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Study Says Jeter Worst Fielding Shortstop

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February 17, 2008 -- How's this for junk science - even with three Gold Gloves, Yankees captain Derek Jeter has been labeled the worst fielding shortstop in baseball.

But the numbers prove it, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania said yesterday at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in (of course) Boston.

Using a complex statistical method, researchers concluded that Alex Rodriguez was one of the best shortstops in the game when he played for the Texas Rangers.

When Rodriguez became a Yankee in 2004, he moved to third base while Jeter stayed at short.

But that may have been a mistake, said Penn researcher Shane Jensen.

Researchers looked at every ball put in play from 2002 through 2005 and recorded where the shots went.

Jensen said a player's success depended on his range as well as how effectively he made decisions and positioned himself on the field.

Players were then ranked in each position from best to worst, with Mr. New York Baseball - Jeter - coming in dead last among major league shortstops during the research period.

A-Rod, who won two Gold Gloves as a shortstop, was ranked No. 2.

"The Yankees have one of the best defensive shortstops playing out of position in deference to one of the worst defensive shortstops," said Jensen.

But New Yorkers scoffed at the notion.

"I don't know what they're smoking down at Penn," said Yankees fan Mike

Birch, 32. "That's preposterous. I completely disagree. Jeter's a clutch player."

"It's ridiculous," said fan Jay Ricker, 22. "Jeter is all-around awesome. He's better than A-Rod any day. Character has a lot to do with it. He's out there for his teammates, not just himself. He does it for the good of the team. That's the kind of guy you want on the field."

Ricker added that "A-Rod's only out for the money. For him it's not about baseball, it's just about banking."

Fans said Jeter's greatness goes beyond the numbers he produces on the field.

"He has intangible qualities that can't be measured with statistics," said East Village bar owner Kevin Hooshangi, 28.

"He's he ultimate teammate. It doesn't matter what his percentages are when he's making big plays in big games. He's the one with four World Series rings."

"I would disagree [with the study] of course, Jeter does a good job," said Pam Lips, 28. "Rodriguez is OK but I would take Jeter over A-Rod."

However, Frank Angelo, 50, gave A-Rod his due. "He's the best shortstop in the American League playing third base," Angelo said.

But Jeter as one of the worst?

"That's not true," Angelo said. "He's a good fielding shortstop." He even said he would keep Jeter at short. "Jeter's the captain, he was there before A-Rod," said Angelo.

To crunch the numbers, Jensen said balls put into play were divided into three categories:

The ability to field fly balls accounted for 33 percent, while line drives made up 25 percent, and ground balls made up 42 percent of the calculations.

Based on the studies, Clint Barmes of the Colorado Rockies was the best fielding shortstop in the game in that time period.

Jason Bartlett - recently traded from Minnesota to Tampa Bay, was third after A-Rod.

But as Yankee fan Brittnay Thompson, 32, said, it's about who's good in May, and who's good in October.

"In big situations A-Rod drops the ball, no pun intended," said Thompson."

Thanks to the man on the street--- Jeter is a good fielding shortstop because he's clutch, has a lot of character, isnt in it for the money like Arod... guess the 20mil a year Jeter gets means he isnt in it for the money.....

This article is horrible journalism. Sounds a little slanted against ARod.

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"I don't know what they're smoking down at Penn," said Yankees fan Mike

Birch, 32. "That's preposterous. I completely disagree. Jeter's a clutch player."

is this madmike???

is this the same study that said Jeter was the most over rated player in the game? :rolleyes:

nobody EVER, does the backhanded stop and jump to the left field line while throwing a seed to 1B better than Jeter.

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I'd like to read the study, just because something is a study or a report doesn't mean that it is an accurate depiction of reality. People should not be so trusting of reports and study's without reading the science and methods used themselves. Some of the statistics here seems very arbitrary, why were certain things given more importance than others.

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I want to know the name of the dealer that sold the writer crack, it must be DAMN good.

Jeter is very overrated as a fielder. He's not even close to being among the top as far as shortstops go, as many people think he is. A statue has more range to his left than Derek Jeter. A-Rod was always a better shortstop than he was..

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Jeter is very overrated as a fielder. He's not even close to being among the top as far as shortstops go, as many people think he is. A statue has more range to his left than Derek Jeter. A-Rod was always a better shortstop than he was..

I am not saying he is the best. He is far from the worst out there. His left rage could be better, but his right is great.

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I'd love to see them shift Jeter to 3rd and A-rod to short. but it will never happen.

Jeter does not have the arm strength to play 3rd base.

This article is horrible either way as Jeter is no way even close to being a horrible fielding shortstop. ARod belongs at third. He has much better arm strength and diving ability.

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Jeter does not have the arm strength to play 3rd base.

This article is horrible either way as Jeter is no way even close to being a horrible fielding shortstop. ARod belongs at third. He has much better arm strength and diving ability.

If you have the arm to play SS, you have the arm to play 3B.

As for Jetes, his range to his left was just pathetic last year. It was never great, but it was usually average.

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If you have the arm to play SS, you have the arm to play 3B.

As for Jetes, his range to his left was just pathetic last year. It was never great, but it was usually average.

How the hell you come up with that I will never know. Have you played 3B and SS before? Theres a big difference.

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3B is more reactionary than SS. You have to make quicker decisions on the hot corner.

I always felt it was better to have the good arm at short since he has farther to range and less time to make the throw.

I hated playing 3B because it was all reaction. SS you could at least think for a split second about what you needed to do.

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How the hell you come up with that I will never know. Have you played 3B and SS before? Theres a big difference.

Uh, yeah I have actually. Most people consider the SS to have the strongest arm on the team. If you can make all the throws at SS, you can easily make all the throws at 3rd base. Baseball 101.

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Uh, yeah I have actually. Most people consider the SS to have the strongest arm on the team. If you can make all the throws at SS, you can easily make all the throws at 3rd base. Baseball 101.

Agreed. Throws from SS are usually longer and at harder angles than throws from 3B. 3B is a long throw, but usually fairly straight across. Although, Barton, usually the best arm belongs to the right fielder, but I agree SS has to have the best infield arm, usually.

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Jeter is the best at one thing defensively.....that jump throw from shallow left.

As overrated as he is in all phases of the game, he is the best in the biz at that play.

He's also very good at running down pop-ups to shallow center etc.

Jeter would be an ideal SS in softball. He goes to his right pretty well. Can catch the short pop up to left. All he needs it that short fielder in shallow CF to get the grounders up the middle.

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