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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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I didn't really want to lynch either Jack or J80 but felt pretty strongly that J80 was town, as I stated at the time. The vote change was because it was so close to deadline.

I was the first vote on Vic, the previous night, so not sure why you're phrasing it like I jumped from small train to small train.

Also not sure what your deal is with the "15-page disappearance," lol. I was around that night after the lynch, questioning AVM. Then I wasn't around much during the day, as usual, and came back in the evening.

So you felt pretty strongly that j80 was town but you hasd no problem putting him at L-2 ? Really ?

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You jumped when Vic's train didnt gather any steam then you went to Jack which also seemed to be dieing then you went on JF80 at L-2. How many suspects can a player have in the area of one page ?

I counted the pages from 55 thought it was 15 unl;ess i missed a post .

Now your on AVM right at the same spot you jumped on both vic and jack the third or 4th vote which is a nice place to snuggle up and hide if the game slows down

Lol I don't even know what to say to you. Again, I did not jump onto Vic's train in the middle, I was the first one. Also feel free to reread my thought process close to J80's lynch if that's unclear to you.

And I don't care how many pages you counted ... at least go by hours or something. Haha.

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So you felt pretty strongly that j80 was town but you hasd no problem putting him at L-2 ? Really ?

A roleless townie is better than a random lynch, yes. Especially with so many people not around.

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Unvote and Vote Dan

I'm not really feeling the AVM lynch. Plus I don't believe I can get people on lynch Lily campaign. Dan has been bandwagoning and I believe if she is scum we will have a lot to go from. I believe we can get a lot more information which will lead to at least one more scum member.

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So I'm reading all of these responses, and it looks like there is a nexus swirling around Dan vs. AVM. Anyone see anything different than that?

I'm just glad it isn't around me. That's a relief.

I'm seeing more of a Smash/Dan Black hole nexus of mafia cynicism and destruction.

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The fact Dan is not voting me only makes me feel more comfortable with my vote.

I'd defend against CTM's a$$ertions but there's nothing to defend. I have had only intermittent access and I've been in a foul mood all week. That's all you need to know about why I'm playing "differently". If you don't believe that then lynch me.. Apparently I'll still be allowed to post so I can remind you how stupid you are. Or did I just get it right and you're scum?

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Vote: Pac

I appreciate the sentiment of going after inactives, but it's just not likely to happen over what promises to be a beautiful weekend. Then we have a deadline on Monday. I think in the end the lynch should come down to Pac or Jack.

Put forward your best case on Pac...

I'm interested in narrowing the field...could go in this direction...altho I prefer Vic if I move off Jack.

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So I'm reading all of these responses, and it looks like there is a nexus swirling around Dan vs. AVM. Anyone see anything different than that?

I wouldn't really paint it as clear-cut as that. I do think the recent pushing against me is a little strange. But also entertaining. :P

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I wouldn't really paint it as clear-cut as that. I do think the recent pushing against me is a little strange. But also entertaining. :P

You know, I wasn't really clear there - there seem to be two camps, one that points at you for scum, and the other that points at AVM. And there doesn't seem to be a lot of crossover, although i would need to do a re-read to confirm that. That's why I asked, because I won't be able to do that until later.

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You know, I wasn't really clear there - there seem to be two camps, one that points at you for scum, and the other that points at AVM. And there doesn't seem to be a lot of crossover, although i would need to do a re-read to confirm that. That's why I asked, because I won't be able to do that until later.

Originally thought it was between Dan and Vic...but now it seems its between Dan and AVM...I'll look back later to determine where the voters moved to and fro...

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You know, I wasn't really clear there - there seem to be two camps, one that points at you for scum, and the other that points at AVM. And there doesn't seem to be a lot of crossover, although i would need to do a re-read to confirm that. That's why I asked, because I won't be able to do that until later.

So are you saying that if one is innocent the other is most likely scum?

It seems that way to me (not you saying it's that way, but it actually seems like one might be innocent where the other is scum.)

It also seems Dan is one of those hyped figures and the mafia may be using her rep to try and get her lynched. The whole lynch her early because if she's scum then we are ****ed later, argument is pretty baseless and just lame, honestly.

Her bandwagoning and aloofishness is what I find to be her leading scum qualities.

