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Jets Fans Biggest Concerns for 2012


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Sanchez has to mature and become more consistent if he's going to be a legitimate NFL QB, and the signing of Tebow will either push him in that direction, or push him off the cliff. The big complaint is that Sanchez has been coddled here. The Tebow signing announces that the coddling is over.

If Sanchez goes off the cliff, he takes the season with him. Tebow brings pressure less so as a rival QB, but as an icon whose attitude and old-school style of football gives raging hard-ons coaches and fans alike. This is in direct contrast to the emotionally soft, effeminate, emo style of Mark Sanchez, whose writhing around on the ground in pain after every sack is often more dramatic than anything seen in the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan. When--not if--the Sanchez boobirds come out, the whole franchise will get swarmed in Tebowmentum, making it nigh impossible for Sanchez to overcome.

Sparano was brought in to be the disciplinarian on the offense.

How effective can this possibly be if Rex doesn't back him up?

They brought on Holmes' hissy fit by working him harder than he said he was willing to work. I think that was a not-so-subtle message from Coach Luigi.

A conspiracy? I like it.

Once that's done, however they deal with Holmes should be done behind closed doors. I don't want Rex to stand at the podium and say Santonio's a whiny bitch, I want him to say exactly what he said. Holmes is going to be the starting #1 WR for the Jets this year. His contract says so. There's no good that can come from a public dressing down, but there's A LOT of bad attitude something like that can generate.

If you had to guess, how many times in Holmes' career do you think he's been hauled into a coach's office to discuss his attitude? Ten? Thirty? Clearly, it's not effective on any level. Maybe putting the public onus directly on Holmes sends a message to the rest of the team that being an outright douchebag isn't acceptable in the Jets organization. We complain about Sanchez being coddled, but who's been more coddled here than Holmes?

Stephen Hill has #1 WR receiver potential, and Santonio becomes trade/cut-able as early as next season. The Jets need him well behaved and productive until that time arrives.

I'll agree that Tannenbaum's bungling of the position has put Rex at the mercy of Holmes, but, again, kissing his ass has yielded zero results to this point.

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I'd go top three: Giants, Saints, Chiefs. Pats get honorable mention as #4. Not just for the starters, but for depth and abilioty to absorb injuries. What say you?

Btw - i was orginally trying to make fun of you because you were saying online instead of oline. Gay. I know.

But here's a breakdown on Rotoworld, nothing great but think its pretty good. Forgot about the Packers.


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If Sanchez goes off the cliff, he takes the season with him. Tebow brings pressure less so as a rival QB, but as an icon whose attitude and old-school style of football gives raging hard-ons coaches and fans alike. This is in direct contrast to the emotionally soft, effeminate, emo style of Mark Sanchez, whose writhing around on the ground in pain after every sack is often more dramatic than anything seen in the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan. When--not if--the Sanchez boobirds come out, the whole franchise will get swarmed in Tebowmentum, making it nigh impossible for Sanchez to overcome.

If Sanchez is ever going to get his sh!t together, I prefer it be sooner rather than later. To this point, both QBs and the team are all saying the right things. I think Sanchez would have to severely regress for the Jets to pull the plug on him, no matter what the crowd has to say about it.

If the pressure overwhelms Sanchez, Tebow goes in. Once everyone sees what that looks like, the Jets go back to the drawing board for a QB in 2013. I, for one, like the Tebow pressure. I think it feels real to Mark, but it's really just a simulation. The Jets know once they go Tebow they can never go back. They'll pull Sanchez for a couple extended wildcat series maybe, but they won't pull him as the starter until they're certain his brain is completely fried.

If you had to guess, how many times in Holmes' career do you think he's been hauled into a coach's office to discuss his attitude? Ten? Thirty? Clearly, it's not effective on any level. Maybe putting the public onus directly on Holmes sends a message to the rest of the team that being an outright douchebag isn't acceptable in the Jets organization. We complain about Sanchez being coddled, but who's been more coddled here than Holmes?

I'll agree that Tannenbaum's bungling of the position has put Rex at the mercy of Holmes, but, again, kissing his ass has yielded zero results to this point.

I think Holmes is a follower. He had Plax and Mason here to bitch and whine about the QB and he went with it like the cool kids on a message board. This year, he's cut off from all his friends. Keller is strongly in the Sanchez camp, and happy to be the #1 receiver if Holmes prefers whining to working. Kerley's young, and knows which side of his bread is buttered. Ditto for Hill, who's nothing if not a solid, coachable, suit wearing, Christian citizen. Holmes either needs to get with the program, or get cut next season and get the crappy contract that comes with being labeled a malcontent. Whether Rex blasts him from the podium or not, it's still Holmes' choice.

