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Five Drafts The Badway


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Look at these drafts for the Jets previous regime:


2002 -- Bryan Thomas, Chris Baker


2004 -- Jerricho Cothchery

2005 -- Mike Nugent, Justin Miller, Sione Pouha, Kerry Rhodes

Double check me. But when I did it I got 7 players that will be on this years team (DRob is a question mark) from 5 years worth of drafting.

That is unreal. 2005 is the only draft that wasn't a complete disaster and they took a kicker first.


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Look at these drafts for the Jets previous regime:


2002 -- Bryan Thomas, Chris Baker


2004 -- Jerricho Cothchery

2005 -- Mike Nugent, Justin Miller, Sione Pouha, Kerry Rhodes

Double check me. But when I did it I got 7 players that will be on this years team (DRob is a question mark) from 5 years worth of drafting.

That is unreal. 2005 is the only draft that wasn't a complete disaster and they took a kicker first.


Tupe Peko isnt on the Jets anymore???

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Look at these drafts for the Jets previous regime:


2002 -- Bryan Thomas, Chris Baker


2004 -- Jerricho Cothchery

2005 -- Mike Nugent, Justin Miller, Sione Pouha, Kerry Rhodes

Double check me. But when I did it I got 7 players that will be on this years team (DRob is a question mark) from 5 years worth of drafting.

That is unreal. 2005 is the only draft that wasn't a complete disaster and they took a kicker first.


That's also because 2005 draftees are still under their rookie contracts. Right now, the only one under contract after this season is Pouha.

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Thankfully we look to have drafted 2 players who should be here a while in 2007. 2006 was far from a bad draft IMO too.

I've been happy enough with Tangini's drafting overall.

Everyone realizes of course that Bradway still has a very heavy involvement in who the current regime selects.

Tannenbaum is the #'s expert. Bradway was retained as the chief of college scouting, or some such title.

Yes, Tannenbaum makes the final selection, but it is Bradway that presents the players to him.

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Here's an even better idea:


Santana Moss-traded up for him. Traded away 3 years later. Always injured, undersized.

Lamont Jordan-Never gave him PT here, signed by OAK where he consistently underperformed.

J Henderson-Out of the league due to a motorcycle accident. The (ever so CHEAP) Woody Johnson paid out his full 2 year contract to him. An unprecedented move.

James Reed-SUCKS

Situpe Peko-Huh???


Bryan Thomas-Perpetual underperformer with Ed Reed and Napolean Harris on the board. Both S and LB were huge needs while DE was stacked.

John McGraw-Good ol' glassjaw. Not very good when he played, often injured. 2nd rounder now out of the league

Alan Harper-4th rounder out of the league


D Robertson-Traded away the farm for a guy who wasn't even that great n a 4-3 D.

V Hobson-another guy who was pedestrian at best taken in the 2nd.

BJ Askew-We never played him, leading most to believe he's a bust. Low and behold he's a potential probowler for TB now.

Derek Pagel-Sheesh, out of the league.

Matt Walters-out of the league

Brooks Bollinger-only Fred Jetstone could love this kid.

Dave Yovonovitz-The Knish


J Vilma-Terry's 1st legitimate good pick, although he had a degenerative knee issue that finally looks like it's come back to bite us.

D Strait-just signed to the Canadian league. Sheesh

A Jones-Huge project taken way too early on.

E Coleman-flash in the pas S.

M Cavka-out of the league, funny member of JN.

D McLover-SpT's guy at best, nothing more.

Trevor Johnson-Grossly undersized DT.

R Washington-Out of the league


M Nugent-A friggin kicker in the 2nd round!

J Miller-can't complain, I liked this guy. He is a project though.

S Pouha-Taken about 3 rounds too early.

K Rhodes-Hooray!!!

Andre Maddox-out of the league

Cedric Houston-out of the league

J Dreesen-out of the league

H Williams-out of the league

So by my count, 14 out of 34 total drafted players are out of the league completely. 2 of them were 2nd round picks. 9 of them were taken way too high in the draft. 4 of them went to a probowl (I think Lamonth did with OAK), 2 of them while on other teams, one of them as a kick returner and the other as an alternate. 7 of them are actually starters in the league. That is friggin pathetic.

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actually I think Jon McGraw just signed with the Chiefs not that it matters. Also think Eric Coleman is a serviceable player..most secondaries get exposed with next to no pass rush

Alot of these ****ty players have signed with the Chiefs, such as Trevor Johnson, A Jones, James Reed, etc.... They wouldn't be in the league if not for duhHerm.

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Everyone realizes of course that Bradway still has a very heavy involvement in who the current regime selects.

Tannenbaum is the #'s expert. Bradway was retained as the chief of college scouting, or some such title.

