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Brian Schottenheimer To Miami?? (Merged 2X)


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He's got to go and they are all finally saying it on Post Game Live-no more pulling punches and being politically correct the Jets will NEVER win a or even GET to a Super Bowl with this guy running the offense-and it doesn't matter WHO the QB is, Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning combined couldn't make it there in a Schottenheimer run offense-no WAY can a mid tier QB like Sanchez do it

LOL someone finally said it? sh*t I've been waiting a whole week. FINALLY!

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I think the Eagles 3rd string QB just scored

Not kidding...the defense was abysmal

The game was out of hand because the offense was pathetic...the defense lost heart and were just going through the motions...the Eagles gift wrapped how many red zone chances and we still settle for FG...pathetic!

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The game was out of hand because the offense was pathetic...the defense lost heart and were just going through the motions...the Eagles gift wrapped how many red zone chances and we still settle for FG...pathetic!

Macklin just caught another 18 yard curl down the middle of the field

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He's got to go and they are all finally saying it on Post Game Live-no more pulling punches and being politically correct the Jets will NEVER win a or even GET to a Super Bowl with this guy running the offense-and it doesn't matter WHO the QB is, Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning combined couldn't make it there in a Schottenheimer run offense-no WAY can a mid tier QB like Sanchez do it

come on... you don't really believe that do you.. Josh mcDaniels coordinated the best offense of all time with tom brady, yet has been an unmitigated disaster in 2 stops since then

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come on... you don't really believe that do you.. Josh mcDaniels coordinated the best offense of all time with tom brady, yet has been an unmitigated disaster in 2 stops since then

They all believe that. If they didn't, they'd have to acknowledge that something a lot more difficult to stomach about this team.

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Remember that Mangini brought this guy in. How he has stuck around this long is a miracle in todays game. Even though we don't have the players on O to be high powered (a few suspect positions on the OL and no deep threat WR), their are plenty of times the players don't execute and yesterdays game was a prime example. Fumbles and dropped passes have nothing to do with the scheme. Having said that, sometimes people get too comfortable and their needs to be a shake up just for a wake up call. Im sure Sanchez will shed many tears if Shotty is fired, but that might be what he needs to wake up and take the next step. Cuz guess what? The next guy to go if you dummies dont start producing is Rex, and that prospect will scare the hell out of everybody on the team

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Blame Schott all you want but I dont think any OC could thrive with this QB.

Just curious but does anyone here think Sanchez is capable of running a Martz or Norv Turner type offense where the play is actually designed to go for 20-30+ yds or is called at the line based on how the defense is lined up?

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Blame Schott all you want but I dont think any OC could thrive with this QB.

Just curious but does anyone here think Sanchez is capable of running a Martz or Norv Turner type offense where the play is actually designed to go for 20-30+ yds or is called at the line based on how the defense is lined up?

I think Sanchez could run a successful Tom Moore type offense-it seems he plays the best when he's in the hurry up-why Schottenheimer refuses to allow Sanchez to run it more has mystified me all season long. Especially when he and the OL are getting killed by the pass rush. Schitty continues to make Sanchez stand there under center and let the defense get nice and rested after every play to come at the QB hard again and again and again. The defense continues to shuffle in and out fresh players who are licking their chops to get a shot at the Wayne Hunters, Vlad Ducasses and Matthew Mulligans of the Jets world. Pad those stats=making more $$$-Schottenheimer MUST go-and we need to see if Sanchez can be a top teir QB or not and then we can make our decision there. Right now, we don't know what we have in #6-not under this offensive philosophy

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I think Sanchez could run a successful Tom Moore type offense-it seems he plays the best when he's in the hurry up-why Schottenheimer refuses to allow Sanchez to run it more has mystified me all season long. Especially when he and the OL are getting killed by the pass rush. Schitty continues to make Sanchez stand there under center and let the defense get nice and rested after every play to come at the QB hard again and again and again. The defense continues to shuffle in and out fresh players who are licking their chops to get a shot at the Wayne Hunters, Vlad Ducasses and Matthew Mulligans of the Jets world. Pad those stats=making more $$$-Schottenheimer MUST go-and we need to see if Sanchez can be a top teir QB or not and then we can make our decision there. Right now, we don't know what we have in #6-not under this offensive philosophy

When you say Tom Moore type offense are you referring to the plays Peyton Manning called at the LOS for years? If you are there is no way #6 will ever approach that kind if skill and acumen. Manning was the OC on the field. #6 has saddled Schott and this team with a high school offense because he simply isnt capable of anything more than screens, slants, 10yd out patterns and the occasional shocking 18 yd pass.