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You know, I wasn't really clear there - there seem to be two camps, one that points at you for scum, and the other that points at AVM. And there doesn't seem to be a lot of crossover, although i would need to do a re-read to confirm that. That's why I asked, because I won't be able to do that until later.

I think neither is scum.

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Also feel free to reread my thought process close to J80's lynch if that's unclear to you.

Thought process and actual actions are 2 different things. Thats like saying.... Im sorry, I really didnt mean to hammer your a$$, if you will notice I said so a few pages before I actully did it . :P

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Thought process and actual actions are 2 different things. Thats like saying.... Im sorry, I really didnt mean to hammer your a$$, if you will notice I said so a few pages before I actully did it . :P

You are a penis without balls.

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Can I get some cliffnotes or do I have to read the 53 pages? :unsure:

The monkeys an a$$. So I was about to petition to call

Him domkey

Everyone is scared of Dan and her magic powers

Crusher ate everything and I'm starving

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The monkeys an a$$. So I was about to petition to call

Him domkey

Everyone is scared of Dan and her magic powers

Crusher ate everything and I'm starving

Any night kills or day kills?

Did Hess have me bang Natalie Portman like I asked?

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Any night kills or day kills?

Did Hess have me bang Natalie Portman like I asked?

Plus I was a debated lynch target. Everyone thinks I'm innocent but a distraction so some have been arguing my lynch. I believe some are scum because they think or thought I'd be an easy lynch and no one would really look twice because they'd say something along the lines of

It sucks that he was innocent but he was to distracting

He lied, who lies when they're innocent?

Or some other crazy lame reason.

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The fact Dan is not voting me only makes me feel more comfortable with my vote.

Lol wut?

You find her lack of omgus suspect?

I'd defend against CTM's a$$ertions but there's nothing to defend. I have had only intermittent access and I've been in a foul mood all week. That's all you need to know about why I'm playing "differently". If you don't believe that then lynch me.. Apparently I'll still be allowed to post so I can remind you how stupid you are. Or did I just get it right and you're scum?

I not ascared... if i'm wrong i'm wrong, not going to let the fear of a ghostly douche haunting me for the rest of the game back me off what I think the best case is

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I think the main case against Pac has to do with knowingly putting Wombat at L1, and then having the mystery hammer come in and take him out:


Vote Wombat

for fun.

Hess was right there with the post count, giving him (or anyone else on the train who was around at the time) ample opportunity to unvote.

Official Vote Count:

Wombat (9): Jack, Crusher, JC, 80, Sharrow, Verb, JiF, Brett, Pac

Pac (1): CTM

Smash (1): Vic

Slats (1): AVM

Verb (1): Wombat

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

I pointed it out and voted him like the solid citizen I am.

This really unnecessarily puts him at L1.

What I should've done last game...

vote: Pac

And then the secret hammer fell:

FINAL Vote Count:

Wombat (10): Jack, Crusher, JC, 80, Sharrow, Verb, JiF, Brett, Pac

Pac (1): CTM, Slats

Smash (1): Vic

Slats (1): AVM

Verb (1): Wombat

With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

I should probably go back and look at who was around at the time, see who else could've unvoted. There was a lot of activity here during that period.

The other thing that bothers me about Pac is his relentless case on Dan, after Dan revealed exactly what he would eventually reveal, he wanted to run her up for a lynch the next day. Seemed to me that they were claiming the same role, and that Pac should've recognized that and backed off. Still don't know what his case is on her or CTM, the other scum he's handed us.

Not pretending it's rock solid, just that it's the best I have so far.

I'll be willing to come back to Jack if it comes down to it. I thought CTM made a good point about him claiming doc simply to save his a$$ - which he essentially said he did himself. Let's face it, that's not a townie play. I don't think the scum are going to bother taking him out, either. So I think it's going to be up to the town to decide whether this guy should make it to end game or not eventually. At worst, he's claiming roleless townie (as is Pac), and it might be better to make that decision sooner rather than later.

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To be fair to Pac, the following people were also on the train to lynch Wombat and posted in thread without unvoting between 4:20 when Pac put him at L1, and 4:49 when Hess posted the final vote count:


JF80 (proven innocent)

Verbal (proven innocent)



Definitely scum in the surviving players, IMHO. Crusher was early on the train, JiF, Brett, and Pac all jumped on late.

