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As long as he can call pics, and pic 6's, and Moore starts calling touchdowns again!!!

I don't know what's more sad, that there's someone who feels the need to contribute nothing but this nonsensical diarrhea to the board, or that there's now another who feels the need to imitate him. Did you not get enough love as a child or something?

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I don't know what's more sad, that there's someone who feels the need to contribute nothing but this nonsensical diarrhea to the board, or that there's now another who feels the need to imitate him. Did you not get enough love as a child or something?

No, I just miss The Crusher.

Maybe if they bring Pennington back, you will learn to appreciate it. :)

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Out OLB's can't set the edge. This defense really misses Bryan THomas

I'm not really buying that excuse because a healthy Thomas was on the team when they got gashed by Oakland.

Of course, it didn't help that Smith was taking bad angles on every big run play.

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I'm not really buying that excuse because a healthy Thomas was on the team when they got gashed by Oakland.

Of course, it didn't help that Smith was taking bad angles on every big run play.

Oh come on now, that's not fair. Smith didn't take a bad angle on EVERY big run play. He fell down on some of them too.

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Oh come on now, that's not fair. Smith didn't take a bad angle on EVERY big run play. He fell down on some of them too.

Yeah, that's true. I exaggerated a bit.

BTW, have you ever watched Smith run? Watch him on a close up if you can. I don't know if he's bow legged or pigeon toed, but his gait doesn't seem natural. It made me think that was a reason he can't stay on his feet.

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I don't know what's more sad, that there's someone who feels the need to contribute nothing but this nonsensical diarrhea to the board, or that there's now another who feels the need to imitate him. Did you not get enough love as a child or something?

I truly am becoming amazed at how poorly you take all this. You repeated the same drivel in certain weekly threads for years without a complaint from I. I fully believe that if what was being said was what you agreed with you would have no problem with it.

There HAS been something wrong with Pettine's playcalling. Obviously this is true, because the opponent knew what was coming. Pettine, like those in charge of the offense, went away from calling plays that are good for the team. This can't be good, and it's part of why the Jets are where they are (in utter chaos and turmoil).

Oh, and BK brought up Tom Moore because Tom Moore had seemingly fixed or at least positively influenced the offense. He was getting Schitty to not call INTs, throw to the RBs, and score points in the RZ. Now it seems as if Moore has left us for dead and is a gotdang liar.

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Out OLB's can't set the edge. This defense really misses Bryan THomas

There's no such thing as a defense that really misses Bryan Thomas. The D came into the year with big flaws...the safety thing has been on the edge forever...the LB core was a year older and mostly out of it's prime...the DL dominates the run but doesn't generate a whole lot of pressure...

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I truly am becoming amazed at how poorly you take all this. You repeated the same drivel in certain weekly threads for years without a complaint from I. I fully believe that if what was being said was what you agreed with you would have no problem with it.

There HAS been something wrong with Pettine's playcalling. Obviously this is true, because the opponent knew what was coming. Pettine, like those in charge of the offense, went away from calling plays that are good for the team. This can't be good, and it's part of why the Jets are where they are (in utter chaos and turmoil).

Oh, and BK brought up Tom Moore because Tom Moore had seemingly fixed or at least positively influenced the offense. He was getting Schitty to not call INTs, throw to the RBs, and score points in the RZ. Now it seems as if Moore has left us for dead and is a gotdang liar.

Try to justify it all you want, but the truth is every single thread on this board now has to turn into this same crap over and over again, regardless of how completely unrelated the topic is. It's nothing but nonsensical spam by a couple of bratty little attention-starved children. A thread about the team's CB play has absolutely nothing to do with your hard-on for the team's OC. Is it really that much to ask the board be capable of having any discussion without this endless pile of crap? You're not making a point, or even attempting to make one, as the entire objective is clearly to intentionally be as obnoxious as possible. Well congratulations, you're doing a real bang-up job at it. Although I guess I should know better, as all I'm doing is feeding your sadly obsessive need for constant attention.

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Try to justify it all you want, but the truth is every single thread on this board now has to turn into this same crap over and over again, regardless of how completely unrelated the topic is. It's nothing but nonsensical spam by a couple of bratty little attention-starved children. A thread about the team's CB play has absolutely nothing to do with your hard-on for the team's OC. Is it really that much to ask the board be capable of having any discussion without this endless pile of crap? You're not making a point, or even attempting to make one, as the entire objective is clearly to intentionally be as obnoxious as possible. Well congratulations, you're doing a real bang-up job at it. Although I guess I should know better, as all I'm doing is feeding your sadly obsessive need for constant attention.

Exactly why I do what I do. You were perfectly fine with this when the same crap over and over again no matter how unrelated was what you wanted that same crap to be. I feel no real need to justify it either.

No one was talking about the OC...we were talking about Pettine's playcalls and how Tom Moore tricked us. The Eagles weren't fooled by the D, and Tom Moore's influence boost ran out/he lied for the O. Both guys could have chosen to call productive plays for their sides of the ball, but they wanted to be cute and smart instead. It didn't work.

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WTF happened to this place you can't open a thread without someone having a snarky comment about another poster or come into threads to enforce your own agenda, stop acting like women. Grow a set, and leave the bitching and moaning for the women, and Jetsnation.com New York Jets football talk forum, for well football talk.

On to the original topic, this has been a problem since Rex got here, you play primarily man coverage, and teach bump and jam man coverage, your not gonna get alot of INTS, thats for the safety and once and awhile a rover LB, we don't have Ed Reed, Troy Palamalu, we have Eric ******* Smith, that's all that needs to be said about the safety position.

Green Bay plays alot of Man coverage and is similar in their blitzing style, but they teach off man coverage, and encourage looking into the QB, and jumping routes, even thou they know they will get burned plenty, but believe the risk is worth the reward, which is INTS.

