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The Tim Tebow Trade is a horrible move. Here's why.


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I feel a statement is needed especially having extending Sanchez. A fourth for a fullback that can throw and run a wild cat is good business. It does make sence in that way. Although the Jets dont realise this is now an up Market Arena Football League, I see Rex lovin the ground and pound aspect, but here to compete for the starting job no Feckin way!

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it's a challenge that mark needs to answer. If he can't beat out Tebow he can't really be considered a franchise QB.

This. A couple weeks ago everyone was complaining about the Sanchez extension and how we're coddling him. Now we trade for someone that surely won't win the job but will push Sanchez and everyone is worried about how Sanchez is going to feel if the crowd starts chanting Tebow when he struggles. Now, I hear trading for Tebow is dumb Campbell should've been the backup. Wouldn't that have had the same exact effect? People chanting for Campbell when Sanchez throws 2 picks?

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it's a challenge that mark needs to answer. If he can't beat out Tebow he can't really be considered a franchise QB.

Except that it's not. That's what Stanton was for. I wish they'd gotten Henne, but they got Stanton. The only thing Tebow does is put Sanchez on a ridiculously short leash with fans, even shorter than it would be anyway. All this does is put more pressure on Sanchez because fans will be screaming for Tebow the second Sanchez has an off play. The pressure was already there. This is his make or break year and everyone knew it, including him.

Not to mention that if Santonio Holmes has doubts about Mark Sanchez getting him the ball, he's probably openly weeping about the possibility of having Tebow at QB.

The only way this works is if they use Tebow as a running back (his true position) and for the wildcat. Anything beyond that is a mistake with the potential to be a disaster.

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He produced when it mattered against the Jet defense. I'm not saying he's an amazing QB, I realize he's a lot worse than Sanchez in that regard. But what we're trading for on the field is a player to run the wildcat, confuse defenses, score in the Redzone, and help our running game. That's why we're trading for Tebow (obviously ticket sales and headlines play a part in it). Not because he's a QB.

NFL network huh?
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Of course trading for a QB who isnt a QB isnt a risk to JiF.

Its a 4th round pick. Not a whole lot of risk associated with a 4th round pick. I mean, you can find gems, but whats the odds? On the other side, you're trading for a guy who adds an element to the game which is clearly successful and matches the wrinkle that the Jets add to their game plan either way. Teams will have to prepare for it. It might, just might, actually take some pressure of Mark from that perspective.

He's not a conventional QB. Clearly. But he's a weapon. An athlete and a leader. There really isnt any risk at all.

Tim Tebow has been told he's not a QB at every level and at every level he proves people wrong.

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This. A couple weeks ago everyone was complaining about the Sanchez extension and how we're coddling him. Now we trade for someone that surely won't win the job but will push Sanchez and everyone is worried about how Sanchez is going to feel if the crowd starts chanting Tebow when he struggles. Now, I hear trading for Tebow is dumb Campbell should've been the backup. Wouldn't that have had the same exact effect? People chanting for Campbell when Sanchez throws 2 picks?

jWe're complaining because he's not even on the same level as Sanchez, and thats terrible if so many people thing Sanchez isnt that good. This isnt about competition, this is about sales, jerseys, coverage and the back of the newspaper.

Everyone knows that Tebow is a terrible Quarterback that did well because he had an absolute killer defense when it comes to rushing the passer. Tim Tebow is garbage. No one is bitching because he's nice and he may compete with Sanchez, im bitching because we could have done something productive like picked up Jason Campbell. This is a stupid a$$ move

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jWe're complaining because he's not even on the same level as Sanchez, and thats terrible if so many people thing Sanchez isnt that good. This isnt about competition, this is about sales, jerseys, coverage and the back of the newspaper.

Everyone knows that Tebow is a terrible Quarterback that did well because he had an absolute killer defense when it comes to rushing the passer. Tim Tebow is garbage. No one is bitching because he's nice and he may compete with Sanchez, im bitching because we could have done something productive like picked up Jason Campbell. This is a stupid a$$ move

NFL network huh?

He's not on the same level as Sanchez and he wont win the job. I know this is mainly about headlines and jersey sales. But I'm saying on the field you're bringing in a guy that can come in a few snaps a game and give you a nice play. A Brad Smith replacement. Btw my answer is basically what everyone who supports Tebow to the Jets is saying. Sorry if NFL network said something similar to that.

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Its a 4th round pick. Not a whole lot of risk associated with a 4th round pick. I mean, you can find gems, but whats the odds? On the other side, you're trading for a guy who adds an element to the game which is clearly successful and matches the wrinkle that the Jets add to their game plan either way. Teams will have to prepare for it. It might, just might, actually take some pressure of Mark from that perspective.

He's not a conventional QB. Clearly. But he's a weapon. An athlete and a leader. There really isnt any risk at all.

Tim Tebow has been told he's not a QB at every level and at every level he proves people wrong.

You said its not a "whole lot of risk", its a 4th, 6th and 5 million dude. What do you mean not a whole lot of risk? He's not a QB JiF.

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You said its not a "whole lot of risk", its a 4th, 6th and 5 million dude. What do you mean not a whole lot of risk? He's not a QB JiF.

I bet if Tebow is a Jet at the end of the day then that 5 million isn't in play anymore. The Jets don't want to pay the 5 million, hence there might be a snag.

Also, the fact that he's not a QB is probably playing into JiF's point a little.

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it's like signing a better version of Brad Smith. Maybe that will help you come to grips with why it's a _GOOD_ move.

I also think it lights a fire under Sanchez, there's no other use of a 4th rd pick that does that.

Since when did Tebow start playing special teams, and excel at it? Now the Jets give up 2 picks to get someone who does 1 thing maybe 3-8 plays a game, and if it goes through it cost them 8 mill on top of all this, not to mention those 2 picks would prob be special teams contributers.