Yes, Tannenbaum makes the final selection, but it is Bradway that presents the players to him.

He doesn't. The day he started tele-commuting the put him on mute during the conference calls. Nobody really even hears his input anymore.

Woody must have loved that. The day Terry came in and said we are moving back to the lower part on NJ. I am going to drive to Long Island from there. But I can do most of this from home anyhow, lol. UNREAL.

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actually I think Jon McGraw just signed with the Chiefs not that it matters. Also think Eric Coleman is a serviceable player..most secondaries get exposed with next to no pass rush

I think Coleman can definitely be a starter in this league for years. It was one of those things with this staff -- it didn't work out. But I thought the Giants should have signed him actually.

But I was taking this more from the Jets perspective. How little talent they have on their roster right now from 5 years of drafting. There are some players helping other people -- BJ Askew, etc.

Just not helping the Jets.

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Thankfully we look to have drafted 2 players who should be here a while in 2007. 2006 was far from a bad draft IMO too.

I've been happy enough with Tangini's drafting overall.

I've read people type this since that day. Frankly, Clemens has to stick for 2006 to not be considered a VERY bad draft. They started out with three of the top 35 overall picks, one of them being 4th overall, and another two more third round picks. Then they had 2 more 4th round picks, all in a sickly deep draft where guys with 1st round grades were available in round 4. And after two full seasons, out of 10 draft picks, the only two (sure) starters we have were the two first rounders. Like it's so hard to find starters in round 1 (in a great draft class no less).

As of right now, IMO they screwed that draft up pretty badly & I didn't like it back then. Mangold (while coming of a not-great 2nd season) and Leon are the only ones who haven't been disappointments.

D'Brick - still holding out hope that Faneca makes all the difference. An alleged pass-blocking phenom who gives up a sack every game, and relegates our TE's to helping him out. So far he isn't half the player a mediocre talent like Jason Fabini was at this stage of his career.

Mangold - an excellent pick. But not like it required a lot of thought after letting Mawae go the prior month & signing no one to replace him.

Clemens - So far he's sucked for the most part, and I don't even dislike the kid. We'll see how he does with 2 legitimate NFL WR's and a decent OL. That is, if he can beat out the QB with the weakest arm the NFL, who the Jets are just LOOKING for ANY excuse to dump off the team b/c of his gargantuan contract. The next pick in the draft was Marcus McNeill.

Schlegel - do I even have to type the words? He couldn't keep a starting job handed to him on the friggin' Bengals. 71st pick in a draft like this, and we trade down 5 places to grab this clown? Ugh.

Eric Smith - Like Schlegel, I thought this was a ridiculous reach at the time. Others like R44 told me otherwise & that he was projected for round 4. Whatever. He blows: the Jets have sought out two players from off the team (Elam and Wilson) because Smith is not an NFL starter going into year 3.

Brad Smith - just a dumb pick. Whatever little gimmick plays worked when he was a rookie, this team was in rebuilding mode, particularly along the lines. Converting a QB to WR and Slash-type roles is a luxury for teams who have most everything in order. Oh, and did I mention he can't catch?

Leon - the Herm compensation pick. Has 1003 yards and 7 rushing TD's on 222 career carries (4.5 ypc), behind two OL's with non-existent run-blocking skills. Also one of the NFL's deadliest kick returners with 3 TD's last year. How can anyone not love this kid, particularly when you know where the pick came from? No complaints other than his lack of significant playing time after a promising rookie year.

Pociask - yeah, I'd ever heard of him either until we drafted him. Was supposed to be a punishing blocker who could line up at TE or FB (or the H-back hybrid). Then blew out his knee over the summer as a rookie & missed the season. At least a couple of times this season I was able to say, "Oooh - there's that guy Pozee-- err - Poh-- umm...that tight end they drafted! He's playing!" But generally, when you're worse than Sean Ryan...

Drew Coleman - one not-so-hot start as a rookie when we were desperate for a week & I haven't heard the guy's name since

Titus Adams - we put him on the practice squad, the Giants grabbed him, and they didn't use him either.

Frankly, with so much potential to rebuild the team, our 2006 draft sucked. I saw plenty better mock drafts on this message board prior to that weekend.

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hey Booz..Joel Dreesen is still on the team-he's the guy who broke his leg and sat out his rookie season and actually did get to have a couple of cups of coffee last season in games

I thought they cut him a while back. Forget who picked him up. Maybe the Texans?

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I've read people type this since that day. Frankly, Clemens has to stick for 2006 to not be considered a VERY bad draft. They started out with three of the top 35 overall picks, one of them being 4th overall, and another two more third round picks. Then they had 2 more 4th round picks, all in a sickly deep draft where guys with 1st round grades were available in round 4. And after two full seasons, out of 10 draft picks, the only two (sure) starters we have were the two first rounders. Like it's so hard to find starters in round 1 (in a great draft class no less).

