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Hank Steinbrenner is a moron.


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This guy needs to shut the F up. Did you see his quotes in the nytimes today?


"This is not a bluff; it’s just reality,” the senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner said in a telephone interview Sunday night. “It’s a fact. The Yankees will not be used to jack up the price on people — whether by agents or other teams — ever again. That’s over.”

“I don’t want to continue this dog-and-pony show, playing us against the Red Sox,” Steinbrenner said. “I’m not going to participate in that. This is our best offer. Minnesota knows it’s our best offer. Everybody knows it is."

“We need to get this done. If we don’t, I certainly won’t be upset about keeping Hughes and Cabrera. I definitely won’t. I don’t think Minnesota wants to be stuck negotiating with just one team.”

“How can I go any higher?” Steinbrenner said. “What do they want — Hughes, Kennedy and Cabrera? I can’t do that kind of thing. It’s crazy. It’s suicidal. In the past 20 or 30 years, teams have always asked more from the Yankees than they have of anybody else, and that’s going to stop. I’ve made the best offer Minnesota is going to get, and the fact is, it’s an offer we can go away happy and they can go away happy.”

“I do want Santana, and the fact is that this is their best offer,” Steinbrenner said. “I think it’s probably the best offer they’re going to get from anybody. I don’t know what Boston’s going to do, but that won’t determine what I do.”

Hank is a tool. You dont air out this kinda stuff when you are working on deals(esp naming names etc etc). Even if he is right, and I actually think the Yankees should have a firm stand on this and not give in, why are you telling the media this? Keep your mouth shut, you fat sh#t!

And this isnt the first time this fat tub of waste opened his mouth like he's the GM. I hate this guy already, I think.

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But, He is 100% right. Good for him. I like the guy. Don't let anyone dick you around like that. This is the offer take it or **** off, no games.

:yawn: After the Payrod fiasco how can you believe ANYTHING he says ? I'm with Barton on this one. Just STFU already. ;)

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Agree! He should keep his yap shut...if Hank wanted to express this line of thought, you do it after the smoke settles, not during. He just leaves himself open to more criticism this way and justfully so.

The thing that really ticks me off is if this deal doesnt go down, Hughes and Cabrera will stay here (and thats fine) but they will know for certain the Yankees wanted to trade them - because HANK SAID IT IN THE NY TIMES! I wouldnt like that if I was Hughes or Melky, thats for sure.

How stupid can you be, Hank? STFU, dooshey!

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The Yankees will be lucky if they do not get hit with tampering charges.

You can't just go blurting names of players who are under contract with other clubs to the media.

Thsi guy needs to shut up and let his GM do his work.

There is nothing wrong with saying "I want player XXX". The issue comes up when you cross the line from there. I do not know if Hank Steinbrenner crossed the line.

The upshot!! I think he gets a slap on the wrist from the Commish.

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There is nothing wrong with saying "I want player XXX". The issue comes up when you cross the line from there. I do not know if Hank Steinbrenner crossed the line.

The upshot!! I think he gets a slap on the wrist from the Commish.

There is absolutely something wrong with it. You can't do it. You can not talk about a player under contract.

i doubt anything will be done, but this is baseball 101.

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Didn't feel like repeating myself but my thoughts as posted in another thread but oddly enough on the same exact topic....

JMO and I'm not going to pretend to know all the rules on this situation but...

I know that teams CAN NOT comment on players who are under contract with another team and any desire to have that player on their team


If a team makes a trade offer to a team then I don't see how there can be an issue with making that public. To me "tampering" implies some behind the scenes rule breaking but if a team is 100% aware of another teams interest and an actual offer has been made, what's the harm in letting the fans know? Not saying it's a smart move by Hank, but how can it be "tampering" if it's an actual offer that was made?

I would think that if Hank was in the wrong here, it would be a BLATANT rule violation and MLB would step in IMMEDIATELY. If they hesitated for even a second, Roger Goodell show up and suspend the Yankees FO for 50 games or so.