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So, let me get this straight. Tebow was not brought here to take Sanchez's job but to 'push' him. Jets FO just traded 2 picks and 5mill for a guy to push Sanchez and play 6-8 snaps a game, knowing full well that he WANTS and BELIEVES he's a starting QB in this league. Jets also know that now their backup QB is waaaaaay more popular than their starter that they just gave an extension and more money to, not to mention a huge vicious media market. I'm not sold on Sanchez but this was the last thing I wanted for this team, I wanted a backup but not with this hype and lack of skills.

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ya know, there is a dark side. just look at this board as a sampling of the impact. he becomes the focus of the organization by the media and fans, it will be a huge distraction for sanchez, and may off set any competition or "pushing" of him.

there are already news crews CAMPED OUT at florham park

camped out

this is nuts and it's not even official yet


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ya know, there is a dark side. just look at this board as a sampling of the impact. he becomes the focus of the organization by the media and fans, it will be a huge distraction for sanchez, and may off set any competition or "pushing" of him.

there are already news crews CAMPED OUT at florham park

camped out

this is nuts and it's not even official yet


Yeah that can get irritating fast.

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You said its not a "whole lot of risk", its a 4th, 6th and 5 million dude. What do you mean not a whole lot of risk? He's not a QB JiF.

The 6th/7th swap is a wash. We gave 2.5mil. Thats pretty low risk dude.

I bet if Tebow is a Jet at the end of the day then that 5 million isn't in play anymore. The Jets don't want to pay the 5 million, hence there might be a snag.

Also, the fact that he's not a QB is probably playing into JiF's point a little.

Hi...can we make out yet?

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I wouldn't go crazy on Cromartie's words...he has some bias or a grudge at least.

Remember he had a chance to tackle Tebow on the game winning run Tebow had to give Denver the win, but Cromartie was afraid of making contact with Tebow and did not even attempt to tackle Tebow when he was in clear space to make a tackle. Also Cromartie is a former FSU player and probably not a big Gator fan.

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Tebow is here for two reasons.

A) To light a fire under Sanchez.

B) Ticket sales. The NFL is a business. Not a democracy, they don't care what the fans want because they know you are still going to fill Metlife Stadium.

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Cromartie was completely right about the Jets not needing Tebow.

Why did we extend Sanchez, why are we paying Sanchez that type of money simply to sit him a few plays in order to give Tebow some packaged plays?

Admit it, you're scurred that the sh*tty QB you don't like is going to outshine the sh*tty QB you do like...

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Admit it, you're scurred that the sh*tty QB you don't like is going to outshine the sh*tty QB you do like...

No, im scurred that the moment Sanchez throws his first INT in week 3 we're going to have sh*tty fans calling to have Sanchez replaced by a sh*tty QB. Then the front office (just for jersey sales and media coverage like the filthy w_ores they are) will put in this sh*tty QB and say that they were acquiesced into it.

Im scurred that this organization is that much of a joke.

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Please explain the risk. Thanks,

haha Batteries thrown, Boos at introduction, ridiculous signs by right wing zealots, divided locker-room (pouting Santonio, Cro, Sanchez---basically a passive-aggressive mutiny- see Knicks and 2011 Jets), Shaving strong point off of Sanchez' game, which is scoring in the redzone (he had 6 rushing TDs-----but give them to Tebow now---that inadvertently staggers his production AND even more importantly WASTES Cap SPACE on something we have covered! Why not a pass rushing D-lineman?)-------Oh, what else? yeah, wasted a fourth round pick when we have needs everywhere, I mentioned the hellish fire storm as soon as Sanchez errs early (Brady threw 4 INTs in week three btw) that's for starters.............see, the reason the risk TO REWARD ratio is so great is because there is NO REWARD! What is Tebow going to save our souls? Because his 6 rushing TD's are only replacing Mark's 6. His 4 game winning drives are only replacing Mark's 4 game winning drives.....see that????? It was not a move made with football in mind at all. It was a move to rake in revenue via apparrel, TV ...God, where does it end.....it's a goldmine...and finally, it steals attention from Linsanity and the Giants---the coveted backpage---something Woody hasn't seen in a while---something he fails to realize is a curse. That's what, JiF

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it's like signing a better version of Brad Smith. Maybe that will help you come to grips with why it's a _GOOD_ move.

I also think it lights a fire under Sanchez, there's no other use of a 4th rd pick that does that.

A better version of Brad Smith?? Brad Smith can complete an NFL pass more than half the time, return kicks and punts, play specials and wide receiver......and could be had with less than a fourth for less money (we let him go for nothing) How is he better??? Oh yeah, he's blessed by God. lol Please, let's try to stop spinning this in a football light and just admit that our owner sold out on this one. Just like when he tripped over himself for the chance to sell those #4's-------I mean, face it, the #6's aren't exactly flying off the rack right now. lmao
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The revenue earned from those #18's ON THE Black market alone will be enough for all of us on this thread to retire.....yeah, better version of Brad Smith alright. hahaha what a joke. Villian is right. I have no fear at all that Tebow can ever possibly beat out Sanchez Stanton or McElroy or Brunnell for the QB job, but this franchise, namely Woody and Tanny (and obviously Emperor Nero Rex too), is that much of a whore, POS, that I wouldn't be surprised. smh

Again, I will just have faith (Tebow still left some for the rest of us, right?) that Sanchez extinguishes this problem before it can grow legs. pfftttt

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He engineered a game winning drive. It wasn't just "one play"

The only reason the Broncos came back was that Jim Leonard overcommitted in the Broncos backfield and missed a 3rd down tackle extending the drive. It was mis-play by the defense not the offense making a play.

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