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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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I would have to be pretty sure that the Grand Jury has that testimony, because, how can they really not? How can you not ask-What did you tell Mr Paterno, in detail? And in return, how can they not ask Paterno, what did you tell Mr Curley? The Grand Jury said that bot McQueary and Paterno's testimony were "Credible", so you have to think they are relatively the same. This is where Curley and Schultz fell in trouble. Anybody who changes their story at this point will be in bigger trouble.

The grand jury finding of fact is the binding document. To be honest I am really shocked it was worded that way because it does leave it open for interpretation.

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Not entirely.

It is NOT clear at this time that what Paterno reported to Curley was different than what McQueary brought to him. I have not seen that reported, and therein lies a piece of the quandry.

Mind boggling that the Grand Jury investigators did not get the story verbatim on what was said between Paterno and McQueary and between Patermo and Curley.

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Mind boggling that the Grand Jury investigators did not get the story verbatim on what was said between Paterno and McQueary and between Patermo and Curley.

"Even though Paterno himself had told the grand jury that McQueary saw “something of a sexual nature,” Paterno said this week that he had stopped the conversation before it got too graphic. Instead, he told McQueary he would need to speak with his superior, Athletic Director Tim Curley, and with Schultz.

That meeting did not happen for 10 days.

What was said at that meeting is in dispute.

McQueary testified he told the men in specific detail exactly what he’d seen, and what he testified to before the grand jury.

Curley and Schultz say nothing criminal was described. Instead, Curley says, it was characterized as “inappropriate conduct” or “horsing around.

Schultz said it seemed like “not that serious.”

But Schultz also admitted to the grand jury that McQueary had reported seeing “inappropriate sexual conduct” between the older man and the young boy, and possibly Sandusky “inappropriately grabbing the young boy’s genitals.”"

They probably did ask. The report is not the total testimony, merely an agreed on report that is presented to the Grand Jury and voted on, edited by and then issued in the Grand Jury's name.

What is clear is Paterno knew on numerous occasions Sandusky was a predator and did nothing. Again, he presented an image to the world that he was the benovolent all-knowing king of State College. And yet on thsi critical issue he, quite legally conveniently. had no idea. Problem is the DA would be putting the memory of an old man, and a legendary one at that, on trial. And probably they presented the Grand Jury appearance to Paterno as his chance to get on board with the prosecution rather than become a target himself.

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If it indeed happened that way, would not the mere fact that Paterno stopped him before it got too graphic indicate that he knew Sandusky was doing heinous things to the boy that necessitated police involvement? Absolutely sickening.

He should have his pecker cut off too. ******* scum bag. Everyone of them should be strung up and castrated. Every single one of them.

100 bucks Sandusky kills himself before ever serving any time.

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McQueary getting blasted. I read his Father that he called the night of the rape is a Doctor. If true, WTF.

Also, FWIW, Joe Posnanski is a sports writer here in KC. He is writing a book on JoPa and moved to State College one year ago to immerse himself in the atmosphere and to obviously have access to JoPa. He claims a 4th PSU employee will be charged within days and he doesnt believe its JoPa.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bernie Fine just fired by Syracuse

On the way home tonight heard there was a 3rd accuser, as well as a taped phone call to one of the 2 other victims from Fine's wife saying she "knew everything that happened".

As of November the 1st, Boheim and Paterno were the 2 longest-serving Div. 1 coaches in their sports. Difference is Boheim's image is a scuzzy wheeler dealer anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This clown Amendola is a one-man monkey show. I can't figure out what the angle is here but I'm pretty sure he's just dumb and crazy. They may do Sandusky for the Kennedy assassination by the time this goes to trial.

I thought I read that Penn State was providing Sandusky an attorney. It'd behoove them to stick Sandusky with an ambulance-chasing hack, one would think. Wrap this whole disgrace up as quickly as possible.

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  • 6 months later...

Amazing. From the day it broke until now seems like a lifetime, but it's barely months.

Sandusky's attorney's remarks may be grounds for a very good appelate motion for ineffective assistance of counsel.

If Penn State is wise, they are already cutting the checks to these victims.

IF SMU gets the death penalty for lack of institutional controls, PSU might very soon be in the same soup.

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Amazing. From the day it broke until now seems like a lifetime, but it's barely months.

Sandusky's attorney's remarks may be grounds for a very good appelate motion for ineffective assistance of counsel.

If Penn State is wise, they are already cutting the checks to these victims.

IF SMU gets the death penalty for lack of institutional controls, PSU might very soon be in the same soup.

Jopa dead, Sunduskly will get life and PSU football gone for a long time.

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The football program will survive. There is no need to do harm to the football program as that doesnt solve anything.

What Penn State needs to do now is eliminate anyone from the university that was involved in covering up Sandusky's behavior all these years, including the schmucks on the board of trustees. That is how this needs to be handled. Show the public that the university takes this seriously.

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Applications are up.

Donations are up.

Only thing down? Applications to Penn St law school... down 30%.

Law school appilcations are down all over the place. Several law schools are being sued by their graduates about exxagerated profiels of their graduates regarding bar passage rates, employment and salary data used to recruit potential students

Simple fact is in a shrinking economy more companies are cutting expenses and legal services are a juicy thing to reduce. Further the white shoe firms are not immune-



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No they shouldn't. They're human. They slipped and the people who were responsible have now paid the price. Let 'em move on.

I agree.

I'm not a Penn State fan, but this POS has destroyed the lives and reputation of so many people. He really must have had everyone bamboozled. Ex Players, like Lance Mehl, went and testified in his behalf during the trial.

Joe's dead, the POS is going to be sentenced to like 60-450 years. Good for him

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I agree.

I'm not a Penn State fan, but this POS has destroyed the lives and reputation of so many people. He really must have had everyone bamboozled. Ex Players, like Lance Mehl, went and testified in his behalf during the trial.

Joe's dead, the POS is going to be sentenced to like 60-450 years. Good for him

Some people had to have known. People talk in these small towns.

Sandusky will never see 2 years in prison though. He will be shanked once in general population.

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Some people had to have known. People talk in these small towns.

Sandusky will never see 2 years in prison though. He will be shanked once in general population.

That's not the way prisons work. He'll never see geneal population due to the fact he's a child molestor/sex offender and would be at risk if he was. The department of corrections simply can't have inmates killing each other while incarcerated. Here in Arizona (and I'm sure every other state) people like Sandusky are held segregated in their own facility.

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