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Mark Sanchez MY QB!!!!


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that's the thing. when the offense is horrible, week after week, "it takes a village" so to speak.

if it was one guy, it would have been fixed by now.

there are issues all over the offensive side of the ball, and from mulligan to hunter to sanchez to shotty

lazy thinkers just hate on the QB and OC.

I think most jets fans see what is going on, it's just ugly all over

Well, if in fact the QB is the biggest problem, what can be done?

There are problems at multiple levels of this offense, including the offensive line, but if the QB stinks, what do you do about that? The Jets don't have a viable second option.

So, there's really no fix this season.

Thing is, the offense isn't much worse than it's been before. The defense is, which is the real reason this team isn't matching last year's record. But, the defense went from Very Good to Above Average and the offense stayed at Pretty Bad. We've proven we can win with a Very Good defense and a Pretty Bad offense, we haven't proven that with an Above Average defense and a Pretty Bad offense.

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Over Sanchez's three seasons with them, the Jets have made a habit of bringing in veteran wide outs with just one or two years remaining on their contracts: Braylon Edwards, Santonio Holmes, Plaxico Burress, Derrick Mason TE Keller.

The average NFL wide receiver has 2.72 years of tenure with his current team, according to Stats LLC, and none of the top three wide outs now on the Jets' roster—Holmes, Burress and rookie Jeremy Kerley—has been with them longer than a year and a half.

2009 The Jets have a youthful pool of receivers on the roster, including Jerricho Cotchery, David Clowney, Chansi Stuckey, Brad Smith, and Marcus Henry. Cotchery, after the departure of Coles, has been promoted to the top slot on the depth chart. TE Keller

2010 Braylon Edwards, Jerricho Cotchery, David Clowney,Brad Smith, Laveranues Coles, David Clowney, Danny Woodhead, and Aundrae Allison, TE Keller

The ONLY one I see for all three years D. Keller

In the first five games we were 2-3 Mangold was hurt for those three losses. The center who took his place is on SD’s Practice squad (where we got him from) AND SD traded with Miami to replace their center when he got hurt. In those games Sanchez was BATTERED AND BRUISED, SACKED, HIT AND HURRIED all the time.

He has more playoff wins in JETS history more 4th quarter comeback wins than any I can remember AND I have been a JETS fan since they were the NT Titans at the Polo Grounds. SO GIVE THE QB A BREAK he just maybe the best in Jets history…time will tell AND while I’m at it REX is the Winn ingest Jets coach so get off his back too!!!!


probably one the few here who also remembers Dorow throwing to Maynard and I am in full agreement with you. Only real problems Samchez has besides his height is experience-focusing on primary without enough thought of the DBs not clearly in his vision but that will come with time

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you left out his RB's that catch 150 + passes a year ?

Yes, of course. Don't acknowledge how often Bush was lined up as a slot receiver that year, catching a good amount of his passes technically as a WR not as a RB. But it matters not. If only we had a rookie Reggie Bush here then Sanchez would be a superstar QB. It had nothing to do with Brees and his superior passing skills opening up the passing game because he's so much better than Sanchez, keeping LBers off his RBs. I'm sure Sanchez would be able to accurately throw a football to his backs instead of misfiring from point-blank range.

The season Brees had in year 1 on New Orleans - a totally new team with a totally new coaching staff and totally new playbook and totally different players (none of them, at the time, being as heralded as any of the "big 3" receivers on the Jets) - was because of a rookie Reggie Bush.

Therefore Reggie Bush made Drew Brees and would make Sanchez just as good if he was here. You have it right. I am so wrong and now look quite the fool.

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Yes, of course. Don't acknowledge how often Bush was lined up as a slot receiver that year, catching a good amount of his passes technically as a WR not as a RB. But it matters not. If only we had a rookie Reggie Bush here then Sanchez would be a superstar QB. It had nothing to do with Brees and his superior passing skills opening up the passing game because he's so much better than Sanchez, keeping LBers off his RBs. I'm sure Sanchez would be able to accurately throw a football to his backs instead of misfiring from point-blank range.

