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I had hoped you guys would've figured out the chicken/egg - Schotty/Sanchez question by now.

It's definitely not just Schottenheimer. Sanchez deserves a lot of the blame he gets. The OL seems to be playing this season on last year's reputation.

I still think the receivers are pretty good. I think they could prosper in an offensive system where the OC attacks the opponents weaknesses, rather than trying to focus on their own strengths. The strengths of the offense just aren't good enough to do that. They need more game specific plans. Schottenheimer says that's what they do, but there's little evidence of it.

I think between the ground and pound philosophy and Mark's misfires, the WR's get frustrated. People will use that as an attack on the WR's, but that's human nature. You're hardly ever being targeted, and then when you are the ball is thrown over your head; you're gonna start losing interest.

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Blech... didn't mean to post yet.

Shonn Greene kinda sucks. Sanchez and Schottenheimer both need a RB who's a dynamic pass catcher out of the back field. Greene is not that, and he's really not much of the power back he's supposed to be, either. They need LT in his prime, not geriatric LT.

I like Keller, but he (and Sanchez and Schotty) would benefit greatly from a true TE that can line up and throw a block and catch the ball. Take most blocking assignments away from Keller, and he'll be a better receiver. And, despite complaints, he's already pretty good.

But I do think Schottenheimer has to go first. He's something like the longest tenured OC in the NFL, and he certainly does not deserve that distinction. They have a lot invested in Sanchez, and they need to give him every opportunity to demonstrate that he might've been worth something close to the 5th pick in the draft. A new offensive staff, a couple new toys, a short leash, and another year is what I'd give him.

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Blech... didn't mean to post yet.

Shonn Greene kinda sucks. Sanchez and Schottenheimer both need a RB who's a dynamic pass catcher out of the back field. Greene is not that, and he's really not much of the power back he's supposed to be, either. They need LT in his prime, not geriatric LT.

I like Keller, but he (and Sanchez and Schotty) would benefit greatly from a true TE that can line up and throw a block and catch the ball. Take most blocking assignments away from Keller, and he'll be a better receiver. And, despite complaints, he's already pretty good.

But I do think Schottenheimer has to go first. He's something like the longest tenured OC in the NFL, and he certainly does not deserve that distinction. They have a lot invested in Sanchez, and they need to give him every opportunity to demonstrate that he might've been worth something close to the 5th pick in the draft. A new offensive staff, a couple new toys, a short leash, and another year is what I'd give him.

IMO this is what I think is holding us back the most.

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IMO this is what I think is holding us back the most.

If they're sticking with Sanchez, I agree that's the best first move. I don't know if McKnight or Powell can be that guy, but they need someone. Sanchez has gotten better at running the screen, they need someone who can catch it. Having a back who can pass protect and make something out of a dump-off would also be huge.

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I put more blame on Schotty. The guy never attacks the other team's weaknesses. Sanchez and the entire O needs to own this suckfest as well...the OL is a shell of itself...Greene is one-dimensional. Would love to see us find a player like Darren Sproles or even a Leon Washington (circa 2008). The suggestion that the offense is frustrated is probably the right word...have to think its all of the skill players and that leads us to getting rid of Schotty, I hope.

I wonder what Pettine thinks...good, young coordinator...watching his unit excel (maybe not as good as the past two years but still playing well) and wondering why the O (and their coordinator) cannot hold up their end. I mean Rex and Pettine both have to see the weak link and would lick their chops if they actually had to game plan against our O. Rex and him are tight, supposedly, and at what point does he say "Rex, this ain't gonna work."

Kind of sad really...

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Good posts. You've got a mediocre coordinator and a mediocre QB talent and you're expecting them to compete at a high level, which is unrealistic. Regrettably, it seems like Rex is siding with Schottenheimer so far in the who-sucks-worse competition, and it's not unreasonable to think that Schott gets a longer leash than Sanchez here. Schottenheimer is a f*cking cockroach.

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But I do think Schottenheimer has to go first. He's something like the longest tenured OC in the NFL, and he certainly does not deserve that distinction. They have a lot invested in Sanchez, and they need to give him every opportunity to demonstrate that he might've been worth something close to the 5th pick in the draft. A new offensive staff, a couple new toys, a short leash, and another year is what I'd give him.

