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It was "meh" like a typical cheap lager.

I've already given my thoughts on the trains. I'm one of the only who has... With all living voters on Pac or Vic except you and Hess, I suspect one of the two of you as scum burying a vote on neither train, while the other scum could be anywhere when it is competing trains between 2 townies... basically vote train analysis is inconclusive.

Allow me to be more direct...do you think there were two scum on Vic's train?

Prefer a yes or no. Anything else makes you even more obvious.

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hahaaha.. you'll spend 15 hours a week to find the best webcam hooker shows but won't take 30 minutes to learn how to calibrate your tv just as well as any dork from best buy can.

I like figuring that kind of stuff out on my own.. in fact i've set up a couple buddies home theaters. kind of fun.

It's simple really, I'd rather pay someone to do that, and use the time I don't spend doing that to do something I find more interesting. And yes, at times that includes teh pron

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^^^ This I know to be 100% untrue. Nolder was my scum team's symp in a DPR game, and he hinted so bad on D1 that I I thought he was teh cop or doc, so I led the lynch on him, fortunately it was a no coroner game and that ended up being something I could spin to help us win later in the game... but he ABSOLUTELY DOES symp signal.


Vote Nolder


I've been in only two DPR games

Vampire Hunters which is the first game I ever played with you and his Steampunk game which ran recently

You're talking about a game that was either ran by Blackhoof or Amegakure I think

You were mafia with Meesh right?

I didn't Symp signal I hinted at cop and you called me on it so I claimed and eventually you got me lynched which in turn helped vet you

Get your facts straight if you're gonna meta read me bro

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Nolderp, is this post addressed to Wombat? If so, you should know he already said he reads me as town you ******* scummy scum ****... sh*t, I've been drinking for 5 hours and I remember that post from him, idiot.

I was talking to JC obviously

He was the only one voting 80 at the time and was accusing you of being scum unlike Wombat which you noted

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Already said it, I think that moron is town. Either way, he's the last person to waste a lynch on. Mafia rule of thumb, if JIF lives past 3 cycles, he is town. Period.

And yet you're voting me

way to contradict yourself

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it's true.. h8 cancer...

Agree with this 1000%.

Her father is Stage IV rectal, liver, and lungs. This is what we found out about a couple weeks ago. First time cancer has hit close to home for me.

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I've been in only two DPR games

Vampire Hunters which is the first game I ever played with you and his Steampunk game which ran recently

You're talking about a game that was either ran by Blackhoof or Amegakure I think

You were mafia with Meesh right?

I didn't Symp signal I hinted at cop and you called me on it so I claimed and eventually you got me lynched which in turn helped vet you

Get your facts straight if you're gonna meta read me bro

I might be wrong about who ran the game, but I'm not wrong about anything else.

You were the mafia symp. You signaled Cop early D1, so I led a lynch on you immediately, then you claimed Doc, which was absurd. We lynched you. Then in the post game you said flat out you were doing it because you were our symp - which means to me it was a symp signal of some level of fail, but a signal nonetheless.

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Allow me to be more direct...do you think there were two scum on Vic's train?

Prefer a yes or no. Anything else makes you even more obvious.

Allow me to be more direct... GFY.

I've posted my thoughts on the trains already. When this day started I first voted you and listed my FOS, then I broke down the trains in a post just after that, where I commented on you and Hess being stragglers and 2-3 of the votes on Vic's train. Which I guess means I think Vic's train has 2-3 scum on it no? I guess if you'd read what I wrote, you'd know my answer...

You seem to be afflicted with Nolderpitis, an inability to read along.

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Dammit! I actually had a beer tonight called "Longboard" its from Hawaii I believe, and I contributed to the decimation of 6 orders of peel-n-eat shrimps and 4 orders of steamers. Yum.

Lose the fancy sperm gurgling beer for a Makers Mark straight up, trade steamers for raw with hot pepper vinegar and triple the order and my nips get stiff.

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It's simple really, I'd rather pay someone to do that, and use the time I don't spend doing that to do something I find more interesting. And yes, at times that includes teh pron

Agreed 100%. Luckily for me one of my buddies is a gigantic home theatre geek, He has a man cave in his house with 15 TV's. LOL Must have 50K in that badboy between electronics, leather furniture and refurbished vintage Coca Cola collectibles. I just got my tv and my stereo and he keeps that sh*t running tight. He also bugs the piss outta me about upgrading to every silly a$$ thing they come out with.

