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So have any of you ever actually said LOL in real life conversation? I rarely use it online because I think it's stupid but I see it so often that I'm afraid one day I'm going to let it slip while having a conversation with someone.

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So have any of you ever actually said LOL in real life conversation? I rarely use it online because I think it's stupid but I see it so often that I'm afraid one day I'm going to let it slip while having a conversation with someone.

LOL! i use it all the time. people often think i am starting to spell lollipop .... ;)

but I do say



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Can't be verified...this "LOL." I mean, how do you know a person is really "LOL" on a messageboard? Folks could just post "LOL" to give the impression that they have a good sense of humor. I do it all the time - but am I really LOL?


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Can't be verified...this "LOL." I mean, how do you know a person is really "LOL" on a messageboard? Folks could just post "LOL" to give the impression that they have a good sense of humor. I do it all the time - but am I really LOL?


Hey Garb. LOL.

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Can't be verified...this "LOL." I mean, how do you know a person is really "LOL" on a messageboard? Folks could just post "LOL" to give the impression that they have a good sense of humor. I do it all the time - but am I really LOL?


Seeing that you're incapable of showing emotion, we all pretty much knew that you weren't LOLing. :)


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Seeing that you're incapable of showing emotion, we all pretty much knew that you weren't LOLing. :)


So true! It's not like I wear my emotions on my sleeve or anything...

Hey, if LOL is "lazy" what exactly would the use of smilie icons be?

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Internet speak is laziness personified. Besides, it's good cover for people hoo cant spel. and what's up with typing all in lower case letters? More lazy cr*p. Purposeless freaks, I hate you.

I almost picked up a manual type-writer at a garage sale for the sheer novelty of it. Type-type-type my thoughts on real paper-paper-paper.

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Internet speak is laziness personified. Besides, it's good cover for people hoo cant spel. and what's up with typing all in lower case letters? More lazy cr*p. Purposeless freaks, I hate you.

I almost picked up a manual type-writer at a garage sale for the sheer novelty of it. Type-type-type my thoughts on real paper-paper-paper.

i love being a freak! aand a lazy one at that.... and here i thought i was modeling ee cummings... yeah i know i dont rhyme....and these "..." are probably aalso reallllllllllllly annoying... i should also put a few extra smilies to make my posts even more delicious....:tongue:... hmmmm maybe i should change my name to freakgal... kinda fits ;) ...

but alas i hate that you hate me .... i thought my delightful personality would shine over my whimsical way of posting...


freakgal... or whimsicalgal :lol:

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i love being a freak! aand a lazy one at that.... and here i thought i was modeling ee cummings... yeah i know i dont rhyme....and these "..." are probably aalso reallllllllllllly annoying... i should also put a few extra smilies to make my posts even more delicious....:tongue:... hmmmm maybe i should change my name to freakgal... kinda fits ;) ...

but alas i hate that you hate me .... i thought my delightful personality would shine over my whimsical way of posting...


freakgal... or whimsicalgal :lol:

You've been drinking tequilla for breakfast again, I see. Tsk....tsk......

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