The season Brees had in year 1 on New Orleans - a totally new team with a totally new coaching staff and totally new playbook and totally different players (none of them, at the time, being as heralded as any of the "big 3" receivers on the Jets) - was because of a rookie Reggie Bush.

Therefore Reggie Bush made Drew Brees and would make Sanchez just as good if he was here. You have it right. I am so wrong and now look quite the fool.

Im talking about this year where Brees and the Saints are once again on pace to throw 150 passes to RB's and what does it matter where a RB lines up as long as hes capable ?

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Hate to break it to you, but Sanchez is 25 years old, and "the kid" makes $16.5 Million per year. Let's put things in perspective here - he has long stopped growing. He's paid a helluva lot of money to entertain us. If "the kid" is throwing the football to people wearing different uniforms, I ain't entertained. And just because some will hold him to a standard, that doesn't mean you're not as loyal a fan - it simply means you have standards. If "the kid" (who's catching sh*t from his coaches for his poor play) can't handle the heat from Jets fans, then he might think about a different line of entertainment. I hear he likes Broadway shows ...


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Boomer Esiason just pointed out that in the history of the NFL only 5 QB's have won 30 games in their first three years. Otto Graham, Dan Marino, Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco and yes our very own Mark Sanchez. Not bad company and I might add (if I am not mistaken) the only one of the group who won four playoff games his first two years.

No QB is perfect and Mark certainly has his flaws but he is a winner.

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Boomer Esiason just pointed out that in the history of the NFL only 5 QB's have won 30 games in their first three years. Otto Graham, Dan Marino, Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco and yes our very own Mark Sanchez. Not bad company and I might add (if I am not mistaken) the only one of the group who won four playoff games his first two years.

How is Big Ben not on this list he went 14-1 his first year and 10-6 his 3rd year, he didn't win 6 games in 05

No QB is perfect and Mark certainly has his flaws but he is a winner.

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Boomer Esiason just pointed out that in the history of the NFL only 5 QB's have won 30 games in their first three years. Otto Graham, Dan Marino, Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco and yes our very own Mark Sanchez. Not bad company and I might add (if I am not mistaken) the only one of the group who won four playoff games his first two years.

No QB is perfect and Mark certainly has his flaws but he is a winner.

As a rookie, Kyle Orton had a stretch where he won 8 in a row and 10 of 11.

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This doesn't mean he is a good quarterback, it just means we haven't been very good.

And yes, I think Namath is a big mouth with little talent.

Namath is a big mouth with little talent? Obviously you have never seen Namath play.

As for Sanchez, the kid takes all the heat in stride, even when I see our OC run 5 yard slants when we need 15 yards for a 1st down. The kid takes all the heat, when we have a patched up OL thats not the same from 2009 nor 2010. The kid takes all the heat when our ground and pound is almost a faint memory.

Give the kid a little more respect and allow him to work through this....we are 7-5.

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Unless you have an elite qb, you will never be hapopy with what you have at QB-and there are only 2-3 elite qbs in this league.

Look how much Jet fans point out Brady flaws. If Brady or Manning were qb with the jets, Jet fans would be talking how much he is "overrated".

The Pennington bashers offered this criteria more than any other, from my recollection:

-Could not bring a team from behind in the 4th quarter

-Could not beat elite defenses

-Did not have 300 yard games

Sanchez does all of those things, except with the notable exception of beating the Ravens defense (that is a big drawback for him at this point of his career). He has shown that he can beat every other defense.

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Unless you have an elite qb, you will never be hapopy with what you have at QB-and there are only 2-3 elite qbs in this league.

Look how much Jet fans point out Brady flaws. If Brady or Manning were qb with the jets, Jet fans would be talking how much he is "overrated".

