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So I've Lost 7 Pounds....


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Serious post here.

I am seriously seeking any advice I can get from people who actually have lost a good amount of weight. I need to do it for my health wise. My metabolism is one of slowest in the universe, but I do need to lose around 50lbs if not more.

If you are serious, then you should go to a gym and get a trainer.

I started in August and through eating better and exercising (cardio 2-3x a week for 30-45min, weights 2x per week) I have lost about 20lbs. I was over 250 when I started and I am about 230 now. I have zero motivation to work out and no self control when it comes to food. So i need the trainer... and he helps by lightening my wallet. A good trainer will get you on a food plan (not a diet, just ways to eat better) and a workout plan.

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Have you ever used one of these?


It's an ear candle, it cleans you right out. my ex GF had me try this one time and it cleared my ears and sinuses right up.

LOL, i am at my parents house a few weeks ago, down in the basement watching tv, i come up and everyone is in the living room, my father is lying on the floor on his side with this dumb s### coming out of his ear, i start laughing my ass off and inform mom that it is an old wives tale. They were sitting there for hours doing everyone's ears. When i tell her it is fake, she whips out this crud and shows it to prove to me what comes out of your ear when you burn this. Ok i say, burn one in your hand and see what you are left with. Of course it looked just the same when she held it and let it burn down.

It's science really, no way that can cause the pressure needed to dislodge and drain the ear, and if it did cause that kind of pressure in your ear it would bust your eardrum. Google it, called candling.

Sorry to piss in your koolaid bro

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LOL, i am at my parents house a few weeks ago, down in the basement watching tv, i come up and everyone is in the living room, my father is lying on the floor on his side with this dumb s### coming out of his ear, i start laughing my ass off and inform mom that it is an old wives tale. They were sitting there for hours doing everyone's ears. When i tell her it is fake, she whips out this crud and shows it to prove to me what comes out of your ear when you burn this. Ok i say, burn one in your hand and see what you are left with. Of course it looked just the same when she held it and let it burn down.

It's science really, no way that can cause the pressure needed to dislodge and drain the ear, and if it did cause that kind of pressure in your ear it would bust your eardrum. Google it, called candling.

Sorry to piss in your koolaid bro

All I said was that I was connived into trying it once or twice.

No need for a 4 page synopsis on the rights and wrongs of ''candling'', bro. :lol:

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All I said was that I was connived into trying it once or twice.

No need for a 4 page synopsis on the rights and wrongs of ''candling'', bro. :lol:

hahahaha you plick! 9/10 of that post was a personal story. Sorry if you now feel foolish for falling for some old housewife whoodoo voodoo, lol

bp you're my boy

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So, you gave up beer BP? No friggin' way.... :cheers:

I'm going to have ''some'' on Sunday. but that will be it for beer until November 30th.

I have to drink beer in the summer time, I crave it in the heat.

Now I'll either drink my dirty martini's, Kettle one and club or bacardi and diet coke.

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hahahaha you plick! 9/10 of that post was a personal story. Sorry if you now feel foolish for falling for some old housewife whoodoo voodoo, lol

bp you're my boy

Does this mean I can help drain the keg on Sunday? :cheers:

It was the girlfriend! and those candles ain't cheap.

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Serious post here.

I am seriously seeking any advice I can get from people who actually have lost a good amount of weight. I need to do it for my health wise. My metabolism is one of slowest in the universe, but I do need to lose around 50lbs if not more.

Excellent advice from BP and LBS. Lots of water, but stay away Gatorade and obviously soda and sugary drinks. You can add ice tea mixes to the bottle water...they are good. Cut back on red meat and pork... anything with visible fat obviously. Eat more chicken... veggies and some fruit. Keep the carbs low, but not too low since that is brain food! Too much fruit with the natural sugars will turn to fat... excess carbs your body doesn't need will turn to fat... and overdosing on too much protein will not build muscle... it too will turn to fat.

I'm taking a Nutrition course and it is really interesting. Now we're learning about how the body metabolizes carbs, protein and lipids. Interesting ****.

Anywho... get to the gym... get a trainer... put down the beer and you'll be surprised how quick you can drop it.

You're young and not what I'd call fat. :rolleyes: Don't rush into all these changes at once and fail miserably, just make small changes until it becomes routine.

Now, if I can only take my own friggin' advice. Damn it. :mad0259:

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I'm going to have ''some'' on Sunday. but that will be it for beer until November 30th.

I have to drink beer in the summer time, I crave it in the heat.

Now I'll either drink my dirty martini's, Kettle one and club or bacardi and diet coke.

Yummo, I like dirty martinis... but I'm a girly-girl and like my Appletinis. party0014.gif

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i have GOT to get back on the treadmill..

or i just have to embrace my zoftig curves! OY!

i am getting too old for this.. :lol:

bring back rubenesque women! :yahoo:

I've had so many things derail me this year. I was supposed to be in the best shape of my life by my birthday.... umm, that was four months ago. Jeez.

