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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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All that being said, DPR is right. There was a very subtle shift that seems to have occurred and now I28 is the hot train. Gonna look back to see who started that...

I did! And i defended 80 earlier, we must be a team!

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And here it was. Wombat was the next vote, but I'm not getting a clear read on that one. This vote, however, looks to be the catalyst that is derailing the 80 train and allowing the Ape's to gain steam.


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Yep and Yep

Hess FTW

I really never thought I'd ever find myself agreeing with you. That's why I even LOL'D at people "scum hunting" on day 1. We're going to force the reveal limit, and pick from there. Day 2 is when the real game begins as we have some information to work with at that point. Right now it's a blind crap shoot and pontificating as to how you have scum targeted on day 1 is asinine. With that being said, seems 80 revealed so.


Vote- I28


Yeah...I guess it's always been my strategy to just survive Day 1. Don't do anything too stupid unless there's a greater reason for it (spirits/magic 8 ball last game, doc game). I know most likely whoever the biggest train is first is going to be town, and I generally work from there. It's bitten me once, but in my mind the first big train player is as close to confirmed townie as you get for me. I figure most cops investigate that player at some point, so it'll come out eventually if they are indeed scum.

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We should still be voting people we want to vote off rather than voting just to get a reveal, though. Like Verbal said, with J80's train being a couple joke votes and a couple people voting solely to get things going, we get virtually nothing from it.

I appreciate J80 revealing to get the ball rolling, but who was really concerned that he was scum?

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Is it 7? Do you need an 8th vote to reveal? If so, I can provide it. If not, just go ahead.

We should still be voting people we want to vote off rather than voting just to get a reveal, though. Like Verbal said, with J80's train being a couple joke votes and a couple people voting solely to get things going, we get virtually nothing from it.

I appreciate J80 revealing to get the ball rolling, but who was really concerned that he was scum?


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It was me. On D1, I usually just accept that a townie will get lynched, but that if everyone is pressured to post, they wind up starting a trail that they have to stick to, and by D3, you often get people to slip.

Having said that, I'm not going to preach it game after game. JN's games have evolved in a different direction, so why fight the tide? Here it's a forced reveal game, and the race is on to see if the town or the scum team can do the most with it.

FWIW, in a game like the last one, where it comes down to the wire, and both sides are pulling strategies - that's what I love about mafia.

So for now, we've got 35 hours or so force 3 reveals and get whatever info we can. Why bother pretending like anything else is gonna happen? Get on with it.

The forced reveal game started cause 75% of the game gets rolled up over here. Anywhere I've played power roles have "revealed" prior to lynch, and were often spared. We're just pragmatic here in that we know there's a lot of roles and we know a reveal is coming. I can't imagine playing a game at DM, getting pressure cause I was the leading post count, claiming cop or something and then getting lynched. Other places you get to the same spot anyway..

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We should still be voting people we want to vote off rather than voting just to get a reveal, though. Like Verbal said, with J80's train being a couple joke votes and a couple people voting solely to get things going, we get virtually nothing from it.

I appreciate J80 revealing to get the ball rolling, but who was really concerned that he was scum?

Yep, and FOS DPR for ignoring that difference. He's trying to remove the suspicion part from the process. I think me and you said 80 should reveal, but that's because he made it to L-3 with votes that were partially joke based.. which doesn't typically happen..

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The game was stalled. Now it should be able to move again - unless we run I28 to 8 and spend the next few hours sitting around waiting him. Not that I'm entirely thrilled with his play, either.

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We should still be voting people we want to vote off rather than voting just to get a reveal, though. Like Verbal said, with J80's train being a couple joke votes and a couple people voting solely to get things going, we get virtually nothing from it.

I appreciate J80 revealing to get the ball rolling, but who was really concerned that he was scum?

lol I was moderately concerned about him, probably my #2 after integrity. But I do often find him scummy and am wrong. I think he's telling the truth about his power but could be a town or scum ability.

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ok... I guess if no one counters we can assume he's telling the truth. As Dan mentioned though that doesn't necessarily mean he's town. I had that power as scum and smash had it as town so it's 50/50.

and personally I'm not a fan of playing nothing but the reveal for this very reason. We got it, and now we're just assuming he's innocent so time to move on and get the apes.

next time I mod I'm making it either 1 reveal per day or none at all. play someones posts, not their reveal.

