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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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please show me the quote where i said the ENTIRE scum team is on SMC's train..

It's an exaggeration. You said, to paraphrase, that scum (and you named myself, dan, and someone else) were bandwagoning on to SMC's train.

Then, you went and did the same thing, only to hide it by jumping back on me again a bit ago.

So...the "rules" you've broken consist of:

1 -- criticizing a player or players for doing something, then within 2 hours doing it yourself

2 -- encouraging 80 to take a shot blind into a field.

Initially I was just being a dick and intended to jump to one of the bigger trains (OMG I IZ A BANDWAGONER), but I'll stay on you. If we get more traction on CTM by 10 or 1030 tomorrow, I stay on him. If not, I'll jump to one of the bigger trains. This is about as bad as I've seen you play, if you're town. And I really have no problem with lynching you over the others considering that.

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Now you're going to back down from CTM, out of fear. Then what's next? Maybe we'll finally get scum (if we haven't already), and they'll just make up yet another SUPER SCARY role for everyone to run away from. Grow some damn balls. We lynch town on Day 1 99.9% of the time. Doggin got caught once as 3rd party, and I believe before I started playing town got lucky with the only random lynch there's been snagging scum.

Big FOS anyone instructing 80 to shoot now, btw. What's your point, to verify him? So we can waste time sifting through that rubble, only to still be stuck with the same decision of who to lynch? Deal with 80s power tomorrow. And it's not a FOS of scumminess, but a FOS of bad town play. Just be smart, we don't have time to keep this crap up, and we don't have the luxury of continuing to share townie power roles, OR give scum the opportunity to create more of those SUPER SCARY roles to keep them alive deep in to the game.

Should we grow balls only in relation to lynching CTM (who's threatening to potentially take a townie with him), but not with letting the vig possibly take a townie out?

AFAIC, it's JF80's choice. It's his shot, and if he doesn't take it, I'm pretty sure it's the end of his game, too.

Not sure if I think WE's idea here is necessarily a good one, but it's certainly an exciting one! I think it's at least worthy of discussion:

My proposal: JF80, prove your innocence and shoot crusher. If Crusher turns up mafia as I suspect, we should follow with a lynch of Brett.

If the town feels good enough about making Crush or Brett the lynch today, why not ask JF80 to shoot first?

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You're all over the place... grow some balls, but jf80 shouldn't shoot. Stop outting power roles and stop letting scum off the hook when they claim power roles, which is mutually exclusive..

are you voting me?

Grow some balls equates to telling 80 not to shoot...how? That's not balls, that's common sense. But yeah, keep trying.

And the power roles part? That doesn't even make sense. I'm saying stop jumping off every time someone claims anything. That again, should be common sense. We've had how many reveals now, and people can't put two and two together?

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It's an exaggeration. You said, to paraphrase, that scum (and you named myself, dan, and someone else) were bandwagoning on to SMC's train.

Hold up cowboy.. I said i think scum were on smc's train cause he made himself an easy target, most likely at the back end of it, and I gave your three names as where we should lynch from. I didn't say you were all scum.

Then, you went and did the same thing, only to hide it by jumping back on me again a bit ago.

When? I jumped on jf80 to force a reveal cause he had half revealed already, as the town had agreed, then unvoted when he got in lynch range

So...the "rules" you've broken consist of:

1 -- criticizing a player or players for doing something, then within 2 hours doing it yourself

No no no

I voted a guy to get him to completel his reveal, you voted SMC when he was beggin people to vote him BY CLAIMING SCUM..

totally and completely different and it's shocking that you would insinuate they were the same.

2 -- encouraging 80 to take a shot blind into a field.

pac wanted to lynch him anyway, why not let him shoot on 33% odds and vet himself OR maybe he's lying and we could trap him OR as slats is now pushing, let him shoot before he dies

Initially I was just being a dick and intended to jump to one of the bigger trains (OMG I IZ A BANDWAGONER), but I'll stay on you. If we get more traction on CTM by 10 or 1030 tomorrow, I stay on him. If not, I'll jump to one of the bigger trains. This is about as bad as I've seen you play, if you're town. And I really have no problem with lynching you over the others considering that.

I'll have to live without your approval.

But again, I didn't vote you for bandwagonning, I voted you cause SMC was playing the fool and scum like to take a gift when it's handed to them.

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Should we grow balls only in relation to lynching CTM (who's threatening to potentially take a townie with him), but not with letting the vig possibly take a townie out?

AFAIC, it's JF80's choice. It's his shot, and if he doesn't take it, I'm pretty sure it's the end of his game, too.

