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Sanchez Now Written Off


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He doesn't just throw interceptions, his interceptions continue to lose games as was the case his rookie year. He looked totally overwhelmed against the Ravens&Eagles, like a lost little boy. I was embarassed to go to work the next day, I caught so much sh*t. Thats how the 5th overall pick in the draft looks like? After 3 yrs? The guy doesn't breed confidence. I hope the lights go on next year, but lets face it he's never gonna scare anybody. This is a QB driven league just look at this years playoffs, besides Tebow some pretty good QBs.

well stated and I do agree. His play has embarassed me as well.

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The temptation to keel haul Sanchez is almost overwhelming. The points above about him potentially still having upside are interesting -- not sure that I am convinced. But, for the sake of argument, what about the idea of putting him behind a veteran for a year or two with some idea of trying to develop him? Some serious quarterbacks in the past took a long time to develop. I guess the first question to answer is:Does Sanchez have substantial upside left to develop? Or is he as good as he is going to get?

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The temptation to keel haul Sanchez is almost overwhelming. The points above about him potentially still having upside are interesting -- not sure that I am convinced. But, for the sake of argument, what about the idea of putting him behind a veteran for a year or two with some idea of trying to develop him? Some serious quarterbacks in the past took a long time to develop. I guess the first question to answer is:Does Sanchez have substantial upside left to develop? Or is he as good as he is going to get?

Give him the first 6-8 games of next season to prove he is capable and that this year was due in some combination to injury, OC, or whatever. Have a capable back-up QB ready to take over if he is as bad as he was this season. It will mean 2012 is a wasted season if he sucks but I think we have to give him one more shot.

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Let's be honest. If our running game and defense don't perform like they did in 2009 and 2010, no way we make the playoffs in EITHER of those years. In '09, we made it by the skin of our teeth despite having the # 1 running game and # 1 defense. We excused Sanchez then because he was a rookie. Well, here we are 2 years later and he's STILL playing like a rookie.

I wouldn't shed a tear if we cut ties TOMORROW. Is that unfair? I don't think so. We invested a lot in the kid and he ultimately failed. When you get a chance in this league, you have to seize it (SEE: MATT FLYNN). Teams can't afford to sit around waiting for the light bulb to go on. The NFL is a cutthroat business, and when its time to cut bait and start over, you do it. Otherwise we're just delaying the inevitable.

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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him? Are you ready to just throw in the towel with this kid in only his 3rd year? Or is everyone just upset and venting and willing to give this kid one more year with a complete training camp and hopefully a better RT. Just want to see what u guys really think.

lol how r u doing? My wolfpack has just gained another member.

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I go after Luck, he is the next manning,, Revis Harris and 2 #1's, I made offer to Irsay. He will be special and guess what he can call his own plays. Ship Sanchez to Seattle for a 5th and a year supply of java


...and the cap penalties on these trades should only cost us 3-4 competant players for the next couple years.

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See some fans think these 20 year old kids are robots and that shouldering the hate from the biggest city on the planet, who are riled up by the biggest tabloid, media machine on the planet, a ******* media that has preyed on NY athletes, waiting for them to slip up, for a century, Maris to Reggie to Ewing to A-rod....forget about it, a media that caused Richard Todd to flip and assault a reporter, a media that has sent grizzled veterans like Kenny Rogers and Rick Rhoden and our pal, AJ Burnett and stars like Marbury off the deep end, crying on a shrinks sofa..................is not enough to cause this California kid who has been pampered his whole life to throw some errant passes. Not to mention the riff raff that went on in the locker room, since his squad left in return for Mason and Plax---wow. Truthfully, I'm shocked that he has handled it this well, although he did start to unravel at the end.

and then they bitch---"throw him away and get another" It is a ******* bizarre situation. They cut their nose off to spite their face.

