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That would be a terrible mafia fake claim, because people would want to test it.  Since I see nobody else pulling back on the CS lynch that means he isn't mafia or his team has decided to bus him for easy early credit, but the build is wrong for that.

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Haven't checked my role PM.  So I could be a threat.  Personally I think fags should be able to marry.  Let them be miseable too.


Hess did that already.  Get new material.





That would be a terrible mafia fake claim, because people would want to test it.  Since I see nobody else pulling back on the CS lynch that means he isn't mafia or his team has decided to bus him for easy early credit, but the build is wrong for that.


As the current expert on this subject, I leave it to you to make the right decision for the town.

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That would be a terrible mafia fake claim, because people would want to test it. Since I see nobody else pulling back on the CS lynch that means he isn't mafia or his team has decided to bus him for easy early credit, but the build is wrong for that.

What fake claim? What are you talking about?

How many games are u playing in right now?

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I read it as he has a Power Role not a Post Restriction. Could be helpful if Darthe clarified that.


Nope. Are you a lie detector?

Inactives talk:



If Hallia is Hallia from DM then she's played before, no reason to give her a "newbie pass" especially when we didn't do that for Mish.

Tomshane I don't know if I've ever played with which is why I put my vote on him, few posts so far and no way for me to meta him so I'd just as soon he was dead. Same with Klecko although I can't vote two people at once so he got the pass for now. Anyway what better way to welcome people back to mafia than to put pressure on them and get them talking?

JVOR has been around the block, no reason to give him any sort of pass.

Mish, as was said in her first game here, is not a newbie to mafia. Also not a person who should get any kind of pass for lurking.



AVM: Sorry, I may be too used to DM mafia where if you don't get on peoples case about activity ASAP it only gets worse and worse.

I'll drop it for now but I do hope to see more from those people soon.



Got fish, let's hook it:

Double standards? Why complain about there being no elaborate case on you when you clearly understand that on Day 1 it's more about instinct than actual casing?

You sarcastically said you were trying to find "some defense for this elaborate case on me". As it's plain to anyone who's read the thread there is no "elaborate case" so the obvious conclusion to come to is that you were being sarcastic which implies you are upset and were saying it in an attempt to complain that there was nothing more "substantial" to fight against and/or buy sympathy for your plight.

Ok well I'll let others judge that for themselves. For myself, I think you're lying but whatever.


Granted but to use another cliche we gotta start somewhere. Deadline is tomorrow and with so many DMers in the game I am worried about activity, which we've already been over. I'd be more worried about quick lynches later in the game.


Hedging and testing the waters. This guy is dropping scumtells like crazy.


It may be a bit early for this buuut...I told you so. Ya'll jumped down my neck when I started calling out inactives but we're already going down the drain an it'll probably just get worse from here on out unless we really get on top of people for lurking.

Went for a re-read to see if Nolder's scum and didn't convince myself either way. I find that my vote is at the right place, however.
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Yes. How many lie detectors does this game have? geez...


Are you town?


Wow. I thought this game was supposed to be more complicated than that. All you guys do is ask each other if you're town now?


Anybody ever think of changing things up and asking someone if they are scum?

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Wow. I thought this game was supposed to be more complicated than that. All you guys do is ask each other if you're town now?


Anybody ever think of changing things up and asking someone if they are scum?

It's optimal to ask if someone is town, if there is a lie detector checking anyway.

For example a Survivor isn't town but they aren't scum either. They're a neutral third party.

So they can honestly answer no if you ask them if they are scum which implies they are town but they wont be able to get away with that if you flip it and ask if they're town. All we really care about is who is town and who is not, not who is "not scum".

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Wow. I thought this game was supposed to be more complicated than that. All you guys do is ask each other if you're town now?


Anybody ever think of changing things up and asking someone if they are scum?

An interesting new approach.

Are you scum?

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It's optimal to ask if someone is town, if there is a lie detector checking anyway.

For example a Survivor isn't town but they aren't scum either. They're a neutral third party.

So they can honestly answer no if you ask them if they are scum which implies they are town but they wont be able to get away with that if you flip it and ask if they're town. All we really care about is who is town and who is not, not who is "not scum".


Excellent point. Don't think I've ever played a game with a lie detector before. 

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Unofficial Vote Count: 

Nol (4) - Lily, DPR, Salami, JVoR
Mish (1)- AVM
Salami (7) - JC, Verb, Hell yeah, Leelou, Nol, 80, Hess
Tom (1) - Klecko
Dan (1) - Smash
Hellyeah (2) - Mish, Tom
JVoR (1) - Darthe
Smash (1) - Dan

Not voting (1) - Ishy

With 19 alive it takes 10 to lynch

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