And Sparano is Rex's first real hire on the offensive side of the ball. I think it's pretty implicit that he's backing up whatever discipline Luigi chooses to dish out.

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Btw - i was orginally trying to make fun of you because you were saying online instead of oline. Gay. I know.

But here's a breakdown on Rotoworld, nothing great but think its pretty good. Forgot about the Packers.


Pretty good link there. Giants were on my list because of depth and ability to absorb injuries and just keep going. The article bore that out i think. Definately missed the Packers. top three for sure. The jets write-up is spot on and makes me think Tannenbaum is not good at being a personnel man.

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My biggest concern for 2012 is that, despite all his pretty talk to the contrary, Rex has learned nothing about the need to exert discipline in the locker room. If that turmoil resurfaces, especially during the early hard part of the schedule, the season is over before it started, and we'll be looking for a new head coaching regime before long.

The early results are troubling, to be honest. Signing Tebow was the opposite of the move they needed to make if they were hoping to help Sanchez gain a shred of credibility or confidence in the locker room. Likewise, letting Holmes have an unchecked hissy fit immediately upon returning from his USO tour/f*ck-minicamp-vacay is also troubling, as we had to listen to Rex spout that same "Holmes is a competitor!" bullsh*t he fed to the media after last year's Miami and Philly debacles.

You know what I hope will be the first episode in Jets Training camp ? I hope on Day one someone on the team (meaning a player) beats the living sh*t out of Santonio Holmes, if he shows any sign of being a dick. I hope he beats him so bad Holmes will be embarressed to ever open his mouth again. I say day one of training camp so we can get this over with and out of the way early. Of course if Holmes acts like a mature adult this wont be necessary but I would much rather it happens now than mid season or during the end of the season like last year.

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If Sanchez is ever going to get his sh!t together, I prefer it be sooner rather than later. To this point, both QBs and the team are all saying the right things. I think Sanchez would have to severely regress for the Jets to pull the plug on him, no matter what the crowd has to say about it.

Eh. Disagree. We know that Rex is image-conscious and that last season's 8-8 (and attendant mockery) burned him, so I don't think he's gonna have too much patience for Sanchez growing pains anymore, in his fourth year. If the Jets get off to a 2-3 start, there's no way Rex doesn't hang someone, and Sanchez is the first (and easiest) one on the block. Rex admitted to wanting to play Mark Brunell at times last year.

Mark. Brunell.

If the pressure overwhelms Sanchez, Tebow goes in. Once everyone sees what that looks like, the Jets go back to the drawing board for a QB in 2013. I, for one, like the Tebow pressure. I think it feels real to Mark, but it's really just a simulation. The Jets know once they go Tebow they can never go back. They'll pull Sanchez for a couple extended wildcat series maybe, but they won't pull him as the starter until they're certain his brain is completely fried.

If Tebow has ANY success running the ball, Sanchez is doomed. He's up against it as is, and Sparano has all but guaranteed to stop throwing the ball altogether. Sanchez needs to have some epiphanal moment to not fail early this season, IMO, because he's going to get beat to sh*t the first five-six weeks against those teams.

I think Holmes is a follower. He had Plax and Mason here to bitch and whine about the QB and he went with it like the cool kids on a message board. This year, he's cut off from all his friends. Keller is strongly in the Sanchez camp, and happy to be the #1 receiver if Holmes prefers whining to working. Kerley's young, and knows which side of his bread is buttered. Ditto for Hill, who's nothing if not a solid, coachable, suit wearing, Christian citizen. Holmes either needs to get with the program, or get cut next season and get the crappy contract that comes with being labeled a malcontent. Whether Rex blasts him from the podium or not, it's still Holmes' choice.

If Holmes is a follower, who will he follow this year? He's the unquestioned grand dame of the receivers. There no person extant whom he respects to keep him in check, much less on the Jets roster. He's just a sociopath and he's never not been a sociopath. It's unreal how many excuses people use for this guy.

And Sparano is Rex's first real hire on the offensive side of the ball. I think it's pretty implicit that he's backing up whatever discipline Luigi chooses to dish out.

Like when Holmes told reporters that he "let the coaches know" how many reps he wanted to run in minicamp and Rex backed him up?

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Eh. Disagree. We know that Rex is image-conscious and that last season's 8-8 (and attendant mockery) burned him, so I don't think he's gonna have too much patience for Sanchez growing pains anymore, in his fourth year. If the Jets get off to a 2-3 start, there's no way Rex doesn't hang someone, and Sanchez is the first (and easiest) one on the block. Rex admitted to wanting to play Mark Brunell at times last year.

Mark. Brunell.

That's not even taking into account the fans in the stands who will be chanting "Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!" every time Sanchez misses a pass, gets sacked, or, heaven forbid, throws an INT. Ask Kyle Orton.