"Oh, but they are professionals......duh..." No, they are human beings. A million bucks doesn't change that. Disgraceful. Take a look at that video--Mark to Braylon-- fearless, monster arm---same dude. So what's the problem? hmmm A.J. Burnett came in with nasty stuff. He can't find the ******* plate now. Good job, NY.

The funniest thing is that these same people would melt like margarine if their boss even turned the heat up a little bit on their sorry asses. Let one of these Sunday tough guys get called in to work a weekend. lol They would be whining for a month and, oh my God, let someone criticize their work performance.

"But they make more money......." = dumb, irrelevant argument that may satisfy your conscious, but hurts the ******* team. So basically, the 12th man for the Jets sucks. I dont give a sh*t how much they spend at the park or how much apparel they bought. When it comes to on-the-field production, in the real world, they HURT their team.

Sorry if that stings.

The good news is that #6 can fly 4000 miles away and enjoy perfect weather to do what he did to get him to this position, with all the motivation a person could possibly have to excel. Schotty's as good as gone. Our pathetic receiving corp has been exposed. I'm very excited for next season.

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What's really scary is those guys who love numbers aren't real fans, and also they're probably living in their mom's basements having sex with their calculators, plus because their calculators are male, then they're GAY, amirite brofessional!? BOOSH

THIS BRO GETS IT. Pound the fists bro!

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At this point I think if the Jets brought in Chad Henne, he would give Sanchez a run for his money for the starting spot.

1. Rodgers/Brees/Brady

2. Rothlesberger/Rivers/Vick

3. Flacco/Ryan/Cutler/Stafford

4. A.Smith/J.Campbell/Fitz/Freeman/Newton

5. Sanchez/Dalton/Henne

6. McCoy/Tebow/Jackson/Moore/Gabbert

With crappy OL play, chemistry issues, OC deficiancies, blah blah blah

Sanchez is a upper bottom half QB

With everything ticking, he can be upper middle of the road with a good to great play here and there.

Now the issue lies with Tanny.

If you've watched the last 3 yrs its pretty black and white what Sanchez is and what he MAY become.

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NYPOST reporting Sanchez was injured in the Denver game and played hurt for the final month and a half.

If true it at least explains some of his issues as well as the lack of a downfield play calls by Schotty.

Complete BS..thats why we threw 59 times and attempted 64?...this is complete BS.

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While I would normally agree with that, when you're talking about an elite level QB with plenty of years still left to go, that is most certainly the exception to the rule.

It worked for the Broncos and Elway.

It worked for the Giants and Eli.

If it's a franchise QB-and Brees is and still young-it makes sense. 2 top picks with the way Tanny flushes them anyway is a goof. And Sanchez can go to Seattle and suck with Pete Carroll.

It worked for the Broncos and Elway at the dawn of his career when he had a great running game to back him up. And I consider Elway a lot greater than Brees.

Issue is, if for the miniscule of all probabilities that Brees is available and we get him at any cost he will be expected to WIN it all in year one of his JETS career. That's not happening. This team has just too many holes. Whats our WR depth. The way Holmes played was subpar. Plax is almost on the way out. We do not have any depth on TE position. Our offensive line cannot protect the QB. And those are just things that are wrong on the offensive side of the ball.

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At this point I think if the Jets brought in Chad Henne, he would give Sanchez a run for his money for the starting spot.

1. Rodgers/Brees/Brady

2. Rothlesberger/Rivers/Vick

3. Flacco/Ryan/Cutler/Stafford

4. A.Smith/J.Campbell/Fitz/Freeman/Newton

5. Sanchez/Dalton/Henne

6. McCoy/Tebow/Jackson/Moore/Gabbert

With crappy OL play, chemistry issues, OC deficiancies, blah blah blah

Sanchez is a upper bottom half QB

With everything ticking, he can be upper middle of the road with a good to great play here and there.

Now the issue lies with Tanny.

If you've watched the last 3 yrs its pretty black and white what Sanchez is and what he MAY become.