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WTF happened to this place you can't open a thread without someone having a snarky comment about another poster or come into threads to enforce your own agenda, stop acting like women. Grow a set, and leave the bitching and moaning for the women, and Jetsnation.com New York Jets football talk forum, for well football talk.

On to the original topic, this has been a problem since Rex got here, you play primarily man coverage, and teach bump and jam man coverage, your not gonna get alot of INTS, thats for the safety and once and awhile a rover LB, we don't have Ed Reed, Troy Palamalu, we have Eric ******* Smith, that's all that needs to be said about the safety position.

Green Bay plays alot of Man coverage and is similar in their blitzing style, but they teach off man coverage, and encourage looking into the QB, and jumping routes, even thou they know they will get burned plenty, but believe the risk is worth the reward, which is INTS.

Green Bay can do that because their QB puts up points and keeps them ahead. It's easy to take risks when you're ahead or know you'll probably be ahead if you're not already....

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Green Bay can do that because their QB puts up points and keeps them ahead. It's easy to take risks when you're ahead or know you'll probably be ahead if you're not already....

Agreed, and its also the difference in coaching philosophy, Rex wants a low scoring game, and time of possesion and win ugly, McCarthy likes to score points, and has the weapons to do so on both sides of the ball.

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We need to sign or draft a saftey (MARK BARRON). No one throws at our CBs....the middle of the field is obviously the weak spot if youve been paying attention.

We need in this order




TE (one that can catch and block)

NOTE:Bart Scott AND Calvin Pace are guaranteed next year.

Cuts/expired contracts

Bryan Thomas

Jim Leonard

Eric Smith

Vlad Ducasse

Wayne Hunter

Matt Mulligan

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Exactly why I do what I do. You were perfectly fine with this when the same crap over and over again no matter how unrelated was what you wanted that same crap to be. I feel no real need to justify it either.

No one was talking about the OC...we were talking about Pettine's playcalls and how Tom Moore tricked us. The Eagles weren't fooled by the D, and Tom Moore's influence boost ran out/he lied for the O. Both guys could have chosen to call productive plays for their sides of the ball, but they wanted to be cute and smart instead. It didn't work.

Are you hoping that if you keep repeating this it will magically become true? Sorry to have to break it to you, but no such luck yet.

Although I do find it comical that you claim you feel no need to justify it and then proceed to spend a paragraph attempting to justify your nonsense. Whatever, I figure it's probably about time I do us both a favor and ensure we'll never have to have this conversation again, even if it won't stop every thread on this board from being spammed and potentially derailed.

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Im not sure who is good at saftey that would be available via FA.....some help? If not a FA I would LOVE to see Mark Barron in Green and White. Big frame and looks like he can cover....(especially a TE) If we got David Decastro and Mark Barron 1 and 2 its an immediate upgrade. In defense of Eric Smith he is better in 3 saftey sets shoring up the run....he is actually very good against the run....just cant cover.

My Jets quote of the day

Eric Smith couldnt cover my leftovers.

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Agreed, and its also the difference in coaching philosophy, Rex wants a low scoring game, and time of possesion and win ugly, McCarthy likes to score points, and has the weapons to do so on both sides of the ball.

It's not a philosophy thing...Rex, like everyone else in this organization, is going out of his way to protect The Boy...I mean come on...the difference between Rex and McCarthy is that McCarthy likes to score points? That's more the difference between the two QBs if anything...or at least, of course, their offensive playbook's designs, plans, and calls.

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There's no such thing as a defense that really misses Bryan Thomas. The D came into the year with big flaws...the safety thing has been on the edge forever...the LB core was a year older and mostly out of it's prime...the DL dominates the run but doesn't generate a whole lot of pressure...

This defense definitely misses Bryan Thomas. He's great vs. the run and he can actually step back into coverage. He was the guy checking TE's at the LOS and then passing them off to a safety. Which is crucial since our safeties cant cover at all.

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Are you hoping that if you keep repeating this it will magically become true? Sorry to have to break it to you, but no such luck yet.

Although I do find it comical that you claim you feel no need to justify it and then proceed to spend a paragraph attempting to justify your nonsense. Whatever, I figure it's probably about time I do us both a favor and ensure we'll never have to have this conversation again, even if it won't stop every thread on this board from being spammed and potentially derailed.


No man, it is true and it's why I'm not going to be losing any sleep over this. I think your whiny reaction to this is more comical than it is vexing...I personally love the hypocrisy involved...Do the favor, because you're proooooooobably not going to pull the e-brake on the situation (unless you do, in which case congrats).

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Im not sure who is good at saftey that would be available via FA.....some help? If not a FA I would LOVE to see Mark Barron in Green and White. Big frame and looks like he can cover....(especially a TE) If we got David Decastro and Mark Barron 1 and 2 its an immediate upgrade. In defense of Eric Smith he is better in 3 saftey sets shoring up the run....he is actually very good against the run....just cant cover.

My Jets quote of the day

Eric Smith couldnt cover my leftovers.

Meh, it's all relative. He isn't as horrendously awful against the run as he is the pass, but he certainly isn't good there either. The guy's tackling is absolutely atrocious. He hardly ever wraps up and just constantly dives at the ball carriers legs, causing him to end on his face in the turf with his arms full of air on far too regular of a basis. The guy is really at the point that he shouldn't even be out on the field save for special teams, which is why I was hoping beyond hope that the team wouldn't even re-sign him this past offseason.

A quick look it seems there might be a few starting safeties available in FA, the best being Laron Landry. I think the Jets are at the point that it's a position they need to address in FA and then again in the draft. The position is really such a disaster, none of the current guys deserve to stick around at any spot above #4 on the depth chart.

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