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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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You know, I was almost feeling bad about killing Sharrow. Thank you for ending my remorse. The only time I'll ever be tall (Andre the Giant), and THE NAYCHA BOY counter claims me to death. Damn Sharrow.

....it was pretty epic though

Yeah, seriously the first time I've seen someone lynched for just being too good.
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Rumors of cutting back on siesta time have the employee's enraged.

Not just that, polak is making pissing on side of customers house a fire-able offense. They now must use proper restroom facilities at gas station like nearly civilized people...

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LOL. Brilliant. I'll have you know, WrestleMafia is most definitely the one other game I've strongly considered doing a sequel to. I'm just not sure we could possibly match the epicness of that game (keep in mind, I give myself absolutely no credit for that being the case - that was all Sharrow).

Dude, you gotta do WM2.

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Is it sad that one of my proudest moments in all of the games I've modded was coming up with the name "WrestleMafia"?

Consider this: One of ape's proudest moments is correctly calling AwesomeVM out as scum 3 straight times this season.

Now consider this: AwesomeVM hasn't been scum 3 times this season. ;)

So no. Be proud, BG.

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This was a bloody night, even by this city’s standards.

Tyler instructed his minions to bring the victim to him. He wanted to personally handle this one.

“uhh yeah what do you want.. This has been a boring day. I don’t really have much to add..”


Tyler normally got straight to punching but he wanted to humiliate this one.

“DON’T TALK, unless I tell you to talk”.

The man’s upper lip began to quiver - his eyes quickly filling with tears.

“Now what did I tell you to do last week? You were supposed to get rid of that ridiculous Spiderman costume, throw out your video games, and take a walk on the pier”.

“I know I didn’t take the walk Tyler bbbut listen. I just bench pressed a Great Dane and squatted a Palomino Horse”.

“You squatted a horse”?


“You clearly didn’t get the message last time so it’s time to send a louder one”…

With that, Tyler began launching a series of vicious punches squarely on the victim’s teary-eyed face. He continued the assault until he had effectively turned his skull into mashed potatoes.

Vic (Emilio Bomba – Town Bomb) is DEAD!!


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Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a 2nd victim was being dragged through the streets after having been tied to the back of an Econoline Van.

*Beep Beep*

“YEEEHAAAA. How’s that feel funny man.. not so funny now are ya”?!

The driver slammed the breaks and rapidly turned the wheel to the left. The victim swung around the car and was launched, crotch first, into a fire hydrant. The force of the impact castrated him.

The driver got out and walked over to the victim… stifling his laughter the best he could.

“So, funny man. You got anything you want to say before I dump this can of gasoline on you and start the bonfire”?

“Why.. why are you doing this to me. I play tennis, drive a Hyndai, and work in sales”.

“I don’t give a rats patootie that you sell vacuum cleaners, you’re rich, or that you grew up in a country club. You crossed the wrong guy. And now it’s time for you to meet your maker”

“Whh What if I pay you? I think I have a Benjamin in my corduroys”..

“We don’t want chor stupid money… we just want you dead”.

He poured the gas on him as the man began to wail loudly. Like a woman.

“puh puh please…”

“puh puh nothing.. adios, Carlton”.

He tossed the match and laughed hysterically as the victim ran in circles -before dropping to the ground and trying to use the Curly Shuffle to extinguish the flames…

“Not so funny now are ya”.

Hess (Jimmy Loco – Town Mason) is DEAD!!


Day 2 has started…

With 19 alive, it takes 10 punches to get knocked out.

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Cannot believe you are married... on behalf of teh mafia community I'd like to thank your husband for the sacrifices he's made... and for serving our country.

I never really brought it up because I come here to play a game, not think about his job. It's why I visited Leelou - he was deployed at the time. And why I disappear from Mafia on DM at times. It all fluxiates on when he is at home.

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FINAL Vote Count:

Tina (1) - Leelou

CTM (3) - Ape, Nolder, Sharrow

Sharrow (12) - AVM, 80, Verb, JVoR, SMC, JiF, DPR, Tina, Smash, BG, CTM, Hess

Verb (2) - JC, Dan

Ape (3) - Vic, Christine, Wombat

BG had to be goaded by Sharrow to vote him. I believe Sharrow called him "scum not wanting to hammer/vote" or something.

When Sharrow put CTM at 5 votes, CTM abandoned his defense-driven cases on me to push Sharrow's train further. Then jumped off Sharrow, but re-voted Sharrow when I called him on making guarantee about me and then voting elsewhere.

Dan stayed out of the fray completely.

Christine freaked out and voted me with no rationale after getting the littlest bit of heat.

These are my biggest observations from D1. Not suspicions. Just pointing out what looked like the most agenda-driven plays.

Curious to see where this day goes. I'd like to once again cast my vote with precision, so I'll weigh what I do after I see some movement from the rest of you.

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