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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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I honestly can say I have no safe feelings on anyone in this game. CTM is just playing weird to me. Like a Jester roll or something. Isn't that a roll that wins when they get lynched?

Nope the reality is that I'm exactly what I said I am. I did stop a NK on N1, the opening scene was mod confirming me. And I do have unusual survival powers that are similiar to hess thing where the powers change based on what day it is. I was purposely vague cause I think anyone should be with survival powers.

I am fine testing my powers today, with a lynch attempt. I think the nk should be used elsewhere, but honestly don't care either way.

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So... one sentence to vaguely address what I asked you about.

4 to insult my playing style and talk about irrelevant sh*t nobody cares about... a playing style you usually defend, no less.

Yes i usually ignore you or find you humerous, but this game you did something extremely stupid right out of the box, i called you stupid for it and it sends you into overdrive and I got sucked into that vortex

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Nope the reality is that I'm exactly what I said I am. I did stop a NK on N1, the opening scene was mod confirming me. And I do have unusual survival powers that are similiar to hess thing where the powers change based on what day it is. I was purposely vague cause I think anyone should be with survival powers.

I am fine testing my powers today, with a lynch attempt. I think the nk should be used elsewhere, but honestly don't care either way.

On again, off again...

Earlier in the game you accused both Slats and I of "figuring out how to kill you" when you were making your awesome case about how we are both scum.

What did you mean?

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Freakin' sucks when I have to do research


A Jester is a role which wins when they are lynched. They generally cause difficulty for the Town in two ways. First, because (while the Jester is alive) they aim to prevent the Town from lynching Scum. Second, because their attempts to get themselves lynched inevitably involve trying to convince the Town that they are Scum, and thereby cause confusion and distraction for as long as they are alive.


What does it mean for them to WIN ? I dont understand this at all. if a jester gets lynched the game is over ?

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Freakin sucks to be CTM

Poor memory? If you "never said I'd survive a lynch" then why did you propose to derail the Crusher lynch and have everyone vote for you in order to vet your claim?

let me clarify, to clear up possible confusion..

when someone says "survive a lynch", to me means day ends we got to night, and I'm still alive. I never said that. I said you can bring me to lynch coutn and i won't die, so if you're asking me if you can vote me to 9 or whatever it is, yes you can, it will have no effect

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Yes i usually ignore you or find you humerous, but this game you did something extremely stupid right out of the box, i called you stupid for it and it sends you into overdrive and I got sucked into that vortex

I doubt your sincerity at this point... but for the record.

Everyone, including me, moved on from D1. You didn't. When I started paying attention to other people, after apologizing for getting too crazy, YOU came right back for more. You are the only one that thinks you haven't been the antagonist. Everyone else sees it for what it is... you picking fights with a guy who likes to get the last word, every time he gets focused on something that actually helps the game. So, you are just as much in the wrong as I am for how this game has gone. Except I admit it, and have offered apologies to those that had to tolerate it.

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let me clarify, to clear up possible confusion..

when someone says "survive a lynch", to me means day ends we got to night, and I'm still alive. I never said that. I said you can bring me to lynch coutn and i won't die, so if you're asking me if you can vote me to 9 or whatever it is, yes you can, it will have no effect

Why are you being obtuse. Does it take an extra vote to lynch you? Yes or no?

If so, you have the same power as JF80... he was town, that doesn't make sense to have 2 townies have that power, to me.

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On again, off again...

Earlier in the game you accused both Slats and I of "figuring out how to kill you" when you were making your awesome case about how we are both scum.

What did you mean?

that was before jvor was outed as SK, who i now believe is the one who shot me. But, if scum took a shot at me n1, they'd know I survived, realized the opening scene was meaningful and might be confused about how to kill me. So when you two were pressing for my reveal, i thought it was possible you or he were fishing for more details about what my power is exactly. that's it.

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I doubt your sincerity at this point... but for the record.