As of right now, IMO they screwed that draft up pretty badly & I didn't like it back then. Mangold (while coming of a not-great 2nd season) and Leon are the only ones who haven't been disappointments.

D'Brick - still holding out hope that Faneca makes all the difference. An alleged pass-blocking phenom who gives up a sack every game, and relegates our TE's to helping him out. So far he isn't half the player a mediocre talent like Jason Fabini was at this stage of his career.

Mangold - an excellent pick. But not like it required a lot of thought after letting Mawae go the prior month & signing no one to replace him.

Clemens - So far he's sucked for the most part, and I don't even dislike the kid. We'll see how he does with 2 legitimate NFL WR's and a decent OL. That is, if he can beat out the QB with the weakest arm the NFL, who the Jets are just LOOKING for ANY excuse to dump off the team b/c of his gargantuan contract. The next pick in the draft was Marcus McNeill.

Schlegel - do I even have to type the words? He couldn't keep a starting job handed to him on the friggin' Bengals. 71st pick in a draft like this, and we trade down 5 places to grab this clown? Ugh.

Eric Smith - Like Schlegel, I thought this was a ridiculous reach at the time. Others like R44 told me otherwise & that he was projected for round 4. Whatever. He blows: the Jets have sought out two players from off the team (Elam and Wilson) because Smith is not an NFL starter going into year 3.

Brad Smith - just a dumb pick. Whatever little gimmick plays worked when he was a rookie, this team was in rebuilding mode, particularly along the lines. Converting a QB to WR and Slash-type roles is a luxury for teams who have most everything in order. Oh, and did I mention he can't catch?

Leon - the Herm compensation pick. Has 1003 yards and 7 rushing TD's on 222 career carries (4.5 ypc), behind two OL's with non-existent run-blocking skills. Also one of the NFL's deadliest kick returners with 3 TD's last year. How can anyone not love this kid, particularly when you know where the pick came from? No complaints other than his lack of significant playing time after a promising rookie year.

Pociask - yeah, I'd ever heard of him either until we drafted him. Was supposed to be a punishing blocker who could line up at TE or FB (or the H-back hybrid). Then blew out his knee over the summer as a rookie & missed the season. At least a couple of times this season I was able to say, "Oooh - there's that guy Pozee-- err - Poh-- umm...that tight end they drafted! He's playing!" But generally, when you're worse than Sean Ryan...

Drew Coleman - one not-so-hot start as a rookie when we were desperate for a week & I haven't heard the guy's name since

Titus Adams - we put him on the practice squad, the Giants grabbed him, and they didn't use him either.

Frankly, with so much potential to rebuild the team, our 2006 draft sucked. I saw plenty better mock drafts on this message board prior to that weekend.

I am not a fan of hindsight draft killing. Also out of the 10 picks Leon and Clemens could end up playing prominent roles on the team.(As you mention with Kellen).

I think sometime we should have a real time draft sticky where picks are made and then we can look back on that 1 and 2 seasons later. I know I have seen some draft contest threads here.....How has everyone faired in hindsight on those?

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I am not a fan of hindsight draft killing. Also out of the 10 picks Leon and Clemens could end up playing prominent roles on the team.(As you mention with Kellen).

I think sometime we should have a real time draft sticky where picks are made and then we can look back on that 1 and 2 seasons later. I know I have seen some draft contest threads here.....How has everyone faired in hindsight on those?

It was a reply to what a great draft we supposedly had. Only ones who are starters so far are the two first rounders, and one of those two is (at the very least) a moderate disappointment.

After the draft, the only one I really liked was Mangold. I thought our first pick was better spent on Ngata & said so at the time (repeatedly). With our 3rd pick we would have been staring at McNeill. Forget it; I won't bore you with the rest.

But there was potential to get a hell of a lot more than we ended up with. Only thing that can change that, to me, is Clemens making a MAJOR improvement this year. I expect Ferguson to be better with Faneca playing next to him. Until that happens...this draft always left me feeling like we left money on the table.

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Look at these drafts for the Jets previous regime:


2002 -- Bryan Thomas, Chris Baker


2004 -- Jerricho Cothchery

2005 -- Mike Nugent, Justin Miller, Sione Pouha, Kerry Rhodes

Double check me. But when I did it I got 7 players that will be on this years team (DRob is a question mark) from 5 years worth of drafting.

That is unreal. 2005 is the only draft that wasn't a complete disaster and they took a kicker first.


You are severely overrating the 2005 draft. The Jets basically used their 1st and 2nd round picks on a horrific tight end who isn't even in the league (Jolley) and an ok kicker who I think is very overrated by Jets fans.