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Official Vote Count

Jack (4): Smash, Vic, AVM, JC

Dan (2): Pac, Jack

AVM (2): Sharrow, Dan

Smash (2): DPR, Primate

Jetscode (1): JiF

Pac (3): Brett, CTM, Slats

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Not voting: Crusher, Brett, Lily, Duke

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

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Also fos on those pushing Dan vs avm stuff... creating battle lines is what scum do to set up subsequent lynches and/or distract town

How else do you propose we get people to talk so that we can judge what they say? I know that the 8 ball is popular...

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I think the main case against Pac has to do with knowingly putting Wombat at L1, and then having the mystery hammer come in and take him out:

Hess was right there with the post count, giving him (or anyone else on the train who was around at the time) ample opportunity to unvote.

I pointed it out and voted him like the solid citizen I am.

And then the secret hammer fell:

I should probably go back and look at who was around at the time, see who else could've unvoted. There was a lot of activity here during that period.

The other thing that bothers me about Pac is his relentless case on Dan, after Dan revealed exactly what he would eventually reveal, he wanted to run her up for a lynch the next day. Seemed to me that they were claiming the same role, and that Pac should've recognized that and backed off. Still don't know what his case is on her or CTM, the other scum he's handed us.

Not pretending it's rock solid, just that it's the best I have so far.

I'll be willing to come back to Jack if it comes down to it.I thought CTM made a good point about him claiming doc simply to save his a$$ - which he essentially said he did himself. Let's face it, that's not a townie play. I don't think the scum are going to bother taking him out, either. So I think it's going to be up to the town to decide whether this guy should make it to end game or not eventually. At worst, he's claiming roleless townie (as is Pac), and it might be better to make that decision sooner rather than later.

So you want to kill off a player that everyone assumes is a townie, instead of moving on to scum hunt? That's behaving strange. Notice I say assume, becsause I'm not confirmed in any way, and I'm not pushing my innocence, because let's face it, I've said everything I can in my defense, so lets cut all the red tape and scum hunt. If you think I'm a distraction well suck it up, because I'll haunt all of your asses for the rest of the game, so the argument to lynch me based on annoyishness and being in the center is null and void.

Slats any play that a townie sets into motion to keep townies alive and scum hunt is in essence a townie play. If the play doesn't work out, or if people don't necessarily agree doesn't change the fact that it is a townie play. So again that argument is null and void.

Then there is the whole switch back onto my train if the deadline gets to close, dude, isn't that blatant bandwagoning? Over justification of a vote just so you won't get called down for placing it where it is? I think so.

Pac is claiming roleless, Dan is claiming roleless to, which I find interesting that you didn't lump her in there. Not everyone in the game is going to have roles, in fact the majority of players usually don't have roles. Well they don't where I'm used to playing. I'm not to sure about how you all do it. Anyways you chose to put me with Pac, who has the second most votes. That in itself is a noteworthy omission, you leaving out Dan.

Also why sooner rather then later? Is it not more beneficial to the town to have more members alive going into later days? If I know I'm town, and the majority of people think I'm town, then why get rid off a suspected townie? That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It may be a good idea at the time, but then you realize you've been brash, and reckless. Neither are good qualities for a townie.

EDIT: I had to change admission to omission to make sense.

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To be fair to Pac, the following people were also on the train to lynch Wombat and posted in thread without unvoting between 4:20 when Pac put him at L1, and 4:49 when Hess posted the final vote count:


JF80 (proven innocent)

Verbal (proven innocent)



Definitely scum in the surviving players, IMHO. Crusher was early on the train, JiF, Brett, and Pac all jumped on late.

On an average I've found scum to usually rest 3-6 on a bandwagon. Although that isn't set in stone, and it has also been known for scum to vote each other day 1 to disperse suspicion in later days. It has also been noticed for scum to randomly scatter their votes on days 1 through 3 after that they all start to vote together because they need more influence. Also scum rarely hammer for the fear of the lynched player being a bomb, and also for fear of being looked at first. You can't really determine scum from a lynch ballot, unless the person being lynched is scum. Then you can bet one person on that lynch is scum, maybe two. A lynch ballot is just an indicator of where to look, IMO. Which is apparently what you're doing above.

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