The Pennington bashers offered this criteria more than any other, from my recollection:

-Could not bring a team from behind in the 4th quarter

-Could not beat elite defenses

-Did not have 300 yard games

Sanchez does all of those things, except with the notable exception of beating the Ravens defense (that is a big drawback for him at this point of his career). He has shown that he can beat every other defense.

Yeah, agreed. Since we know what we have in Sanchez(average with occasional upside), I think the biggest drawback we have on offense is our running game and the lack of ability to get big plays. LT's one play yesterday is what this offense has been missing and then he gets hurt again.

Greene is just awful. He left so many yards on the field yesterday.

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no argument but look at the body of work-30 wins 4 playoff wins-pretty good for a start

The premise is the same: I just credited Orton with the wins. If not for a top defense supporting him that same play on his part could have resulted in a 2-9 record instead of 11-1.

The point is that a good team record doesn't mean the QB is doing a good job. Not by a long shot.

If the defense held on that last drive vs Denver, Sanchez would have gotten credit for "winning" that game as well. Meanwhile the offense scored 13 points (3 of which came on a drive that began with the Jets already in FG range) and yielded 7 the other way.

The kid is an awful passer, and the occasional sweet throw - like the TD to Holmes - doesn't change that. He also threw two 2nd-half passes that were perfect interception throws, so awful you'd think the defenders were the intended targets, but for a lucky drop and a tipped pass. It was dumb luck the game wasn't out of reach before the 4th quarter because of them. Getting lucky doesn't make one good. If I call heads on coin tosses 50 times in a row and it lands on heads 30 times that doesn't mean I'm better than average at calling coin tosses.

I give him full credit for that TD pass, because it was absolutely 100% perfect. But our supposed non-playmaker (if you read enough posts here) Holmes made the play possible with his fake move towards the post that created the separation in the first place. Sanchez stared him down hard from the moment the ball was snapped and never looked away for so much as a tenth of a second.

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Come on "The kid is an awful passer, and the occasional sweet throw" How many 4th quater comebacks? All lucky throws? The "Kid" has talent not a TON of experience. Namath (And I was there) had raw talent and when he was a rookie, they had to get him to take a little off the fastball because he was throwing the ball thru receivers. I can't tell you how many times we lost games with him because he threw soooooo many interceptions. Yeah he piled up a ton of yardage BUT he had Maynard and Sauer, and if the MVP of the Super Bowl was chosen correctly it sould have been Matt Snell 30 carries for 121 yards. Namath 173 TD's - 220 Ints. Mark Sanchez 48 TD's - 44 Ints. All I'm saying is if some posters here were around in "Those Happy Days" they would be calling for Namath's Head!

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Come on "The kid is an awful passer, and the occasional sweet throw" How many 4th quater comebacks? All lucky throws? The "Kid" has talent not a TON of experience. Namath (And I was there) had raw talent and when he was a rookie, they had to get him to take a little off the fastball because he was throwing the ball thru receivers. I can't tell you how many times we lost games with him because he threw soooooo many interceptions. Yeah he piled up a ton of yardage BUT he had Maynard and Sauer, and if the MVP of the Super Bowl was chosen correctly it sould have been Matt Snell 30 carries for 121 yards. Namath 173 TD's - 220 Ints. Mark Sanchez 48 TD's - 44 Ints. All I'm saying is if some posters here were around in "Those Happy Days" they would be calling for Namath's Head!

Honestly, how excited should I be over a forth quarter comeback against a 4-7 (now 4-8) team, as it relates to the prospects for the future?

Does no one see a correlation between beating the 4-7 Redskins with a 4th Quarter comeback and losing to the Patriots or the Ravens by two scores? Seriously? No relationship at all?

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Honestly, how excited should I be over a forth quarter comeback against a 4-7 (now 4-8) team, as it relates to the prospects for the future?

Does no one see a correlation between beating the 4-7 Redskins with a 4th Quarter comeback and losing to the Patriots or the Ravens by two scores? Seriously? No relationship at all?

Well, if this is the criteria, how should we feel about 4 road playoff wins in 2 years?