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When you say Tom Moore type offense are you referring to the plays Peyton Manning called at the LOS for years? If you are there is no way #6 will ever approach that kind if skill and acumen. Manning was the OC on the field. #6 has saddled Schott and this team with a high school offense because he simply isnt capable of anything more than screens, slants, 10yd out patterns and the occasional shocking 18 yd pass.

the past few seasons when we have had those 4th quarter comebacks it has been because we've been in the hurry-up offense Kleck-of course we ALL know Sanchez could never be what Peyton Manning was in that type of scheme but it works better than the slow and plodding no-continuity offense we've run all year long. How sh*tty can continue to NOT herlp his QB and O-line out by tiring them out and not letting them bring in fresh players whenever they need to is beyond me.

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the past few seasons when we have had those 4th quarter comebacks it has been because we've been in the hurry-up offense Kleck-of course we ALL know Sanchez could never be what Peyton Manning was in that type of scheme but it works better than the slow and plodding no-continuity offense we've run all year long. How sh*tty can continue to NOT herlp his QB and O-line out by tiring them out and not letting them bring in fresh players whenever they need to is beyond me.

Always respect and enjoy your posts SoFla but I just have a hard time imagining #6 channeling Peyton Manning. For one he doesnt have the downfield passing accuracy and still locks into his primary reciever >90% of the time. Manning could find his 3rd and 4th option for a big gainer. I dont think Sanchez has that type football IQ.

Honestly, I think Manning made Tom Moore and without him he wouldnt have the rep he has today.

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And then there is this...

Kellen Clemens' Spot Start Success Casts Further Doubts on Jets Offensive Coaching



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Lost in yesterday's fiasco was the play of a former Jet in an early game. With less than two weeks of experience playing in a new system, former Jet Kellen Clemens completed 69% of his passes, threw for 229 yards, and even tossed a touchdown for the Rams. St. Louis had an offensive line full of holes and a receiving corps decimated by injury.

Clemens' performance yesterday was not All Pro. I am skeptical whether he can continue to play quality ball. I do think this was telling, though. In a new system, Clemens was more productive than he ever was with the Jets. How can that not be an indictment on the coaching he got with the Jets?

There are some obvious excuses that will likely enter your mind. Clemens had nothing surrounding him in 2007. His supporting cast in St. Louis was also not very good. You might say he was young and inexperienced then. Clemens looked just as bad in a 2009 start against Tampa Bay.

Again, I am not expecting Clemens to continue playing that well, but it is telling that the Rams could coach him up for even one start better than the Jets ever could. At least with the Jets, he had the benefit of knowing the system. Maybe on its own, this would not be significant, but I think combined with the tangible utter failures in other areas during Brian Schottenheimer's runs, it means something even if Kellen goes back to stinking from this point on.

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And then there is this...

Kellen Clemens' Spot Start Success Casts Further Doubts on Jets Offensive Coaching



Dilip Vishwanat - Getty ImagesMore photos »

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Lost in yesterday's fiasco was the play of a former Jet in an early game. With less than two weeks of experience playing in a new system, former Jet Kellen Clemens completed 69% of his passes, threw for 229 yards, and even tossed a touchdown for the Rams. St. Louis had an offensive line full of holes and a receiving corps decimated by injury.

Clemens' performance yesterday was not All Pro. I am skeptical whether he can continue to play quality ball. I do think this was telling, though. In a new system, Clemens was more productive than he ever was with the Jets. How can that not be an indictment on the coaching he got with the Jets?

There are some obvious excuses that will likely enter your mind. Clemens had nothing surrounding him in 2007. His supporting cast in St. Louis was also not very good. You might say he was young and inexperienced then. Clemens looked just as bad in a 2009 start against Tampa Bay.

Again, I am not expecting Clemens to continue playing that well, but it is telling that the Rams could coach him up for even one start better than the Jets ever could. At least with the Jets, he had the benefit of knowing the system. Maybe on its own, this would not be significant, but I think combined with the tangible utter failures in other areas during Brian Schottenheimer's runs, it means something even if Kellen goes back to stinking from this point on.

Oh come on, just because Clemens' Jets career saw him get progressively worse the longer he played in this system, just like both his predecessor and successor, we're supposed to believe that coaching has anything to do with it at all? Obviously that's so silly, everyone knows coaching means absolutely nothing and has no impact on a team's performance. Well you know, unless they do well, then that was totally awesome coaching!