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Didn't feel like repeating myself but my thoughts as posted in another thread but oddly enough on the same exact topic....

JMO and I'm not going to pretend to know all the rules on this situation but...

I know that teams CAN NOT comment on players who are under contract with another team and any desire to have that player on their team


If a team makes a trade offer to a team then I don't see how there can be an issue with making that public. To me "tampering" implies some behind the scenes rule breaking but if a team is 100% aware of another teams interest and an actual offer has been made, what's the harm in letting the fans know? Not saying it's a smart move by Hank, but how can it be "tampering" if it's an actual offer that was made?

I would think that if Hank was in the wrong here, it would be a BLATANT rule violation and MLB would step in IMMEDIATELY. If they hesitated for even a second, Roger Goodell show up and suspend the Yankees FO for 50 games or so.

Until the Yankees (or any team) has been given permission to speak to a specific player, it forbidden to mention that player, talk to that player, or talk to anyone associated with that player.

All sports are like that.

I understand that this is a very loose trade negotiation, but Steinbernner was wrong in what he did.

Even more stupid is an owner discussing his own players that may be chips in a potential trade. Who does that? You may very well be "stuck" with those chips, and who wants to be on a team knowing that you were not really wanted in lieu of another player.

As discussed by many here, very dumb.

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Until the Yankees (or any team) has been given permission to speak to a specific player, it forbidden to mention that player, talk to that player, or talk to anyone associated with that player.

All sports are like that.

I understand that this is a very loose trade negotiation, but Steinbernner was wrong in what he did.

Even more stupid is an owner discussing his own players that may be chips in a potential trade. Who does that? You may very well be "stuck" with those chips, and who wants to be on a team knowing that you were not really wanted in lieu of another player.

As discussed by many here, very dumb.

I agree...it was dumb.....but was it illlegal? If so then MLB should step in and fine/penalize the Yankees. If not, this is kind of a silly discussion.

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This guy needs to shut the F up. Did you see his quotes in the nytimes today?

Hank is a tool. You dont air out this kinda stuff when you are working on deals(esp naming names etc etc). Even if he is right, and I actually think the Yankees should have a firm stand on this and not give in, why are you telling the media this? Keep your mouth shut, you fat sh#t!

And this isnt the first time this fat tub of waste opened his mouth like he's the GM. I hate this guy already, I think.

Ah, you are showing your age, young Barton. Do you beleive everything he's saying? Is he bluffing? Is he lying? Is he playing? C'mon now, Barton. It's not like the Yankees have an aversion to over-paying.

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I agree...it was dumb.....but was it illlegal? If so then MLB should step in and fine/penalize the Yankees. If not, this is kind of a silly discussion.

That's sort of my feeling about this whole tampering issue also. I do think that maybe Selig gives hank a minor fine, just to warn him.

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But, He is 100% right. Good for him. I like the guy. Don't let anyone dick you around like that. This is the offer take it or **** off, no games.

I may be alone here liking the fire this guy has in him. It's about time that front office woke up. Maybe it will trickle down to the team. For years we were the evil empire with a warlord at the top. George got old fast, and we seemed to be like a ship without a captain. I may not agree with everything Hank does or says, but the guy has a pulse and speaks out. Good for him !

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I may be alone here liking the fire this guy has in him. It's about time that front office woke up. Maybe it will trickle down to the team. For years we were the evil empire with a warlord at the top. George got old fast, and we seemed to be like a ship without a captain. I may not agree with everything Hank does or says, but the guy has a pulse and speaks out. Good for him !

Yeah, but if you have an onwner that is acting in defiance of how his GM and baseball people are working, you have anarchy, or better known as the Yankees of the 80's.

You have baseball people there for a reason. If you make decisions undermining them, well it is not good. Your organization become rudderless and driven by an egomaniac who has good intentions, but not the savvy to coordinate them.

Remeber when Hank wanted NOTHING to do with the organization? And now he is manning the wheel?

Power is an intoxicating drink. Forgive me if I say I have seen this play out before.

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