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Tebow Offered $1 million to Play in Two Games


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Tim Tebow reportedly offered $1 million to play in two games









A Russian team offered Tim Tebow $1 million to play in just two games, according to a report. (Jim Rogash/Getty Images)





Charles Curtis/NJ.com By  Charles Curtis/NJ.com  


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on September 16, 2013 at 10:54 AM, updated September 16, 2013 at 10:58 AM









Tim Tebow may not appear in the NFL anytime soon, but that doesn't mean there aren't franchises outside the United States looking to pay for his services.



According to James Ellingsworth, writing for blog Russia Beyond the Headlines, a team in Moscow has offered the former Jets quarterback $1 million to play in two games.



"I talked with him personally and he wanted to go," Mikhail Zaltsman, the owner of the Moscow Black Storm, told Ellingsworth. Why two games? "Zaltsman's plan is for Tebow to fly into Moscow for the Black Storm's semifinal against the Moscow Patriots in the American Football Championship of Russia on Sept. 28, sweep the team to victory and then win the final," Ellingsworth wrote.



Sounds like that would make him the equivalent of the ringer who played college baseball in your local softball league.



But Zaltsman also pointed out that Tebow's agents aren't too keen on the idea since they want to see the QB become a motivational speaker. And playing in Russia might damage Tebow's future NFL prospects, as former North Carolina fullback Bobby Rome pointed out to Ellingsworth.



Tebow, meanwhile, has continued to work out, as videos (like the one from iFolloSports.com we've posted below) revealed last week. And it's not the first time Tebow has received offers to play outside the NFL -- Newsday's Bob Glauber reported the Arena League's L.A. Kiss offered the QB a three-year deal earlier this month.


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could save alot of souls in russia

That's what I'm thinking.


He eventually plans to move into evangelical speaking, in fact is already into it.


If he plays with a Russian team while setting up an evangelical mission, it certainly won't be held against him by his religious fans here.

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