Not sure if I think WE's idea here is necessarily a good one, but it's certainly an exciting one! I think it's at least worthy of discussion:

If the town feels good enough about making Crush or Brett the lynch today, why not ask JF80 to shoot first?

It's 80's shoice and his shot, but we should ask him to shoot, when he's already been adamant he doesn't want to shoot on Day 1?

And no, lynching CTM is NOT what I'm referring to growing a pair with. It's lynching SOMEONE. You're all seeing a power role reveal and running away, waiting for a roleless townie (or for someone to say yep, caught me I'm scum!!! ???)when it's been obvious for quite some time if there even are any, they are VERY few.

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Grow some balls equates to telling 80 not to shoot...how? That's not balls, that's common sense. But yeah, keep trying.

So it's a lack of balls not to test me, when people think I'm insinuating the same thing as jf80 (that zomg I could take a townie out with me). But it's common sense for jf80 not to shoot, and maye he'll shoot tomorrow when the scum power is recharged??\

And the power roles part? That doesn't even make sense. I'm saying stop jumping off every time someone claims anything. That again, should be common sense. We've had how many reveals now, and people can't put two and two together?

Ok, so you're saying we should lynch a power role claim?

Then why aren't you voting doggin? His power role is pretty weak.

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Post #1226 for anyone interested, just incase anyone thinks I may have edited or what not.

Now, while we're at it, would we like to continue on to outing the entire town, and eventually get to the point where some genius claims it's a good time to mass reveal, so scum can plan out who to attack and hide themselves the most efficiently? Holy cow guys, what's pathetic is I feel pretty solid most of this is the towns doing while the scum sit back and laugh -- and everyone thinks they're doing a great job.

Now you're going to back down from CTM, out of fear. Then what's next? Maybe we'll finally get scum (if we haven't already), and they'll just make up yet another SUPER SCARY role for everyone to run away from. Grow some damn balls. We lynch town on Day 1 99.9% of the time. Doggin got caught once as 3rd party, and I believe before I started playing town got lucky with the only random lynch there's been snagging scum.

Big FOS anyone instructing 80 to shoot now, btw. What's your point, to verify him? So we can waste time sifting through that rubble, only to still be stuck with the same decision of who to lynch? Deal with 80s power tomorrow. And it's not a FOS of scumminess, but a FOS of bad town play. Just be smart, we don't have time to keep this crap up, and we don't have the luxury of continuing to share townie power roles, OR give scum the opportunity to create more of those SUPER SCARY roles to keep them alive deep in to the game.

I agree with everything here except not taking the shot. I have always believed that an outed one-shot ability needs to be used immediately. You are still useful to the town as a vanilla and you give the town more info even if you f**k up the shot and hit town. I say take the shot on the person you feel most strongly about.

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It's 80's shoice and his shot, but we should ask him to shoot, when he's already been adamant he doesn't want to shoot on Day 1?

And no, lynching CTM is NOT what I'm referring to growing a pair with. It's lynching SOMEONE. You're all seeing a power role reveal and running away, waiting for a roleless townie (or for someone to say yep, caught me I'm scum!!! ???)when it's been obvious for quite some time if there even are any, they are VERY few.

if this is your stance you should be pleading with people to lynch doggin.. i'll have to double check your posts in the morning to see your stance, as I don't remember it.. and no editing, spanky

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It's 80's shoice and his shot, but we should ask him to shoot, when he's already been adamant he doesn't want to shoot on Day 1?

And no, lynching CTM is NOT what I'm referring to growing a pair with. It's lynching SOMEONE. You're all seeing a power role reveal and running away, waiting for a roleless townie (or for someone to say yep, caught me I'm scum!!! ???)when it's been obvious for quite some time if there even are any, they are VERY few.

But you're voting CTM, and if he's to be believed, he's going to take someone with him if he's lynched. That someone could easily be a townie.

I believe JF80, therefore I believe he's town. I hate to lynch someone I believe is town. Problem is, I also believe that his reveal bought himself a bullet tonight. So now I'd like to figure out a way to make use of his role before he's gone. WE's proposal is at least interesting to me - but it's way past my bedtime, so I don't know if I trust myself right now.

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if this is your stance you should be pleading with people to lynch doggin.. i'll have to double check your posts in the morning to see your stance, as I don't remember it.. and no editing, spanky

I've never once in a mafia game edited a post, including last game when Lily announced it was fine at the beginning. Not going to start now.

I've also never supported the idea of lynching Doggin so there's no need in you going to look for that. Of course, the last time we visited that we had about 2 reveals total, he may have even been the only one. My point then was that going after Doggin wasn't going to get us anywhere, as he'd be verified and some would jump off, and that verified roles (even if the role itself couldn't be verified as town or scum) would just scare the town away, and we'd be forced to make a hasty decision tomorrow morning because people were too afraid to lynch power roles.