It's a never-ending cycle. I will not give up though! :box:

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Does this mean I can help drain the keg on Sunday? :cheers:

It was the girlfriend! and those candles ain't cheap.

of course dude, you can partake in the new pressurized beer bong, full 16oz beer delivery in under 1 second!

Yeah i know they are expensive, and i almost pissed my pants at the site of my father lying there like a pansy with that stupid candle in his ear, seriously, picture a 54 year old who looks like a cross between john gotti and tony soprano, laying there with that dumb candle stuck in his head.

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of course dude, you can partake in the new pressurized beer bong, full 16oz beer delivery in under 1 second!

Yeah i know they are expensive, and i almost pissed my pants at the site of my father lying there like a pansy with that stupid candle in his ear, seriously, picture a 54 year old who looks like a cross between john gotti and tony soprano, laying there with that dumb candle stuck in his head.

I'll make sure to bring my drinking shoes this Sunday. :)

I know, you look like a jackass with that thing in your ear. at least I sat in a chair and tilted my head, I didn't lye down. ;)

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I've had so many things derail me this year. I was supposed to be in the best shape of my life by my birthday.... umm, that was four months ago. Jeez.

It's a never-ending cycle. I will not give up though! :box:

lol.. i always do that too.. i have a date that i want to lose the weight / get in shape for.. and it always passes by without success.. and i have been doing this for a lot longer then you...

my latest date is May 2009.. my college reunion.! that gives me 19 months! :D woo hoo!

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lol.. i always do that too.. i have a date that i want to lose the weight / get in shape for.. and it always passes by without success.. and i have been doing this for a lot longer then you...

my latest date is May 2009.. my college reunion.! that gives me 19 months! :D woo hoo!

Wow, 19 months gives you plenty of time girl. Get crackin'!!

I used to buy clothes too small and would convince myself that I'd lose the weight to fit into them. NOT. I wasted lots of money on **** I never wore. :confused0082: Oh well.

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Wow, 19 months gives you plenty of time girl. Get crackin'!!

I used to buy clothes too small and would convince myself that I'd lose the weight to fit into them. NOT. I wasted lots of money on **** I never wore. :confused0082: Oh well.

i never did that... lol.. although i agree.. it is a never ending battle...

i did the same thing before my last reunion in 2004 and i wasnt successful... :D

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Earlier today I was cleaning out the basement and came across my mountain bike. Before i was diagnosed with hodgkins at 19 i was pretty big into cycling, did the 5 borough bike tour and all that stuff. Anyway, leading up to the point where i was diagnosed, i just couldn't do any physical activity and i thought it was because i wasn't training like i had been what with a new girlfriend and stuff when in actuality i was about as sick with the hodgkins as a person can be. Anyway, i figured there was no better way to motivate me to get my ass in gear as going out and buying the most bad ass ride i could. I went and bought a custom oodoo mountain bike for like 2,500.00 which was extremely expensive back in 1995. Only thing was, because of the sickness i just could not ride it and after trying twice i just gave up in disgust with myself. # months later i found out the real reason why. Anyway, it was pretty depressing to see this thing sitting there never used and me not anywhere near the shape i remember being in. The crazy thing is with all the massive roids i took as part of my treatment, i gained 90 pounds in 8 months! Well, I decided tonight that between now and may i am getting back into shape to shred on that bike. I also did a bit of research ont the bike, turns out it is a very sought after machine, the bikes were designed by a mountain bike legend and the company went out of business after a few years and my model is a very desirable bike. All the more reason to get in shape to appreciate it.

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Joe, keep yourself busy and stop drinking too much beer and pizza. and don't eat your halloween candy when you go trick or treating. heh. :)

yeah, alcohol is bad news for weight gain, whether hard stuff, beer, or light beer. It isn't even the calories that is the problem, it is the effects alcohol has, it makes you store more body fat.

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turns out it is a very sought after machine, the bikes were designed by a mountain bike legend and the company went out of business after a few years and my model is a very desirable bike. All the more reason to get in shape to appreciate it.

I'd sell that bitch on ebay! lol.

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Here's the thing:

1. I don't drink anything but Water, Milk and Beer, so its not like Soda / Coffee is killing me.

2. I don't have the money for a personal trainer.

3. I don't have much time for the gym with college + work, though I could find time on 2 or 3 days a week I guess.

4. My Metabolism is the slowest known to man kind.. my entire family has this problem.

5. However, I will not deny that I do eat pretty crappy. Always am eating a lot of bread with spahgetti, ravioli or rigotoni and if i'm not eating that then chances are I'm eating Pizza which I eat once or twice a week. Yeah there are times I eat Chicken, but its Chicken Parm, once and a while on the grill. As for meat, not that much of it.