Much of what you say makes sense, but I think if you look at the stats, Sanchez is easily comparable with many in the group above him (Campbell, Fitz, Freeman, etc.) and you can move Flacco and Vick down, bumping Sanchez slightly up. If I was drafting a QB for the future of my franchise, I'm gonna say he would go around #11 or so.

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Pretty much here's the breakdown at this point:

-You've got one group of people who absolutely completely despise the guy and think he's the worst player in the history of the NFL, and most of them have been saying that for about 3 years now, and that's not going to change any time soon, although there have been certainly more people joining them lately.

-There's others who blindly think there's absolutely nothing wrong, none of his crappy play is his own fault and those two playoff runs make up for everything else. Again, they won't be changing their minds any time soon, regardless of what happens on the field.

-The difference is now that group who falls in the middle, which accounts for most of the posters here, are definitely leaning much more towards the negative side and away from the positive side than in the past. I think the general opinion these days is that at this point, he's playing like crap. Regardless of any of the excuses you want to make, there's clearly some issues he has and needs to work out. Nobody really has a clue if he will, but there's at least some hope that it will happen, and they can maybe even understand giving him another chance to show he can do that before completely giving up on him. However, there's also not enough confidence there to suggest that he should continue to be the completely unquestioned starter and pretty much the only real QB on the roster who they'd ever actually play.

Granted that's more just generalities and there are varying opinions throughout that, but that's pretty much the major breakdown at this point, the difference again being that the negative group is getting stronger while that middle ground group is being less positive, and for good reason. It also doesn't help when you're evaluating opinions days after the Jets season came to a disastrous close, as you're always going to get a much less pleasant view of things. The bottom line is there's a chance he'll get his sh*t together, but I sure wouldn't count on it.

Perfectly stated.

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Much of what you say makes sense, but I think if you look at the stats, Sanchez is easily comparable with many in the group above him (Campbell, Fitz, Freeman, etc.) and you can move Flacco and Vick down, bumping Sanchez slightly up. If I was drafting a QB for the future of my franchise, I'm gonna say he would go around #11 or so.

which stats?

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Yeah I can definitely understand that but even so, I still think he gets at least one more year. Some of the older guys here might be more impatient though.

SANCHEZ should get one more year AFTER he wins it in a real competition with a qualified QB in camp. If he does it: Great. If he fails to win it, the Jets will have a good backup and a new starter but in no way should he be given the job ! He MUST earn it!

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Maybe a draftnik can help me, but coming out of college, if Sanchez and Eli were in the same draft, how much extra would you need to trade up to get Eli, ala Philip Rivers / Eli trade?

If Sanchez came out in the Eli/Rivers/Roethlisberger draft he'd have been a second rounder.

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If Sanchez came out in the Eli/Rivers/Roethlisberger draft he'd have been a second rounder.

My guess too, but I'm not exactly a draftnik..

Anyway, if true, thsi is why Eli gets a fourth year and Sanchez doesn't

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Much of what you say makes sense, but I think if you look at the stats, Sanchez is easily comparable with many in the group above him (Campbell, Fitz, Freeman, etc.) and you can move Flacco and Vick down, bumping Sanchez slightly up. If I was drafting a QB for the future of my franchise, I'm gonna say he would go around #11 or so.

Yeah, my list is def not concrete. But as far as stats, they can be tricky.

Like a QB that is 3 to 1 td's to int's but throws the int when it hurts worst.

Sanchez seems to make key mistakes at key times...

But we can go in a big circle and say he wouldn't be in some of those situations if it wasn't for the OC, bad pass protection, lack of RB big play ability and so on and so forth. Lol, like a dog chasing its tail

I would think Sanchez is more 18-20 right now, and with the right pieces around him he would be better.

I'm on the fence, leaning a little towards pesimistic.

I just hope we make some changes for the better, whatever that is.

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which stats?

