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Second worst NFL city behind Miami is?


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#1 isn't even up for debate. The Dolpins are easily the worst and least loyal fans in the NFL. Who's second?

I say Raiders fans. While many of them do come out for the games, a lot of them are just there to play dress up.

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I was looking for the section that broke down sell-outs in the post season but nothing on there. Of all the teams on the list, how many fail to sell out playoff games. I know the Jets don't.

Miami's regular season numbers are considerably skewed by fans of opposing teams. When you go watch the Dolphins the place would be a ghost town if not for the opponents fans.

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Most Raider fans are obnoxious - they fit perfect with their costumes.

Take it from someone that went to see the Jets play in Oakland- me.

Which reminds me, what was that thing about Fireman Ed a couple seasons back that no one would talk about on that "other" board that happened at a Raider game?

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Which reminds me, what was that thing about Fireman Ed a couple seasons back that no one would talk about on that "other" board that happened at a Raider game?

He supposedly went to the game and left early because fans were targeting him once they saw the fireman hat. He was with a chick and they were getting bottles hurled at them. Fans who are angry over the fact that he is the most recognized jet fan in the country instead of them began calling him a pu**y for not letting the chick get pelted with beer bottles. At least that's the story I got before it was a banned topic.

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Steeler fans are passionate, but they are pieces of ****.

See, IMO that's the perfect description for Eagles fans. On a scale of 1-10 their passion is a 15. On a scale of 1-10 their class/knowledge doesn't even show up on the chart.

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#1 isn't even up for debate. The Dolpins are easily the worst and least loyal fans in the NFL. Who's second?

I say Raiders fans. While many of them do come out for the games, a lot of them are just there to play dress up.

That's not fair... Miami isn't really an NFL city.

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jacksonville has to be a close second behind miami. didn't they have all of their home games blacked out last year.

Yes, but I believe they have one of the lowest populations of any city with a team so I would expect them to have a harder time selling out. It was riddiculous however that there was almost NOBODY in that parking lot a few hours before the game. It was unreal.

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He supposedly went to the game and left early because fans were targeting him once they saw the fireman hat. He was with a chick and they were getting bottles hurled at them. Fans who are angry over the fact that he is the most recognized jet fan in the country instead of them began calling him a pu**y for not letting the chick get pelted with beer bottles. At least that's the story I got before it was a banned topic.

thanks airforcejetfan, I just thought of a great christmas gift for max. a nyj fireman hat & ticket to a raider game :)

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San Diego's pretty lame. If the team's not winning, you can hear and echo at Qualcomm. Even if they are , you will see 25% or more of the fans rooting for the opposing team. Last few times the Jets have been here , its was at least 40% Jets fans. We even had the J-E-T-S chant going !

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Yes, but I believe they have one of the lowest populations of any city with a team so I would expect them to have a harder time selling out. It was riddiculous however that there was almost NOBODY in that parking lot a few hours before the game. It was unreal.

not to mention it's the largest U.S. city in terms of area, so even the population that's there is really spread out.

If we were to go by that chart, Miami fans are #13 in loyalty which we all know is absurd.

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Jacksonville is without question the worst. No question about it. You gotta realize that there is so much to do in South Florida (although Ilive in N fLorida, I am familiar). I'm not justifying the lack of attendance, but I am giving reason. In a city like Green Bay, WHAT THE HELL IS THERE TO DO ON SUNDAY?!!!!!! Eat cheese??? In the Miami area you have the beaches, reggae bands playing on the deck in November with margarita specials going on, bikini contests in October, the intracoastals, the beauty, the shops, the restaurants, etc... Although, to a real football fan, that wouldn't matter, fact is, a small percentage that makes up the difference between orange seats being empty are lured away to those other activities. Plain and simple.

Dolphins have very passionate fans for the one of the best damn teams in the NFL.

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Here is my top 5 of worst fan bases:

1). Miami

2). Jacksonville

3). Oakland

4). San Diego

5). Indianapolis

All of these teams have been competitive at some point since 2001. All have been to the playoffs. Indy has been to the AFC Championship game and Oakland the Super Bowl.

What do they all have in common? Trouble selling tickets to home games.

-Indy has the smallest stadium in the NFL and struggled to sellout until 2005.

-Oakland always struggles to sellout regardless of the "hype" surrounding the blackhole.

-Jacksonville has to cover up seats (just like the A's in baseball) and are always in danger of having a local blackout

-San Diego is what it is. Not a sports town.

-Miami is plain confusing. They have a large National following and an extremely active messagboard (probably tops in the AFCE) and they struggle to get big crowds. The only time the Stadium is full is when the Bills/Jets/Pats are in town.

I didn't count Arizona as those fans have had crap to look forward to since the franchise moved there. I don't blame them for not going to a college stadium and sitting in 100 degree weather to watch that team.

We will see how they do with the new stadium.

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How bout Boston???????

oh that's right they do not have a football team

Do the Pats play in Boston? No. Do they practice and play in Massachusetts? Yes.

Do the Jets play in New York? No. Do they practice in New York State? Yes*

*Although they do have one hell of a commute from Long Island to the Meadowlands.

That would be like the Pats practicing in Southern Maine and then playing their games in Foxboro, MA.

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He supposedly went to the game and left early because fans were targeting him once they saw the fireman hat. He was with a chick and they were getting bottles hurled at them. Fans who are angry over the fact that he is the most recognized jet fan in the country instead of them began calling him a pu**y for not letting the chick get pelted with beer bottles. At least that's the story I got before it was a banned topic.

It was "A" empty water bottle about a 1/2 before the game started and he was concerned "HE" was becomming a target because of his popularity & he didn`t want his girl friend stacy who was at this game with him to be hit by anything ,so he requested a escort for her & him out of the stadium by their security people before the game even started....It`s definetly a situation you can`t judge a person for unless your in the same situation I guess..

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