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So we got the reveal we wanted and no one is talking about it?

I don't watch the show... does a connection to a "state senator" sound realistic?

That's one of the running jokes in the show of late. Angela dates a State Senator, and brags about it often. Meanwhile, other characters on the show make fun of her, because a State Senator isn't really a big deal. Plus they think he many be gay anyways.

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All righty. I am Angela Martin. Once during the game, I can use my connection to the State Senator to prevent a lynch from taking place.

So we got the reveal we wanted and no one is talking about it?

I don't watch the show... does a connection to a "state senator" sound realistic?

I don't watch the show either but here is what I found from the wiki...looks like she was sleeping with the Senator.

In WUPHF.com, Dwight's hay festival distracts him from fulfilling a request for sex from Angela (per their contract). Angela's at her most irritated when she meets a charming, friendly single father (Jack Coleman) who she actually finds herself smiling at and enjoying the company. When Angela learns the man is a widower, she makes it clear he's welcome to call her. When Dwight is done with the festival, he arrives at his and Angela's warehouse rendezvous point only to see that Angela has stamped their procreation contract VOID.

In Classy Christmas, it's revealed that the widow Angela met is actually a state senator. She brings him to the office Christmas party, where she gloats about him being her boyfriend (whether this is actually true or not is unknown), but he sets off Oscar's 'gaydar'.


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I don't watch the show either but here is what I found from the wiki...looks like she was sleeping with the Senator.

In WUPHF.com, Dwight's hay festival distracts him from fulfilling a request for sex from Angela (per their contract). Angela's at her most irritated when she meets a charming, friendly single father (Jack Coleman) who she actually finds herself smiling at and enjoying the company. When Angela learns the man is a widower, she makes it clear he's welcome to call her. When Dwight is done with the festival, he arrives at his and Angela's warehouse rendezvous point only to see that Angela has stamped their procreation contract VOID.

In Classy Christmas, it's revealed that the widow Angela met is actually a state senator. She brings him to the office Christmas party, where she gloats about him being her boyfriend (whether this is actually true or not is unknown), but he sets off Oscar's 'gaydar'.


What do you think this says about his alignment?

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I support getting the monkey's reveal. I wish he dropped it for us this morning when I asked originally. I don't feel like placing the 8th vote on him and sitting around and waiting for him, though. Problem is, I'm at work on my phone and can't really search for something better right now.

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What do you think this says about his alignment?

Actually, I don't think the wiki added any hint to his alignment at this point...just that his statement about the connection to the State Senator was accurate...the "gaydar" comment was funny only because it JN mafia + it looks like her TV character is about to get burned the gheyness of it all.

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What do you think this says about his alignment?

jvor said anyone could be anything in this game, so I'm trying not to think of it that way. hehe I thought you just said to play someone's posts, too.

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jvor said anyone could be anything in this game, so I'm trying not to think of it that way. hehe I thought you just said to play someone's posts, too.

when in Rome...

since it's going to be another reveal fest I'm not going to ignore them :)

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ok... I guess if no one counters we can assume he's telling the truth. As Dan mentioned though that doesn't necessarily mean he's town. I had that power as scum and smash had it as town so it's 50/50.

and personally I'm not a fan of playing nothing but the reveal for this very reason. We got it, and now we're just assuming he's innocent so time to move on and get the apes.

next time I mod I'm making it either 1 reveal per day or none at all. play someones posts, not their reveal.

yeah, it's much better to assume he's guilty based on hess's gut feeling and lynch with no information

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Yep, and FOS DPR for ignoring that difference. He's trying to remove the suspicion part from the process. I think me and you said 80 should reveal, but that's because he made it to L-3 with votes that were partially joke based.. which doesn't typically happen..

Bullsh*t. I switched my vote to J80 to get the ball rolling - but I kept it there when I saw the mysterious shift to I28, which you mentioned yourself. For that, I like him revealing and now having to stick with it.

FOS CTM for such a flip-flop post, and Slats for trying to veer back toward scum-hunting when everyone else agrees that D1 is random, and what we want is info.

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