Everyone, including me, moved on from D1. You didn't. When I started paying attention to other people, after apologizing for getting too crazy, YOU came right back for more. You are the only one that thinks you haven't been the antagonist. Everyone else sees it for what it is... you picking fights with a guy who likes to get the last word, every time he gets focused on something that actually helps the game. So, you are just as much in the wrong as I am for how this game has gone. Except I admit it, and have offered apologies to those that had to tolerate it.

dude.. jsut yesterday you said i had the good sense to move on and dpr didn't.. make up your mind :D

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Why are you being obtuse. Does it take an extra vote to lynch you? Yes or no?

If so, you have the same power as JF80... he was town, that doesn't make sense to have 2 townies have that power, to me.

An extra vote will kill me in like 3 more days..

now it takes 2 more

and about 5 days from now, it will be 0 more to kill

that's it.. re: my nk surviving, no matter what I say, it won't be believed and will ultimately be up to dpr or scum to shoot me and find out

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Seems like it. I can't recall if CTM has at any point tried to convince people he is a townie. I am also stupid so I could be epically wrong.

I seem to recall Doggin saying once that usually mods keep the game going and announcing the jester as an individual winner at the end of the game, along with whatever side won. There's just too much risk that the game could end day 1 or 2, and then all the work the mod put into the game is pretty much wasted. It likely varies from mod to mod though, like a lot of things.

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dude.. jsut yesterday you said i had the good sense to move on and dpr didn't.. make up your mind :D

Quote it. :rolleyes:

If I did say it, I was wrong... You've been like a case of herpes this game. The more I scratch, the more irritating you get... and just when I think you've gone away... its starts all over again.

DPR has been more like chronic diarrhea... cause every time I sit down and try to concentrate... he sprays sh*t everywhere.

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I seem to recall Doggin saying once that usually mods keep the game going and announcing the jester as an individual winner at the end of the game, along with whatever side won. There's just too much risk that the game could end day 1 or 2, and then all the work the mod put into the game is pretty much wasted. It likely varies from mod to mod though, like a lot of things.


JK. It was just a passing thought. Who knows what's up with this game.

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An extra vote will kill me in like 3 more days..

now it takes 2 more

and about 5 days from now, it will be 0 more to kill

that's it.. re: my nk surviving, no matter what I say, it won't be believed and will ultimately be up to dpr or scum to shoot me and find out

Game days or calendar days?

How are you anything other than Montana... you really want us to believe you are a cockroach?

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Quote it. :rolleyes:

If I did say it, I was wrong... You've been like a case of herpes this game. The more I scratch, the more irritating you get... and just when I think you've gone away... its starts all over again.

DPR has been more like chronic diarrhea... cause every time I sit down and try to concentrate... he sprays sh*t everywhere.

there, dummy...

it's sickening that i know your words better then you do..

That's fine. I get where you are coming from... I brought up the point, because viewing Crusher makes more sense for the cop, given what we knew coming into today, than Wombat, frankly. I didn't like CTM pipering as soon as the day started.

Interesting that after a game of him badgering me, CTM has shut up and you have kind of taken on his argument for him, in a manner of speaking.

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there, dummy...

it's sickening that i know your words better then you do..

Yeah, it kind of is... anyway, good case. I guess I'm the obvious lynch tomorrow now, because I said you had shut up, and then you didn't.

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@ PAC MOD when did the game officially start, Day or night ? Also was the opening scene just flavor ?

The game officially started with the opening scene.. That doesn't mean it started at night or that it was night 0.. just that it started then. Not sure how else to answer this.

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The game officially started with the opening scene.. That doesn't mean it started at night or that it was night 0.. just that it started then. Not sure how else to answer this.

I interpret this as the first phase that anyone could vote or submit actions was D1. Everything before that/D1 was just opening scene.

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Nice of you to tell scum who you're shooting, btw. This way, if they have a roleblocker, they'll know whether they need to block you or not.

Yeah, that's cause I wasn't really going to shoot anyone tonight. I was going to wait until tomorrow. I am a day vig, and that is why I wanted I28 to shut up. I don't know that I've ever seen a JN game without a oleblocker in the scum team...

But, I've got another little tidbit for ya - I've just been informed that my gun has ben stolen. Which means you got thieves, whatever that means.

No need to respond to this post - I was playing straight up, and I'm happy to go to lynch tomorrow. You'll get the exact name, role, and alignment I gave you.

I'd go on with speculation, but I might as well be shouting underwater. Go town.

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