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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Again...I disagree...if you have an example please cite it...I'll at least take a look...my observations is the "loudmouths" tend to see a slight decrease in post count when scum while the typical low post count players see a small increase. This has usually meant that the low counters posters respond to more ghey, more lists of who they want to have sex with, more food posts...etc...not relevant, incrimating posts from playing the game. In games past, there are at least two players who by my observations will make detailed, analytical cases against townies as scum but I do not count you within that group.

Usually, you make cases out of thin air but it does prompt debate. I usually take into account this "loudmouth" play and look elsewhere...this game you claim your trying a less confrontational style but my take is its more likely a ploy to avoid a confrontation and lay low as scum...hence I've kept my vote on you even after the reveal (I'll probably add a little to some of the reveal discussion later).

I'll use myself as the example... I'm a loudmouth. Last time I was scum, Transformers game, people were suspicious of me, let me live past D1, and I eventually talked myself into a mess. Crusher is someone I'd consider an active player, the more he talks when scum, the quicker it becomes obvious he is scum. He hangs himself every time. So.. I believe that people that yap a lot, if given the chance, and they are in fact scum, will usually screw up... that is my opinion dude, I'm not sure why you are making it an issue. You seem to be arguing as though the way you've observed how "loudmouths" play as scum 1-dimensional, they all do it, and it is fact.

Anyway, game after game we see people at the end say "we shouldn't have let all these quiet ****ers live so long without pressuring them" and that is what I'm saying now... lets learn from our mistakes and pressure inactive players.

I also don't really care why you've kept your vote on me - its unrelated to me suggesting that we put pressure on quiet players. Frankly I don't care where you put your vote and your 3 posts per day.

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Soooo, I wouldn't be such a big fan of reveals if I wasn't ready to walk the talk. But, L4 is kinda borderline - if ya'll want to see the candy, you got to beg for it. heh

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Vote DPR

This is the direction we are going, then I'm in. I still like my list best. Though, DPR is clearly reveal happy and it'll be good to hear whatever nonsense he comes out with...

I've got about 5 more mins and then I gotta go off-site with a client.

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Soooo, I wouldn't be such a big fan of reveals if I wasn't ready to walk the talk. But, L4 is kinda borderline - if ya'll want to see the candy, you got to beg for it. heh


We're down to our last reveal of the day. I'm not interested in hearing yours all that much. My feeling is that we'd hear from you, and then decide between which of J80 and the chimp are more expendable.

Rather than trying to goad people into forcing you to reveal, how about telling us who you like for scum? You do like to pressure scummy people, right?

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DPR (7): CTM, Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

CTM (2): JiF, DPR

JiF (2): J80, SMC

AVM (2): Wombat, Slats

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Lily (1): Vicious

Vicious (1): Brett

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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We're down to our last reveal of the day. I'm not interested in hearing yours all that much. My feeling is that we'd hear from you, and then decide between which of J80 and the chimp are more expendable.

Rather than trying to goad people into forcing you to reveal, how about telling us who you like for scum? You do like to pressure scummy people, right?

Fair enough, and I do. AVM is tripping my alarms right now. I don't love JF80, and JC1 seems very calm to me. Different than last game.

I won't goad anymore - I was just saying that I'm more than happy to live and die by the sword.

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I find it interesting that SMC in particular was very eager to hop on the trains to push my reveal and 80's, and suddenly he's now distancing from DPR... Vic and Hess were also two quick ones to push my reveal and 80's, but have gotten awful quiet now.

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I find it interesting that SMC in particular was very eager to hop on the trains to push my reveal and 80's, and suddenly he's now distancing from DPR... Vic and Hess were also two quick ones to push my reveal and 80's, but have gotten awful quiet now.

So I'm told to play and vote who I think is scummiest, do that, and now am not hopping on a train quick enough to force a reveal which I was doing initially but was chided for it. Your circular logic is always amazing.

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DPR (7): CTM, Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28

AVM (3): Wombat, Slats, DPR

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

JiF (2): J80, SMC

CTM (1): JiF

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Lily (1): Vicious

Vicious (1): Brett

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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I find it interesting that SMC in particular was very eager to hop on the trains to push my reveal and 80's, and suddenly he's now distancing from DPR... Vic and Hess were also two quick ones to push my reveal and 80's, but have gotten awful quiet now.

SMC seems scummy, but that's not uncommon. Part of me is thinking that's it's improbable that he'd be scum three times in a row - but I know that I had a stretch where I was scum more than that, so it's definitely possible. Hess seems more lucid than usual. Lol! Vic feels pretty townie to me so far.

ftr, I don't think your vote is a smart one. Like I said, I suspect DPR's reveal will force us to decide between you and J80 for the lynch.

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I'll use myself as the example... I'm a loudmouth. Last time I was scum, Transformers game, people were suspicious of me, let me live past D1, and I eventually talked myself into a mess. Crusher is someone I'd consider an active player, the more he talks when scum, the quicker it becomes obvious he is scum. He hangs himself every time. So.. I believe that people that yap a lot, if given the chance, and they are in fact scum, will usually screw up... that is my opinion dude, I'm not sure why you are making it an issue. You seem to be arguing as though the way you've observed how "loudmouths" play as scum 1-dimensional, they all do it, and it is fact.

Anyway, game after game we see people at the end say "we shouldn't have let all these quiet ****ers live so long without pressuring them" and that is what I'm saying now... lets learn from our mistakes and pressure inactive players.