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Her father is Stage IV rectal, liver, and lungs. This is what we found out about a couple weeks ago. First time cancer has hit close to home for me.

So sorry to hear...loss my Mom to it (breast) in 02...my wife's Dad dealt with rectal about six ago...he went through the chemo and everything...so far...been in remission since...*knocks on wood*...my thoughts and prayers...your a good man to make the wedding work that includes him.

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I'm really kinda doing Meta thing on Jack D. But Im almost sure he is Pete or Dragonburger (sp.) from DM. He is so crazy subdued this game. not scum hunting and just coasting like he is staying low. Pretty sure he is scum o. Would be my best bet.

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you happened

Glad to see you back playing Smash...You've been missed. I have been following along with your football commentary...I don't post as much over there...but appreciate your insight. Are you going to any road games this year? Buddy and I are looking at the Jacksonville game. Hope to get there.

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I'm really kinda doing Meta thing on Jack D. But Im almost sure he is Pete or Dragonburger (sp.) from DM. He is so crazy subdued this game. not scum hunting and just coasting like he is staying low. Pretty sure he is scum o. Would be my best bet.

Jack has evolved...playing another game with him at MJ...definitely not as reckless as when he last played here...could be he's scum in both games...lol.

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Her father is Stage IV rectal, liver, and lungs. This is what we found out about a couple weeks ago. First time cancer has hit close to home for me.

Cancer is so horrible. One of my all time favorite patients for about ten years only has weeks left from Pancreatic cancer. He took me to my first Nascar race in Richmond about 5 years ago. Hated the race loved the tailgating and biker lady boobies everywhere. Such a sad thing.. Been checking on him weekly and now he isn;t talking just hanging in their with his hospice nurse and kids, Such a horrible disease.

I know this is weird but a book called "Creating Health" by Deepok Chopra has pretty awesome chapter visualization therapy for cancer people I have recomended hundreds of time that someone might want to do.

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I love how Jetscode went from attaching himself to whatever momentum there was on D1, to "look at me I'm scum hunting" on D2 .... after being called out for it. :rolleyes:

Not sure how you could say I was chasing momentum on Day 1...when I specifically stated my Top 3...and pretty much held to my board...now I did flip/flop on the Vic/Pac controversy but I was more confused than calculated.

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Cancer is so horrible. One of my all time favorite patients for about ten years only has weeks left from Pancreatic cancer. He took me to my first Nascar race in Richmond about 5 years ago. Hated the race loved the tailgating and biker lady boobies everywhere. Such a sad thing.. Been checking on him weekly and now he isn;t talking just hanging in their with his hospice nurse and kids, Such a horrible disease.

I know this is weird but a book called "Creating Health" by Deepok Chopra has pretty awesome chapter visualization therapy for cancer people I have recomended hundreds of time that someone might want to do.

Thanks Crush...just bought it.

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80, you aren't different at all?

I would hope I am. Probably the biggest similarity is that I still tune out at times, but that is called ADHD.

Leelou, am I different online than I am face to face? Different on at mafia than I am on DM?

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Her father is Stage IV rectal, liver, and lungs. This is what we found out about a couple weeks ago. First time cancer has hit close to home for me.

Cancer is teh suck, really is...

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CTM (1) -- JF80

JC (2) -- Smash, Christine

Ape (1) -- Verbal

Tina (5) -- Jack, WWWombat, Hess, Leelou, CTM

JF80 (1) -- JC

Jack (2) -- Crusher, JiF

Nolder (2) -- Ape, AVM

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

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Cancer is teh suck, really is...


Damn, Ape, he must of lit up like a Christmas tree on his last scan. That is such a hollowing feeling. The same happened to my uncle. He stopped treatment, was sent home and waited. I hope your FIL is not in a lot of pain. My uncle was and all the doc could do was prescribe him a crapload of morphine.

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So sorry to hear...loss my Mom to it (breast) in 02...my wife's Dad dealt with rectal about six ago...he went through the chemo and everything...so far...been in remission since...*knocks on wood*...my thoughts and prayers...your a good man to make the wedding work that includes him.

Thanks. He's the good man. I'm just a guy doing the right thing.

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