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JetNation.com Theme Song & Video


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Let me know when you want to make the remix.

And Smizzy throws his name in the running!

The only way Ill take my work to you is if you make Marko a mod, and give his Coco Puff he speaks of a reach-around.


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bwahahaha..nicely done. That song could easily be extended a couple of minutes.

I'll submit lyrics to Max and The Garv for further consideration.

Hey I am about to put up the video. TheGARV actually mentions this -- anyone who is interested in this project can certainly help out. He explains it in the video.

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Free pancakes! haha

Max, joining forces with Garv is the greatest business decision this website has ever made. This guy is gold.

TheGARV and I share a birthday. It was meant to be. I think he is my long lost twin.

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I think being the biggest Chad homer earns me a plug from the funniest Chad supporter... c'mon Garv... plug the ecurb!

FYI that picture of "me" jerking off to a Chad poster would fit perfect in that video... lol

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Man Garv is off the CHizAin!!!!! .Com Yeaa, .com yeaaa... I love that freaking song! My girl think iv lost all my marbles but I wanna record the song and listen to it before I go to sleep on Saturday nights and get ready for the jets game come SUNDAY!

I swear, I could bang the heck out of my girl to that song... .Com... YEAHHHHHHHHHHH

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Man Garv is off the CHizAin!!!!! .Com Yeaa, .com yeaaa... I love that freaking song! My girl think iv lost all my marbles but I wanna record the song and listen to it before I go to sleep on Saturday nights and get ready for the jets game come SUNDAY!

I swear, I could bang the heck out of my girl to that song... .Com... YEAHHHHHHHHHHH

Not sure if I should laugh or cry. Or both.


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Man Garv is off the CHizAin!!!!! .Com Yeaa, .com yeaaa... I love that freaking song! My girl think iv lost all my marbles but I wanna record the song and listen to it before I go to sleep on Saturday nights and get ready for the jets game come SUNDAY!

I swear, I could bang the heck out of my girl to that song... .Com... YEAHHHHHHHHHHH

LMFAO!!! :P:p:p

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TheGarv is hilarious. The JN song was gold but his opening statement that Chad will be the starting QB for the next 10-12 years was even better!

I guess Chad will sign a Clemens like contract later in his career to keep him around that long. He will skip camp, start playing games in late October and only show up on Game Day.

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Thats the gayest video fo me you could find? What about the one where TheGarv is giving me rim while I punch a Chad doll in the nut sack?

Let me teach you something about show business son. Always leave them wanting more. You build up some buzz with the first one. Then you get them hooked. By the time you promise them the blumpkin video you have yourself some VIP members and a whole lot of cash.


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