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Why do you think Mattingly left and followed Torre?


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neither did Pena

Thanks...I was about to post the same thing. I think it might go a little deeper than Mattingly is saying. Perhaps he was promised the Mgr job a few years back when old man Steinbrenner was still able to make decisions. Now, with the young Steinbrenner boys in charge, things changed.

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Thanks...I was about to post the same thing. I think it might go a little deeper than Mattingly is saying. Perhaps he was promised the Mgr job a few years back when old man Steinbrenner was still able to make decisions. Now, with the young Steinbrenner boys in charge, things changed.

I think a lot of us had heard that Mattingly would follow Torre as Yankee skipper once Torre stepped down. That was in circulation for the last few years. Well it's 1/2 right... Mattingly DID follow Torre. ;)

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Donnie Baseball is the reason I am a Yankee fan...but he is in LA because he got rejected for the Manager job. I honestly thought Girardi was better suited for the job.

Oh well...good luck in LA Donny B....You should have sucked it up and stayed.

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Donnie Baseball is the reason I am a Yankee fan...but he is in LA because he got rejected for the Manager job. I honestly thought Girardi was better suited for the job.

Oh well...good luck in LA Donny B....You should have sucked it up and stayed.

I wish him good luck as well :)

Im not sure why he left, but I bet he will be back in the Pinstripes some time

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Mattingly is being a silly goose. If he wants to manage, he should've asked to go to AAA SWB and become the manager in waiting. Randolph learned the same hard lesson and didn't get an offer for 9 years because he wouldn't go down to manage in the minors. Simply saying "Great idea, Joe!" all night is not the same as making the decisions yourself, even in AAA.Worse, it's more likely that Torre gets exposed as a goofball than Girardi fails. In fact, I'd wager a small fortune Torre will be an abject embarrassing failure, just as he was the day before he darkened the doorways of 161st Street.

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Yeah, okay. Right after Mattingly actually wins something where he goes, right Bob?

I said Mattingly would be back, Joe. Didn't say I'd be happy about it. He'll fail, too, trying to win with no experience and a Girardized pitching staff.

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Donnie Baseball is the reason I am a Yankee fan...but he is in LA because he got rejected for the Manager job. I honestly thought Girardi was better suited for the job.

Oh well...good luck in LA Donny B....You should have sucked it up and stayed.

BINGO... Donnie got butthurt. Sorry , but he needs to put in his time before he gets the job , compared to someone who has already been there.

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Mattingly is being a silly goose. If he wants to manage, he should've asked to go to AAA SWB and become the manager in waiting. Randolph learned the same hard lesson and didn't get an offer for 9 years because he wouldn't go down to manage in the minors. Simply saying "Great idea, Joe!" all night is not the same as making the decisions yourself, even in AAA.Worse, it's more likely that Torre gets exposed as a goofball than Girardi fails. In fact, I'd wager a small fortune Torre will be an abject embarrassing failure, just as he was the day before he darkened the doorways of 161st Street.

I think this is what Mattingly should have done. Now, his "Managerial" path is linked directly with Torre. If Torre fails in LA, a possibility, even if they land Santana or Cabrera, then would you hire his "right hand man" after canning him?

I think Donnie blew it by not asking immediately after learning that he lost out to Giradi, to get the AAA job, or even the AA job. You need to get a few years of experience in. It is rare for Manager's to take a career path like Giradi, and land a Major League job, after coaching only a few years.

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Mattingly followed Torre because 1) He was probably promised the job or it was implied he would be the next manager at some point and 2) Girardi probably wouldn't want him on his staff for several reasons (which is reasonable why would you want the guy who you just competed with for a job on your staff?). I wouldn't hire him on my staff. The Yanks clutch hitting seemed to stop when he became the batting coach anyway...good riddance.

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