This is actually a really good post by the Ape. I'm so proud. He's right; those who talk too much are bound to mess up eventually.

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SMC seems scummy, but that's not uncommon. Part of me is thinking that's it's improbable that he'd be scum three times in a row - but I know that I had a stretch where I was scum more than that, so it's definitely possible. Hess seems more lucid than usual. Lol! Vic feels pretty townie to me so far.

ftr, I don't think your vote is a smart one. Like I said, I suspect DPR's reveal will force us to decide between you and J80 for the lynch.

I'm getting that feeling as well.. want to see how avm defends

unvote vote avm

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DPR (6): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28

AVM (5): Wombat, Slats, DPR, CTM, Brett

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

JiF (2): J80, SMC

CTM (1): JiF

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Lily (1): Vicious

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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and hypothetically if AVM claims cop, do we then take both him and DPR out of the equation and lynch btw 80 and the Ape? I thought we were trying to get away from this?

Depends on the reactions of AVM/DPR. Let's just hope we don't out the cop in the process.

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Ultimately I like the idea of the two trains rather than just the one on this final reveal. We can lynch whoever we think is most scummy between the two. It doesn't limit everyone just deciding between me and the Ape, if that's how it ends up going down.

I'll peel my vote off JiF and make a more meaningful choice.


Vote: DPR

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DPR (7): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (5): Wombat, Slats, DPR, CTM, Brett

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

JiF (1): SMC

CTM (1): JiF

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Lily (1): Vicious

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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Depends on the reactions of AVM/DPR. Let's just hope we don't out the cop in the process.

reactions smeactions...

If AVM is scum he has the benefit of knowing no one else can reveal today.. he can say his role is Jesus Christ and no one will be able to counter.

and suddenly a couple people are mysteriously hinting at getting some kind of "vibe" of what DPR plans to reveal even though he also can claim whatever he wants.

I'm sticking with DPR.. IMO he's played a scummier game than any of the other top candidates.

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reactions smeactions...

If AVM is scum he has the benefit of knowing no one else can reveal today.. he can say his role is Jesus Christ and no one will be able to counter.

and suddenly a couple people are mysteriously hinting at getting some kind of "vibe" of what DPR plans to reveal even though he also can claim whatever he wants.

I'm sticking with DPR.. IMO he's played a scummier game than any of the other top candidates.

Well if you believe DPR has played scummier, you're contradicting your own point. If DPR is indeed scum, HE can claim he's Jesus Christ and no one can counter.

At least with AVM in the mix too getting some pressure we can learn something from two trains rather than just one.

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reactions smeactions...

If AVM is scum he has the benefit of knowing no one else can reveal today.. he can say his role is Jesus Christ and no one will be able to counter.

and suddenly a couple people are mysteriously hinting at getting some kind of "vibe" of what DPR plans to reveal even though he also can claim whatever he wants.

I'm sticking with DPR.. IMO he's played a scummier game than any of the other top candidates.

I am getting vibes as well.

Perhaps that is the sybian I am sitting on.

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I find it interesting that SMC in particular was very eager to hop on the trains to push my reveal and 80's, and suddenly he's now distancing from DPR... Vic and Hess were also two quick ones to push my reveal and 80's, but have gotten awful quiet now.


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reactions smeactions...

If AVM is scum he has the benefit of knowing no one else can reveal today.. he can say his role is Jesus Christ and no one will be able to counter.

And such a reveal will be good for a day. Jesus Christ can counter tomorrow.

and suddenly a couple people are mysteriously hinting at getting some kind of "vibe" of what DPR plans to reveal even though he also can claim whatever he wants.

I'm sticking with DPR.. IMO he's played a scummier game than any of the other top candidates.

DPR seems more than happy to reveal. I figure he has something good - real or imagined. Like you said, this last reveal of the day has some advantages, too.

Don't disagree that he's played scummy, either. I'm just not sure that's a scum tell with him just yet - especially early. He bears watching and he will be watched. AVM is one of those guys who's much more likely to slip thru the cracks.

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That's very true... which is why I'm on DPR for basically dropping his pants and following this rule blindly.

Someone so headstrong doesn't just bend over for people he views as underlings.

I'm still catching up, but I'm liking this observation.

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DPR seems more than happy to reveal. I figure he has something good - real or imagined. Like you said, this last reveal of the day has some advantages, too.

Don't disagree that he's played scummy, either. I'm just not sure that's a scum tell with him just yet - especially early. He bears watching and he will be watched. AVM is one of those guys who's much more likely to slip thru the cracks.

I'm reading it as DPR being happy to reveal because he knows he can say whatever fantabulous role he can imagine.

I can understand pressuring AVM but I didn't like what I percieved to be an untouchable label you and CTM were pinning on DPR.

Last game had the DPR fiasco been taken care of on Day 1 the game might not have been as close. I just don't see the point of delaying the inevitable is all... if he's going to reveal tomorrow why not today.

especially given the fact if AVM is scum he knows all he has to do is reveal a more important role than 80 or ape and he will make it to tomorrow.

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AVM, Crusher, and Pac are scummates. Book it.

Vic, SMC, DPR, Brett, Slats, AVM, Crusher, Lily, Wombat, CTM

If I could instantly kill 10 players right now, they would be dead. Bunch of scum in there.

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