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Always respect and enjoy your posts SoFla but I just have a hard time imagining #6 channeling Peyton Manning. For one he doesnt have the downfield passing accuracy and still locks into his primary reciever >90% of the time. Manning could find his 3rd and 4th option for a big gainer. I dont think Sanchez has that type football IQ.

Honestly, I think Manning made Tom Moore and without him he wouldnt have the rep he has today.

While I get your point on the concept of Sanchez running a Mannning-esque offense (although I'm not sure SoFla meant it in quite that way), I also think you need to get past your clearly blinding hatred for Sanchez for a moment and realize this douche-nozzle of an OC burned through a dozen other QBs who have all failed miserably as well, including 3 other starters, 2 of which went on to have far more success immediately after leaving the Jets. Regardless of what you may think of Sanchez, Schotty's incompetence was proven before he was ever drafted, and it's not tough to see that after three years he still hasn't learned how to play to the kid's strengths (or perhaps from your perspective, his less-weak points). I certainly don't subscribe to the theory that Sanchez is a new OC away from being HOF-bound, but even that's a more reasonable conclusion than Sanchez's 3 years of QB play being the reason for Schotty's 6 years of incompetence.

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And then there is this...

Kellen Clemens' Spot Start Success Casts Further Doubts on Jets Offensive Coaching



Dilip Vishwanat - Getty ImagesMore photos »

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Lost in yesterday's fiasco was the play of a former Jet in an early game. With less than two weeks of experience playing in a new system, former Jet Kellen Clemens completed 69% of his passes, threw for 229 yards, and even tossed a touchdown for the Rams. St. Louis had an offensive line full of holes and a receiving corps decimated by injury.

Clemens' performance yesterday was not All Pro. I am skeptical whether he can continue to play quality ball. I do think this was telling, though. In a new system, Clemens was more productive than he ever was with the Jets. How can that not be an indictment on the coaching he got with the Jets?

There are some obvious excuses that will likely enter your mind. Clemens had nothing surrounding him in 2007. His supporting cast in St. Louis was also not very good. You might say he was young and inexperienced then. Clemens looked just as bad in a 2009 start against Tampa Bay.

Again, I am not expecting Clemens to continue playing that well, but it is telling that the Rams could coach him up for even one start better than the Jets ever could. At least with the Jets, he had the benefit of knowing the system. Maybe on its own, this would not be significant, but I think combined with the tangible utter failures in other areas during Brian Schottenheimer's runs, it means something even if Kellen goes back to stinking from this point on.

Not only is the bolded factually incorrect, but the article was written by a Jets blogger with an agenda.

Come on... Kellen EVEN tossed a touchdown? He did that? Really? Wowzers!

Clearly this Hall of Fame performance proves something.

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If there was ever a game that should not be pinned on Shotty it was yesterdays game. When the Jets came out they were moving the football well and I think we could have beat down the Eagles smaller front 7 we made mistakes and we did not execute in its simplest form and thats catching and holding on too the football. I dont like Shotty at all but he cant be blamed for every single mishap, we lost this game due to momentum changes caused directly by turnovers and thats really about it.

When it comes to Clemens I watched a good portion of that game and he was playing very well. He was throwing nice timing patterns and he looked sharp and in control all while being in that offense for all of 11 days. In our offense he looked lost. He was unrecognisable to me yesterday from what Ive previously seen.

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Not only is the bolded factually incorrect, but the article was written by a Jets blogger with an agenda.

Come on... Kellen EVEN tossed a touchdown? He did that? Really? Wowzers!

Clearly this Hall of Fame performance proves something.

Did you watch the game ?

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Not only is the bolded factually incorrect, but the article was written by a Jets blogger with an agenda.

Come on... Kellen EVEN tossed a touchdown? He did that? Really? Wowzers!

Clearly this Hall of Fame performance proves something.

Oh, the article is no doubt ridiculously slanted and kind of hilarious considering the conclusions that are trying to be drawn from one performance of one player. That doesn't make the conclusions wrong though. The truth is, those conclusions are all things that have been pretty clear for at least 4 years now and it's really just desperately trying to add more evidence onto something that has already been proven time and again, since the Jets seem to be inexplicably oblivious. Although at this point there is a certain comedic value to the idea of Jets QBs progressively getting worse the longer they're on the team and better just by leaving.

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Did you watch the game ?