Well, for example:

In year 3,

-Campbell was +7 in TD/INT, and Sanchez was +8 in TD/INT

-Campbell had a whopping +6% completion percentage advantage

-However, Sanchez had a whopping +2.2% advantage in throws per TD

-Sanchez had 10 fumbles, compared to Campbell's 7

-However, Sanchez had 6 rushing TD's, while Campbell had just 1

-Campbell threw for just 13 total touchdowns on 506 attempts, Sanchez threw for 26 touchdowns, (TWICE as many) on just 37 more attempts (543.)

-If you want to focus on fumbles as Sanchez' deficiency, please note Campbell had 13 on two occasions in his career. Sanchez has never had more than 10.

-Campbell's first 3 year QBR averages out at 79.4, which is 01.2 pts higher than Sanchez' QBR last year.

-Sanchez is 4-2 on the road, in the playoffs, with a 94.3 QBR, and a 9 to 3 TD/INT ratio. Campbell has played twice as many years, but has never played in the playoffs.

-Campbell's teams have an average of 5.1 wins per year, and in 6 years, he has never led a team to more than 8 wins. In half as many years, Sanchez has been on 2 teams with more than 8 wins, and his teams average 9.3 wins per year, not including playoff wins.

Overall, they're certainly comparable players, and I'd MUCH rather have Mark Sanchez on my team (with 3 extra years to grow) than Jason Campbell, who has hit a wall.

Frankly, I don't have the time to do a detailed comparison of each and every one of them. Look at the stats for yourself.

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Well, for example:

In year 3,

-Campbell was +7 in TD/INT, and Sanchez was +8 in TD/INT

-Campbell had a whopping +6% completion percentage advantage

-However, Sanchez had a whopping +2.2% advantage in throws per TD

-Sanchez had 10 fumbles, compared to Campbell's 7

-However, Sanchez had 6 rushing TD's, while Campbell had just 1

-Campbell threw for just 13 total touchdowns on 506 attempts, Sanchez threw for 26 touchdowns, (TWICE as many) on just 37 more attempts (543.)

-If you want to focus on fumbles as Sanchez' deficiency, please note Campbell had 13 on two occasions in his career. Sanchez has never had more than 10.

-Campbell's first 3 year QBR averages out at 79.4, which is 01.2 pts higher than Sanchez' QBR last year.

-Sanchez is 4-2 on the road, in the playoffs, with a 94.3 QBR, and a 9 to 3 TD/INT ratio. Campbell has played twice as many years, but has never played in the playoffs.

-Campbell's teams have an average of 5.1 wins per year, and in 6 years, he has never led a team to more than 8 wins. In half as many years, Sanchez has been on 2 teams with more than 8 wins, and his teams average 9.3 wins per year, not including playoff wins.

Overall, they're certainly comparable players, and I'd MUCH rather have Mark Sanchez on my team (with 3 extra years to grow) than Jason Campbell, who has hit a wall.

Frankly, I don't have the time to do a detailed comparison of each and every one of them. Look at the stats for yourself.

td/int ratio is not at all a good way to rate qb's.. For starters, it's only factoring in like 10% of thier attempts..

The best basic stat that correlates to wins/losses is ypa, this year Sanchez was 6.4, basically tied with Tebow and Ponder for one of the worst in the league. In Campbell's third year he was 6.4 as well, but actually a few spots higher comparatively as this year has been a passing frenzy..

Even so, Campbell is basically a journeyman at this point, not sure why we are happy that he's rating similarly to him..

Eli Manning continues to be the best possible comparison re: Sanchez's future prospects, but again, he was much more highly rated coming out of college so Sanchez shouldn't get the same leeway, nor should he necessarily have the same optimism

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I'm curious what anyone thinks Sanchez does well.

And I don't mean in comparison to things he sucks at. I mean, in comparison to the league.

Well he throws a perfect spiral.......to D lineman better than anyother QB.

Fumbles with the best of them.

All pro pouter.

Can throw 60 times in a game against a poor pass defense and crack 200yds.

