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Wild West Mafia - Game Over


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Since when do people ever have a foolproof case for scum on day 1 (that is of course, outside of EY's "Gotcha!")? Every case is going to have some kind of hole in it because there's not a whole ton of information to go on, and little perspective to judge it from given you know nobody's alignment but your own. Obviously everyone is going to have their own preferences for lynch, but we can sit here and argue the merits of every single lynch candidate if we really wanted, and I don't get the point of that outside of trying to delude things or save someone's a$$. This is only helping me to like my vote where it is to be honest.

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I had a post earlier in the game in which I listed those I'm willing to lynch D1. I'd say my list hasn't changed.

Don't assume that because I've focused a lot of effort/attention on JC and PAC, or anyone else for that matter that you know how I actually feel about them. To be honest, we are getting minimal reactions from a few people to events in the game, and I m inclined to just do a 180 and lynch the inactive for avoiding the fracas.

I came.

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lol I just offended the most offensive DM player damn sensitive prick no wonder he plays so offensive.

Are you talking about a game going on over there? If so, bad form mouthing off about it here where said player presumably doesn't post.

Actually I thought he was talking about you.

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I don't know if he posts here on not I said the word retard in a game and people went all up in arms about it.

Gotta be careful after playing here. Hell we have trouble with the mafia carry over from this forum even onto our other forums. LOL

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The JC thing pretty much everyone on his train voted him for the exchange between him and ape or bandwaggon voted So I know that so I did not pose the question to them. I however only remember past game references to the Chrissy train, which imo the train on me was better rooted than piling on a train for sh*t from last game

If you have a good reason say it stop evading my question otherwise I call bullsh*t.

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Alright, this vote wagon on me is tiring. If you're gonna lynch me, just do it already. Day One is going no where, and I am tired of the EP spam.

Unvote, Vote JC

Scum like force trains on town. Given that I am town, and you are trying to force a train on me, this leaves me with the assumption you are scum.

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Alright, this vote wagon on me is tiring. If you're gonna lynch me, just do it already. Day One is going no where, and I am tired of the EP spam.

Unvote, Vote JC

Scum like force trains on town. Given that I am town, and you are trying to force a train on me, this leaves me with the assumption you are scum.

Logic fail. Would be very happy to lynch you or EP.

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You are up in arms. You questioned everyone on the Christine train and now you're FoSing me on false pretenses. Either you are grandstanding, pissed off that the town hit one of your scummates with a baseless train, or just not good at mafia. What would you like me to assume?

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Are you trying to provoke me or are you just normally like this? I don't even remember why I voted Christine; it was probably for something trivial. As to why I'm keeping my vote there, it's because of the massive amount of butthurt that the Christine train seems to have produced.

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Logic fail. Would be very happy to lynch you or EP.

Fo real..

A vote on JC citing self preservation would have been understandable but this bizarro logic leading her to JC's guilt is the move of a novice, trapped scum flailing wildly, or the Ape.

I'd be very happy to see Christine get eliminated.

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I'm normally aggressive but have held back to see how people play but since we kinda stalled between JC and Chrissy with odball votes on me I pushed the ballot and stirred the pot your evasiveness is definately noted

Do you think if you use the word "evasive" enough, people will vote for me?

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this game is awesome without vote counts.. just kind of have to guess where we're at and go from there.

Nolder probably woke up to get a bowl of Count Chocula then went back to sleep. Sweet mod.

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for the record I'm not sure I like the evasive way Brett has approached the game. He's only come out from underneath his rock a few times to do his henny youngman act before crawling back to safety.

the evasivness of his evasity is noted.

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