I may very well be off on every alignment thought I have this game, but at least I can hang my hat on that, I suppose.

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So it's a lack of balls not to test me, when people think I'm insinuating the same thing as jf80 (that zomg I could take a townie out with me). But it's common sense for jf80 not to shoot, and maye he'll shoot tomorrow when the scum power is recharged??\

Ok, so you're saying we should lynch a power role claim?

Then why aren't you voting doggin? His power role is pretty weak.

EVERYONE HAS A POWER ROLE. How is this not obvious to everyone by now? HAVE MERCY

Go ahead, everyone follow slats and CTM. I'm the one apparently talking in circles. I'll check in early enough tomorrow to move my vote if need be

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That was EXACTLY who I had in mind. I was going to pull a big multi-quote to show it, but he was suggesting it in every post for a page or two, and then completely dropped off. That was after my semi-reveal and before somebody took a shot at me.

Of course I'm who you have in mind. I lead the lynch on you and then your weak semi-reveal I backed off. Total scum play right their. Truth is at some point we are going to have to stop this let's pick a new person to drive to a reveal and eventually hand the DOC/COP to the scum.

I got off you after you alluded to a power role, pretty reasonable town play.

I'm pretty sure alot of people got off you after your reveal. i wasn;t even top 3 to get off you.

For the record I don;t buy this. Too convenient. Looks like to me scum trying to get a panic lynch with deadline coming.

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Apologies for not using the quotes...too awkward in this case. Anyways, Crusher's comments on me:


"Of course it is. No role townies act like no role townies when they face a lynch. Scum act like power roles.

I have no interest in moving my vote. "

Isn't it actually the complete opposite, where scum tend to act as roleless townies?

"Looks a little forced but if no one is willing to vote WAR then I will agree to send SMC to the dead thread... where he happens to rule. "

"Now that you made a funny... Can you please defend so we can go back to lynching War? thanxkbai "


"Dude I really don;t think your scum. I do think war is though. "

Vic:"I suppose I never thought of it that way. If that's the case then I feel like War and JF80 are my top 2. Given the time constraints I'm cool with going either of those 2 directions."

Crusher: "Boom."

SMC: "For me, I'd go (in any order) J80, WE, and Brett. I'd vote for any of them. Plus, either of them could be the fallback in your "scramble" scenario to avoid a random lynch. That's how I'm playing it.

Crusher: "Boom... Though not as sure on Brett. But BOOM "

I think he was trying to drive a lynch on me after my semi-reveal to remove a powerful townie (he would know as scum that I am town). When that failed, he tried to take me out. This failure probably gave him more food to try and drive another lynch against me, figuring nobody knew who was attacked and if successful he would take out a powerful figure. Instead, I knew all along but kept quiet to draw out other reactions. After failing to drive a train on me for the second time, he fled to the hills or something and ignored me from thereon out...

Those quotes are in chronological order, by the way.


For a boy genius you seem to struggle using the qoute function. Even your first post of the game. nerves if you ask me. I still think your scum.. for the record moreso now.

Don;t believe you.

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My proposal: JF80, prove your innocence and shoot crusher. If Crusher turns up mafia as I suspect, we should follow with a lynch of Brett.

Can an extension be given if necessary, considering we are moving here?

This is cool. Go ahead. But instead of a coconut could you throw a bucket of KFC?

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Were you informed that you were targeted?

Secondly, if WE was the victim of a day time shot that looks to be scum... What does that say about JF80?

Nothing we didn't already know, since JF80 claimed not to be the one to take that shot (since either he was telling the truth, and WE's info is therefore irrelevant, or he was lying, and therefore likely scum anyway, regardless of WE's info).

This looks like a bad deflection attempt from Brett

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And can we PLEASE stop with asking JF80 to shoot anyone? There's no reason not to holster until the shot is more likely to hit scum.

If you believe he's telling the truth he won't be alive much longer to use that shot. Or does your credo of "win or die spectaculary trying" only apply to scum?

If I'm scum and JetFat isn't, he's on the clock.. I'd be thinking there's no reason to risk having an errant shot hit one of us when we can just blast his a$$.

I still say fire away.

have a nice day.

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Need to know what the vote count is... the only thing I question about WE's reveal is that my take is he is claiming some form of daytime bulletproof - and given the way JF80's reveal was worded, bulletproof's are a night action that carries over into the day. Sure its possible there are multiple forms of bulletproof. I will reread it after the commute...

The people saying they believe WE, but think "everyone instructing JF80 to shoot is scummy" are contradicting themselves given WE's idea of "shoot Crusher, lynch Brett." Again, I want to look more closely at who is doing this...