Bradway's best draft was probably 2001 and even that draft had some horrific flaws in it. He got Santana Moss, Lamont Jordan and Kareem Mackenzie all on the first day. Not bad right? Even if none of those players are here.

Well, he passed up on Chad Johnson and Reggie Wayne for Santana Moss and then in the second round passed up on Shaun Rogers for Lamont Jordan. Bradway I hate you.

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It was a reply to what a great draft we supposedly had. Only ones who are starters so far are the two first rounders, and one of those two is (at the very least) a moderate disappointment.

After the draft, the only one I really liked was Mangold. I thought our first pick was better spent on Ngata & said so at the time (repeatedly). With our 3rd pick we would have been staring at McNeill. Forget it; I won't bore you with the rest.

But there was potential to get a hell of a lot more than we ended up with. Only thing that can change that, to me, is Clemens making a MAJOR improvement this year. I expect Ferguson to be better with Faneca playing next to him. Until that happens...this draft always left me feeling like we left money on the table.

The 2006 Jets draft has to be the most overhyped and overrated draft in Jets history. Forget about the first 3 picks which you eloquently shot down but rounds 3 and 4... OH MY GOD.

Schlegel was absolutely awful and E-Smith and B-Smith are just flat out mediocre players. There was so much talent still left on the board in those two rounds with players at positions that we needed.

Leon is a nice player but with 4 picks in rounds 3-4 of a stacked draft you should be able to get more than one effective player.

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The 2006 Jets draft has to be the most overhyped and overrated draft in Jets history. Forget about the first 3 picks which you eloquently shot down but rounds 3 and 4... OH MY GOD.

Schlegel was absolutely awful and E-Smith and B-Smith are just flat out mediocre players. There was so much talent still left on the board in those two rounds with players at positions that we needed.

Leon is a nice player but with 4 picks in rounds 3-4 of a stacked draft you should be able to get more than one effective player.

Damn, we should have taken Leinart.

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You are severely overrating the 2005 draft. The Jets basically used their 1st and 2nd round picks on a horrific tight end who isn't even in the league (Jolley) and an ok kicker who I think is very overrated by Jets fans.

Dumbass, we also got the great Cedric Houston -- you forgot about him. That made the trade totally worth it. What could we have done with that pick anyway? Just waste it on scrubs like Luis Castillo or Heath Miller or Logan Mankins? Please; we did the right thing.


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Dumbass, we also got the great Cedric Houston -- you forgot about him. That made the trade totally worth it. What could we have done with that pick anyway? Just waste it on scrubs like Luis Castillo or Heath Miller or Logan Mankins? Please; we did the right thing.


If Bradway didn't make that stupid Jolley trade I think we would have definitely taken Miller.

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You are severely overrating the 2005 draft. The Jets basically used their 1st and 2nd round picks on a horrific tight end who isn't even in the league (Jolley) and an ok kicker who I think is very overrated by Jets fans.

Bradway's best draft was probably 2001 and even that draft had some horrific flaws in it. He got Santana Moss, Lamont Jordan and Kareem Mackenzie all on the first day. Not bad right? Even if none of those players are here.

Well, he passed up on Chad Johnson and Reggie Wayne for Santana Moss and then in the second round passed up on Shaun Rogers for Lamont Jordan. Bradway I hate you.

Well believe me anytime the top pick in the draft is a kicker someone is gonna have some splaining to do. I am just saying that it wasn't the disaster the other years were. Maybe they are being graded on a curve. Like the kid that fails. This time he still failed, just not quite as bad.

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Look at these drafts for the Jets previous regime:


2002 -- Bryan Thomas, Chris Baker


2004 -- Jerricho Cothchery

2005 -- Mike Nugent, Justin Miller, Sione Pouha, Kerry Rhodes

Double check me. But when I did it I got 7 players that will be on this years team (DRob is a question mark) from 5 years worth of drafting.

That is unreal. 2005 is the only draft that wasn't a complete disaster and they took a kicker first.


He's still on the payroll, too.


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His wiki page is a blank canvas.


It is like a season ending cliff hanger. Someone tell us what happened to this certain Pro Bowl player!

Well, maybe if you'd looked for Siitupe Peko rather than Pefo, you might have found something. ;)


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I think you guys are a little harsh. You're going to complain about 2001 7th round draft picks not being in the league? It's not surprising many of them are not in the league and many (contrary to reports here) McGraw and Harry Williams for instance are still in the NFL. James Reed was a fine pick for the 7th round. I think the average NFL career is something like three years, why is anybody surprised that our 5th round pick from 2003 is out of the league?

There was nothing wrong with the 2001 draft. They got a wr that has been to the pro bowl, a RB that has had a 1,000 yard season and an excellent RT. The problem is that none of these guys is with the team. Worse, they've had their best seasons with other teams.

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