If, we are keeping everything relative.

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Well, if this is the criteria, how should we feel about 4 road playoff wins in 2 years?

If, we are keeping everything relative.

Certainly, we can feel good about those wins. But, you can't really be surprised by the fact that we were beaten pretty handily in the AFC Championship game.

The point, as you've tried to eschew, is that when the team plays at a level necessitates 4th Q comebacks against bad teams, it's also playing at a level where it loses to good ones. Dallas is really the only game this year you could say otherwise about, and Romo handed us that game.

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Unless you have an elite qb, you will never be hapopy with what you have at QB-and there are only 2-3 elite qbs in this league.

Look how much Jet fans point out Brady flaws. If Brady or Manning were qb with the jets, Jet fans would be talking how much he is "overrated".

The Pennington bashers offered this criteria more than any other, from my recollection:

-Could not bring a team from behind in the 4th quarter

-Could not beat elite defenses

-Did not have 300 yard games

Sanchez does all of those things, except with the notable exception of beating the Ravens defense (that is a big drawback for him at this point of his career). He has shown that he can beat every other defense.

actually im gonna point out that i was at the game yesterday and he only had one good throw all game (holmes touchdown). Other then that i saw him missing wide open recievers, missing reads, bad accuracy, and he almost got a WR i think it was turner killed.

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Certainly, we can feel good about those wins. But, you can't really be surprised by the fact that we were beaten pretty handily in the AFC Championship game.

The point, as you've tried to eschew, is that when the team plays at a level necessitates 4th Q comebacks against bad teams, it's also playing at a level where it loses to good ones. Dallas is really the only game this year you could say otherwise about, and Romo handed us that game.

And, the qb alone was not the reason for those losses.

Point being, there are very few elite qb's in this league and none that are perfect.

Does Sanchez have his problems? Yes, but he also has some very good traits as well-resilencly and the skills to come up big in big spots. Don't down play those as if they are nothing. The Pennington bashers used to be all over him on that one.

I would rather have a qb that comes up big against bad teams late in games, rather than one that doesn't. That is one big differentiating point between good and bad teams in this league.

Sanchez has shown an ability beat EVERY team in this league except Baltimore.

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Those three Road losses...lets be real with a, Rookie undrafted free agent center who is NOT on an active roster, that we took off a practice squad from SD who took him back and when they lost their center they traded with MIAMI to replace their injured center, and how Wayne Hunter was playing (He could have been called for holding in the End Zone yesterday) the offensive line was like a NYC Subway turnstile....everyone come on and hit the QB! Without Mangold our line SUCKED. Third year QB...Mark I'll take you and Rex ! Oh yeah and while I'm on a roll .....Who was the defensive coordinator for our ONLY Super Bowl ?????? Oh yeah Rex's dad Buddy

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I looked at Drew Brees's #'s for his last year with the Chargers with Brian Schottenheimer as his OC. With Ladanlian Tomlinson and Michael Turner as his RB's, they rushed for 1800 yds and 21 TD's. Brees threw for 3576 yards on 500 attempts, with 24 TDs and 15 INT's. This was his 5th year in the league. Sanchez this year (3rd) has 2678 yds, 19 TD's and 11 picks. If he gets 200 yds/gm, 5 TDs and 4 picks (not unreasonable IMO) his and Brees #'s are almost identical. Brees threw it 500 times, Mark is at 405 for the year. 25 more passes a game puts Sanchez at 505. Brees's Comp% was 64.6 and Mark is at 56.5%, but he plays in the NE. Brees's 3rd year in the league and 2d under Schotty Brees Comp% was 57.6%. (11 game though) Brees also had Antonio Gates who caught 89 balls for 1100 yards.

Brees's 1st year under Sean Payton he threw for 4418yds with 26 Tds and 11 picks. I am not posting this to say Sanchez is Brees. But keep in mind the year Favre and Pennington left they both had career years. Favre went to the NFCCG and Pennington took a 1-15 Dolphins team and won the AFCE.