Oh, Ifs-mouth... Do I need to watch a St. Louis Rams game to know that saying after one game, where they scored 13 and lost, and the "TD Toss" we're talking about came with just over a minute left, and the team down by 14 to know that it doesn't prove anything about his offensive coordinator in 2007?

The fact is this is a piece written by someone with an agenda, being heralded by others with an agenda, but, I promise you, I didn't expect you to see that... I was responding to SoFla and BG.

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If there was ever a game that should not be pinned on Shotty it was yesterdays game. When the Jets came out they were moving the football well and I think we could have beat down the Eagles smaller front 7 we made mistakes and we did not execute in its simplest form and thats catching and holding on too the football. I dont like Shotty at all but he cant be blamed for every single mishap, we lost this game due to momentum changes caused directly by turnovers and thats really about it.

When it comes to Clemens I watched a good portion of that game and he was playing very well. He was throwing nice timing patterns and he looked sharp and in control all while being in that offense for all of 11 days. In our offense he looked lost. He was unrecognisable to me yesterday from what Ive previously seen.

I don't think this thread is meant to have anything to do with yesterday's game. That game is one that every player and coach on this team deserves an equal share of the blame (well except for Holmes, he deserves an extra big chunk). That doesn't mean I wouldn't still be thrilled if this were the game that got him fired.

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Oh, the article is no doubt ridiculously slanted and kind of hilarious considering the conclusions that are trying to be drawn from one performance of one player. That doesn't make the conclusions wrong though. The truth is, those conclusions are all things that have been pretty clear for at least 4 years now and it's really just desperately trying to add more evidence onto something that has already been proven time and again, since the Jets seem to be inexplicably oblivious. Although at this point there is a certain comedic value to the idea of Jets QBs progressively getting worse the longer they're on the team and better just by leaving.

You know whats funny BG when Clemens played for the Jets the glaring weakness we saw was total lack of pocket presence. Yesterday I saw a completely different QB and it makes you wonder about the confidence the QB has in the system. One of the Knocks on shottys offense is the plays take too long to develop down field leaving the QB in the pocket for long periods which can be very difficult especially when your O0line cant pass protect and your running game is stalling like it did the beginning of this year. In a game vs a really good pass rushing team like the Eagles should there EVER be a 7 step drop ? No, but we saw it. Shotty is the worst OC I have ever seen on the Jets sideline by a big margin.

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Oh, Ifs-mouth... Do I need to watch a St. Louis Rams game to know that saying after one game, where they scored 13 and lost, and the "TD Toss" we're talking about came with just over a minute left, and the team down by 14 to know that it doesn't prove anything about his offensive coordinator in 2007?

The fact is this is a piece written by someone with an agenda, being heralded by others with an agenda, but, I promise you, I didn't expect you to see that... I was responding to SoFla and BG.

You have no idea wtf your talking about. Your going to actully argue about the player without even watching the game and call me "ifs" ? Get real man. Clemens played very well and showed tremendous improvement in areas he was terrible here yet here you come with you "they only scored 13 points" arguement. The guy was there for 11 days and he got the ball to his receivers and showed very good pocket presence thats much more than he accomplished here. Do I think this means Kellen is heading for greatness ? NO not by any means but he at least showed hes capable of playing in the NFL something he did not show here.

I saw the agenda but I also have an opinion of my own you apparetly get most of your info from google and people with agendas. if you didnt watch the game your opinion is worthless

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Oh, Ifs-mouth... Do I need to watch a St. Louis Rams game to know that saying after one game, where they scored 13 and lost, and the "TD Toss" we're talking about came with just over a minute left, and the team down by 14 to know that it doesn't prove anything about his offensive coordinator in 2007?

The fact is this is a piece written by someone with an agenda, being heralded by others with an agenda, but, I promise you, I didn't expect you to see that... I was responding to SoFla and BG.

I watched some out of morbid curiosity.. same stuff.. bad pocket awareness, he under threw a wide open and streaking lloyd by 5 yards... the only thing he wasn't was skittish, but that developed in 2007 being behind that crappy line and he basically hasn't played since, so not surprised the happy feet went away.. the fact is that he got cut in washington and houston who has 0 at qb..

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The fact is this is a piece written by someone with an agenda, being heralded by others with an agenda, but, I promise you, I didn't expect you to see that... I was responding to SoFla and BG.

what's up with bg, he sounds like a lunatic when ranting on schotty.. he doesn't have a rifle does he?

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