If Tebow has ANY success running the ball, Sanchez is doomed. He's up against it as is, and Sparano has all but guaranteed to stop throwing the ball altogether. Sanchez needs to have some epiphanal moment to not fail early this season, IMO, because he's going to get beat to sh*t the first five-six weeks against those teams.

Tebow doesn't even have to have success to sink Sanchez. IMO, Sanchez was doomed when the Jets traded for Tebow. Teams don't trade fourth round picks for backup QBs or wildcat QBs or QBs they think to convert to HBs or ST players. They trade for would-be starters.

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Eh. Disagree. We know that Rex is image-conscious and that last season's 8-8 (and attendant mockery) burned him, so I don't think he's gonna have too much patience for Sanchez growing pains anymore, in his fourth year. If the Jets get off to a 2-3 start, there's no way Rex doesn't hang someone, and Sanchez is the first (and easiest) one on the block. Rex admitted to wanting to play Mark Brunell at times last year.

Mark. Brunell.

If Tebow has ANY success running the ball, Sanchez is doomed. He's up against it as is, and Sparano has all but guaranteed to stop throwing the ball altogether. Sanchez needs to have some epiphanal moment to not fail early this season, IMO, because he's going to get beat to sh*t the first five-six weeks against those teams.

If Holmes is a follower, who will he follow this year? He's the unquestioned grand dame of the receivers. There no person extant whom he respects to keep him in check, much less on the Jets roster. He's just a sociopath and he's never not been a sociopath. It's unreal how many excuses people use for this guy.

Like when Holmes told reporters that he "let the coaches know" how many reps he wanted to run in minicamp and Rex backed him up?

We don't see these things the same at all. Lol!

IMHO, there's simply no way in the universe that the Jets signed Sanchez to a $40M extension in March of this year if there's any chance that they'd make the move to Tebow. Timmy's here to be a Brad Smith/Matt Snell hybrid, and not much more. The Jets are pulling Tebow for McElroy in some drills because they understand the importance of the third string QB when your backup is really a FB.

Like I said, they might pull Sanchez for an extended wildcat stretch, but they won't pull him as the starter until they believe he can't be an NFL QB.

And I think Sparano will surprise you with how much throwing he does. I expect some long balls early to loosen things up for the running game.

And as for what Rex tells the press, I don't give a crap. I don't think it has any bearing on anything. Essentially saying, "nothing to see here, everythings's fine!" has a significantly better chance of being effective than saying, "Santonio's a problematic bitch!" to the press. The latter may make you happy, but it's not going to do anything for the team. In the end, Santonio is going to be who he wants to be. The team will appreciate that the coach isn't taking it public.

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You know what I hope will be the first episode in Jets Training camp ? I hope on Day one someone on the team (meaning a player) beats the living sh*t out of Santonio Holmes, if he shows any sign of being a dick. I hope he beats him so bad Holmes will be embarressed to ever open his mouth again. I say day one of training camp so we can get this over with and out of the way early. Of course if Holmes acts like a mature adult this wont be necessary but I would much rather it happens now than mid season or during the end of the season like last year.

I would love for that person to be Mangold who teaches Holmes a lesson

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Holmes is a turd of a human being, But no one is going to beat up Santonio Holmes.Yeah, the Jets' CS is going to encourage grown men to fight. What planet is this,and what drugs are some of you taking?

Sanchez either steps up and early or Tebow will start.

Cannot emphasize this enough; Drew Brees contract was going to sheet for the day the season ended. It was low hanging fruit for a sharp GM. That our GM didn't make a serious effort to take advantage of that debacle is why this team is probably going to finish 8-8 at best. You cannot win anything without a good passing attack. We do not have one. Everything else is details.

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Holmes is a turd of a human being, But no one is going to beat up Santonio Holmes.Yeah, the Jets' CS is going to encourage grown men to fight. What planet is this,and what drugs are some of you taking?

Sanchez either steps up and early or Tebow will start.

Cannot emphasize this enough; Drew Brees contract was going to sheet for the day the season ended. It was low hanging fruit for a sharp GM. That our GM didn't make a serious effort to take advantage of that debacle is why this team is probably going to finish 8-8 at best. You cannot win anything without a good passing attack. We do not have one. Everything else is details.

The Jets will be much better than 8 and 8. 10 and 6 is the absolute worst case scenario. This defense is going to be ELITE.

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Cannot emphasize this enough; Drew Brees contract was going to sheet for the day the season ended. It was low hanging fruit for a sharp GM. That our GM didn't make a serious effort to take advantage of that debacle is why this team is probably going to finish 8-8 at best. You cannot win anything without a good passing attack. We do not have one. Everything else is details.