Sanchez is having a comparable year to Brees with far fewer weapons. I just think the people who are LOL Sanchize need to look at the numbers and consider that his OC is stunting his growth. Do I wish he was better? Sure. He has gotten better every year though and I really believe our OC is holding him back.


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And, the qb alone was not the reason for those losses.

Point being, there are very few elite qb's in this league and none that are perfect.

Does Sanchez have his problems? Yes, but he also has some very good traits as well-resilencly and the skills to come up big in big spots. Don't down play those as if they are nothing. The Pennington bashers used to be all over him on that one.

I would rather have a qb that comes up big against bad teams late in games, rather than one that doesn't. That is one big differentiating point between good and bad teams in this league.

Sanchez has shown an ability beat EVERY team in this league except Baltimore.

I don't know where you come up with "Sanchez has shown an ability beat EVERY team in this league except Baltimore", considering how many teams he has not beaten, including the two best in the league right now, Green Bay and New Orleans. Of course, he's beaten the Steelers, but that was in a game that didn't mean nearly as much as the one a few weeks later, in which the Steelers crushed him in the 1st half, and then played bend but don't break in the 2nd.

I guess I'm just not that impressed with his resiliency, when in his first two seasons, he played for teams with elite defenses, the 1st of which being the #1 ranked D. The worst he's had to deal with is fan criticism. Boo Hoo. When the team lost, it was usually due to offensive ineffectiveness, which comes down on the QB. As for his ability to come up in big spots. We've seen that at time, but again, how many of those 4th Q comebacks are against teams like the 4-8 Skins? Sure we're happy to have them, but barely beating bad teams and losing to good ones has a strong correlation, whether anyone wants to acknowledge that.

As for Pennington, Sanchez does some of the things that Pennington was killed for not being able to do. We disagree on ability to beat elite defenses, but otherwise, that's a fine point to make. The problem is, there's plenty that Pennington did that Sanchez is unable to do. Pennington was at least reliably accurate and smart with the football. Would I prefer Sanchez to Pennington? Sure. Pennington was average everyday. Sanchez can be above average in moments, though I'm not sure we've ever seen him play well for 60 minutes, but he can also be well below average. Regardless of any of that, a favorable comparison to Pennington isn't exactly the gold standard for success in the NFL.

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I don't know where you come up with "Sanchez has shown an ability beat EVERY team in this league except Baltimore", considering how many teams he has not beaten, including the two best in the league right now, Green Bay and New Orleans. Of course, he's beaten the Steelers, but that was in a game that didn't mean nearly as much as the one a few weeks later, in which the Steelers crushed him in the 1st half, and then played bend but don't break in the 2nd.

I guess I'm just not that impressed with his resiliency, when in his first two seasons, he played for teams with elite defenses, the 1st of which being the #1 ranked D. The worst he's had to deal with is fan criticism. Boo Hoo. When the team lost, it was usually due to offensive ineffectiveness, which comes down on the QB. As for his ability to come up in big spots. We've seen that at time, but again, how many of those 4th Q comebacks are against teams like the 4-8 Skins? Sure we're happy to have them, but barely beating bad teams and losing to good ones has a strong correlation, whether anyone wants to acknowledge that.

As for Pennington, Sanchez does some of the things that Pennington was killed for not being able to do. We disagree on ability to beat elite defenses, but otherwise, that's a fine point to make. The problem is, there's plenty that Pennington did that Sanchez is unable to do. Pennington was at least reliably accurate and smart with the football. Would I prefer Sanchez to Pennington? Sure. Pennington was average everyday. Sanchez can be above average in moments, though I'm not sure we've ever seen him play well for 60 minutes, but he can also be well below average. Regardless of any of that, a favorable comparison to Pennington isn't exactly the gold standard for success in the NFL.

Agree to disagree.

And I would never call any Jet defense in the last 2 years "elite". That is a s-t-r-et-c-h.

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