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Here's the thing:

1. I don't drink anything but Water, Milk and Beer, so its not like Soda / Coffee is killing me.

2. I don't have the money for a personal trainer.

3. I don't have much time for the gym with college + work, though I could find time on 2 or 3 days a week I guess.

4. My Metabolism is the slowest known to man kind.. my entire family has this problem.

5. However, I will not deny that I do eat pretty crappy. Always am eating a lot of bread with spahgetti, ravioli or rigotoni and if i'm not eating that then chances are I'm eating Pizza which I eat once or twice a week. Yeah there are times I eat Chicken, but its Chicken Parm, once and a while on the grill. As for meat, not that much of it.

do they have an athletic center at your school? Any intramural leagues? Playing basketball between/before/after classes will do a lot for you. As far as food, lots of people crack jokes about it but the subway sandwich thing can work well, just stay away from cheese/mayo/oil, it works well when you are out and about and need something quick.

The trick with the metabolism is to get active, exercise will raise it, and not just during the exercise but also when you are not. Adding muscle will also increase your metabolism and help you burn calories throughout the day.

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Here's the thing:

1. I don't drink anything but Water, Milk and Beer, so its not like Soda / Coffee is killing me.

2. I don't have the money for a personal trainer.

3. I don't have much time for the gym with college + work, though I could find time on 2 or 3 days a week I guess.

4. My Metabolism is the slowest known to man kind.. my entire family has this problem.

5. However, I will not deny that I do eat pretty crappy. Always am eating a lot of bread with spahgetti, ravioli or rigotoni and if i'm not eating that then chances are I'm eating Pizza which I eat once or twice a week. Yeah there are times I eat Chicken, but its Chicken Parm, once and a while on the grill. As for meat, not that much of it.

1. Stop eating crappy

2. Start running

3. Eat better

4. Keep running

Dont over do it too fast though.

Luckily, I dont have this problem. I barely crack 150 at 6'1. But I've never gained weight because I dont eat junk food and I always play basketball - always. Plus, Florida keeps you active year round unless you are really lazy and are scared of sweating so all you do is stay inside and play video games.

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Here's the thing:

1. I don't drink anything but Water, Milk and Beer, so its not like Soda / Coffee is killing me.

2. I don't have the money for a personal trainer.

3. I don't have much time for the gym with college + work, though I could find time on 2 or 3 days a week I guess.

4. My Metabolism is the slowest known to man kind.. my entire family has this problem.

5. However, I will not deny that I do eat pretty crappy. Always am eating a lot of bread with spahgetti, ravioli or rigotoni and if i'm not eating that then chances are I'm eating Pizza which I eat once or twice a week. Yeah there are times I eat Chicken, but its Chicken Parm, once and a while on the grill. As for meat, not that much of it.

Well, what did you have for breakfast?

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1. Stop eating crappy

2. Start running

3. Eat better

4. Keep running

Dont over do it too fast though.

Luckily, I dont have this problem. I barely crack 150 at 6'1. But I've never gained weight because I dont eat junk food and I always play basketball - always. Plus, Florida keeps you active year round unless you are really lazy and are scared of sweating so all you do is stay inside and play video games.

You must look like Manute Bol. :lol:

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Here's the thing:

1. I don't drink anything but Water, Milk and Beer, so its not like Soda / Coffee is killing me.

2. I don't have the money for a personal trainer.

3. I don't have much time for the gym with college + work, though I could find time on 2 or 3 days a week I guess.

4. My Metabolism is the slowest known to man kind.. my entire family has this problem.

5. However, I will not deny that I do eat pretty crappy. Always am eating a lot of bread with spahgetti, ravioli or rigotoni and if i'm not eating that then chances are I'm eating Pizza which I eat once or twice a week. Yeah there are times I eat Chicken, but its Chicken Parm, once and a while on the grill. As for meat, not that much of it.

what is cool about FucoThin is that it speeds up your metabolism by 18% Joe-it sounds like it would be perfect for you-I also drink Goji Juice which also gives you energy and when I'm hungry late at night after a gig I'll drink a few ounces and it holds me over-eating at night is the killer though-you gotta try not to.Yea you take Fucothin 3 times a day-like I said I am amazed at the results after 2 and 1/2 weeks

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Serious post here.

I am seriously seeking any advice I can get from people who actually have lost a good amount of weight. I need to do it for my health wise. My metabolism is one of slowest in the universe, but I do need to lose around 50lbs if not more.

At your age Joey, do it the normal way and it shouldn't be that hard.

Change your diet (no junk....cut out beers if possible), eat tuna, turkey, chicken sandwiches,salads etc. If you can eat those w/out bread, even better.

Do 30-45 minutes of cardio excercise 4 times a week if possible. You could do that at your home if no time for gym etc. Start slow but remember the first 15 minutes is burning energy. After that your body goes after fat to keep you moving so the goal is to slowly work your way up to 30-45 minutes. Another tip is do the workout after not having ate for a few hours as your body will hit the fat sooner to keep you going as your stored energy will be lower from not eating.

Mix in a little wieght training to ensure you tone as you lose weight.

It's all better explained online, you just have to search around. Once you get passed the first couple of weeks it is somewhat mentally addicting.

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