/2 reveals. I'm not clearing Brett, just saying he's more of a town play to me, or just better at being scum in making me think that.

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Dont see why its scummy or how I'm pushing, but it serves the town very well if I'm right.

Disagree here... you were implying a certainty to a situation where there isn't one. What is the presumable outcome from what you suggested? We pressure and lynch JVOR, he flips town we automatically assume CTM is scum? Vice versa? Yet you criticize me for introducing stupid cases, blah, blah, blah...

All I see this as is another case where the town has started to focus finally, and you are introducing a whole new dimension of things you think we should be focused on... this would draw our attention away, and essentially force a reset on discussion.

A distraction, just like "talking out post restrictions" and going on a wild goose chase for a double voter.

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