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Yeah, my list is def not concrete. But as far as stats, they can be tricky.

Like a QB that is 3 to 1 td's to int's but throws the int when it hurts worst.

Sanchez seems to make key mistakes at key times...

But we can go in a big circle and say he wouldn't be in some of those situations if it wasn't for the OC, bad pass protection, lack of RB big play ability and so on and so forth. Lol, like a dog chasing its tail

I would think Sanchez is more 18-20 right now, and with the right pieces around him he would be better.

I'm on the fence, leaning a little towards pesimistic.

I just hope we make some changes for the better, whatever that is.

The reason I'm saying he's higher than 18 is because he's only 25 years old.

He probably is 18 if the scenario is, "who do you pick to win one game?", but "who do you pick to lead your franchise?", that's different.

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It is interesting the way folks are sort of circling around Sanchez one more time and kicking the tires....again. The decision on what to do with him really is fundamental and gets to where you believe the strengths, weaknesses -- and more difficult - the potential in the team resides. Someone above said that a lot has been invested in him, and he hasn't panned out in three years, so it is time to pull the plug. I think that there is something reasonable in that view (and the NFL does demand results fast), but sending him out to the curb at this point might not be the best way to go.

My own view is that a lot has been invested in him, and so for that reason, if there is any doubt, then before casting off that investment, he should get one more shot -- on a very short leash. Someone replied to my initial post on this topic that a solid veteran is needed, but that Sanchez gets, say only 6 games to prove hiimself. Maybe he should get fewer games so that the season would not necessarily be lost if he crashed and burned....again.

Someone asked about his strengths: I think one thing to think about is arm strength. Thought admittedly, that is not everything.

On the downside, I am not sure that sound judgment can be taught, at least not in the pro game's time constraints. I am not sure than he can play within the speed of the NFL pass rush tempo, something that is often terrifyingly fast. I think that with enough time he might be able to exercise better judgment about what to do with the ball. Of course, that starts to turn attention to the O line.

I would suggest keeping him, doubts about his upside and all, but puting him on that short leash -- with a tested veteran waiting behind. Not sure who that might be at this point.

This could be an interesting off-season.

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It is interesting the way folks are sort of circling around Sanchez one more time and kicking the tires....again. The decision on what to do with him really is fundamental and gets to where you believe the strengths, weaknesses -- and more difficult - the potential in the team resides. Someone above said that a lot has been invested in him, and he hasn't panned out in three years, so it is time to pull the plug. I think that there is something reasonable in that view (and the NFL does demand results fast), but sending him out to the curb at this point might not be the best way to go.

My own view is that a lot has been invested in him, and so for that reason, if there is any doubt, then before casting off that investment, he should get one more shot -- on a very short leash. Someone replied to my initial post on this topic that a solid veteran is needed, but that Sanchez gets, say only 6 games to prove hiimself. Maybe he should get fewer games so that the season would not necessarily be lost if he crashed and burned....again.

Someone asked about his strengths: I think one thing to think about is arm strength. Thought admittedly, that is not everything.

On the downside, I am not sure that sound judgment can be taught, at least not in the pro game's time constraints. I am not sure than he can play within the speed of the NFL pass rush tempo, something that is often terrifyingly fast. I think that with enough time he might be able to exercise better judgment about what to do with the ball. Of course, that starts to turn attention to the O line.

I would suggest keeping him, doubts about his upside and all, but puting him on that short leash -- with a tested veteran waiting behind. Not sure who that might be at this point.

This could be an interesting off-season.

My take on Sanchez is simple, get an OC in here and see what improvements can be made. The kid has at the very least earned that. Now I preface that with the following:

If we have the opportunity to sign a Brees or Manning, how can you NOT pull the trigger on a deal like that. Of course you do. I would love for us to have a QB like that but without having to loose Sanchez...that's where I am coming from. And of course we have D and O holes to fill as well.

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