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Weekly P.O.T.W. Award


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Hello. I am the Post Of The Week Bot. Each week I will announce the winning post. All posts will be considered even those which were not formally nominated. Tabulation will be weighed 2 parts nomination, 1 part post quality and 1 part football regulartory ordinance. The only posts that will not be considered are those submitted by:

Johnny Green Balls or Marko Crapka

The task of posting the winner has now been automated. In future weeks we will list all the runner up awards. My Master, Greenbeans, has not yet finished my learning algorithm. So at the present time I can not list all the losing posts.

If you posted something and it doesn't appear below you did not win. Only the winner will be notified each week. Here is this weeks winning entry:

Posted By Max

Being A Fan

Anyone see this Chicago Cubs special on HBO? I watched it last night and it was really good. How is this football related you ask? As I watched it I thought about rooting for the Jets. I thought of how the Cubs have had such a long drought. How their fans are so hopeful but have had to deal with so much losing. Similar to what we have experienced with the Jets on a much smaller scale.

As I watched it I realized that it is such a great story. Here are these fans that are SO happy for the few good years they have had. They consider 1969 to be a magical year yet they finished like 8 games out. They were so close in 2003 but lost when it seemed certain they were going to the World Series.

What is the point here? The point is that what gets lost often times is what I will call the magic of being a fan. Just rooting for your team. Sure the #'s tell us that our team will lose. Sure history says they haven't won it all in awhile. But what is wrong with truly just believing? What is wrong with putting yourself out there and rooting for the team to win. It is almost like being a kid. You don't factor in all of the other stuff. All of the reasons that were hear daily. There is so much negativity in the world. The Jets won't win because Chad can't get it done. The defensive line isn't strong enough. The offensive line isn't physical enough. Mangini is a good coach but it is only his second year.

I remember being a kid and truly believing every year that the Jets would win the Super Bowl. What is wrong with that? Sure they didn't get it done, but I think it is far better to just believe. Why? Because that is what sports gives us. An escape. An escape from reality and all the things that are certain in life.

Some things I can't change. I have bills to pay. Work to do. Things have to get done. The Jets offer an escape from all those things. In sports anything can happen. The future has not been written. So I refuse to look at things and say why it can't happen. Instead I look at it and just believe that it will happen. People will say that history will prove me wrong. And that's okay. I am not an expert on TV giving analysis about the game. I am a fan.

My job as a fan is to root for the team. It is to believe that they will win it all. I am not saying we can't be critical. They don't always do things right. But you know what? One day they will do it right. One day they will win the Super Bowl.

When it happens -- I will be able to say that I called it. Because I am a fan. Believing they are going to win it all is what I do.


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What the f***? Someone playing tricks on us again? Is this another one of alk's aliases? :lol:

I got a potw nom, I want people to see it! :)

This looks legit to me. Let me just say that I am honored to win. I stay out of the POTW process so that I can make sure it is not biased in any way.

Winning it though, when I clearly had nothing to do with it, it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you Bot. For all that you do.

Greenbeans good luck in the future. Should you need a reference don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

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This looks legit to me. Let me just say that I am honored to win. I stay out of the POTW process so that I can make sure it is not biased in any way.

Winning it though, when I clearly had nothing to do with it, it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you Bot. For all that you do.

Greenbeans good luck in the future. Should you need a reference don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

The fix is in!

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What the f***? Someone playing tricks on us again? Is this another one of alk's aliases? :lol:

I got a potw nom, I want people to see it! :)


This post is to confirm that the post listed at the top of this thread was indeed the winner for the week. This is legit. Please refrain from questioning the integrity of the Post Of The Week award.



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This looks legit to me. Let me just say that I am honored to win. I stay out of the POTW process so that I can make sure it is not biased in any way.

Winning it though, when I clearly had nothing to do with it, it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you Bot. For all that you do.

Greenbeans good luck in the future. Should you need a reference don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

Damn you! lol

I just received the pm

You did not win. Please try again.

And for all my hard work, this is all I get. I wanna speak to your supervisor!! :1cry:

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The fix is in!


This post is to confirm that the post listed at the top of this thread was indeed the winner for the week. This is legit. Please refrain from questioning the integrity of the Post Of The Week award.



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This post is to confirm that the post listed at the top of this thread was indeed the winner for the week. This is legit. Please refrain from questioning the integrity of the Post Of The Week award.



You are legit.

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Damn you! lol

I just received the pm

And for all my hard work, this is all I get. I wanna speak to your supervisor!! :1cry:

*** This is an automated response ***

All of our calls our monitored. I have escalated your call to my superior. You will receive a followup shortly. If for any reason you can not answer all 10 on our questionarre we ask that you let us know in advance.

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Check out Max's sneaky way to drive up poster counts! :lol:

I can't believe that you would even think that about me. It is as if you believe we make more money per impression here or something. Unreal.

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I can't believe that you would even think that about me. It is as if you believe we make more money per impression here or something. Unreal.

Dude don't take it personal. It's a good business move. It will be MUCH easier to sell a switch to $55 services when the poster count is through the roof

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POTW_Bot is a new employee. But as the Supervisor of the POTW_Bot team I can assure you that he has received training. He completed the required half an hour session and is really more qualified than User ID # 140.

Please be patient while this transfer of responsibility is taking place. Should you have feedback, comments or concerns please don't share it with one of the Bots. They are not equipped to understand your logic. You are only human.


POTW_Bot Supervisor

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Dude don't take it personal. It's a good business move. It will be MUCH easier to sell a switch to $55 services when the poster count is through the roof

Oh okay, as long as we are on the same page. I agree completely, lol.

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Wow, JN sure has taken off....a professional operation to be sure now.


We don't even post for ourselves anymore. We simply dictate our thoughts to JetNation and it types them up for us in the form of posts. It's pretty cool.

All the happening boards are doing it, lol.

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POTW_Bot is a new employee. But as the Supervisor of the POTW_Bot team I can assure you that he has received training. He completed the required half an hour session and is really more qualified than User ID # 140.

Please be patient while this transfer of responsibility is taking place. Should you have feedback, comments or concerns please don't share it with one of the Bots. They are not equipped to understand your logic. You are only human.


POTW_Bot Supervisor

#140 here - looks like my logic got a little carried away with itself. Where is Sarah Connor when you need her?


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#140 here - looks like my logic got a little carried away with itself. Where is Sarah Connor when you need her?


Are you suggesting that one of these bot's is actually here from the future? And was sent back to save JetNation itself???? Interesting.

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