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This team is SOFT.


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How about we lost to Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh's home opener after they had taken a loss on the road to begin the season, we lost like would have happened to virtually any team that suffered this type of fate in their schedule.

Pouha, Bell, Landry, DeVito.. this defense is not soft.

Stop flipping out, it's only week 2.

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Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Haloti Ngata... soft, soft, soft... shame we model ourselves on a soft defense like the Ravens

The Giants talk a lot. They gave up 400 yards of offense and let the Bucs score 34pts on them at home, they are now 1-1.


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49ers are not going to come in and and roll over us. Not going to happen Tom

one game at a time...but that game scares the hell out of me. Best team in the league with the best defense in the league...those types of teams havent been so kind to th Jets over the years.

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one game at a time...but that game scares the hell out of me. Best team in the league with the best defense in the league...those types of teams havent been so kind to th Jets over the years.

If we were headed to San Francisco it's basically an automatic loss. But in MetLife, I'd say we have a shot.

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The Giants talk a lot. They gave up 400 yards of offense and let the Bucs score 34pts on them at home, they are now 1-1.


Listen, you petulant little a$$hole, we understand that you don't quite have your head wrapped around the point I was making with my initial post. So, I'll explain it further...

Lots of teams talk a little here and there. Rex Ryan's Jets have branded themselves around being a "tough" football team that grounds and pounds its way to victory. He uses EVERY moment he can to "sell" this team as tough, and himself. There is a big difference between 3 years of listening to this buffoon talk the talk, and guys like Lamar Woodley making one comment "we won't go 0-2". Big difference.

Truth be told, when the cards are on the table... Rex's Jets pull them head, arms and legs into their shell EVERY damn time a team comes along out-does them at their own identity.

That was my prevailing point.

Not that every team that talks is soft. That was more a jab at Rex's bullsh*t persona.

The problem with team is that we get told it is an old-school smashmouth type of team, but when you watch them play... that isn't the case. These guys, on both sides of the ball, are more like one of those dome teams that crumbles when their QB gets hit a few times, or when their D-line gets pushed backwards a few times.

What I saw on Sunday was Sanchez get rattled after get popped in the mouth, and sacked for the first times this year, the WRs get absolutely man-handled resulting in dropped balls and broken routes, and our D-Line get worn out by a QB and a 3rd string RB (Dwyer), while the opponents WR out-battled their coverage time-and-again to make much more difficult catches than those that hit our guys in the hands and were dropped.

To me, these are tell-tale signs of a soft football team. Not what Rex sells us. You are harping on the most irrelevant part of my post... as I'd expect from you.

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i agree...but we basically have to play a perfect game to beat them. Regardless of the travel...that team doesn't make mistakes.

Sure they do. Kendall Hunter fumbled on their 20 last game. Smith fumbled but luckily recovered. Do you remember the NFCG? They make mistakes, they just have a D that makes it tough to capitalize.

Side note: I was dead wrong about that team. I really thought they'd come back to earth but they are just well put together. That D is nasty.

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I think it's an act of a coach with a fragile QB. Game was close and Steelers had the momentum. All they had to do is push it and have Sanchez gaff and not only we lose the game like we did could blow up the entire season. We got the ball first in the second half. I think it was the right move Tyler Apeden,

If you think fans are hard on Sanchez, know by their actions the Jets' CS has even less confidence than anyone here who knocks him.
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Sure they do. Kendall Hunter fumbled on their 20 last game. Smith fumbled but luckily recovered. Do you remember the NFCG? They make mistakes, they just have a D that makes it tough to capitalize.

Side note: I was dead wrong about that team. I really thought they'd come back to earth but they are just well put together. That D is nasty.

I was more referring to dumb penalties, pick 6's...stuff the Jets do.

Fumbles do happen

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Listen, you petulant little a$$hole, we understand that you don't quite have your head wrapped around the point I was making with my initial post. So, I'll explain it further...

Lots of teams talk a little here and there. Rex Ryan's Jets have branded themselves around being a "tough" football team that grounds and pounds its way to victory. He uses EVERY moment he can to "sell" this team as tough, and himself. There is a big difference between 3 years of listening to this buffoon talk the talk, and guys like Lamar Woodley making one comment "we won't go 0-2". Big difference.

Truth be told, when the cards are on the table... Rex's Jets pull them head, arms and legs into their shell EVERY damn time a team comes along out-does them at their own identity.

That was my prevailing point.

Not that every team that talks is soft. That was more a jab at Rex's bullsh*t persona.

The problem with team is that we get told it is an old-school smashmouth type of team, but when you watch them play... that isn't the case. These guys, on both sides of the ball, are more like one of those dome teams that crumbles when their QB gets hit a few times, or when their D-line gets pushed backwards a few times.

What I saw on Sunday was Sanchez get rattled after get popped in the mouth, and sacked for the first times this year, the WRs get absolutely man-handled resulting in dropped balls and broken routes, and our D-Line get worn out by a QB and a 3rd string RB (Dwyer), while the opponents WR out-battled their coverage time-and-again to make much more difficult catches than those that hit our guys in the hands and were dropped.

To me, these are tell-tale signs of a soft football team. Not what Rex sells us. You are harping on the most irrelevant part of my post... as I'd expect from you.


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