This is a much easier case to make if any GM had stepped in and stolen Brees away. As it stands, maybe it wasn't so low-hanging.

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The Jets will be much better than 8 and 8. 10 and 6 is the absolute worst case scenario. This defense is going to be ELITE.

It could go either way Max. I really believe the offense is going to be crap. There arent any Josh Mccown's or Tyler Palko's on the schedule either next year.

Good QB's, save Eli, had their way with this defense last season. And the one we play twice, seemed to have figured out Rex's defense.

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It could go either way Max. I really believe the offense is going to be crap. There arent any Josh Mccown's or Tyler Palko's on the schedule either next year.

Good QB's, save Eli, had their way with this defense last season. And the one we play twice, seemed to have figured out Rex's defense.

Any defense that finds itself on the field a whole bunch because the offense stinks is sooner rather than later is going to be scored on; witness both the losses to the Broncos and the Jints. Talk about running the ball all you want, but the 3 and outs wear your defense down to a nub.Other teams knew this last year, and they will know it again this year; wait this defense out because it's on the field 40 minutes a game.
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Holmes is a turd of a human being, But no one is going to beat up Santonio Holmes.Yeah, the Jets' CS is going to encourage grown men to fight. What planet is this,and what drugs are some of you taking?

The same planet that I once watched Hard Knocks: New York Jets - when Head Coach Rex Ryan had Rob Turner start a fight with Vernon Gholston.

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10-12 wins. Offense will surprise people. Defense will be lights out.

I'm trying to stay positive. I don't think it's completely out of the question that the offense has a bounce back year; the thing is that there are so many 'ifs' involved. If Hill and Holmes can create chunk plays, if Sanchez can stop turning the ball over so much, if Sparano can somehow straighten Hunter out... it's a lot to ask.

Defense is going to be fun to watch though.

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The same planet that I once watched Hard Knocks: New York Jets - when Head Coach Rex Ryan had Rob Turner start a fight with Vernon Gholston.

And ultimately the outcome of that was what for Vernon Gholston? if we could get cap relief they would line people up to punch Holmes. But that's not going to work.
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I'm trying to stay positive. I don't think it's completely out of the question that the offense has a bounce back year; the thing is that there are so many 'ifs' involved. If Hill and Holmes can create chunk plays, if Sanchez can stop turning the ball over so much, if Sparano can somehow straighten Hunter out... it's a lot to ask.

Defense is going to be fun to watch though.

I'm not sure what bouncing back would mean, but in general, I think the offense will improve. Mostly because I believe in Mark Sanchez. I think the focus on the fundamentals, beat the man in front of you and the less is more mentality with a disciplinary at the helm is a good thing and we should see Hunter get back to the 2010 form. As much bitching and moaning as we do, if the Jets could just score 2 more points a game, they are a top 5 scoring team.

And truth be told, if Sanchez could just cut the turnovers in half and Tony S. can scheme to work through all the 3 and outs, I think we'd all be fine with a similar year #'s wise from him and we should see a 10+ win team easy. After all, this team was 8-5 until Sanchez imploded down the stretch. .

And ultimately the outcome of that was what for Vernon Gholston? if we could get cap relief they would line people up to punch Holmes. But that's not going to work.

Nothing but I'm on Earth and dont take drugs and have watched our coaching staff orchestrate a staged fight. So...

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I'm not sure what bouncing back would mean, but in general, I think the offense will improve. Mostly because I believe in Mark Sanchez. I think the focus on the fundamentals, beat the man in front of you and the less is more mentality with a disciplinary at the helm is a good thing and we should see Hunter get back to the 2010 form. As much bitching and moaning as we do, if the Jets could just score 2 more points a game, they are a top 5 scoring team.

And truth be told, if Sanchez could just cut the turnovers in half and Tony S. can scheme to work through all the 3 and outs, I think we'd all be fine with a similar year #'s wise from him and we should see a 10+ win team easy. After all, this team was 8-5 until Sanchez imploded down the stretch. .

Bouncing back might not have been the best choice of words. What I mean to say is that I hope that the big plays/production from the running game that existed in 2010 come back. Hopefully the schizo quarterback play disappears entirely.

Scheming a way out of all the 3 and outs is going to be tough. Although, there did seem to be a ton of dumb false starts and other brain farts that would turn a 2nd and 5 into 2nd and long. Perhaps the hardass style of coaching and the simplification puts a stop to that.

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The same planet that I once watched Hard Knocks: New York Jets - when Head Coach Rex Ryan had Rob Turner start a fight with Vernon Gholston.

Yep and its even funnier he does not realize I was not serious about that post.

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Hunter at RT and worse than him as a back-up scares the crap out of me. However, if we don't need 7 seconds for a real smart play to develop, things might be different without making that needed improvement.

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