Really good post. Ultimately Sanchez will get more than just that because they invested so much in him. But I do agree that there is a combination of things at play here. But Sanchez certainly won't receive a final grade until Schotty is gone.

And Shonn Greene is not the answer, I have always said that. Never thought he was going to be an every down back. Getting hurt against the Colts in the championship game two years ago will haunt the Jets forever. He was looking really good and then he got hurt...game over.

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I blame them this way



I have been watching the NFL since before the merger and in all of those years I have NEVER seen a team absolutely concede on so many 3rd and longs as I am seeing from the 2011 Jets. Third and 25? forget about it, run a draw for 3 yards and punt and make the defense make the stop and then try again-it's a crappy system and the defense eventually gets worn down. This is as bad as the Bollinger days offensively...

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You think that's more regrettable than the alternative?

I definitely do.

I know you're pretty much done with Sanchez, but I just don't think it's pragmatic to give up on him at this point. He has shown flashes. He has demonstrated some legitimate comeback ability. I think you have to give him every chance before giving up on him completely. Worst case scenario for the Jets is that he becomes Drew Brees somewhere else.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't draft a mid-round QB, or pick up a mid-tier FA at the position. They need better insurance than Brunell or McElroy.

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Good posts. You've got a mediocre coordinator and a mediocre QB talent and you're expecting them to compete at a high level, which is unrealistic. Regrettably, it seems like Rex is siding with Schottenheimer so far in the who-sucks-worse competition, and it's not unreasonable to think that Schott gets a longer leash than Sanchez here. Schottenheimer is a f*cking cockroach.

Totally disagree. This team isn't run by Daniel Synder and Woody does seem to stay out of the personnel decisions. But Sanchez is the face of this franchise. And if Rex disagrees that could lead to a coaching change. Not saying that Sanchez will be here forever. But if they miss the playoffs there will be a price to pay. If Rex says it is Sanchez to go and not Schotty, Rex will lose.

Although I think Rex will gladly get rid of Schott if they miss the playoffs. So this is a non-issue imo.

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I am disappointed in Sanchez in that bonehead INT's are the difference in the team being 7-3. I think he is shell shocked from all the hits he has taken this season.

When I look deeper however, this team weapons wise scares nobody. Every year Keller is a big factor early in the season and then gets taken away by opposing defenses. Holmes only seems to get 7 yard slant patterns called for him and Plax and Sanchez never seem to be on the same page other than occassionally in the redzone. Our running game and OL have become pedestrian. Maybe it's Scotty and maybe it's not but the change has to be made regardless. The confusion in getting a play in down at the goal line in the AFC Championship game last year was the last straw for me with him.

Even our special teams kill us now in games between missed FG's and fumbed punts. The defense while having a good ranking still needs to show the ability to male the big stop during money time.

I'm hoping that we play out like the 2009 and 2010 teams who were both not very good IMO but caught breaks down the stretch and elevated their play in the post season. We certainly have the schedule to do so.

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Sanchez and Schottenheimer both need a RB who's a dynamic pass catcher out of the back field. [...] They need LT in his prime.

Oh, that's all?

I like Keller, but he (and Sanchez and Schotty) would benefit greatly from a true TE that can line up and throw a block and catch the ball. Take most blocking assignments away from Keller, and he'll be a better receiver.

Tony Gonzalez is a little long in the tooth at this point... would Jason Witten suffice?

Snarkiness aside, I agree that both have done little to show that they can be part of a successful offense here. A reasonable progression would be to dump Schottenheimer for a new OC in the offseason (extension be damned), bring in a backup QB that doesn't have children too old for Sanchez to date, and give Sanchez one last shot to prove he's not as sh*tty as he currently appears to be - despite how attractive the cap savings may be to dump him.

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Good posts. You've got a mediocre coordinator and a mediocre QB talent and you're expecting them to compete at a high level, which is unrealistic. Regrettably, it seems like Rex is siding with Schottenheimer so far in the who-sucks-worse competition, and it's not unreasonable to think that Schott gets a longer leash than Sanchez here. Schottenheimer is a f*cking cockroach.

is this serious, maybe Jif is right about u...

0% chance sanchez is the fall guy before schotty.. I can't believe i just read that.. have u been drinking?

