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Tim Donnehy to rat out 20 other NBA officials


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I wouldn't rat, no matter what. If he does or does not rat, he's still going to do 24 years in prison, so what's the point ?

I don't know the specifics, but if he was gonna do 24 years and he then ratted on 20-30 people odds are his sentence gets dropped down to something more like 5 years. I don't see what's wrong with "ratting" I say that ratting is a million times better than the schmucks who are doing the illegal **** to begin with. Don't kill people/deal drugs/ bet on a sport you work for/ embezzle and you wont have to worry about "snitches"

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And Hockey and Baseball are SOOO much more fun to watch.

The NBA is fun to watch? Is it 1995 again?

A team can be down by 20 in the 1st quarter, come back and win, and hear crickets. No one gives a ****. The first 42 minutes of a basketball game don't mean ****. And even the very last "exciting" minute takes 20 to complete because of all the fouls/timeouts.

The NBA sucks. The players don't care anymore. Neither does anyone else.

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The NBA is fun to watch? Is it 1995 again?

A team can be down by 20 in the 1st quarter, come back and win, and hear crickets. No one gives a ****. The first 42 minutes of a basketball game don't mean ****. And even the very last "exciting" minute takes 20 to complete because of all the fouls/timeouts.

The NBA sucks. The players don't care anymore. Neither does anyone else.

You should watch some Bulls games...

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I don't know the specifics, but if he was gonna do 24 years and he then ratted on 20-30 people odds are his sentence gets dropped down to something more like 5 years. I don't see what's wrong with "ratting" I say that ratting is a million times better than the schmucks who are doing the illegal **** to begin with. Don't kill people/deal drugs/ bet on a sport you work for/ embezzle and you wont have to worry about "snitches"

Good stuff Arsis!

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The NBA is fun to watch? Is it 1995 again?

A team can be down by 20 in the 1st quarter, come back and win, and hear crickets. No one gives a ****. The first 42 minutes of a basketball game don't mean ****. And even the very last "exciting" minute takes 20 to complete because of all the fouls/timeouts.

The NBA sucks. The players don't care anymore. Neither does anyone else.

Agreed. I haven't watched an NBA game in a realllly long time.

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wow if this is true then holy crap

Duh? How else do you think the Bulls almost won 50 games and made it to the 2nd round last year? I like to watch the NBA but it has traditionally had some of the poorest officiating in all of pro sports. None of this stuff is new. Remember the Michael Jordan forcefield rule of the 90's? Nobody could even go near that guy without getting a foul called.

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Agreed. I haven't watched an NBA game in a realllly long time.

The last time i followed the NBA was when the Spurs beat the Knicks in the Finals. What was that, 98?

btw the FIRST time I followed the NBA was in the 60s. I was lucky enough to have been taken by my Dad to the OLD MSG, back when they played doubleheaders (four different teams) on Tuesday nights. Damn, I'm old.

The Red Holzman Knicks were my favorite B-Ball team to watch of all time.

Now? pffft

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Fecal matter, meet cooling device.

Stern's fix job joke of a league is about to collapse. He lied through his teeth pretending there was no way they could figure out if Donaghy was going to the Borgata. Donaghy was a loudmouth and a braggart. He was getting comped every chance he could, and for that he had to give a credit card and SS# for the IRS.

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