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Official Vote Count

brett (5) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, JiF, slats

war ensemble (2) - Jetscode, Song

Jetsfan80 (4) - Vicious, SMC, Aemon, Pac

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (4) - AVM, brett, Jetsfan80, JVOR

Doggin (1) - Dan

slats (1) - CTM

Not Voting: Crusher

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.


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Why would scum try to kill WE who was a top lynch candidate?

My guess is they didn't. All seems like an attempt by scum to get the town off point. With deadline looming it's a good move.

That being said I will only have a few moments to post right now and scattered thru the morning. Won;t have alot of time till 2ish.

So.. Wars story seems flawed to me for the same reason SMC posted above. I don agree with whoever said I think the town is scattered with "Bit" type roles.

I still think J80 is a good lynch for two reasons:

1. We know he's not Doc or cop

2. If he really is a vig and not scum they will night kill him anyhow

vote J80

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Seriously? Your "relief" of not outing the cop/doc is contradicted completely by your vote staying on Brett. :rolleyes:

You're wasting your time dude, seriously. And I am relieved its not the doc or cop...if you recall, I've been claiming for a while now that I'm getting a town read on JF80...I thought he was one of the two, thats why its relieving to know. And its not contradiction. I wanted to vote Brett to hopefully avoid finding out you bozo's outed a cop or doc.

Why would scum try to kill WE who was a top lynch candidate?

This is what I dont get about his reveal. But then again, why do it when everyone is moving from you direction and focusing elsewhere?

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I have made my decision. While shooting would probably guarantee my survival in night 1, I still feel its not in the best interests of the town. I could hit an important town role just as easily as I could hit scum. If the scum want to kill me night 1, I honestly don't think losing me and my one shot is a huge casualty for the town.

In addition, it looks like you guys have some intriguing information based on the advise people are sending my way.

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because he's got something to reveal... If they think he's the cop why not take that shot? Perfect time to do it.

have mercy.

Well thats a good point, but if I'm scum, I'm confident I can get him lynched. I probably would have saved it for someone else...but a good point nonetheless.

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Need to know what the vote count is... the only thing I question about WE's reveal is that my take is he is claiming some form of daytime bulletproof - and given the way JF80's reveal was worded, bulletproof's are a night action that carries over into the day. Sure its possible there are multiple forms of bulletproof. I will reread it after the commute...

The people saying they believe WE, but think "everyone instructing JF80 to shoot is scummy" are contradicting themselves given WE's idea of "shoot Crusher, lynch Brett." Again, I want to look more closely at who is doing this...

Take a real good look at Slats. He flip flopped with CTM and interested in your monkey logic on this.

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Official Vote Count

brett (5) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, JiF, slats

war ensemble (2) - Jetscode, Song

Jetsfan80 (5) - Vicious, SMC, Aemon, Pac, Crusher

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (4) - AVM, brett, Jetsfan80, JVOR

Doggin (1) - Dan

slats (1) - CTM

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.


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Well thats a good point, but if I'm scum, I'm confident I can get him lynched. I probably would have saved it for someone else...but a good point nonetheless.

as soon as he gets to L2 and says he's whatever the votes come off with a quickness.. He wasn't getting lynched today.. have mercy.

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If you believe he's telling the truth he won't be alive much longer to use that shot. Or does your credo of "win or die spectaculary trying" only apply to scum?

If I'm scum and JetFat isn't, he's on the clock.. I'd be thinking there's no reason to risk having an errant shot hit one of us when we can just blast his a$$.

I still say fire away.

have a nice day.

If I'm scum, I don't worry about that unless and until I see one of my teammates on the chopping block or the numbers shift; this early in the game, an extra death is more likely to benefit us. I leave 80 alive for a few days, at least

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You're wasting your time dude, seriously. And I am relieved its not the doc or cop...if you recall, I've been claiming for a while now that I'm getting a town read on JF80...I thought he was one of the two, thats why its relieving to know. And its not contradiction. I wanted to vote Brett to hopefully avoid finding out you bozo's outed a cop or doc.

If you are concerned about outing the doc or cop... then pushing the train on Brett, who hasn't claimed, is in fact a contradiction to that concern.

You are your own brand of stupid.

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If I'm scum, I don't worry about that unless and until I see one of my teammates on the chopping block or the numbers shift; this early in the game, an extra death is more likely to benefit us. I leave 80 alive for a few days, at least


and remember.. I happen to thing JF is as likely to be full of sh-t as he is telling the truth. If he shoots he more or less takes himself out of the lynch pool which will help town widdle things down a bit more.

have a nice day.

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