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Totally disagree. This team isn't run by Daniel Synder and Woody does seem to stay out of the personnel decisions. But Sanchez is the face of this franchise. And if Rex disagrees that could lead to a coaching change. Not saying that Sanchez will be here forever. But if they miss the playoffs there will be a price to pay. If Rex says it is Sanchez to go and not Schotty, Rex will lose.

Although I think Rex will gladly get rid of Schott if they miss the playoffs. So this is a non-issue imo.

you've made me unwittingly agree with max..

happy now?


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Worst case scenario for the Jets is that he becomes Drew Brees somewhere else.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't draft a mid-round QB, or pick up a mid-tier FA at the position. They need better insurance than Brunell or McElroy.

The worst case scenario is missed opportunity for the rest of the team next year. Get the RT and safety issues in check and we'll be contenders again.

There is zero chance be becomes Drew Brees. Only reason Brees lasted to pick #32 is because he's ridiculously short for the position. With his college career, he'd have been a top-10 pick at the lowest if he was 2-3" taller. Sanchez is nowhere near the talent Brees is or was, so there's no danger of that. Brees is an all-time great, future HOF QB who was better when he came into the league, was better in college, and in the end he basically had one rough year when he had to keep pace with a defense that let up 28 ppg. Our defense gives up 10 ppg less than that and people still find ways to blame the defense more than Sanchez for our losses. He's not Drew Brees. He's Joey Harrington who got drafted into a great situation instead of a horrible one.

Couldn't agree more regarding a realistic option alongside him, which Brunell and McElroy (intentionally, IMO) were never going to be. I think a mid-round pick or mid-tier FA is not a serious enough effort. A mid-round pick, to me, is someone you're grooming to take over for an aging veteran in 2-3 years if he's not a bust. It is unlikely for a mid-round pick to provide a serious option for the Jets in 2012 when Sanchez falters again. Take someone in the first 3 rounds or get a serious veteran you'd be comfortable going the whole season with. After 3 years of the team carrying him, Sanchez - even with a few bright spots here & there - hasn't earned another offseason of unserious competition for the opening day job.

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The worst case scenario is missed opportunity for the rest of the team next year. Get the RT and safety issues in check and we'll be contenders again.

There is zero chance be becomes Drew Brees. Only reason Brees lasted to pick #32 is because he's ridiculously short for the position. With his college career, he'd have been a top-10 pick at the lowest if he was 2-3" taller. Sanchez is nowhere near the talent Brees is or was, so there's no danger of that. Brees is an all-time great, future HOF QB who was better when he came into the league, was better in college, and in the end he basically had one rough year when he had to keep pace with a defense that let up 28 ppg. Our defense gives up 10 ppg less than that and people still find ways to blame the defense more than Sanchez for our losses. He's not Drew Brees. He's Joey Harrington who got drafted into a great situation instead of a horrible one.

I've defended Sanchez here, and I haven't given up on him yet - mostly because I'm pretty sure the Jets haven't either. Granted, the more time that passes, the less confident I am that he'll ever amount to anything - but his first two years in the league compare pretty favorably to Drew Brees first two years as a starter in the league. And Drew had the benefit of three years starting in college, and a year sitting on the bench in the pros, before he started in the NFL.

Just saying that I think it's greater than a 0% chance that he can get to -or close to- that level. I'm sure he'd be closer to it of he were playing for Sean Payton in a dome, or even Norv Turner in sunny San Diego. The Jets missed the opportunity to build a dome, but they can still improve the coaching Sanchez is getting.

Maybe Brees is too extreme an example. How about Alex Smith?

Couldn't agree more regarding a realistic option alongside him, which Brunell and McElroy (intentionally, IMO) were never going to be. I think a mid-round pick or mid-tier FA is not a serious enough effort. A mid-round pick, to me, is someone you're grooming to take over for an aging veteran in 2-3 years if he's not a bust. It is unlikely for a mid-round pick to provide a serious option for the Jets in 2012 when Sanchez falters again. Take someone in the first 3 rounds or get a serious veteran you'd be comfortable going the whole season with. After 3 years of the team carrying him, Sanchez - even with a few bright spots here & there - hasn't earned another offseason of unserious competition for the opening day job.

I'd probably do both. I don't think the Jets would spend anything higher than a 4th on a QB this year, as they have other holes on the team that they'll be looking to plug thru the draft. But if they can get a youngish former starter in here as a FA, they definitely should. A Kyle Orton type. I don't know who's expected to be out there next year....

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